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Waste Management Systems

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1 Waste Management Systems

2 Uson Marine Group » Waste handling systems
For the maritime & offshore industry since 1983 自1983年以来一直致力于开发研制船用以及海工平台垃圾处理系统 » Dry solid waste & Food waste systems Sustainable solutions based on recycling 基于环保回收利用的理念,持续研发固体垃圾和厨余垃圾处理系统 » Own designed systems & products Tested for demanding marine conditions Fulfil marine & offshore standards 根据海洋工业和海上作业标准与条例,自主研发和设计的产品和处理系统 Waste Management Systems © Uson Marine All rights reserved.

3 Offshore & Special 海工船及海上平台
Uson Marine Group - Business segments 应用领域 Addera yacht som segment! Merchant 商船 Passenger 客船 Offshore & Special 海工船及海上平台 Navy 军舰 Yacht 游艇 Waste Management Systems © Uson Marine All rights reserved.

4 IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex V Disposal of Garbage into sea
Entry into force Jan 2013 for ALL vessels & rigs Amendments MEPC62 更新的规则MEPC62字2013年一月强制实行 Previous rules X – Prohibited 禁止排放 OUTSIDE Special Area INSIDE PLASTIC 塑料 X FLOATING dunnage, lining… 衬垫等漂浮物 >25 nm GROUND paper, glass, metal…(<25 mm) 粉碎后的纸张,玻璃,金属 <25 mm >3 nm Cargo res, paper, rags, glass, metal… 包装物,纸质,毛毡,玻璃,金属 >12 nm Food Waste 食物垃圾 >12 nm1 GROUND Food Waste (<25 mm) 研磨后食物垃圾<25 mm >3 nm1 Incinerator ash cont plastics 含有塑料成分的焚烧灰烬 Cooking oil 烹调用油 Note: When garbage is mixed the more stringent disposal requirements shall apply 不分类的垃圾按最严格的条例执行。 1) Rigs & vessels closer than 500 m - discharge only if food waste is grounded & > 12 NM from nearest land Waste Management Systems © Uson Marine All rights reserved.

5 Uson Marine Group – Portfolio
Food & Galley waste Dry waste Addera yacht som segment! Waste Management Systems © Uson Marine All rights reserved.

6 Uson Clean Pilot/Environmental Navigator
清洁环保导航系统 Addera yacht som segment! Waste Management Systems © Uson Marine All rights reserved.

7 Uson Clean Pilot The product presents a revolutionary simplification working with marine waste-regulations at sea. 该系统革命性地创造了直观地执行繁杂的海上废弃物条例和公约。 It is the first product of its kind. 海上废弃物处理领域里的世界首创。 Seatrade Awards Winner 荣获2011年海事大奖。 Uson Marine is the exclusive distributor within Annex V。 USON Marine 独家代理。

8 How to follow the rules like; IMO MARPOL etc.
如何遵照有关公约和条例规定,例如,国际海事组织公约等 The regulations from MARPOL consist of rules how to handle different kinds of waste.   国际海事组织对废弃物管理条例。 How to handle waste correctly depends on the ships position.   根据船只所在的位置按照规定处理废弃物。 New National rules together with the MARPOL rules have made it very difficult to get a overview of how to act correctly.   在实际运作中,由于不断更新的国际公约及各国有关新规定,船家对正确执行有关规定有一    定难度。

9 The distance from nearest land…
MARPOL contains many discharge standards that require ships to be a specified distance from the ”nearest land” before a discharge at sea can be undertaken. What is the definition of land? The MARPOL definition for nearest land is: From “the nearest land" means from “the baseline”. (From which the territorial sea of the territory in question is established in accordance with international law, UNCLOS).

10 Baseline 基准线 The 3,12, 25, 50 & 200 distance from nearest land is defined as distance from the baseline. 从最近的陆地的3,12,25,50和200海哩的距离被定义为从基线的距离。  This defines the territorial waters of a country and not from the world vector shoreline. 这个定义是指国家领地的海域而不是指世界失量海岸线。 The location of the baseline is not always easy to know 基准线的位置不是很容易就被了解到的。

11 Territorial water 领海 The sea looks very different from the regulatory point of view compared to the geographical point of view. 从监管的角度来看海域与地理领海的概念是不同的。 Baseline of Finland 3 nm 12 nm 25 nm

12 Greece & Bahamas 希腊和巴哈马
The baseline is the line that combines the most remote shore lines of a country. 基线概念包括了一个国家的最偏远的海岸线。 The use of an archipelagic baseline can mean that discharge of for example sewage is prohibited even though the vessel is >30 nautical miles from the ”geographical” nearest land. 例如,根据群岛基线概念,即使船只位于>30 海哩离开陆地的位置,也是禁止排放污水的。 Only very few Captains are aware of this. 只有为数不多的船长对此心中有数。

13 How common is it with faulty discharge?
A small research in a major European harbor! 25 ships was visited, in average 12 records from the garbage record book was checked (301 positions of food garbage disposals). 78 positions of faulty discharge was found!

14 Environmental Navigator
With a GPS connection the EnviroNavigator will show the captain applicable regulations at current position on the screen for: 把环保导航系统连接到GPS上,导航系统屏幕上就会标明船只所处当地位置队下列废弃物排放的法规条例: Bilge water, 舱底水 Sewage and grey water, 污水和灰水 Garbage and food waste, 固体垃圾和食物垃圾 Incinerator and sulfur emissions, 焚烧及硫排放  Cargo (oil in slop tank through the ODME), 通过排油监测器的污油水舱 Ballast water exchange. 换压舱水

15 Environmental Navigator

16 Environmental Navigator

17 Zone information ZET-Zone Entry Time 进入区所需时间 (ZET) Not in zone (green)
Distans to zone from current position and ZET (距基线的距离与进入时间) The zone information also state which country’s base-line the information are calculated from 所在区域以及距离所属国基线的情况。 In zone (red)

18 Clear information Symbols that everyone understand Allowed / Go
Careful / Read closer Not Allowed / STOP

19 Deliverables 效果 A tool to make it easier for the crew to handle waste. 使用简便 Reducing the risk of illegal/faulty discharge. 减少违规风险 Present relevant environmental information for the Captain just in time and at current position. 给船长提供定位即时环保条例信息 Possibilities to optimize waste handling (ZET). 废弃物优化处理的可能性 Optimization of fuel handling (high/low sulfur).燃料处理优化(高/低含硫量燃料) A tool to follow up on ISO certification. 这种工具可以跟进ISO的认证 Strengthens the environmental position for the company. 强化公司的环保地位 The Environmental Navigator gives the crew a big advantage when inspected. 环保导航系统对船组应对检查时给予很大的优势。 Port State Control Authorities are testing the system 很多港口国监督当局正在测 试该系统。

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