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Presentation on theme: "高雄市及雲林縣國小五年級學童飲食、體位及血脂質相關性之研究"— Presentation transcript:

1 高雄市及雲林縣國小五年級學童飲食、體位及血脂質相關性之研究
中文摘要 本研究目的在探討都市及鄉村國小學童飲食攝取形態,及了解學童飲食、體位與血脂質之相關,並探討學童的肥胖情形以供日後營養研究之參考。以高雄市及雲林縣國民小學五年級學童為對象,分別於民國83年2月及9月進行研究,利用24小時飲食回憶法收集學童飲食資料,與測量學童身高、體重、肢三頭肌皮下脂肪厚度 (TSF),並分析身體質量指數 (BMI) 及抽血檢驗學童血清總膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇及高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度。 結果顯示:高雄有效問卷411份(男204位、女207位),雲林為459份(男215位、女244位)。在飲食攝取方面:高雄市男女學童總熱量攝取分別為1931大卡、1560大卡;雲林男女學童分別為1785大卡、1577大卡,高雄男生總熱量攝取顯著大於雲林男生(P<0.05),而兩地女生並無統計差異。兩地學童脂質攝取偏高,高雄男學童脂質佔總熱量百分比為35.8%、女學童為35.2%;雲林男學童為32.5%、女學童為30.8%,不論男女學童,脂質佔總熱量百分比皆為高雄顯著高於雲林 (P<0.05);而醣類佔總熱量百分比則為雲林顯著高於高雄 (p<0.05)。在體位值方面,高雄學童較雲林學童顯著高且重 (P<0.05),高雄男生比雲林男生平均高5.6公分、重6.5公斤;而高雄女生較雲林女生平均高4.5公分、重3.3公斤。高雄男女學童血清總膽固醇分別為177.4mg/dL、170.5mg/dL;血清低密度脂蛋白膽固醇分別為117.3mg/dL、112.8mg/dL;血清高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度分別為46.2mg/dL、44.8/dL;而雲林男女學童血清總膽固醇分別為157.1mg/dL、156.7mg/dL; 血清低密度脂蛋白膽固醇分別為88.9mg/dL、89.1mg/dL;血清高密度脂蛋白膽固醇分別為54.8mg/dL、53.1mg/dL。高雄男女學童在血清總膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白膽固醇顯著高於雲林男女學童(p<0.05);而在高密度脂蛋白膽固醇則為雲林顯著高於高雄(p<0.05),顯示高雄學童有較異常的血脂分佈。在高膽固醇血症盛行率方面,高雄男學童為24.0%、女學童為16.9%,分別大於雲林男學童的6.0% 及女學童的7.0%,其結果值得重視。以四種不同肥胖指標探討兩地男女學童肥胖盛行率,不論以何種指標為標準,均為高雄高於雲林,與歷年調查比較,都市肥胖學童仍有增加的現象,鄉村則較低。迴歸分析結果類示,BMI及脂質佔總熱量百分比與血清總膽固醇、血清低密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度呈正相關。在高血膽固醇學童與低血膽固醇學童血清脂肪酸組成方面,高血膽固醇學童較低血膽固醇學童有高血清脂肪酸 18:2,及低血清脂肪酸 16:0 和 18:0 的趨勢。

2 Study on Dietary Pattern、Anthropometry and Serum Lipids of Schoolchildren in Kaohsiung and Yunlin
英文摘要 The study was to investigate the dietary characteristic of urban and rural primary school students, to realize the relationship among dietary intake, body weight and serum lipids, and further to discuss the prevalence of obesity in primary school students as a reference for nutrition study in the future. Sampling of fifth-grade primary school students in Kaohsiung city and Yunlin county was conducted in February, 1994 and in September, 1994 respectively. This approach was proceeded by using 24-hour dietary recall for collecting students&apos; dietary data, measuring students&apos; height, weight, triceps skinfold thickness, body mass index, and examining fasting serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-choresterol, HDL-cholesterol concentration. The result shows, with respect to dietary intake: the total calorie intake for boys in Kaohsiung are 1931 kcal, as for girls are 1560 kcal respectively; in Yunlin for boys are 1785 kcal, and for girls are 1577 kcal respectively. The total calories intake for boys in Kaohsiung are higher than that for boys in Yunlin, (p<0.05) and for girls there is no difference between two places. The tendency for students&apos; dietary fat intake was high. n Kaohsiung, the students&apos; fat intake was higher than 35% of total calories ; in Yunlin, that was higher than 30 % of total calories. The percentage of fat intake for students in Kaohsiung are higher than that for students in Yunlin. (p<0.05) The percentage of carbohydrate is quite the reverse. As to anthropometry, the students in Kaohsiung are taller and heavier than those in Yunlin. As for serum lipids, total cholesterol on average for boys in Kaohsiung is mg/dl, for girls in Kaohsiung is mg/dL, and for boys in Yunlin is mg/dL, for girls in Yunlin is 156.7mg/dL. As to LDL-cholesterol, that for boys in Kaohsiung is mg/dL, for girls is mg/dL; and for boys in Yunlin is 88.9 mg/dL, for girls is 89.1 mg/dL. As to HDL-cholesterol, that for boys in Kaohsiung is 46.2 mg/dL, for girls is 44.8 mg/dL; and for boys in Yunlin is 54.8 mg/dL, for girls is 53.1 mg/dL. The students in Kaohsiung are higher than those in Yunlin in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, (p<0.05) and the students in Yunlin are higher than those in Kaohsiung in HDL-cholesterol. (p<0.05) With four different standards to explore the prevalence of obesity in two places, whatever kind of standard may be adopted, the result indicates that obesity prevalence of the student in Kaohsiung is higher than that of the students in Yunlin. In comparision with the surveys in the past years, we know that the tendency of obesity prevalence of the students in the urban areas is increasing; less serious are the students in rural areas, and that the hyperlipidemia of urban student are more than that of rural students. This shows the nutrition imbalance for students should soon be improved.

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