变废为宝 Information: Denna presentation är tänkt att använda som stöd när andra presentationer sätts samman och är inte tänkt att kunna stå för sig själv.

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1 变废为宝 Information: Denna presentation är tänkt att använda som stöd när andra presentationer sätts samman och är inte tänkt att kunna stå för sig själv. Bilderna är många och snarlika budskap upprepar sig. Presentationen måste givetvis anpassas efter målgrupp, längd, önskat budskap etc. Den kommer att byggas på eftersom, i dagsläget finns t ex en övervikt av bilder gällande energiutvinning, då dessa ofta har använts/efterfrågats och därför tagits fram. Skicka gärna in egna bilder du tagit fram som kan kompletteras. I kommentarstexten finns stödjande och kompletterande text. Senast uppdaterad: feb 2014

2 垃圾 - 是一种财富 2012: 14,7 TWh 集中供暖–超过全瑞典总集中供暖的百分之二十 - 可满足90万家庭取暖需求。
The development of waste management systems in Sweden has been very successful. Today, waste is looked upon and used as a resource rather than a problem. An impressive 99 percent of the household waste is recycled as energy or material. 2012 Landfill 0,7% Energy recovery 51,6% Biological treatment 15,3 % Recycling (material) 32,3 % 13 TWh district energy -> 20 % of the total district energy in Sweden / the heating need of homes 1,7 TWh electricity -> need of homes 353 GWh vehicle-fuel produced from foodwaste replaced about 30 millions liters of petrol. tonnes biofertilizer replacing industrial fertilizer 2012: 从食品垃圾转化成353吉瓦时的汽车燃料,可以替代3千万升汽油。 产生的 吨生物化肥可代替工业化肥

3 效果显著 The results are unique from an international point of veiw. Sweden is one of the leading nations in waste management. Source: US Environmental Protection Agency and Eurostats

4 零垃圾填埋- 40年计划目标 62 % 1 % 1975 Landfill 62% Energy recovery 30%
Biological treatment 2% Recycling (material) 6% 2011 Landfill 1% Energy recovery 51% Biological treatment 15% Recycling (material) 33% 1 %

5 能源系统的重要部分 瑞典区域能源 – 燃料供给: Source: 电能 热泵 矿物燃料 废热 垃圾
生物燃料 泥炭 垃圾 电能 热泵 废热 There are many different success factors behind the results. One of the most important has been the role the waste as a fuel has come to play in the Swedish energy system, particularly in the extensive district heating networks. In the beginning of the 80’thies the networks were dependent on fossil, imported fuels. In a search for non-fossil and domestic fuels, waste as a fuel became more and more important, together with a mix of other non-fossil and fossil fules. Today, waste is coverig about 20 % of the fuels in the district energy system. At the same time the need of district energy has increased. Source:

6 集中供暖和电力发力 覆盖了瑞典总集中供暖的百分之二十,满足90万家庭需求。 产生的电能相当于25万家庭的用电量。 先进和安全的烟气处理
大部分的残余产物可以回收 Waste-to-energy is an effective and environmentally safe method for producing energy from waste, well established in Sweden. It provides both heat and electricity. Waste-to-energy is a method well suited for waste which cannot be treated in any other way. All cities have large district heating systems which need energy most of the year, benefiting from the waste-to-energy plants spread among the country. Rest products are landfilled or recycled: Bottom ash (15-20 % weight) is recycled Fly ash (3-5 % weight) is deposited/recycled 2012年总能源产量: 集中供暖: 13 TWh 发电: 1,7 TWh (包含工业垃圾)

7 世界上最节能高效的垃圾处理厂 焚烧每吨家庭垃圾的能源回收示意图 如果工业垃圾也计算在内,那么 瑞典的产量将基本达到3MWh/吨
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 瑞典 捷克 丹麦 挪威 芬兰 瑞士 荷兰 德国 匈牙利 法国 意大利 西班牙 比利时 葡萄牙 奥地利 英国 MWh/ton 如果工业垃圾也计算在内,那么 瑞典的产量将基本达到3MWh/吨

8 绿色垃圾焚烧 从1985年起,大部分的排放量减少90-99 %: 严格的排放量规定 对Nox收费 (氮氧化物)
With the background of waste playing such an important role in the energy system of the country, it has been essential to meet up on new environmental demands. Sweden has had strict standards limiting emissions from waste incineration since the mid-1980s. Since then most emissions have fallen by between 90 and 99 percent. This is thanks to ongoing technical development and better waste sorting. The emission standards has been supplemented with a fee on NOx (nitrooxygens) based on total amount of Nox-emissions.

