禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 起來榮耀 榮耀 榮耀我主耶穌 Let's rise and glorify Let's glorify the Lord

4 讓我們榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀 榮耀主耶穌 榮耀 榮耀主
Let's give all glory, glory, Glory, glory, glory to the Lord Let's give all glory, glory Glory to the Lord

5 你是大君王 勝過黑暗死亡 洗淨心靈憂傷 帶來喜悅平安 You're the King of kings
Victor of darkness and death Healer of broken hearts Prince of joy, love and peace

6 Ruler of heaven and earth Giver of my brand new life
你是全能神 掌管世上萬有 除去罪惡捆綁 賜給我新的生命 You're the mighty God Ruler of heaven and earth Redeemer of all sins Giver of my brand new life

7 Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have won the victory
哈利路亚 我们欢呼 哈利路亚 我们庆贺 主你战胜黑暗权势 Hallelujah, celebrate Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have won the victory

8 Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have risen from the grave
哈利路亚 我们欢呼 哈利路亚 我们庆贺 主你得胜 你已复活 Hallelujah, celebrate Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have risen from the grave

9 你要震动天地 你必震动 沧海旱地 因万国万邦 全都属于你
Lord, come again in pow’er Lord, come and shake heaven and earth Let every tribe and tongue Return to You

10 你使圣殿充满荣耀 荣耀大过荣耀 你必赐平安 必赐福这地
Lord, come again in glory Your glory fills the earth Your peace and blessings Rain upon our land

11 He came to love, heal and forgive
神差愛子 人稱祂耶穌 祂賜下愛 醫治寬恕 God sent his son They called him Jesus He came to love, heal and forgive

12 He lived and died, to but my pardon To prove my Savior lives
死裏復活 使我得自由 那空墳墓就是 我的得救記號 He lived and died, to but my pardon An empty grave is there To prove my Savior lives

13 Because You live, all fear is gone
因祂活著 我能面對明天 因祂活著 不再懼怕 Because You live I can face tomorrow Because You live, all fear is gone

14 Because I know You hold the future And life is worth the living
我深知道祂掌握明天 生命充滿了希望 只因祂活著 Because I know You hold the future And life is worth the living Just because You live

15 I Believe Your promises I believe Your truthfulness
我相信你的應許 我相信你的愛 我相信你的真實 我相信你 I Believe Your promises I believe Your love I believe Your truthfulness I believe in You

16 So here I come to love You
所以我來 為要愛你 所以我來 為要敬拜你 你在我身 作為可畏 我一生敬畏你 So here I come to love You So here I come to worship You You make me whole, my Master I worship You alone

17 I believe Your loving grace
我相信你的恩典 我相信你能力 我相信你智慧完全 我相信你 I believe Your loving grace I believe Your power I believe Your wisdom I believe in You

18 So here I come to love You
所以我來 為要愛你 所以我來 為要敬拜你 你在我身 作為可畏 我一生敬畏你 So here I come to love You So here I come to worship You You make me whole, my Master I worship You alone

19 我相信你的救贖 我相信你犧牲 我相信你流出寶血 我相信你復活
I believe Your redemption I believe your sacrifice I believe You shed the blood I believe Your resurrection

20 So here I come to love You
所以我來 為要愛你 所以我來 為要敬拜你 你在我身 作為可畏 我一生敬畏你 So here I come to love You So here I come to worship You You make me whole, my Master I worship You alone

21 Glory worthy and thanks
聖潔被殺羔羊 在寶座上耶穌 榮耀尊貴感謝 都歸於與寶座耶穌 Holy the Lamb of God Jesus on the Throne Glory worthy and thanks Unto the precious King

22 Holy, holy, Jesus the Lamb of God
聖哉聖哉 真神羔羊耶穌 Holy, holy, Jesus the Lamb of God

23 Come Lord Jesus, I’ll wait for You
阿門阿門 主耶穌啊 我願你來 Amen, Amen Come Lord Jesus, I’ll wait for You

24 Who was, and is, and is to come He is the King coming soon
昔在今在永在 全能主上帝 快要再來君王 主啊 我願你來 Who was, and is, and is to come Al-mighty God He is the King coming soon Amen. Come Lord Jesus

25 尊貴尊貴 真神羔羊耶穌 Worthy, worthy, Jesus the Lamb of God

26 Come Lord Jesus, I’ll wait for You
阿門阿門 主耶穌啊 我願你來 Amen, Amen Come Lord Jesus, I’ll wait for You

27 榮耀 榮耀 哈利路亞(3x) 基督已經復活 Glory, glory, alleluia (3x) His truth is marching on

28 得勝 得勝 哈利路亞(3x) 基督已經得勝 Victory, Victory, alleluia (3x) His truth is marching on

29 今願諸天都要快樂 願全地百姓都要歡喜 同來歡唱讚美之歌 盼望中同心相信
Let the heavens be glad today Let the people of the earth rejoice Sing together in joyful praise In the hope that we all do share

30 主我神正運行 他要來使萬物復興 他要憑公義審判 傳這信息到地極
The Lord is on His way He will come to restore all things He will judge in righteousness Shout the message everywhere

31 Our God reigns, He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness
神掌權 憑公義掌王權 他公義的權柄 永遠無止境 Our God reigns, He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness That will never end

32 Our god comes and ev’ry eye shall see
主再來 眾人都要看見 我主何等威嚴 他必要再來 Our god comes and ev’ry eye shall see The Lord of majesty When He comes again

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