新加坡国立大学 欢迎各位嘉宾朋友亲临。 新加坡国立大学,简称国大刚踏入百年历史。 让我简略地向各位介绍我们百年来累积的优秀传统。

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1 新加坡国立大学 欢迎各位嘉宾朋友亲临。 新加坡国立大学,简称国大刚踏入百年历史。 让我简略地向各位介绍我们百年来累积的优秀传统。

2 新加坡国立大学简介 国大历史 校园简介 统计数字 学系简介 国大特殊项目 欢迎加入国大
在接下来的十五分钟,我将为各位介绍国大的历史, 校园景观, 统计数字。 接着我也会与各位分享国大特设的学生增值项目。 以此,欢迎各位选择加入国大,参与国大百年树人的优良传统。 欢迎加入国大

3 国大历史 1905 Federated Malay States Government Medical School 1921 King Edward VII College of Medicine 1928 Raffles College 1949 University of Malaya 1959 University of Malaya in Singapore 1962 University of Singapore 马来亚联邦州政府医学学校 马来亚大学 (位于新加坡) 爱德华七世医学院 莱佛士 书院 马来亚大学 新加坡大学 1980 NUS can trace its history back almost 100 years, to You can see that we’ve had many different names since that time. In 1980 we merged with Nanyang University to become the National University of Singapore. This flexibility demonstrates that NUS is not afraid to grow and change with the times. 国大的历史可以追溯自1905年。从屏幕上,各位可以看到国大的名称经历了多次改变,直至1980年,当时的新加坡大学和南洋大学合并,国大就此诞生。 历史的变迁造就了国大,这更可说明国大并不畏惧变更,他能够与时并进,配合时代的需求,培养新世纪的人才。 1956 Nanyang University The National University of Singapore was formed through a merger between the University of Singapore and Nanyang University on 8 August 1980. 新加坡国立大学 南洋大学

4 肯特岗学院设有学生宿舍,餐馆,公园,等优良设施。
校园简介 肯特岗学院,总面积约一百五十英亩。 肯特岗学院设有学生宿舍,餐馆,公园,等优良设施。 商学院与法律系将迁于武吉智马学院。 国大主院设于肯德岗。 肯德岗学院设有完善及优良的设施,如八所学生宿舍,六所餐厅,五所自动化图书馆,国大医院,运动室,游泳池,羽球场,篮球场,休息室,等等。园内也拥有免费国大巴士以便学生与宾客在院内活动与交通所需。 NUS campus is located in 150 hectares of land at the scenic Kent Ridge. This aerial view shows part of the NUS campus, namely the Faculty of Science (on the right) and part of the Medical Faculty (towards the left).

5 校园简介 荧幕上展显的是我们八所学生宿舍的图片。学生宿舍内也设有运动室,餐馆与餐厅。 园内学生宿舍分为双人房,与单人房两大别类。
单人房也分类为设有冷气, 或风扇。 与设有冷气,与个人浴室的豪华客房。 (Typically a double room costs S$1,800 per year, while a single room costs S$2,100 per year.)

6 统计数字 在籍本科生 23,000 在籍硕士/博士研究生 8,900 教职员 3,000 非教职员 3,400 师生比率 1:10
在籍本科生 ,000 在籍硕士/博士研究生 8,900 教职员 3,000 非教职员 3,400 师生比率 :10 NUS has over 20,000 undergraduates and almost 9,000 postgraduate students. This translates to a student-to-faculty ratio of eleven to one. It means that although we are a large university, you won’t get lost, and you will get to know your lecturers. 国大的学术与科研人员,包括大学教授共有2630名,本科生与研究生将近3万名。师生比例为10比1。这也意味国大虽大,师生之间都能建立起较好的师生关系,在遇到问题时,学生不会感到彷徨无助。 As at 2004

7 学系简介 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 文学暨社会科学院 School of Business
国大管理学院 School of Computing  计算机学院(电脑学院) Faculty of Dentistry 牙科学院 School of Design and Environment 设计与环境学院 Faculty of Engineering 工程学院 Faculty of Law 法律学院 Faculty of Medicine 医学院 Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music 杨秀桃音乐学院 Faculty of Science 理学院 LKY School of Public Policy 李光耀公共政策学院 University Scholars Programme 国大博学计划 NUS offers fifteen different courses of study. When you apply to NUS, you can indicate up to five choices. If you are successful, you will be offered a place in only one of these courses. Within some of the above courses, there are different majors that you can specialise in. For example, under science you will find at least 21 courses that you can major in: life sciences, materials science, computational finance etc…. 包括一个音乐学院在内,国立大学共有13个学院。在硅谷、生物谷以及上海的主要企业中心现有3个海外分院。

8 计算机学院(电脑学院) Courses offered Computer Science Information Systems
E-Commerce Information and Communication Management Computer Engineering Computing isn’t just computer science – it also offers computer engineering and interdisciplinary courses like information and communication management. 计算机科学并不是计算机学系的全部,你还可以选择计算机工程和其他跨学科课程,如信息管理课程。计算机学系毕业生也可能是将来电子游戏系统或电子游戏人物设计大师。

9 工程学院 Courses Offered Engineering (To be streamed after 1st year of study) Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Common Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Science & Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering In the Faculty of Engineering, some courses are available by direct admission. They are Chemical, Computer, and Environmental Engineering. Direct admission means that you apply directly to these courses and are admitted to them in Year 1. For the other engineering courses, you will be admitted to a common engineering course for your first year. You’ll choose your exact path at the end of your first year. 工程系所提供的学科有: 化学工程、 土木工程、 计算机工程、 电子工程、 环境工程、 工业与系统工程 机械工程。

10 理学院 Courses Offered Applied Mathematics Chemistry
Computational Biology (recently launched in 2004) Computational Science (specializing in Chemistry) Computational Science (specializing in Mathematics) Computational Science (specializing in Physics) Life Sciences (with concentration in Biomedical Science) Life Sciences (with concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology) Life Sciences (with concentration in Biology) Mathematics Physics Physics with concentration in Applied Physics Quantitative Finance Statistics Statistics with concentration in Biostatistics Applied Chemistry Food Science and Technology Pharmacy has a direct intake, but the other courses in the Faculty of Science are available for you to choose from, provided you meet the subject prerequisites. Especially popular is our Life Sciences major, which combines biochemistry, biotechnology, and biomedical sciences to produce graduates well-positioned to take advantage of an exciting career. The major is a joint project between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine. 科学院所提供的课程有: 化学、 计算科学、 生命科学、 材料科学、 数学、 药学、 物理、 统计学。

11 国大特殊项目 交换学生计划 国大海外学院 国大博学计划 国大硅谷分院 国大上海分院 国大生物谷分院
学生交换计划 国大与全球多所大学合作,通过交换学生计划,让国大学生有机会到其他大学学习。 国大海外学院 国大海外学院现分有国大硅谷分院,国大上海分院 ,国大生物谷分院三处。这项活动是让学生在新加坡以外学习创业。学生将在三所分院逗留一年工作,学习。 国大博学计划 国大博学计划横跨不同院校,其宗旨在于提倡世界级跨学科教育,并进行理,商,科学和工程方面的研究与学习。 国大博学计划

12 更多详细资料 NUS Office of Admissions website:
Subscribe to e-newsletter ‘Admissions Update’ Contact us at General lines Tel: (65) Fax: (65)

13 欢迎加入 新加坡国立大学

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