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1 Sedative-hypnotics

2 学习要求 1.掌握苯二氮卓类药物及其受体拮抗剂的药动学特点、药理作用、机制、主要临床应用和不良反应。 2. 熟悉其他镇静催眠药物的作用特点及应用。 3. 了解其他及新型镇静催眠药的作用特点及应用。

3 Human sleep EEG EMG EOG

4 EEG: electroencephalogram 脑电图
EMG: electromyogram 肌电图 EOG: electroculogram 眼电图

5 Non-rapid eye-movement sleep, NREMS
“深睡”;与恢复体力有关 Rapid eye-movement sleep, REMS 做梦;与恢复脑力有关

6 睡眠阶段


8     Sedative-hypnotics benzodiazepines (苯二氮卓类) widely used clinically now barbiturates (巴比妥类) classical drugs other newly used drugs

9 Benzodiazepines benzodiazepine

10 Early 1960’s Hoffmann-La Roche
Sternbach, et al. chlordiazepoxide (Librium 利眠宁) Sedative-hypnotics

11 Sedative-hypnotics 1964,上海医工院仿制成功 上海大众制药厂生产

12 benzodiazepines diazepam 地西泮(安定) flurazepam 氟西泮 nitrazepam 硝西泮 lorazepam 劳拉西泮 triazolam 三唑仑 alprazolam 阿普唑仑 *1991.3,药物命名原则

13 Pharmacokinetics Benzodiazepines: 1, oral absorption rapid usually 2, most phase one metabolites active, with half-lives greater than parent drugs accumulation of active metabolites leads to excessive sedation

14 Pharmacodynamics 1, anti-anxiety 抗焦虑 small dose; acting at limbic system 2, sedation (low dose), hypnosis (dose increase)

15 失眠定义 临床常见的失眠形式有: (1)睡眠潜伏期延长:入睡时间超过30 min; (2)睡眠维持障碍:夜间觉醒次数≥2次或凌晨早醒;
患者对睡眠时间和(或)质量不满足并影响白天社会功能的一种主观体验。 临床常见的失眠形式有: (1)睡眠潜伏期延长:入睡时间超过30 min; (2)睡眠维持障碍:夜间觉醒次数≥2次或凌晨早醒; (3)睡眠质量下降:睡眠浅、多梦; (4)总睡眠时间缩短:通常少于6 h; (5)日间残留效应( diurnal residual effects) :次晨感到头昏、精神不振、嗜睡、乏力等。 注:符合上述情况不一定需要应用催眠药

16 Effect of hypnotic on sleep pattern
NREM(70~75%) REM stage ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ Stop ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑多梦

17 3, anticonvulsant effects
mouse 30 mA, 0.1 秒电刺激,腿抽搐 戊四唑, 皮下注射,125 mg/kg 预先给镇静剂,再给电刺激或戊四唑,不再出现抽搐 4, muscle relaxation

18 3, seizure(惊厥) and epilepsy(癫痫)
Therapeutic uses 1, anxiety 2, insomnia(失眠) 国际精神卫生组织3月21日“世界睡眠日” 睡眠是一种主动过程,是恢复精力所必须的休息,有专门的中枢管理 3, seizure(惊厥) and epilepsy(癫痫) 4, muscle spasm caused by stroke and spinal injury

19 5, intravenous anesthesia (induction)
0.05 mg/kg 的咪达唑仑,使地氟烷的MAC从6.0 降至4.7

20 Mechanism of sedatives and hypnotics
GABAA receptor-chloride ion channel macromolecular complex Five binding sites for GABA, benzodiazepine, barbiturate, picrotoxin (印防己毒素), and neurosteroid(神经甾体)



23 Mechanism of benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines increase the opening frequency of Cl-channel with self-limitation

24 Adverse drug reactions
1, central inhibition 2, tolerance and dependence :《精神药品管理办法》

25 Flumazenil 氟马西尼 Antagonist of benzodiazepines

26 Barbiturates (巴比妥类)

27 barbiturates 1903 used clinically, and widely before 1960’s phenobarbital 苯巴比妥 amobarbital 异戊巴比妥 secobarbital 司可巴比妥 thiopental 硫喷妥

