第 12 章 待產及分娩的護理 (Nursing care of Laboring and Delivering)

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Presentation on theme: "第 12 章 待產及分娩的護理 (Nursing care of Laboring and Delivering)"— Presentation transcript:

1 第 12 章 待產及分娩的護理 (Nursing care of Laboring and Delivering)
黃美惠 助理教授 ext. 3060

2 Routine Care Interview: Frequency? Duration?
Dilation? Effacement? Station? Bloody show? Rupture of membrane? General health assessment Discomfort when contraction happens(e.g. low back pain)

3 Admission note 陳小花女士 , 30 y/o 102年4月23日因破水入院,羊水顏色正常 最後一次月經為101年8月1日
有兩個小孩,皆NSD, AA一次 懷孕狀況正常,無不良合併症狀 子宮底高度36cm, 腹圍108cm vital signs: 36.8; 80; 20; 128/86mmHg ---Please fill in the information sheet---


5 Routine Care Labor preparation shaving enema Reasons for enema:
避免第二產程排便,汙染無菌區 避免enama之狀況: 急產、bloody show 、安胎的個案、破水、胎兒窘迫

6 Routine Care Fetal health assessment FHR Variation of FHR
FHR v.s. Uterus contraction acceleration deceleration Monitor for 20~30min


8 Pain transmission Fear anxiety and pain Labor pain and management
Stage one of labor: Uterus contraction, lower back and abdomen pain pain transmission: from T10~12, L1 into spinal cord Stage two of labor: Perineum area (會陰部) Pain transmission: S2~4

9 圖13-2 產痛的神經傳導路徑

10 PAIN CONTROL Tranquilizer Narcotic analgesics Anesthesia

11 Pain Control Non-medication pain relief 集中注意力與具像法 音樂治療 水療法

12 Pain relief medication
Tranquilizer help relieving anxiety may reduce FHR variation, e.g. Diazepam(valium) Narcotic analgesics Meperidine(Demerol®)最常用的麻醉性鎮痛劑,作用時間持續3~4hrs Fentanyl(Sublimaze®)

13 Pain relief medication
Meperidine(Demerol®) Indication 產痛正式開始以後使用 解除產婦的焦慮與部分疼痛感,矯正子宮收縮的不調和性,縮短後期產程 dosage: 25mg iv; 50mg im Side effects 產痛初期使用會使產程延長 造成產婦的呼吸抑制,注意v/s 造成姿態性低血壓、dizziness, nausea

14 Pain relief medication
effect on fetus 會迅速通過胎盤造成新生兒呼吸抑制 須注意分娩期間與初生時的胎兒監視 timing 嬰兒出生的時間最好在使用之後的1小時以內或4小時以後,則呼吸抑制機會較小 解毒劑(拮抗劑):naloxone 1 2 3 4

15 Regional anesthesia Regional anesthesia (區域麻醉)
Medication: Lidocaine(Xylocaine®) Types: Lumber Epidural anesthesia Spinal anesthesia

16 Regional anesthesia Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia Painless labor(無痛分娩)
產痛正式開始 intensity 50~70 mmHg dilation 4cm 產婦能維持清醒,運動神經只有部分阻斷,因此可以配合用力來加速產程

17 Anesthesia Nursing care for Epidural Anes. : Monitor V/S, FHR
IV infusion 500~1000 c.c. NS or Ringer’s solution to prevent hypotension 不使用含 glucose的溶液,免影響胎兒之 blood sugar low dose PCA (Patient-controlled analgesia): 運動神經阻斷較輕微,新生兒 呼吸抑制的機會較低

18 Regional anesthesia Side effects Hypotension – most common
BP 20% lower than before anes. Systolic pressure under 100mmHg Intervention: 左側躺、IV infusion、O2 supply、ephedrine inj.、monitor v/s Respiration suppression RR under 14/min Intervention: Naloxone inj.