9 重量和体积减少 15-20 重量% 底灰 3-5 重量% 飞尘

10 国家绿色目标,长期管理和经济控制手段 每年家庭垃圾填埋量(吨) 50 % 垃圾填埋税实行 禁止可燃垃圾填埋 企业责任制实行
One successfactor has been clear national targets and long-term regulations and economical steering instruments, allowing necessary investments and time for technical development and other innovations. In the 1990’, necessary regulations and economical steering instruments were decided about, to support the extensive reconstruction of the waste management system that started with focus on waste as a resource. Thoose were implemented in the 2000, and the final effect could be seen in 2010. Observation: between 1995 and 2011 the total amount of genereted waste increased with 27 % Municipal waste planning compulsory 禁止有机垃圾填埋 食品垃圾 回收目标

11 食品垃圾回收国家目标 旧的国家目标: 到2010年,至少百分之三十五的家庭、大型厨房、商场和餐馆的食品垃圾将通过生化处理。
我们基本达到了25 % -没有进行法律约束! 新的国家目标: 到2018年,至少百分之五十的家庭、大型厨房、商场和餐馆的食品垃圾将进行分类和生化处理。这样,营养成分得以利用,至少百分之四十被用于能源回收。 The main driving force for the development of food waste recyclinghas been the national target on food recycling in Sweden. The original one stated that 35 % of the food waste would be recycled until 2010. At 2010 – we had reached 25 %. So the goal was not fulfilled. But the results were obtained without the introduction on any legal requirments, and many plans were established due to the goal. Experinces showed it takes many years to introduce a collection system for source-separated food waste, from the initial planning until the system is up and running. Therefore, no legal requirments were considered necessary, but a new goal was set up. The new target we are now working towards is stronger. And more specific. It states that 50 % of the foodwaste should be separated out and treated so that nutrients are utilized, and 40 % so that also energy is recovered – thus biogas production.

12 The biological treatment of household waste started in the early 90-ties with a few municipalities. During the 90’thies more than 40 municipalities introduced biological treatment (of 290). After that, the deveopment was very fast. Today more than 60 % (179 of 290) of Swedens 290 municipalities have introduced collection systems for source-separated food waste and according to on-going plans, 8 or 9 out of 10 municipalities will sort out food waste for biological treament within a few years.

13 简况 – 2012年垃圾生物净化处理 堆肥 厌氧生物处理 43个工厂 18个工厂(加上一些同化作用生物污水处理厂)
376530户产生的558830吨家庭垃圾 (大多是公园和花园垃圾) 185550个家庭产生的695940吨垃圾(加上废水处理厂同化的59310吨) 趋势: (自2011年,-5 %) 趋势: (自2011年,+40 %) 产品: 堆肥主要用于土壤改良和混合。 产品:生物肥料回收用于农田,沼气用于汽车燃料。

14 从垃圾填埋到现代垃圾回收系统 (Illustrator: Per Josefsson)
When the need of landfill capacity is decreasing, the landfill areas have been transferred into modern recycling facilities, preparing and pre-treating the waste for further treatment. Typical activities are: -collection and recovery of landfill gas, -sorting of bulky waste, -sorting of slag from waste to energy plants -seasonal storage of cumbustible waste -composting of garden waste -biological treatment of contaminated soil, etc. (Illustrator: Per Josefsson)

15 整体系统中,各部分互相关联、交错 产品 农田 家庭 材料回收 污水净化 生物固体 垃圾 厌氧消化
To be able to use the resoureces in the most sustainable and efficient way, all technical infrastructure systems are connected. This is the principal model for a Swedish sustainable city. The waste management system is integrated in the heating system, the sewage water cleaning system, the vehicle fuel system, the food production system, etc. 汽车燃料 填埋 沼气 焚烧 制冷/ 加热 发电 其他燃料

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