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2015 Market Singapore Annual Convention Stacy Tung 2015 美安新加坡 全国年会 董宥均

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Market Singapore Annual Convention Stacy Tung 2015 美安新加坡 全国年会 董宥均"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Market Singapore Annual Convention Stacy Tung 2015 美安新加坡 全国年会 董宥均
Leadership & Organization Building Strategies, Follow the system, lead by example 领导责任 & 组织发展策略: 遵循系统,以身作则 2015 Market Singapore Annual Convention Stacy Tung 2015 美安新加坡 全国年会 董宥均

2 Too good to be true? Part time job? 2~3 years plan? Team work? Shopping Annuity? Residual income? 兼职创业? 世上竟有這等好事? 2至3年计划? 团队协作? 购物年金? 永续收入?

3 建立超连锁™事业五步骤

4 申请加入 零售商 不需任何入会费 以超连锁™价格购买产品,赚取零售毛利 超连锁™店主 SALES REPRESENTATIVE
以超连锁™价格购买产品并赚取零售毛利 参加管理业绩红利计划(MPCP),赚取佣金 SALES REPRESENTATIVE No cost Buy product at UnFranchise™ Cost and earn gross retail profit UNFRANCHISE™ OWNER Subscription Fee - S$164.95 Participate in the Management Performance Compensation Plan and earn commissions *BDC - Business Development Center *BDC – 商业发展中心

5 产生点数 BV Business Volume BV is the unit value (points) assigned to
exclusive MASG-branded products 业绩点数 是每项美安新加坡独家品牌商品的 价值单位(点数) IBV Internet Business Volume IBV is the unit value (points) assigned to any of our Partner Store Products 奖励业绩点数 是每项伙伴商店商品的价值单位(点数)

6 产生点数 WAYS TO CREATE BV & IBV: Personal use UnFranchise™ Autoship
Retail sales Internet Marketing BV与IBV点数的产生方式: 购买产品自用 超连锁™自动购货 购买产品零售 互联网行销 SG.SHOP.COM Customer Autoship 优惠顾客自动送货 Social Media 社群媒体 One-to-One Marketing 一对一行销

7 建立顾客群 您 10-15 customers shopping regularly – 10-15位固定购买的顾客 – 現金回馈
朋友 邻居 同事 运动伙伴 亲戚 医师 超连锁™事业 商业发展中心(BDC)) 教师 律师 房地产经纪人 发型师 社群媒体

8 合格累积 Accumulate 200 BV to qualify your Business Development Center (BDC) which opens both your left and right BV and IBV banks. Once your Business Development Center has been qualified it will begin to accrue Business Volume (BV) and Internet Business Volume (IBV). 累积200点业绩点数,使商业发展中心合格后,即可开始从左右两侧组织累积业绩点数(BV)与奖励业绩点数(IBV)。 商业发展中心合格后,即可开始累积业绩点数(BV)与奖励业绩点数(IBV)。

9 扩展业务 Personally sponsor and place one qualified UnFranchise™ owner in your left and right organizations. 在您左右两边的组织里各亲自推荐一位合格的超连锁™店主。

10 教导、管理并帮助他人 People lead to more people 现有伙伴带来新伙伴
*Green indicates personally sponsored UnFranchise® Owner *绿色表示亲自推荐的超连锁™店主

11 如何赚取领导奖金 Every time you and any BDC in your left sales organization plus any BDC in your right sales organization completes the BV commission cycle in the same week, you receive a management bonus of S$750. 当在同一个星期中,有一个在左边的商业发展中心和一个在右边的商业发展中心各完成一个业绩点数的循环,而您本身的商业发展中心也完成一个业绩点数循环,您就可以领到一笔S$750元的领导奖金。


13 Social Shopping & one to one marketing 社交购物与一对一行销

14 MPCP UnFranchise™ business MPCP UnFranchise™ business 管理业绩红利计划超连锁事业

15 Build up your team Getting Started Guide 建立您的团队 起步指南

16 knowledge is power 知识就是力量
NMTSS Training system 全国会议联盟培训系统

17 Duplication 事业复制 Master UFO system 主管超连锁™店主计划

18 Residual income 永续收入 Shopping Annuity 购物年金

19 Do something ridiculous
Pay the price Time management Financial problem Communication skill Do something ridiculous No results yet 付出代价 时间管理 财务问题 沟通技巧 贸然出错 尚无成绩

20 Lead by example 以身作则 老板 领导人

21 Dreams come true 实现梦想

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