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Presentation on theme: "Unit2專利授權契約."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit2專利授權契約

2 1》標題 Patent License Agreement

3 專利授權契約

4 2》前提 This Agreement, entered into this first(1) day of April, 2003, by and between Kabushiki Kaisha Haiteku, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Japan, and having its principal office at 1-1, Kakunouchi l-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “Licensor’’) and Good Technology Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York and having its principal office at 123 Technical Street, New York, NY 10007, USA (hereinafter referred to as “Licensee’’), WITNESSETH:

5 本契約係由依日本法所設立存續之法人Haiteku株式會社 (總公司設於東京都千代田區角之內一丁目1番1號,郵遞區號100) (以下稱「授權人」),與依紐約州法設立存續之法人Good Technology Inc. (其總公司設於美國紐約州紐約 Technical Street 123,郵遞區號10007) (以下稱「被授權人」),於2003年4月1日所簽訂。 並證之如下:

6 3》前文 (Whereas Clause) WHEREAS, Licensor owns certain patents relating to printing technology; and WHEREAS, Licensee desires a license from Licensor under Licensor's patents to permit it to manufacture, use, and sell certain products in certain geographical areas, which license Licensor is willing to grant under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, Licensor and Licensee agree as follows:

7 鑒於, 授權人擁有關於印刷技術之一定專利;及 被授權人意欲由授權人處取得,該權力於一定而授權人亦同意依本契約各條款之規定,授與被授權人的地區製造、使用及銷售授權人之專利產品的實施權; 基於前述事實雙方茲合意如下:

8 4》本文 ▼Article 1. Definitions 第1條 定義
The following words in this Agreement shall have the following meamngs:

9 本契約中所使用之下列用語應具有以下涵義:

10 a) The term “Products” shall mean those products described in Appendix 1 hereto.

11 a) 所謂「本產品」,係指本契約附件一中所記載之產品。

12 b) The term “Patents’’ shall mean the patents and patent applications described in Appendix 2 insofar as they apply to Products.

13 b) 所謂「專利」係指只要是適用於本產品者皆為〈附件二〉中所記載之專利及專利申請。

14 c) The term “Net Selling Price’’ shall mean the invoiced price on a sale of Products by Licensee in the Territory defined hereinafter, less sales taxes, packing costs, transport costs, insurance costs if insured, credit on Products returned, and the usual trade discounts. Products shall be deemed to be sold when they are invoiced.

15 c) 所謂「淨銷價」係指從被授權人在以下所定義之契約地區內銷售本產品之發票價格中,扣除營業稅、包裝費、運費、投保時的保險費、退貨款項,以及一般批發折扣後的價格。本產品只要開立發票即視為已售出。

16 d) The term “Territory” shall mean only the United States of America.

17 d) 所謂「契約地區」係僅指美國。

18 ▼Article 2. Grant of License 第2條 權利的授與
Licensor hereby grants to Licensee during the life of this Agreement an exclusive license to manufacture, use, and sell Products under Patents now owned or controlled by Licensor in Territory.

19 授權人據此契約授與被授權人,於契約期間內於契約地區依授權人現在所保有或支配之專利,進行本產品之製造、使用及銷售的獨占性實施權。

20 ▼Article 3. Competitive Products第3條 競爭性產品
During the life of this Agreement or extension thereof, if any, and for two (2) years thereafter, Licensee shall not manufacture any other products that are the same as, similar to, or competitive with Products.

21 於本契約期間或延長期間內,以及其約效期屆滿後兩年內,被授權人不得製造任何其他與本產品相同、類似或競爭性之產品。

22 ▼Article 4. Procurement of Materials第4條 原料採購
Licensee shall, in order to maintain the quality of Products, purchase from Licensor materials that Licensee is unable to procure in Territory. Licensee and Licensor shall conclude a sales contract from time to time whenever necessary, and Licensor shall supply such materials on conditions as advantageous as possible to Licensee.

23 為維護本產品之品質,被授權人應向授權人購入被授權人在契約地區無法採購之原材料。授權人與被授權人視需要得隨時締結買賣契約,而授權人必須盡一切可能在被授權人有利的條件之下,提供該材料予被授權人。

24 ▼Article 5. Technical Assistance第5條 技術協助
1.In case Licensor is required by Licensee to send engineer(s) of Licensor (hereinafter referred to as “Engineer’’) and Licensor deems it effective to send Engineer in order to fulfill the purpose of this Agreement, Licensor shall comply with Licensee’s request, and shall give technical assistance to Licensee under the following conditions: a) Travel expenses: Licensee shall bear Engineer's round trip air fare in business class from Tokyo to New York.