28 pentobarbital 戊巴比妥 (动物实验用) phenobarbital 苯巴比妥

29 amobarbital 异戊巴比妥 secobarbital 司可巴比妥

30 thiopental(硫喷妥)

31 pentobarbital (Nembutal) Marilyn Monroe June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962

32 pharmacokinetics of barbiturates:
rate of entering brain depending on the lipid solubility action time depending on redistribution and the structural stability phenobarbital: typical cytochrome p450 inducer


34 Actions and clinical uses:
1, sedation and hypnosis seldom used now 2, antiseizure: seizure induced by child high fever, tetanus, … tetanospasmin(破伤风痉挛毒素)抑制GABA和甘氨酸释放

35 破伤风发作

36 3, anti-epilepsy (phenobarbital)
4, intravenous anesthesia (thiopental)

37 Mechanism of barbiturates
barbiturates increase the opening time of Cl-channel; inhibiting voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, mainly in the ascending reticular activating system



40 Other and Newer drugs for insomnia
Chloral hydrate 水合氯醛 Zolpiclone 佐匹克隆;zaleplon 扎来普隆 structurally different from benzodiazapine, but acting like benzodiazepine as a GABAA agonist

41 March 14, 2007, FDA 要求所有生产镇静催眠药物厂商标注醒目标记
注意: 过敏反应(allergic reactions) 睡眠驾驶(sleep-driving) 睡眠时打电话 睡眠时起来制作和吃食物 ……

42 镇静催眠药小结 失眠治疗原则:按需治疗;小剂量间断 苯二氮卓类:
(1)非选择性激动GABAA receptor-chloride ion channel macromolecular complex,具有镇静、肌松和抗惊厥三重作用; (2)通过改变睡眠结构,延长总睡眠时间,缩短睡眠潜伏期; (3)不良反应及并发症较明确,包括:日间困倦、认知和精神运动损害、失眠反弹及戒断综合征; (4)长期大量使用会产生耐受性和依赖性。

43 镇静催眠药小结 唑吡坦、佐匹克隆、扎来普隆 主要特征:
(1)选择性激动GABAA receptor-chloride ion channel macromolecular complex,仅有催眠而无镇静、肌松和抗惊厥作用; (2)不影响健康者的正常睡眠结构,可改善患者的睡眠结构; (3)治疗剂量内唑吡坦和佐匹克隆一般不产生失眠反弹和戒断综合征。 巴比妥类:基本不作催眠剂。

44 Drugs effective in the therapy of the epilepsies 治疗癫痫药物

45 学习要求 1.掌握苯妥英钠、卡马西平、地西泮的药理作用、临床应用、不良反应。 2.熟悉扑米酮、氯硝西泮、硝西泮等的作用与应用,乙琥胺、丙戊酸钠、苯巴比妥、硫酸镁的药理作用特点和应用。 3.了解抗癫痫药的概念与分类。

46 Introduction What is seizure? epilepsy?
Epilepsy: a group of disorders of the central nervous system that are characterized by sudden seizures, muscle contractions, and partial or total loss of consciousness.


48 电线杆广告语:“祖传秘方,专治癫痫” 可信否?

49 Causes of epilepsy induced by abnormal nerve discharges in the brain. sources of abnormal discharges: tumor, infection, injury, stroke, etc. “focus” (病灶)in the brain 0.5~1% of population affected

50 额叶癫痫


52 Classification of epilepsy
1, partial seizure(部分性发作) simple partial (单纯部分性发作) complex partial (复杂部分性发作) partial with secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizure(部分性发作转强直阵挛性发作)

53 Classification of epilepsy
2,generalized seizure(全身性发作) absence seizure 失神性发作 myoclonic seizure 肌阵挛性发作 tonic-clonic seizure 强直阵挛性发作

54 抗癫痫药作用机制: 1、改变细胞膜对离子(主要为Na+)的通透性。 2、增加抑制性神经递质的活性,如GABA。 3、抑制兴奋性递质的活性,如谷氨酸。 表现形式:抑制神经元放电;抑制神经元放电传播。

