嶺南大學資訊日2014 文學院 Faculty of Arts

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1 嶺南大學資訊日2014 文學院 Faculty of Arts
嶺南大學資訊日 文學院 Lingnan University - Information Day 2014 Faculty of Arts

2 主修課程 Major Programmes 中文 Chinese 當代英語語言文學 Contemporary English Studies 文化研究 Cultural Studies 歷史 History 哲學 Philosophy 翻譯 Translation 視覺研究 Visual Studies

3 博雅教育 Liberal Arts Education
課程特色 博雅教育 小班形式 教授具國際學術背景 師生關係互動 專題研究 實習工作機會 文化服務 駐校學者、作家及藝術家 Programme Features Liberal Arts Curriculum Small-class Teaching and Learning International Faculty Teacher-student Interaction Directed Research Projects Internship Cultural Service Learning Writers/Scholars/Artists in Residence

4 博雅教育 Liberal Arts Education
最充實的大學經驗 校園住宿生活 公民參與 海外交流 嶺大藝術節 領袖培育 University Life Residential Life on Campus Civic Engagement Overseas Exchange Lingnan Arts Festival Leadership Training

5 中文 古典及當代研究文學、創作及評論 英文 戲劇、寫作、當代文學與語言研究 文化研究 批判思考、教育、文化政策及媒體創意 歷史 內容廣泛、人文、藝術、社會科學的基礎 哲學 中西哲學、人文思潮、藝術文化及社會科學等領域 翻譯 文化理論實踐、畢業專題 視覺研究 中國藝術、電影研究和美學分析 Chinese classical and contemporary studies, creative and critical writing Contemporary English drama, writing, literary and linguistic studies Cultural Studies global critical practical work in education, cultural policy and media creativity History comprehensive curriculum, foundations in arts, humanities, and social sciences Philosophy Chinese and Western philosophical traditions, cross- disciplines Translation culture and theory, final-year project Visual Studies Chinese art, cognitive film studies and analytical aesthetics

6 學術領域 分析哲學、電影研究、文學創作、文化傳承及文化政策、文 化與翻譯、環境藝術及美學、香港文化及歷史、媒體與創 意……
Areas of Scholarship Analytic Philosophy, Cinema Studies, Creative Writing, Cultural Heritage and Policy, Culture and Translation, Environmental Art and Aesthetic, Hong Kong Culture and History...

7 Beyond the Classroom – Lingnan Arts Festival
bring various forms of the arts from Hong Kong as well as other parts of the world to the Lingnan campus enrich cultural well-being through a variety of arts and cultural activities Kunqu: Xu Pipa by the Northern Kunqu Opera Troupe Ann Hui and her Hong Kong 許鞍華與她的香港 北方崑曲劇院 崑劇《續琵琶》

8 Arts and Cultural activities
Lingnan Arts Festival Arts and Cultural activities


10 Admission Schemes 1. Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) 聯招 (For local applicants with HKDSE results) 2. Direct Applications (DA) 非聯招 - Local applicants (Mature applicants who hold results other than HKDSE) - Chinese Mainland applicants - Overseas applicants

11 四年學制的入學資格 Admission under the 4-year Curriculum
學院制收生 大學聯招入學資格 香港中學文憑試 英國語文科: 第3級 中國語文科: 第3級 數學科: 第2級 通識教育科: 第2級 一科選修科: 第2級 Faculty-based admission Admission via JUPAS Minimum HKDSE Requirements English Language: Level 3 Chinese Language: Level 3 Mathematics: Level 2 Liberal Studies: Level 2 One Elective Subject: Level 2

12 Average Admission Scores
入學平均分數 (中文+ 英文+數學+通識教育+ 最高分數的選修科)/5 2013:4.21 2014:4.22 平均中文分數:4.58 平均英文分數:4.18 Average Admission Scores (CHI + ENG + MATH + LBS + BEST ELECTIVE) / 5 2013: 4.21 2014: 4.22 The average scores are calculated according to the following converted points: For Categories A and C subjects: 5**= 7 points 5*/A = 6 points 5/B = 5 points 4/C = 4 points 3/D = 3 points 2/E = 2 points 1 = 1 point Average CHI score: 4.58 Average ENG score: 4.18

13 Programme Structure Credits 課程結構 Core Curriculum 33
學分 大學共同核心課程 33 主修課程 48 英語課程 12 中國語文/普通話課程 6 自由選修 總共: Programme Structure Credits Core Curriculum Major Disciplines English Language Chinese Language/Putonghua 6 Free Electives Total: 120

14 Normal Yearly Credit Total
課程結構 Programme Structure Year 年級 Core Curriculum 核心課程 Language Courses 語言課程 BA Majors 主修課程 Free Electives 自由選修 Normal Yearly Credit Total 每年所修的學分 Common Core Courses 共同核心課程 Cluster Courses 範疇課程 English 英語 Chinese / Putonghua 中國語文/ 普通話 Year 1 一年級 6 21 3 - 30 Year 2 二年級 48 Year 3 三年級 Year 4 四年級 Total 總共 12 18 120

15 選擇主修課程 Selection of Majors 學生的意願 整體學術表現 student’s preference
overall academic performance

16 教育 社區及社會服務 傳媒/新聞/公關 設計/藝術/文化 商業 政府公務/行政 翻譯及傳譯 Education
就業機會 Career Opportunities 教育 社區及社會服務 傳媒/新聞/公關 設計/藝術/文化 商業 政府公務/行政 翻譯及傳譯 Education Community & Social Services Media/Journalism/Public Relations Design/Arts/Culture Commerce Government/Administration Translation & Interpretation

17 聯絡我們 Contact Us 電話Tel: (852)2616 7438 傳真Fax: (852)2465 9212
電郵 : 網頁Website: Facebook: (‘LIKE’ us on Facebook!) 地址Address: 屯門嶺南大學文學院院務室 Office of the Faculty of Arts, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun

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