19 Regional anesthesia Spinal Anesthesia for C-Section
inject medication into spinal cord onset within 1~2 min last 1~3 hrs

20 Regional anesthesia Nursing care for spinal anes. Monitor V/S, FHR
IV infusion 500~1000 c.c. NS or Ringer’s solution to prevent hypotension 不墊枕頭平躺約6~12小時,生產後亦需仰臥 給予大量水分(約3000 c.c./天),預防麻醉後 頭痛

21 Complications of anes. Hypotension Respiratory depression
Total spinal anesthesia (全脊髓麻醉) Epidural 導管誤植入脊髓腔, 引起過度脊髓麻醉 Spinal headache(脊髓性頭痛) 硬腦膜穿刺後,腦脊髓液漏出引起


23 Stage one of labor Definition and time Mother and fetus assessment
潛伏期(0-3cm) 、活動期(4-7cm) 、過渡期(8-10cm) Mother and fetus assessment Encourage father’s participation


25 表13-12 根據弗里德曼的產程分期、產婦行為反應及護理措施
表13-12 根據弗里德曼的產程分期、產婦行為反應及護理措施

26 表13-12 根據弗里德曼的產程分期、產婦行為反應及護理措施
表13-12 根據弗里德曼的產程分期、產婦行為反應及護理措施

27 Nursing care for stage 1 Aim:協助待產婦放鬆、減輕不適
orientation, test, treatments enhancing comfort 下床走動及改變姿位, 使用生產球 補充液體及熱量(待產時腸道消化過程會減慢,可進食含熱量的流質或液體)、 定期排空膀胱(每1~2hrs提醒待產婦解尿) 盡可能休息、按摩及重壓、冷熱敷

28 Nursing care for stage 1 引導呼吸運動
避免 hyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis)

29 Stage two of labor definition and time delivery preparation
newborn care preparation delivery position 產婦的生產姿勢 臥位、辛氏左側臥式、半坐臥式、坐姿、蹲姿 mother and fetus assessment

30 表13-12 根據弗里德曼的產程分期、產婦行為反應及護理措施
表13-12 根據弗里德曼的產程分期、產婦行為反應及護理措施

31 舊式產科設計 移動產婦:待產室-產房-產後病房

32 LDR 三合一產房 labor-deliver-recover

33 生產姿勢

34 會陰消毒

35 新生兒處理檯

36 Nursing care for stage 2 aim: 教導產婦使用腹壓將胎兒娩出 打開聲門用力法 vs 傳統憋氣用力法
Episiotomy: performed when crowning median / mediolateral episiotomy 優點 缺點 縮短第二產程 失血量多、會陰傷口疼痛、增加感染機會、產後排尿和排便困難、產後性交困難

37 會陰撕裂傷的程度 會陰撕裂傷 經常發生於急產、難產時

38 Stage three of labor definition and time
assess newborn’s physical condition newborn care assess mother’s physical condition v/s、胎盤剝離與排出的過程、出血量 prevent PPH medication Oxytocin, Methergine, Ergonovin BP,do not use on H/T p’t

39 Nursing care for stage 3 促進親子間的互動 early contact 父母親與新生兒盡早開始互動 優點:
可促進oxytocin的分泌 促進子宮復舊 加強母嬰的互動關係

40 Stage four of labor definition aim: monitor mother’s v/s
Prevent PPH(產後出血):assess v/s, fundus of uterus, uterine contraction, lochia & ep w’d Mild fever (>37.5, <38) is normal Keep warm Orthostatic hypotension (姿位性低血壓) 採漸近式下床 有人陪伴


42 Newborn care clear airway 清除口中及呼吸道黏液 keep warm preliminary assessment
在胎頭娩出、身體尚未娩出時,以抽吸管或橡皮抽吸球將新生兒口中的黏液抽吸出來,並檢查有無臍繞頸的情形 keep warm 將新生兒放在新生兒處理檯保暖 dry the baby preliminary assessment Apgar score

43 Apgar score 新生兒出生後1分鐘和5分鐘時 7~10: good兒的狀況良好,
4~6: clear airway, O2 supply and further observation 4 & under: need intensive care

44 Newborn care Umbilical cord care 斷臍後留下2.5~3公分臍帶,用臍夾夾緊 觀察臍斷面,確定一靜二動

45 Newborn care eye care vit K1 1mg im Hepatitis B vaccination 身分識別
新生兒點眼:預防新生兒淋病性結膜炎 vit K1 1mg im 刺激肝臟合成凝血因子 Hepatitis B vaccination 身分識別 身體外觀的初步評估 量頭圍、胸圍、身長、體重 紀錄異常情形 e.g.臍繞頸、胎便吸入、產瘤

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