25 1.被授權人若向授權人要求派遣授權人一方之工程師 (以下稱
「工程師」),而授權人因本著完成本契約之目的認為派遣工程師具效果時,授權人應依下列諸條件,接受被授權人之要求而給予被授權人技術指導: a)旅費: 被授權人必須負擔工程師往返東京與紐約的商務艙來田機票。

26 b) Daily allowance: Licensee shall bear the daily allowance of twenty thousand (20,000) Japanese Yen, and this sum shall include all living expenses.

27 b)每日津貼: 被授權人必須負擔包括所有生活費在內每日兩萬 (20,000) 日圓的津貼。

28 c) Period of stay: The period of stay of Engineer shall be decided on and extended upon negotiations between Licensor and Licensee.

29 c)停留期間: 工程師的停留期間應根據授權人與被授權人之間的交涉來決定和延長。

30 2. The working days of Engineer shall be five days a week, and his or her working hours shall not exceed seven (7) hours a day and shall include not less than one hour’s rest. In case Engineer accepts Licensee's request to work more than said working hours or after midnight, Licensee shall pay Engineer a reasonable extra allowance.

31 2.工程師的工作天數應為一週五天,工作時數以一天不超過七個小時,並包括一個小時以上的休息時間為原則。工程師若接受被授權人之要求超時工作,或於深夜執行工作時,被授權人必須支付工程師合理的額外津貼。

32 ▼Article 6. Royalty第6條 權利金
1. In consideration of the license and the technical assistance provided hereunder, Licensee shall pay to Licensor a license fee of ten million (10,000,000) Japanese Yen which shall be payable within forty-five (45) days after the execution of this Aεreement.

33 1.做為依本契約之規定所提供之授權及技術協助的對價,被授權人應支付授權人一千萬( 10,000,000)日圍之專利費,且必須於本契約締結後45天內支付該費用。

34 2. Licensee shall further pay to Licensor, during the term of this Agreement and any renewal term thereof, a running royalty of five percent (5%) of Net Selling Price of Products sold, used, assigned, exhibited, or donated hereunder.

35 2.被授權人應進一步於本契約期間內及其更新期間內支付,依本契約之規定銷售、使用、轉讓、展示或贈與本產品的淨銷價5%之浮動權利金予授權人。

36 3.If the running royalty payable by Licensee to Licensor in respect of Products sold by Licensee shall not amount to five million (5,000,000) Japanese Yen in each year, commencing with the second year during the life of this Agreement, Licensee shall pay to Licensor within forty-five days (45) from the expiration of each such year such a sum so that the total of the running royalty paid or payable to Licensor for such year shall amount to five million (5,000,000) Japanese Yen without any deductions whatsoever.

37 3.若被授權人因銷售本產品而應支付授權人的浮動權利金,於本契約期間內的第二年度開始,各年度未達五百萬日園時,被授權人仍應於該年度屆滿後45天內,支付該年度應支付未遭任何減額且金額相當於五百萬(5,000,000)日圓的浮動權利金予授權人。

38 ▼Article 7. Payment第7條 支付 1.The running royalty referred to in Paragraph 2 of Article 6 hereof shall be paid quarterly, for the three (3) month period ending with the last day of March, June, September and December of each year, on or before the last day of April, July, October and January of each year respectively. 2. All payments shall be made in Japanese Yen and to the bank account in Japan designated by Licensor.

39 1.本契約第六條第二項中的浮動權利金,一年共分四期支付,以每三個月一期於每年的三月、六月、九月及十二月的最後一天為每期的屆滿日,並必須於每年的四月、七月、十月及一月的最後一天或之前支付。

40 ▼Article 8. Report and Record第8條 報告與記錄
1.Licensee agrees to make a written report to Licensor within forty-five (45) days after the end of the calendar quarter, such quarter being each three (3) month period ending with the last day of March, June, September and December following the date of execution of this Agreement and each calendar quarter thereafter during the life of this Agreement, stating in each report the number, description, and selling price of Products sold or otherwise disposed of under the license granted herein during the preceding calendar quarter. Simultaneously with making each report Licensee shall compute the running royalty due and make payment thereof to Licensor.

