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ML Parents’ Briefing – 1 PATIENCE TL Parents’ Briefing – 1 PURITY

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1 ML Parents’ Briefing – 1 PATIENCE TL Parents’ Briefing – 1 PURITY

2 Parents’ Briefing Session
2012 Primary 2 Chinese Language Parents’ Briefing Session 2

3 Overview CL Curriculum Assessment Parent Support CL Resources

4 Chinese Language Curriculum – Modular Approach
Greater Customisation and Flexibility

5 School-based Curriculum
Modular Approach (P1-2) Students with little or no home CL exposure 70-80% Core Module 20-30% Bridging Module 70-80% Core Module Majority of students School-based Curriculum 20-30% Core Module 70-80% Students with interest and ability 20-30% Enrichment module

6 PSLE - only Core Modules
Legend B: Bridging R: Reinforcement C: Core E: Enrichment PSLE C P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 E B R

7 Student Grouping P2 students are divided into B/C/E groups based on:
teacher’s evaluation of students’ language competency (e.g. through daily communication, and classroom performance) P1 Check points (e.g.grammar, spelling, listening, reading)

8 Structure for Textbook
Bridging Module Activities-based Enable students to acquire oral-aural skills, as well as learn some vocabulary

9 Structure for Textbook
Core Module Complementary Reading Language activities Listening and Speaking

10 Structure for Textbook
Enrichment Module Extended Reading Students are not expected to learn new characters

11 Summary of Different Modules
Bridging Core Enrichment Oral-aural activities Vocabulary of Core modules Main Passage Complementary reading Character recognition Language activities Listening and speaking activities Extended reading

12 Assessment (P2) Components : No Practice Paper
No Mid-Year Examination (SA1) Alternative Assessment ( 30%) Formal Assessment: SA2 (70%) Components : Oral (5%) Listening Comprehension (5%) Picture Writing (10%) Written Checkpoints (10%) Oral (20marks) Picture Composition (10marks) Written paper( including LC) (70mks)

13 Assessment (P2) 1 SA2 Written paper (70marks) Duration: 1 Hr 30 Min 2
考查项目 Components 1 听力选图(A) Listen to sentences and choose the correct pictures 5% 2 听力理解(B) Listen to passages and choose the correct answers 3 音节选汉字 Choose the correct characters from the Hanyu Pinyin given 4 辨字测验 Choose the correct words 5 看音节写汉字 Write the correct characters from the Hanyu Pinyin given 6 词语搭配 Match the correct words ..

14 Assessment (P2) 7 8 9 10 11 考查项目 Components 短文填充 Cloze passage 5% 完成句子
Complete sentences (with choices) 9 组词成句 Rearrange phrases to make a complete sentence 10% 10 阅读理解 Comprehension (with multiple choices) 11 理解问答

15 (1) Listen to sentences and choose the correct pictures 听力选图(A) (5题5分)
Q1. ………………………………… ( ) 1 2 3

16 (2) Listen to passages and choose the correct answers 听力选图(B) (5题5分)
Q7. 最后,我们点了哪些菜来吃? ( ) 1. 鸡肉、鸭肉和青菜。 2. 鸡肉、鱼肉和青菜。 3. 鸡肉、牛肉和青菜。

17 (3) Choose the correct characters from the Hanyu Pinyin given 音节选汉字(5题5分)
Q15. guM : 1.国 过 果----( )

18 (4) Choose the correct words 辨字测验(5题5分)
Q20. 工人建起了一(1.座 2.坐 3.作)组屋。 ( )

19 (5) Write the correct characters from the Hanyu Pinyin given 看音节写汉字(5题5分)
Q23. 我做了一张 (kC)片给妈妈。

20 (6) Match the correct words 词语搭配(5题5分)
Q26. 学业(   ) Q27. (   )学习 Q28. 上台(   ) Q29. (   )火灾 Q30. 长出(   ) 1.兄弟 2.果实 3.唱歌 4.上课 5.用心 6.华文 7.进步 8.发生

