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南京 Nanjing 历史文化名城 —— 南京,是中国四大古都之一,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称。南京位于长江下游,是承东启西的枢纽城市,国家重要门户城市,滨江生态宜居之城,联合国人居署特别荣誉奖获得城市。2014年,即将举办第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会。 A famed historical and.

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Presentation on theme: "南京 Nanjing 历史文化名城 —— 南京,是中国四大古都之一,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称。南京位于长江下游,是承东启西的枢纽城市,国家重要门户城市,滨江生态宜居之城,联合国人居署特别荣誉奖获得城市。2014年,即将举办第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会。 A famed historical and."— Presentation transcript:


2 南京 Nanjing 历史文化名城 —— 南京,是中国四大古都之一,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称。南京位于长江下游,是承东启西的枢纽城市,国家重要门户城市,滨江生态宜居之城,联合国人居署特别荣誉奖获得城市。2014年,即将举办第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会。 A famed historical and cultural city, Nanjing is one of the four ancient capitals in China. Known as the “Capital of Six Dynasties” and “Metropolis of Ten Dynasties”, Nanjing is located in the Yangtze River Delta. It is an important gateway city in China, connecting the east and west. As an ecological livable city, it has been awarded the special honor of UN-HABITAT. The 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing in 2014. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 2

3 总统府 Presidential Palace
南京总统府有600多年的历史,现已成为中国最大的近代史博物馆。这里多次成为中国近代史上政治军事的中枢、重大事件的策源地。目前,博物馆总占地面积为9万平方米,共分国民政府、孙中山办公室和行政院三个参观区域。 The Presidential Palace of Nanjing with a history of more than 600 years is currently the largest museum of modern history in China. Nanjing has been the source of many central and critical events in the political and military history of China. At present, the museum occupies a total area of 90,000 square meters, and is made up of the Kuomintang Government Exhibition Area, Sun Yat-Sen's Office Exhibition Area and the Executive Exhibition Area. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

4 The Scenic Area of Zhongshanling
中山陵景区 The Scenic Area of Zhongshanling 中山陵是伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓,中山陵主要建筑排列在一条中轴线上,陵墓坐北朝南,墓地全局呈“警钟”形图案 ,祭堂为仿宫殿式的建筑,建有三道拱门,门楣上刻有“民族,民权,民生”横额。 The Scenic Area of Zhongshanling is the mausoleum for Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, The main buildings of the mausoleum are arranged on a central axis. The mausoleum faces to the south with the overlook shape of an “alarm bell”. The palace-style Great Hall has three archways, with the lintel carved with the banner “Minzu, Minqian, and Minsheng (Nationalism, Democracy and People’s Livelihood)”. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

5 南京大学 Nanjing University
南京大学坐落于金陵古都,是一所历史悠久的百年名校,其前身是创建于1902年的三江师范学堂。在一个多世纪的办学历程中,南京大学及其前身与时代同呼吸、与民族共命运,谋国家之强盛、求科学之进步,为国家的富强和民族的振兴做出了卓越贡献。 Nanjing University, formerly known as the Sanjiang Normal Academy, founded in 1902, is situated in the ancient town of Nanjing with over a century old history. Over these years, Nanjing University, together with its predecessor, has made great contribution to the development and revitalization of the nation, striving for national prosperity and scientific development while sharing a common fate with them and the Chinese nation. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

6 江宁区 Jiangning District
江宁区从东西南三面环抱南京主城,交通系统发达,是南京对外沟通的重要枢纽。江宁是南京经济实力最强的区,已有近60个国家和地区的2400个项目落户,集聚了40多家世界500强企业,成为长三角地区的投资热土。江宁开发区已发展成为了国家级高新技术产业开发区,主导电子信息、汽车及零部件制造、智能电网与电力自动化、航空及新能源等产业。 Jiangning district is the most powerful economic district in Nanjing. More than 40 Top 500 global companies have entered Jiangning which has become an investment hot-spot in the Yangtze River Delta Area. The National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, leads industries in Electronic information, automobiles and parts manufacturing, intelligent power grid and power automation, aviation and new energy, etc. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 6

