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ICT & Education 科技生活與教育 Jinn Parng 龐晉 Intel 客戶方案事業群 策略聯盟經理 2011/12/02

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Presentation on theme: "ICT & Education 科技生活與教育 Jinn Parng 龐晉 Intel 客戶方案事業群 策略聯盟經理 2011/12/02"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT & Education 科技生活與教育 Jinn Parng 龐晉 Intel 客戶方案事業群 策略聯盟經理 2011/12/02
Manually adjust the transparent blue boxes once the headline has been entered

2 Content 資訊科技點線面 科技與教育的競賽 創造力是唯一的贏家 教育雲(Education Cloud)

3 資訊科技點線面

4 What’s today, what’s tomorrow?

5 60% 的門檻- What’s 90% 賈柏斯與蓋茲 Jobs and Gates 蘋果與非蘋果Apple and Non-Apple
封閉系統與開放系統 Close and Open Post Apple/ Post PC

6 大家都在用電腦做甚麼

7 使用者介面演進 指令化介面 圖形化介面 直覺化介面

8 大家都在用iPad做甚麼


10 The Ultrabook™ Vision- Transforming the PC Experience
Sleek, cool, responsive and a Full PC Instant on, AOAC High performance, visual & media experience Minimum 12 hr battery life, multi-week standby Sleek design external connectors + wireless Full keyboard + convertible to full touch Sensors – accelerometer, GPS, compass, gyro IA compute continuum, security & perceptual computing experiences The Ultrabook Beyond Thin and Light

11 科技與教育的競賽


13 Establishing Your School’s First Computer System

14 PRC Marketing and 1:1 Education
PRC environments – 1H’11 GDP growth 9.6%, 2011 overall growth is forecasted at 9.5% Gov/LB may continue invest in IT/business to sustain the growth Q2’11 CPI likely over 5.1% 3-year historic record (Apr 5.3%, May 5.5% ) CPI/inflation and labor rate raise will continue drive SMB consider more efficiency -> Public Cloud Computing Mobile/Internet market keep growing rapidly (CNNIC/Nat. Stats. Q2’11) Netizen grow 6.1% to 485M, MicroBlog grows 209% to 318M -> Cloud/Server & PC/Tablet internet/PC becoming necessary while iCafe fading out accelerates ( Mkt share drops 9% to 27%) Mobile Phone subscriber YoY grow 14.4 % to 910M ->SmartPhone/Tablet Shanghai eSchoolbag project : 8Ku sales on 2H’11 , expand to 30 schools

15 創造力是唯一的贏家

16 A Catalyst for Innovation

17 Where is Intel

18 未來的科技 & 未來的教育 無線everything 5D 1:1 eLearning
Intel 教育新未來 (Education Transformation) 情境化學習 創造力

19 Intel 教育新未來 (Education Transformation)
以創新思考教育, 協助教師將科技融入課堂, 鼓勵 學生發展解決問題, 批判思考及團體合作等能力, 讓學校教育和學生更具未來競爭力 科技與教育 雲的兩端同樣重要 開放性架構 學習生活娛樂無縫接軌 智慧型搜尋

20 目標: 21 世紀技能養成 批判性思考及問題解決能力 (創造力) 合作學習、溝通及自我管理 (團隊合作) 電腦科技技能 (科技技能)

21 教育雲(Education Cloud)

22 The Mobile Cloud Runs on Intel Growing our Data Center Business
~600 = 1 Server ~122 = 1 Server Source: Intel and 3rd Party Analysis

23 教育雲 Consumer: iCloud, DropBox Learning Model
User services and IT services Consumer: iCloud, DropBox Learning Model 小組與小組 班與班 學校與學校 區域與區域


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