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兒童早期發展需求及 腦發育的重要性.

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Presentation on theme: "兒童早期發展需求及 腦發育的重要性."— Presentation transcript:

1 兒童早期發展需求及 腦發育的重要性

2 一歲兒童的腦遠比新生兒接近成人 五天 兩個月 年 歲

3 腦細胞的發育過程

4 在出生後的前三年,神經突觸發展速度最快;在以後的十年中,兒童腦的神經突觸是成人腦的兩倍。

5 兒童早期發展需求

6 小組討論: ——這個年齡的兒童會做什麼? 3個月 6個月 12個月 24個月

7 0-3個月的寶寶能做什麼: 通過感覺器官認識周圍的世界 眼睛可以追隨人和物體 對人臉和鮮豔的顏色有反應 伸展手腳、意識到手腳的存在 抬頭
頭轉向聲源 開始微笑 開始建立自我感覺能力

8 0-3個月寶寶的需求: 充足的營養 保健(疫苗接種,清潔衛生) 預防疾病,避免身體受到傷害 與成人之間形成依戀
有成人能夠理解嬰兒的信號並作出反應 可以讓寶寶看、觸碰、聽、聞和嘗東西 抱起、撫觸,為他們唱歌

9 4-6個月的寶寶能做什麼: 經常笑 喜歡與父母以及哥哥、姐姐在一起 重複一些感興趣的動作 與寶寶講話時,有反應 會咯咯地笑,模仿聲音
探索手和腳 將東西放進嘴裡 會翻身,可以別人幫助下坐,在床上彈跳 全手掌抓物體

10 4-6個月孩子的需求: 探索周圍的世界 適當的語言刺激 每天提供各種玩具讓孩子玩

11 7-12個月的孩子能做什麼: 認識自己,辨別身體的各個部位,記得熟悉的聲音 叫自己名字時有反應,理解常用語 會說一個有意義的詞
探索、敲打、搖晃物體 找到被藏起來的東西,將物體放入容器中 獨坐 會爬,可以扶站、扶走 看到陌生人時顯得害羞或者不安

12 7-12個月孩子的需求 輔食添加 給他們講故事,為他們閱讀 創造一個安全的環境供孩子探索

13 1-2歲的孩子能做什麼: 模仿大人的動作 會說話,理解別人的話語和想法 喜歡聽故事,拿玩具做遊戲 走路穩,可以上臺階,會跑
喜歡獨立,但更喜歡與熟人在一起 與別的小朋友建立友誼 解決問題的能力 對自己做的事情有自豪感 喜歡幫別人做些事

14 1-2歲孩子的需求: 促進孩子新動作、語言和思考能力的發展 培養獨立性 幫助孩子學習控制自己的行為 培養孩子懂得照顧自己
給孩子創造玩耍和探索的空間 與其他孩子一起玩 每天聽/講故事

15 2-3歲的孩子能做什麼: 喜歡學習新技能 語言學習能力強 動個不停,閒不住 可以控制手和手指的活動 很容易洩氣
行動上更加獨立,但仍需依靠大人 在熟悉的場所自由活動

16 2-3歲孩子的需求: 作選擇 參加表演遊戲 唱喜歡的歌曲 猜簡單的謎語

17 3-5歲的孩子能做什麼: 注意力集中時間更長 愛喧鬧 喜歡提問題 表現藝術能力 在表演遊戲中流露出感情 喜歡和朋友一起玩,不喜歡被冷落

18 3-5歲孩子的需求: 促進感官和精細動作的發展 通過交談、閱讀、唱歌促進語言的發展 學習與人合作、分享以及助人 在遊戲和活動中學習
培養自我價值感以及自豪感 自我表達(畫畫、玩泥) 培養創造力 韻律活動,聽各種音樂

