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請安靜、 默禱、等候神… (預備心靈敬拜神).

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Presentation on theme: "請安靜、 默禱、等候神… (預備心靈敬拜神)."— Presentation transcript:

1 請安靜、 默禱、等候神… (預備心靈敬拜神)

2 快上路,天國呼聲漸近, 投身於建立教會去服侍人, 熊熊的心掃掉了一切冷漠灰暗, 背起責任全奉上, 作活祭為獻給神。
快上路,天國呼聲漸近, 投身於建立教會去服侍人, 熊熊的心掃掉了一切冷漠灰暗, 背起責任全奉上, 作活祭為獻給神。

3 我決定一世靠主導引, 憑主恩發掘那真我作僕人, 完全新生放下了私心己意, 天天與主靠近, 懷著愛心熱燙傳頌救恩,
快上路 我決定一世靠主導引, 憑主恩發掘那真我作僕人, 完全新生放下了私心己意, 天天與主靠近, 懷著愛心熱燙傳頌救恩,

4 完全的委身, 完全遵主訓, 我願見國度擴展滿權能, 靈魂要震撼, 全人經火浸, 我願去各地各方留下腳印。
快上路 完全的委身, 完全遵主訓, 我願見國度擴展滿權能, 靈魂要震撼, 全人經火浸, 我願去各地各方留下腳印。

5 快決定一世靠主導引, 憑主恩發掘那真我作僕人, 完全身心放下心了私心 己意天天與主靠近, 懷著愛心熱燙傳頌救恩。
快上路 快決定一世靠主導引, 憑主恩發掘那真我作僕人, 完全身心放下心了私心 己意天天與主靠近, 懷著愛心熱燙傳頌救恩。

6 三一神(粵) Holy God 三一神,我要深愛你, Holy God, we truly love you,
你就是我生命的根源。 You are the source of my life. 逆或流,你會牽我手, In every circumstances, you will hold my hand, 我必定要永遠忠於你。 I will always be loyal to you.

7 三一神(粵) Holy God 每一天我必會思念你, Everyday I will think about you,
要伸出手來緊握你的手。  To extend my hand and hold your hand, 我要敞開我的心門, I want to open my heart, 讓你來觀看, To let you come in,  因你就是我生命的密友。 Because you are a close friend of my life.

8 詩篇 34:9-10 耶和華的聖民哪, 你們當敬畏他, 因敬畏他的一無所缺。 少壯獅子還缺食忍餓, 但尋求耶和華的甚麼好處都不缺。

9 Forever Give thanks to the Lord Our God and King
His love endures forever For He is good, He is above all things Sing praise, sing praise

10 Forever With a mighty hand and outstretched arm
His love endures forever For the life that's been reborn Sing praise, sing praise

11 Forever God is faithful
Yeah Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong Forever God is with us Forever

12 His love endures forever


14 獻上活祭 (粵/English) My Living Sacrifice
我心切切渴慕你, My heart longs for You, my Savior, 主,我要緊緊跟隨你, I would follow you closely, my Lord, 你恩典與慈愛永無止息, Your kindness and love are vast as the skies,

15 獻上活祭 (粵/English) My Living Sacrifice
你信實直到永遠, Your faithfulness never dies, 我王我的神,因你奇妙聖名, My God, my King, Your great name I sing, 獻上我的讚美。 My offering of praise I bring.

16 獻上活祭 (粵/English) My Living Sacrifice
耶穌,主耶穌, Jesus, O Jesus, 求用我一生。(x2) I give you my life.

17 獻上活祭 (粵/English) My Living Sacrifice
我心深深向你敬拜, My soul contemplates Your glory, 我靈渴慕你榮光, I worship in holy awe, 我完全相信你寶貴應許, In quietness and in confident trust,

18 獻上活祭 (粵/English) My Living Sacrifice
我在你懷中安息, I rest in your arms, 我要向世人歌唱你的恩典, I want to sing to the world for your grace, 直到我見你面。 Until I see you face to face.

19 獻上活祭 (粵/English) My Living Sacrifice
耶穌,主耶穌, Jesus, O Jesus, 求用我一生。(x2) I give you my life.

20 寶貴十架 (國) Precious Cross
主耶穌,我感謝你, Thank You Lord, You died for me.  你的身體,為我而捨。 With love, You gave Your life for me. 帶我出黑暗,進入光明國度, Brought me from darkness, Into the world of light,  使我再次能看見。 Opened my eyes to see. 

21 寶貴十架 (國) Precious Cross
主耶穌,我感謝你, Praise You Lord, Your love for me.  你的寶血,為我而流。 With love, You gave Your life for me. 寶貴十架上,醫治恩典湧流, Your tender mercy pours down from Calvary.  使我完全得自由。 Your love has set me so free. 

22 寶貴十架 (國) Precious Cross
寶貴十架的大能, The precious Cross, 賜我生命, by its power I am set free.   主耶穌我俯伏敬拜你。 With my all, I worship at Your feet. 

23 寶貴十架 (國) Precious Cross
寶貴十架的救恩, Your saving grace, 是你所立的約, So secure in this promise of old.  你的愛永遠不會改變。 It's Your love unchanging for me.


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