7 汤山温泉 Tangshan Spring 江宁区汤山镇,东距南京约29公里,以温泉著称,是全国四大温泉疗养区之一。汤山温泉旅游度假区是中国最古老的温泉养生地之一,位列全国四大疗养温泉之首。她集人文景观河自然风光于一体,山、水、泉、林、湖错落分布,坐拥15万亩山林。 Jiangning Tangshan Town, 29KM east to Nanjing, with hot spring well known, is one of the top four national SPA. Tangshan hot spring resort is one of the most ancient Chinese spa, leader position of the national springs. It is a human landscape and natural scenery in one, mountain, water, forest, spring, lake scattered distribution, taking 150,000 acres of forests. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 7

8 南唐二陵 The Emperor’s Tombs
南唐二陵位于南京市南郊祖堂山西南麓的高山之下,是五代十国时期南唐开国皇帝先主李昪与中主李璟的陵墓。1950年至1951年间,由南京博物院进行科学发掘,1988年公布为第三批全国重点文物保护单位。 The emperor's tombs located in the southern suburbs of Nanjing City, under south of Zutang mountain, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period Southern Tang emperor to Lord Li Bian and Lord Li Jing's tomb. Between 1950 and 1951, the scientific discovery by Nanjing Museum, published in 1988 as the third batch of national key cultural relics protection units. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 8

9 万达集团 Wanda Group 大连万达集团创立于1988年,形成商业地产、高级酒店、旅游投资、文化产业、连锁百货五大产业。目前已在全国开业68座万达广场、38家五星级酒店、6000块电影银幕、57家百货店、63家量贩KTV。2015年目标:资产3000亿元,年收入2000亿元,年纳税300亿元,成为世界一流企业。 Dalian Wanda Group was founded in 1988 with activities in real estate, hotels, tourism, culture and department store. Until now, there have been 68 Wanda Plaza, 38 five-star hotels, 6000 movie screens, 57 department stores and 63 KTVs opened across China. Wanda plans to invest 300 billion in 2015 with targets of 200 billion annual revenue and 30 billion annual tax, becoming a world famous enterprise. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 9

10 南京万达嘉华酒店 Wanda Realm Nanjing
酒店拥有302间客房及套房,设计时尚而雅致。每间客房均配备温馨舒适的“万达嘉华之床”及“妙梦”助眠系列可供选择,为所有商旅宾客缔造温馨惬意的居停感受。酒店地处南京市江宁区东山新市区中心位置的南京万达嘉华酒店,坐拥万达商圈得天独厚的地理位置,酒店毗邻江宁区政府和国家级开发区江宁经济技术开发区,距火车站 仅4.5 公里,南京禄口机场 35 公里。 The hotel comprises of 302 rooms which located in the new downtown area of Jiangning District of Nanjing. The hotel with its advantageous location is part of Wanda Plaza with a range of shopping malls, cinemas and KTV as well as a large array of dining options. It is adjacent to the Economic and Technological Development Zone. Distance to the south railway station is just 4.5 km, and to the Nanjing Lukou Airport is 35 km. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 10

11 Cafe Realm All-Day Dining Restaurant
美食汇-全日制餐厅 Cafe Realm All-Day Dining Restaurant 餐厅全天营业,其时尚的装饰风格,别致的开放式厨房,精致的早餐,午饭,单点菜肴以及汇聚中西式的亚洲美食的各类自助及半自助使美食汇备受赞誉,魅力无限。客人将在此感受到“物超所值”的品质美食体验。 “Café Realm” is  a smart all-day dining restaurant with a contemporary design. Serving daily breakfast, lunch, a la carte menu, and dinner buffets with a full range of Asian and international delicacies, guests will be able to enjoy high quality food being freshly prepared at various live cooking stations of the show kitchen 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