55 神经传递过程示意图

56 phenytoin 苯妥英 1908 德国Heinrich Blitz synthesized
1938 Putman & Merritt tested the effect 1953 FDA approved controlling seizures, without the sedative effects associated with phenobarbital

57 Mechanism blocking sodium channels and inhibiting the generation of repetitive action potentials. (therapeutic level) more precisely, the combination of actions at several levels. Ca2+, K+, GABA usually higher levels(concentration) sedation and antiseizure can be discriminated


59 Clinical uses: 1, generalized tonic-clonic seizure (1st choice) with no effect on absence seizure 2, partial seizures 3, antiarrhythmia (especially ventriclular arrhythmia caused by digitalis intoxication) 4, trigeminal neuralgia(三叉神经痛)

60 三叉神经从颅骨穿出部位


62 Pharmacokinetics of phenytoin
1, blood Conc. <10 μg/ml,first order kinetics > 10 μg/ml,zero order with half life longer what will happen? 2, cytochrome p450 inducer 3, large individual variation(2~50μg/ml )

63 一癫痫小孩,服药控制,长久不发。一日其母发现新配来的药片与以前服的大小有异, 遂向医生提出。医生云剂量是相同的。然服药后很快发作。
Real case 一癫痫小孩,服药控制,长久不发。一日其母发现新配来的药片与以前服的大小有异, 遂向医生提出。医生云剂量是相同的。然服药后很快发作。 ?

64 ADRs: dose and time related
1, nystagmus(眼球震颤),diplopia 复视,ataxia(共济失调):loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. 20~30μg/ml时,出现眼球震颤; 30μg~40μg /ml时出现共济失调; >40μg /ml时可引起精神异常。 2, gingival hyperplasia (齿龈增生) reversible, but inaesthetic


66 4,megaloblastic anemia 巨幼红细胞性贫血
ADRs of phenytoin 3,hirsutism(多毛症) 4,megaloblastic anemia 巨幼红细胞性贫血


68 Phenobarbital(苯巴比妥) Clinical use: first-line for partial and generalized tonic–clonic seizures

69 Carbamazepine (卡马西平) Mechanism: like phenytoin plus interaction with adenosine receptors and inhibition of uptake and release of NA

70 1, complex partial seizure (1st choice)
Clinical uses 1, complex partial seizure (1st choice) 2, tonic-clonic seizure and simple partial seizure 3, trigeminal neuralgia

71 Sodium valproate(丙戊酸钠)
1881,合成丙戊酸,主要作为有机溶剂使用。 1963,在筛选抗癫痫药中,发现用丙戊酸溶解的两种不同的化合物都有抗惊厥活性,认为决非偶然。 进一步研究发现丙戊酸有抗惊厥活性。 1967,其钠盐正式成为抗癫痫药。

72 Sodium valproate(丙戊酸钠) and ethosuximide(乙琥胺)
Clinical use: absence seizure

73 topiramate(托吡酯) newer, adjunctive agent for partial seizure

74 Levetiracetam(左乙拉西坦)
Mechanism unknown. binding to a synaptic vesicle protein, SV2A, which is believed to impede nerve conduction across synapses. Uses: partial seizures; adjunctive therapy for partial, myoclonic and tonic-clonic seizures

75 Benzodiazepines diazepam(地西泮): Tonic-clonic status epilepticus 癫痫持续状态(1st line, IV)

76 Selection of anti-seizure drugs
强直阵挛性发作、复杂部分性发作:苯妥英钠 失神性发作:丙戊酸钠、乙琥胺 单纯部分性发作:丙戊酸钠; 左乙拉西坦 癫痫持续状态:地西泮、苯巴比妥。

77 Magnesium sulfate (硫酸镁)
随给药途径不同,产生的效应和临床用途各异 oral: carthasis(导泻),cholagogic(利胆) intravenous: anticonvulsive effect (mainly pregnancy-induced seizure) vasodilation (hypertensive crisis)

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