41 1.被授權人同意以每三個月為一期,以契約締結後的三月、六月、九月及十二月的最後一天為每期的屆滿日,並於本契約期間內各四期屆滿日後的45天內,提交書面報告予授權人。各期的報告書中,應記載前期中依本契約所授與之實施權進行銷售,或以其他方式處理本產品的數量、種類及銷售價格。在進行各報告的同時,被授權人亦應計算應支付授權人的浮動權利金,並支付該款項予授權人。

42 2. Licensee shall keep full, clear, and accurate books and records of Products subject to the running royalty. Licensor shall have the right through its accredited representatives to examine and audit, during normal business hours, annually (or at less frequent intervals), all such other books and records as may under generally accepted accounting practices contain information bearing upon the royalty payable to it under this Agreement.

43 2.被授權人應保存受浮動權利金約束之本產品相關之完整、明瞭且正確的帳冊與記錄。而授權人則具有透過鑑定合格之代理人,根據一般普遍之會計實務,針對包括有關對方依本契約所支付之權利金的金額資料在內之所有類似帳冊與紀錄,於平常的營業時間內,進行一年一次(或間隔更長)的檢查與稽查之權利。

44 ▼Article 9. Tax第9條 稅金 Licensor shall bear any tax to be levied under applicable tax laws on the income of Licensor arising under this Agreement. In the event that Licensee deducts such tax from the income payable to Licensor, Licensee shall send to Licensor, without delay, a tax certificate showing the payment of such tax.

45 授權人應負擔依適用之稅法,對授權人因本契約所產生之所得,進行課徵之稅金。被授權人若從應支付授權人之收益中扣除該稅金時,必須如期送交表示繳納該稅金之納稅證明書子授權人。

46 ▼Article 10. Improvement 第10條 改良
Licensee hereby agrees to promptly disclose to Licensor any improvements owned, acquired, or controlled by Licensee during I the life of this Agreement. Licensee further agrees that it shall grant to Licensor a non-exclusive and royalty-free license with the right to grant sublicense to manufacture, use, and sell Products outside Territory during the life of this Agreement.

47 被授權人依契約同意在本契約期間內,將被授權人所保有、取得或支配之任何改良,盡速向授權人公開。且,被授權人並進一步同意授與授權人非獨占性且無權利金之實施權,而該實施權附有授與在本契約期間內,於契約地區外進行製造、使用及銷售本產品之轉授權。

48 ▼Article 11. Sublicense 第11條 轉授權
No license or right, expressed or implied, shall be granted except as provided herein. No right to sublicense shall be granted pursuant to this Agreement, and any purported sublicense shall be void and deemed a breach of this Agreement.

49 本契約所規定之外的任何不論明示或默許之實施權或權利,並 未被授與。根據本契約,權利不得再予以轉授,而任何轉授權之主張亦為無效,並將視為違反本契約。

50 ▼Article 12. Duration 第12條 期間
This Agreement shall, subject to the validity of Patents, remain in force for five years from the date of execution.

51 本契約係以專利之有效性為條件,並從契約的締結日起有效存續五年。

52 ▼Article 13. Cancellation 第13條 解除
1. In case there is any breach of provisions under this Agreement by either party during the life of this Agreement, the other party shall give thirty (30) days notice requesting such party to cure the breach. If the breach is not cured or settlement is not reached within thirty (30) days after the notification in writing to the defaulting party, the non-defaulting party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement by written notice of cancellation thereafter, and loss and damages sustained thereby shall be compensated by the defaulting party responsible for the breach.

53 1.在本契約期間內,當事人的任一方如有違反本契約之條款時,對方當事人得向違反義務之一方發出要求30天內改善其違約行為之通知。若對方當事人在書面通知後30天內仍未能獲得違反義務之一方的改正或解決時,對方當事人將具有在之後以書面通知解除本契約之權利。由此所引起之損失及損害,得由違反責任之當事人賠償。

54 2. Licensee shall have an option to terminate this Agreement if all Patents are declared invalid by the competent authority which has a jurisdiction over Patents in Territory.

55 2.若遭到在契約地區對專利具有管轄權之當局宣布所有專利均屬無效時,被授權人將有權選擇終止本契約。

56 ▼Article 14. Notice第14條 通知 All notices, demands and other communications which shall or may be given under this Agreement shall be made by registered airmail, postage prepaid, or cable, and shall be addressed to the parties at each party's respective office first above referred to, except that either party may change such office by notice in accordance with this Article. Notices, demands and communications mentioned above shall be deemed to be received and be effective ten (10) days after their dispatch.