12 时尚会所餐吧-焱 Modern Dining -SPARK
高端、时尚会所餐吧,可以提供零点西餐(需提前预定),包含雪茄吧、红酒廊、特色节目表演等。是融合高品质用餐、商务洽谈、节目表演为一体的多功能会所餐吧。除餐食外,餐厅还单独提供酒水服务,后台区将提供酒水添加服务。 The specialty restaurant “Spark” is trendy & stylish, designed in European style and providing a-la-carte Western Food, with a Wine Bar included as well. With a focus on steaks, seafood and modern classics as well as hand selected wines it is a combination of comfort dining, business entertainment and upscale bar. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice 12 12

13 River Drunk — Chinese Restaurant
游宴—中餐厅 River Drunk — Chinese Restaurant 餐厅以传统淮阳菜精品粤菜为主。同时满足本地人和外地商务人饮食需求。餐厅可提供现场烹饪服务,让客人在享受美食的时,也可感受到美食加工制作的魅力。餐厅装饰风格简约明快,加以中国传统元素,体现高端的餐饮氛围,是婚宴、寿宴、商务宴请的绝佳地点。 “River Drunk”, the Chinese Restaurant, brings a cosmopolitan twist to Huaiyang Cuisine coupling with Cantonese Food to meet the demands both of the local customer and the business traveler. The decoration is bright and fashionable with traditional elements, and it is surely the best choice for a birthday ceremony, a wedding feast or a business engagement. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

14 大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge 令人炫目的大堂酒廊是会议的理想场所,在此可享受下午茶、零食、晚间鸡尾酒、特色点心和饮料,同时还可聆听优美轻松的音乐。 The stunning lobby lounge is an ideal meeting place to enjoy afternoon tea, snacks, evening cocktails and light refreshments while listening to relaxing music. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

15 行政酒廊 Executive Lounge 入住行政楼层的客人可在清静高雅的行政酒廊享用免费鸡尾酒赠饮及精美小食;
免费咖啡、茶及软饮全天供应; 入住后享受免费熨烫衣物两件; 入住期间免费使用行政酒廊会议室1小时 Guests staying on dedicated Executive and Wanda Club Floors will have the opportunity to enjoy a professional business environment, personalized services as well as culinary delights in the elegant and exclusive Executive Lounge, located on the 15th floor. A boardroom for 8 people is available for small business meetings. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

16 大宴会厅 Grand Ballroom 大宴会厅面积1000m2,能一次性容纳540名以上的宾客同时入座。当需求较小时,大宴会厅可以被分成三个小宴会厅,每一个小宴会厅都可容纳180名以上宾客。 Able to accommodate up to 540 guests for a sit-down banquet. The Wanda Realm Grand Ballroom represents 1000 luxurious space. For smaller functions, the Wanda Realm Grand Ballroom can be configured into three smaller venues, and each one is large enough to host at least 180 guests in a reception setting. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

17 会议室 Meeting Room 南京万达嘉华酒店可以根据宾客需求,准备各种不同规模的宴会活动,从董事会会议到私人婚礼或者家庭聚会再到大范围VIP公司及政府活动,都会带给您至尊享受。 Regardless of the size of your function, the Wanda Realm team can suit your requirements from a boardroom meeting to an intimate wedding or family function to large scale VIP corporate and government events. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

18 Romance Wedding Ceremony
万达浪漫婚典 Romance Wedding Ceremony 传阅千年的缘分,以盛世典仪再现。汉朝的大气尊贵,唐宋的似锦奢华,明清的婉约清纯,古风古韵、与众不同的婚礼让新人和好友亲朋一起感受爱情的神圣和承诺的郑重,于无比瑰丽、典雅的气氛中共同见证一生难忘时刻。 Traversing the history, the fate recurs in a glorious ceremony. Styles from the noble Han Dynasty, the luxurious Tang & Song Dynasty and the graceful Ming & Qing Dynasty are uniquely presented in the design of each weeding. It's an inviting place for family members to value true and witness this memorable moment. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

19 会议和宴会厅 Meeting and Banquet 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