19 生長發育落後的孩子: 孩子對刺激和關心沒有反應 在身體、社會以及情感發育方面落後於同齡人

20 生長發育落後孩子的需求: 看護人應該知道何時去尋求幫助,如何給孩子創造一個充滿關愛的環境 看護人需要更多的時間來與孩子玩耍、交談,撫摸孩子

21 腦發育的重要性

22 問題一 1.大腦的基本結構在出生以前已經基本完成。
正確。在孕期,腦的基本結構已經成形。腦的不同部位已經展開(如腦幹、下丘腦和小腦),但是腦的不同部位之間的聯繫還沒有形成。 1. True. Basic brain connections are laid down before birth. • During pregnancy, the basic architecture of the brain is formed. • The different parts of the brain are laid out (e.g. brain stem, thalamus, cerebellum). • Although the "hardware" is laid out during pregnancy, the brain is still immature in that the "software." Or connections between different connections parts of the brain, are not yet formed. • To a certain extent formation of the connections depend on exposure to stimuli in the environment.

23 問題二 嬰兒從出生起,就已經具備學習世界上任何種語言的能力。
正確。嬰兒的大腦總是處於極其活躍的狀態,獲取、學習語言。甚至置身於子宮的胎兒,就已經可以轉向母親的聲源。 2. True. Babies are born with the ability to learn all the languages in the world. • The infant brain is "wired" to seek out and learn language. • Even in the womb, the infant is turning towards the melody of its mother's voice. The brain is setting up the circuitry needed to decipher and reproduce language. • Babies learn to talk by hearing language and having language directed at them. • Between 6-12 months, babies begin to fine-tune their ability to perceive the speech sounds of their native language as opposed to non-native language.

24 問題三 3. 3歲時,小兒的大腦神經細胞之間的突觸聯繫最豐富。
正確。在小兒發育早期,神經突觸迅速形成,當這些突觸聯繫形成後,首先維持在較高的密度水準上,然後經過不斷的完善和再聯繫,突觸密度逐漸減少,直到接近成人的水準。 3. True. A human baby's brain has the greatest density of brain cells connectors (synapses) by age 3. • Researchers who have studied the brains of both monkeys and humans have shown that there is a pattern of rapid synapse formation during early development. • However, this density does not remain throughout life. After these connections are formed, there is a "plateau period" and then a period of pruning, or elimination, where the densities decrease and resemble adult levels. • In humans, this period of elimination begins around early adolescence and continues until at least age 16. • Different parts of the brain undergo synapse formation, plateau, and elimination at different points in development, depending upon when they mature.

25 6個月 出生時 1個月 4個月 This chart shows a part of the infant’s visual cortex at birth, one month, 3 months, and 6 months. The shapes are neurons (pyramid cells - a pyramid in the middle and long links called dendrites to other cells. The four slides show the rapid increase in connections between the cells that occur early in the child’s life. There are no new neurons developed; rather there are many new connections formed. These connections are formed because of experience (in this case, visual experience). If the child does not have experience during this period, he will may not develop depth perception - this is why it is recommended that children have the chance to see many interesting and colorful things in the first six months of life. This slide feeds into the next on the time periods for critical development.

26 問題四 4.從胎兒期到3歲,大腦神經細胞之間的聯繫最廣泛,因此,0-3歲時腦發育的最關鍵時期。3歲以後,“學習的窗口”就會關閉。
False. Because the brain is making so many connections from pre-birth to age 3 that the first three years of life are the most critical for brain development. After age 3, the "window of opportunity" closes. • You are sitting here learning something right now aren't you?? • Although brain connector density is at its highest level in the first three years of life, which does not mean that the brain has its greatest brainpower at that time. A great deal of learning goes on after the first three years of life. • However, the first three years are important for laying the groundwork for healthy psychological development. We know that from psychological research; particularly research on parent-child attachment, but not from brain development research. What we know from brain development research is that for very specific aspects of brain development, such as the visual system, critical periods exist before age three; these constitute a critical window of opportunity. • The brain continues to grow and mature well into adolescence; thus, it is virtually impossible to make the general claim that the window of opportunity closes by age three. (Nelson, 2000)

27 錯誤 儘管3歲以前的大腦細胞之間的聯繫密度處於最高水準,這並不意味著此時的大腦已經具有最好的智慧水準,3歲以後,大量的學習活動還在繼續。

28 This chart shows the time period in a child’s life in which the brain is most receptive to inputs from experience. Note that for most, the period that is critical is in the first three years of life - but not for all. For others, the time period is later.