21 (7) Cloze Passage 短文填充(5题5分)
1.突然 2.几 3.东西 4.不能 5.专心 6.应该 7.操场 8.向    一天早上,小明要到例( 7 )去。小明一边走路,一边看书,没有看见小文Q31.( )他跑过来。小文不小心打到小明,两人吵了起来。      Q32.( ),老师走了过来对他们说:“小明,你走路时要Q33.( ),你不Q34( )一边走路,一边看书。小文,你也不对。你Q35( )在校园里到处跑。”    小明和小文听了,脸都红了。

22 (8) Complete the sentences (with choices) 完成句子(5题5分)
1.照顾生病的人 5.请不要大声说话 2.我要到世界各地去玩 6.妹妹跑得很快 3.我一定要听妈妈的话 7.妹妹哭了起来 4.我说的一定没错 8.我一点也不明白 Q ( ) ,我追不上她。

23 (9) Rearrange phrases to make a complete sentence 组词成句(5题10分)
Q41. 妈妈 / 带 / 公园 / 常常 / 玩 / 去 / 我 妈妈_______________________________________

24 (10) Comprehension (with multiple choices) 阅读理解(5题10分)
  大象长得又高又大,鼻子长,耳朵大,十分可爱。可是,大象也是一种奇妙的动物。有一回,我看见一头小象哭。   我想:它可能是生病了,也可能是饿了。后来,我发现小象的妈妈和它分开了,它才会哭起来。你们听了也觉得大象这种动物很奇妙吧! Q49. 小象为什么会哭? ( ) (1)因为它生病了。 (2)因为它觉得饿了。 (3)因为它和妈妈分开了。

25 (11) Comprehension 理解问答(5题10分)
   今天早上,小文起床时,觉得有点不一样。小文想:每天都是妈妈叫我起床,今天为什么是爸爸呢?起床后,小文去刷牙和洗脸。爸爸帮小文收拾书包和做早餐(cAn)给他吃。   小文吃了一口爸爸做的早餐后,就不想吃了。爸爸要带小文去学校时,小文哭了起来。小文觉得妈妈一定是生他的气,不回家了。    爸爸想问小文为什么哭时,大门打开了。妈妈就在门口,手里拿着菜和水果,她去了巴刹。小明一看见妈妈,就开心地笑了。

26 (11) Comprehension 理解问答(5题10分)
Q51. 小文为什么觉得今天有点不一样? _____________________ Q52. 小文的爸爸帮小文做了什么?

27 Assessment (P2) Picture Composition (10marks) – Duration (50 minutes) 写话 考查项目 Components 1 内容 Content 5% 2 表达与结构 Expression and Structure

28 Assessment (P2) Oral (20marks) 口试 1 10% 2 考查项目 Components 朗读短文 看图说话
Read the passage 10% 2 看图说话 Picture Conversation

29 Parent Support 29

30 Parent Support Encourage children to speak to family members in Mandarin Encourage your child to read good Chinese books Public libraries Books with attractive illustrations to start the child Audio books, electronic books

31 Parent Support Expose your child to good Chinese television programmes for children, e.g. cartoons Sunday Channel 8 :《米奇妙妙屋》 9.30 – 10:《哆啦A梦》 10 – 10.30:《中华德育故事》 10.30 – 11:《我的小小发明》 11 – 11.30:《娃娃看天下》

32 Parent Support Tap on the environment such as road signs and advertisements to engage your child in Chinese conversations during outings

33 Information on CL Learning Resources
1. Digital Instructional Resources (DIR) for the CL Curriculum 学乐

34 Information on CL Learning Resources
2. Games 语文乐翻天 User ID: BC Number; Password: fun123 (Student will be informed when account is activated) 3. e-Land interactive Portal 听说e乐园 (Directory)

35 P2 Interactive Activity Book

36 Information on CL Learning Resources
Hao Peng You 《好朋友》 (Weekly CL Supplementary Magazine) The content is rich and varied, it consists of stories, vocabulary skills, worksheets, quizzes and many more. This is the compulsory supplementary magazine for all P2 pupils.

37 CL ENRICHMENT CLASSES Chinese Calligraphy & Painting :
within curriculum time Term 2 - Term 3 (10 sessions)

38 MT DEPARTMENT 母语部 Head of Department 部门主任 Ms Per Yen Leng
Level Head 科主任 Mrs Tay Chor Koon

39 Thank You.

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