20 健身中心 Health Club 酒店配备了世界一流水准的健身与休闲设施,包括室内恒温游泳池、设备齐全的健身房、高品质桑拿室及静谧瑜伽房,让您在一天繁忙的会议或观光之余,尽情舒缓身心,重焕奕奕神采。 After a busy day of meetings or sightseeing, soothe your mind and body with the five-star leisure facilities of Wanda Realm Nanjing. These superb facilities include an indoor heated swimming pool, a fully-equipped gym, sauna room and a dedicated yoga room. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

21 客房 Rooms 酒店共拥有客房302间时尚宽敞的客房, 客房最小面积为42平米,可一览江宁新区华丽景致。 所有客房均配备有线、无线上网,高清液晶电视,iPhone基座,DVD播放器等一系列高品质客房设施。 The hotel features 302 stylish and spacious guest rooms and suites, starting from 42㎡ onwards. Besides providing spectacular views of the modern scenery of the Jiangning New District, all guest rooms are equipped with high-definition LCD TV, iPhone base stations, DVD player and additional upscale facilities. Complimentary broadband and WIFI access is provided as well. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

22 Room Category No. of Rooms 房型 数量 豪华大床房 Deluxe King Room 135 豪华双床房
房型 数量 豪华大床房 Deluxe King Room 135 豪华双床房 Deluxe Twin Room 95 好莱坞双人房 Hollywood Twin Room 48 残疾人房 Disable King Room 2 经理套房 Deluxe Suite 行政部长套房 Executive Master Suite 2 总统套房 Presidential Suite Total总计 . 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

23 茶之旅 Cha Journey 万达茶之旅以闻名遐迩的中华款客茶道,专业培训的万达茶师以及特别精选的各地名茶,为您呈现专业优美的茶艺表演,邀您体验一个或清或酽的品茗之旅,逍遥之余尽览各地的风情人文。 With renowned Chinese hospitable tea culture, professional tea masters and special selected famous tea of different origins, Cha Journey offer guests professional tea performances and invites them to enjoy either light or strong tea while observing various traditional customs. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

24 迎宾天使 Angel’s Welcome 万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司的迎宾天使秉承中华传统礼仪风范,以真诚热情的风格、细致入微的关怀为宾客营造始终如一、无与伦比的到达与离店的尊崇体验,温婉优雅的中国礼仪、标准茶艺呈现的欢迎茶饮以及在传统佳节盛装仪典更让您欣享与众不同的愉悦 The Wanda Lobby Angel consistently delivers an unparalleled and welcoming experience both at arrival and departure, combined with sincerity, enthusiasm and meticulous care. This gentle and elegant Chinese etiquette, welcome tea presentation and special welcome in traditional Chinese costumes during traditional festivals all combine to offer guests a unique and joyful experience. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

25 Exclusive Meeting Director
专家会议管家 Exclusive Meeting Director 结缘于第一次电话那边亲切的问候,注定了每一次会议服务的体贴入微。您的专属宴会管家将会从门口的那抹微笑开始,专注于您的会议直至挥手告别。难忘的不仅是手捧的那杯香茗或热巾,更是始终惬意的交流,以及宴会后的呵护和贵宾的钦许,温暖之余倍感彼此信任。 The connection starts from the first greeting on the other end of the phone and lasts for every future meeting. Your Exclusive Meeting Director will be there, with you, all the way from arrival to departure. From a cup of hot tea and pleasant communication to attentive service and compliments from guests, you will be enfolded in warmth and care. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

26 妙梦系列 Dream Catcher “无乡愁,未旅思,夜夜好梦”,阁下均可在万达酒店及度假村独创的妙梦精选系列里,为您的贵宾随性选择“眠之趣”提供的童趣公仔,“眠之香”放送的心仪香氛,“眠之籁”沉醉的经典音乐亦或“眠之阅”徜徉的睡前读物,让他们尽享家的熟悉与悠然。 As part of our commitment to providing "sweet dreams without worry or anxiety", all guests can freely choose a children's doll through our "Pleasure of Sleep" offer, a favorite scent through our "Fragrance of Sleep" offer, intoxicating classical music through our "Sound of Sleep" offer or interesting bedtime readings through the "Reading of Sleep" offer. All of these are included in our original "Dream Catcher" series and bring guests that much closer to the comfort and ease of sleeping at home. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