57 本契約中規定之所有通知、要求及其他訊息,將利用已付郵資之航空掛號郵件或電信方式,以各當事人為收件人,寄至各當事人之公司。唯,當事人的任一方若有變更該營業之情形時,亦得依本條款之規定進行通知。上述之通知、要求及訊息,在發信後十天,即可視為已領收且具有效力。

58 ▼Article 15. Non-Waiver第15條 權利不放棄
No waiver by either party, whether expressed or implied, of any provision of this Agreement, or of any breach or default, shall I constitute a continuing waiver of such breach or default of such provision of this Agreement. Acceptance of payments by Licensor I shall not be deemed a waiver of any violation of, or default in, any of the provisions of this Agreement by Licensee.

59 任一方當事人無論明示或暗示違約一方未依本契約行使其權利時,此等權利之放棄,不構成日後對違約一方之類似違約或侵權行為繼續放棄。授權人對款項的領收,亦不能視為與被授權 人違反本契約之規定或債務不履行有關之權利放棄。

60 ▼Article 16. Force Majeure 第16條 不可抗力
If performance of this Agreement is interfered with, for any length of time, by an Act of God, war, civil commotion, epidemics, or other similar occurrences which are beyond the control of either party, neither party shall be held responsible for non-performance of this Agreement for such length of time.

61 本契約若因天災之不可抗力、戰爭、內亂、流行病或非一方當事人所能支配之其他類似情況,而在期間內無法履行時,當事人之任一方均不需為該期間內不履行本契約負責。

62 ▼Article 17. Assignment 第17條 轉讓
Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights conferred hereby shall be assigned or transferred, by judicial process or otherwise, to any person, firm or corporation without the prior written consent of the other party, and in the event any such assignment or transfer is attempted without such consent, this Agreement and all the rights conferred hereunder shall, at the option of the other party, immediately terminate.

63 本契約及因本契約被授與之任何權力,若未有對方當事人事前之書面同意者,不得以司法程序或其他方式將之讓渡或轉讓給任何個人、企業或法人。在未獲上述之同意而有讓渡或轉讓之意圖時,得依對方當事人之選擇,立即終止本契約及因本契約被授與之所有權利。

64 ▼Article 18. Modifications 第18條 修正
The parties hereto intend to discuss and execute such modifications of this Agreement as seem appropriate through mutual consent. Any such modifications shall be signed by the parties thereto and shall become a part of this Agreement.

65 雙方當事人依合意對本契約進行協議及執行,乃被視為適當之修正。任一修正均因經過雙方當事人署名,並成為本契約之一部分。

66 ▼Article 19. Severability 第19條 可分離性
If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement and the remaining portion of any provision held void or unenforceable in part shall continue in full force and effect.

67 本契約之任一條款或條款的部分,被判斷為無效或者無法實施時,本契約的其他條款,或被判斷無效或無法實施之部分條款的其他部分,仍繼續具有完全之效力。

68 ▼Article 20. Headings 第20條 條款標題
Headings of the Articles used in this Agreement are inserted for Convenience of reference only and shall in no way affect the interpretation hereof.

69 本契約中所使用之條款標題,僅供參考方便之用,完全不影響本契約之解釋。

70 ▼Article 21. Governing Law 第21條 準據法
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

71 本契約依日本法律解釋之。

72 ▼Article 22. Jurisdiction 第22條 管轄
Each party hereby agrees that the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance over any lawsuit in connection with this Agreement.

73 雙方當事人同意,有關本契約之任何訴訟,將以東京地方法院為第一審之專屬管轄。

74 ▼Article 23. Language 第23條 語言
This Agreement is executed and signed in the English version, and all correspondence between the parties shall be in English.

75 本契約是以英文製成及簽署,當事人之間的所有通訊應以英文為之。

76 5》結語與署名 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by its duly authorized officers or representatives as of the date first above written. Licensor: Licensee: Name of Licensor ( ) Name of Licensee ( ) Signature ( ) Signature ( ) By ( ) By ( ) Title ( ) Title ( )

77 為證明起見,本契約之各當事人委其授權高階職員或代表於首開日期簽署本契約並作成正本兩份。
授權人: 被授權人: 授權人名稱 ( ) 被授權人名稱 ( ) 簽名欄 ( ) 簽名欄 ( ) 簽名者 ( ) 簽名者 ( ) 職 稱 ( ) 職 稱 ( )

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