29 問題五 5.良好的營養是我們所知道的促進大腦發育的最佳途徑之一。
正確。良好營養對孕婦和嬰兒都十分重要。在整個孕期,孕婦都需要添加適量的葉酸和鐵劑,禁服尼古丁、酒精以及違法藥物。 5. True. Good nutrition is one of the best ways we know to aid in healthy brain development. • It is important that families provide an environment that supports health in both lifestyle and nutrition. • Good nutrition is important for both the pregnant mother and the infant. Pregnant mothers need appropriate amount of folic acid and iron, and should avoid nicotine, alcohol, and illicit drugs throughout their entire pregnancy. • The developing brain craves iron. Babies need an appropriate amount of iron either via breast milk or formula in the first six months of life, and via iron-fortified infant cereals and iron supplementation after that, whether or not their mothers are iron-deficient. Iron deficiency has been clearly linked to cognitive deficits in young children. Iron is critical for maintaining an adequate number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, which in turn are necessary to fuel brain growth. Bottle-fed babies should receive formula that contains iron. ( • Breast milk contains all the amino and fatty acids needed for brain development. Some research has shown that babies who are breast-fed as compared to babies who are formula fed have scores that are significantly higher on IQ tests. • Children who are malnourished-not just fussy eaters but truly deprived of adequate calories and protein in their diet- between mid-gestation and two years of age do not adequately grow, whether physically or mentally. Their brains are smaller than normal and they suffer often lasting behavioural and cognitive deficits, including slower language and fine motor development, lower IQ, and poorer school performance. (

30 問題六 正確。與其他兒童相比,在兒童早期經歷過較大壓力的孩子更容易出現各種認知、行為以及情緒障礙。
6.有證據表明:在小兒的早期發育階段,壓力對腦功能有很大的負面影響。 正確。與其他兒童相比,在兒童早期經歷過較大壓力的孩子更容易出現各種認知、行為以及情緒障礙。 6 True. There is evidence of the negative impact of stress during the early years on brain function Children who experience extreme stress in their earliest years are at greater risk than peers without this stress for developing a variety of cognitive, behavioral and emotional difficulties.

31 問題七 7.出生後就一直生活在孤兒院,將可能 對小兒的腦發育產生持續終生的負面 影響。
錯誤。這是一個很複雜的問題。養育品質影響著結果。非應答式的、不一致的養育可以造成孩子的認知、社會、情感以及生理等方面的問題。恰當的干預可以改變這一切。 7. False. Living in an orphanage as a baby will likely result in negative, long-lasting effects on the brain. • This is a complicated issue. Quality of care makes a difference Non-responsive, inconsistent care can set children up for cognitive, social, emotional and physical problems. Intervention can make a difference. • Studies of children reared in orphanages in the firs few years of life suggest that children's developmental outcomes are better when children are adopted by the time they are 6 months of age (Nelson, 2000).

32 問題八 8. 在兒童早期發展的關鍵期,負面的經歷或者缺乏恰當的刺激可能更容易對小兒產生嚴重的、持續的影響。
8. True. There are times when a negative experience or the absence of appropriate stimulation is more likely to have serious and sustained effects on the child. • In essence the overall environment (physical and emotional) within which the child is being raised has an impact on brain development. Early exposure to nicotine, alcohol and/or drugs can have devastating effects on the developing brain, particularly during the time during pregnancy when the brain is being formed. • Critical periods in brain development do exist, although we have a long way to go to understand them. We know that the absence of a reasonable amount of light in the first weeks after birth alters the development of the visual system (e.g., development of binocularity is not possible), and that the complete absence of hearing language or receipt of extremely poor care (such as in and orphanage) will likely result in developmental deficits, bet we still have much to learn about the persistence of these effects and the ability of the brain to overcome them. • In general, although some critical periods do exist, the concept of sensitive periods better explains early development. Sensitive periods are times in development, when the absence of some kind of stimulus results in development going awry, or off-course. Compared to critical periods, sensitive periods are generally longer and suggest that there is more flexibility in the timing of input or experience to the brain and the brain 's ability to learn and develop over time.