27 礼 记 The Book of Liki 在我们东方温情遍布的酒店里,每间客房均摆放着一本散发着千年墨香的《礼记》。浸润在这本记录着东方典章制度、礼仪道德的仕者必读之书里,另您商海驰骋之余,更以高压风范卓尔不群。 The Book of Liki, a Chinese classic written thousands years ago, is now found in every guestroom at our hotels. Guests can acquaint themselves with this national treasure, which records the oriental charters and regulations as well as rites and morality of ancient Confucian culture. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

28 香 氛 Scent 步入万达酒店及度假村,淡淡香氛即刻拥抱您。以自然、舒缓、高效为品牌特色的万达嘉华酒店将使用绿竹香氛带给繁忙的商务人员一份干净清新和放松镇静,从而减轻他们旅游的疲劳;万达文华酒店则以温柔的亚洲人香氛渲染出时尚奢华的现代东方风情,必将是精致优雅的成功人士的最爱;芳香性的百里香香氛在顶级高端的万达瑞华酒店更高雅奢华。全方位的愉悦,美好的住宿体验。 A light scent will embrace you upon check-in at Wanda Hotels & Resorts. Based on the brand features of nature, comfort and efficiency, Wanda Realm Hotel offers businesspersons a clean, fresh, relaxing and calm environment infused with the scene of fresh bamboo so as to relieve fatigue. Wanda Vista Hotel renders a fashionable and luxurious modern Oriental style with a mild Asian scent, which will surely make it a favorite among successful businesspersons with refined tastes. Some top-class Wanda Reign Hotels will feature the aromatic scent of thyme in a move to become more elegant and extravagant. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

29 万悦会 Wanda Club 万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司为常旅客精心打造酒店忠诚计划“万悦会”。酒店客人免费登记入会后,会员在万达酒店及度假村任一酒店内的住宿、餐饮等消费均可获得积分,更可专享万达集团下各娱乐、休闲、购物场所的各类礼券兑换服务和特别礼遇。 The Company has initiated “Wanda Club” loyalty program especially for frequent travelers. After registering for a free membership, enrollees can receive credits when spending at any hotel under Wanda Hotel & Resorts. Members can also take advantage of various exclusive gift certificate exchange services and special treatments in any recreational leisure and shopping premise in the Wanda Group 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

30 中华慈善总会万达儿童基金 Wanda Children's Foundation By China Charity Federation
万达儿童基金是由万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司创立,经中华慈善总会授权,面向全球推出的针对儿童的专项公益慈善项目。万达儿童基金将全心致力于儿童公益慈善事业,全方位关爱儿童,唤起你问源自内心的美好。万达酒店及度假村旗下各地酒店邀请每位住店客人每次入住捐助人民币5元以及酒店员工的义卖捐款,汇聚点滴爱心,帮助需要帮助的儿童。 Established by our company and authorized by the China Charity Federation, Wanda Children's Foundation is developed as a special charity program for children across the world. Wanda Children's Foundation will be devoted to philanthropy, concern and love for children from all parts of the world so as arouse inner goodness in everyone. All of our hotels are helping children in need by encouraging every guest to donate RMB 5 during each stay. Hotel associates also donate their time in hosting a charity sale. 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

31 酒店行车路线 Hotel  route 心仪嘉华 理想之所 Your Realm of Choice

32 中国江苏省南京市江宁区竹山路59号 No.59 Zhushan Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province , P. R. China 电话 Tel: +86 (0) 传真 Fax: +86 (0)

Download ppt "南京 Nanjing 历史文化名城 —— 南京,是中国四大古都之一,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称。南京位于长江下游,是承东启西的枢纽城市,国家重要门户城市,滨江生态宜居之城,联合国人居署特别荣誉奖获得城市。2014年,即将举办第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会。 A famed historical and."

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