33 正確。大腦發育過程中確實存在關鍵期。很多時候是指發育階段的敏感時期,即當此時期缺乏一些刺激時,可以引起發育異常或者紊亂。

34 問題九 9.給新生兒講故事是幫助孩子提高未來閱讀能力的最好辦法。
錯誤。當然,為兒童營造一個語言豐富的環境是提高孩子閱讀能力的基本條件,給新生兒講故事只是其中的一種辦法,還有很多方式可以採取,如講話、唱歌以及聽音樂。 6. False. Reading to a newborn infant is the best way to help a child learn to read in the future. • It is important to recognise that what is most important is providing a language-rich environment for children. Reading is one way, but there are many other ways as well, such as talking, singing, listening to music. • There are a number of studies that show that when children hear a good deal of "live" language, when they are spoken to often and encouraged to communicate, they are more proficient with language than children who have more limited language exposure. For example, Janellan Huttenlocher, University of Chicago, found that at 20 months of age children of "chatty" moms average 131 more words than kids of "non-chatty" moms and by age two the gap had increased to a difference of 295 words. Only live language, not television, produced these vocabulary-boosting effects (Begley, 1997).

35 問題十 10. 腦研究的成果在很多領域一直在被誤解和誤用。 正確。
例如,大腦的體積以及大腦的工作方式已經被錯誤地用於解釋種族壓迫。(如,頭小的人不聰明)。 此外,很多養育推薦都聲稱是腦研究的結果,但實際上卻是社會心理學或者教育學的研究,推薦可能很有效,但卻不是基於早期腦發育的研究結果。 True. Brain research has been misunderstood and misapplied in many contexts. • Many are concerned about the potential misuse of the brain research to marginalize oppressed population, particularly children of colour or children living in poverty. For example, the size of the brain and how the brain works has been used to rationalize oppression in the past. • Recommendations for certain kinds of parenting practices have been offered with the notion that they are based on brain development research, when in fact, they are based in psychological and educational research. They may be fine recommendations, but they aren't based on knowledge from early brain development. • It is important that accurate information get communicated to parent and child care providers; in making public policy; in prevention and intervention; and in providing opportunity for all children including ethnic minorities or children living in poverty.

36 機遇和投資間的不協調 喪失的機會 大腦的“延展性” 健康、教育和 福利投入 初始階段 公辦教育 社會福利 老 人 醫 保 研究 醫療補助
社會保險 喪失的機會

37 早期教育 (ECE) 從兒童出生到8歲 據其生長發育規律及其神經心理特點 利用客觀外界環境和某些教育訓練方法
有目的、有計劃、有系統地給予兒童某些器官(感知覺器官、大腦等)以豐富的刺激 進行略為超前的教育和訓練 發揮其最大潛能

38 早期教育的重要性 良好的早期刺激對大腦及神經組織的生長發育有促進作用;
嬰幼兒時期是智力發展的最佳時期,抓住這一時機進行教育將收到事半功倍的效果; 兒童應及早進行德、智、體、美全方位的教育,從小打下堅實的基礎

39 早期教育的重要性 早期教育對於腦損傷等特殊需要兒童尤為重要;

40 早期教育的重要性 文獻表明: 幼兒12~24個月時是其形成自我概念和提高社會能力的主要時期,且早期的社會生活能力與後期自我的發展有著較強的相關性; 早期教育能夠提高困難型氣質和啟動緩慢型氣質兒童的獨立生活和集體生活能力

41 總 結 兒童早期的腦發育對人類的發展 具有極其重要的影響 兒童不能等待!

42 謝 謝!

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