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Source: National Center for Health Statistics,

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1 Source: National Center for Health Statistics,
Nutritional Disease Mortality rate for year of 2000 Heart Disease Other 其他 心臟病 Diabetes 糖尿病 Cancer Stroke 癌病 中風 COPD 肺病 Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Monthly Vital Statistics Report. vol. 37, no. 1, April 25, stics Report,vol. 37, no. 1, April 25, 1988.

2 Nutrition as a Causative Factor
CVD 心血管病 Hypertension* 高血壓 Cancer* 癌病 Osteoporosis* 骨質疏鬆 Diabetes* 糖尿病 Lung disease 肺病 Dental disease 牙齒疾病 Multiple sclerosis 多發性硬化症 Alzheimer’s disease 老人痴呆症

3 "... 2006 美國心臟協會的 飲食和生活方式建議 是一個全面計劃的一個組分 達到具體目標為減少心血管疾病風險... "
"... the 2006 AHA Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations are one component of a comprehensive plan to achieve specific goals for cardiovascular risk reduction..." " 美國心臟協會的 飲食和生活方式建議 是一個全面計劃的一個組分 達到具體目標為減少心血管疾病風險... " New Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Issued by the American Heart Association

4 The AHA recommendations
Minimize intake of food and drinks with added sugar; Choose and prepare foods with little or no salt; 儘量少進食加了糖的食物和飲料; 選擇和準備食物時, 儘量少鹽或沒有鹽

5 The AHA recommendations
Consume alcohol only in moderation; Limit saturated fat intake to < 7% of energy, trans fat to < 1% of energy, and cholesterol to < 300 mg/day. 飲用適量酒精; 每天限制飽和的油脂攝取少於7%總熱量, 反式脂肪攝取少於1%總熱量, 膽固醇攝取少於300毫克。

6 The AHA recommendations
Being physically active; Avoiding use of and exposure to tobacco products. 作適量運動; 避免服用或接觸煙草產品。

7 The AHA recommendations
Eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables; Choose whole-grain, high-fiber foods; Eat fish, especially oily fish, at least 2 times a week; 吃進食水果和蔬菜; 選擇五穀, 高纖維食物; 吃魚, 特別是脂肪較多的魚, (至少2 次每星期進食一次)

8 Sugar Sugar is also implicated as a causative factor in type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney disease, liver disease, obesity, and depression, and is important in the growth of cancerous tumors。 糖 型糖尿病、骨質疏鬆、 腎病、 肝病、肥胖病和抑鬱, 及癌腫瘤有關

9 Bad Fat The goals for saturated fat and trans fat represent major changes in the dietary recommendations. 在飲食建議最主要的變化及改動是 : 針對目標為飽和脂肪和反式脂肪 。

10 Bad Fat To achieve these goals, the guidelines suggest reducing intake of animal fats by decreasing consumption of meat and dairy products and by cutting back on commercially baked and fried foods, such as crackers, French fries, cakes, pies, bread, and cookies. 建議減少肉和乳製品、 商業烘烤的和油煎的食物, 譬如餅乾、炸薯條、蛋糕、 批、麵包, 和曲奇餅

11 Trans fats 導致HDL (好) 膽固醇大幅下降,和LDL (壞) 膽固醇大幅昇高; 導致動脈硬化; 導致嚴重動脈堵塞;
cause significant and serious lowering of HDL (good) cholesterol and a significant and serious increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol; make the arteries more rigid; cause major clogging of arteries; 導致HDL (好) 膽固醇大幅下降,和LDL (壞) 膽固醇大幅昇高; 導致動脈硬化; 導致嚴重動脈堵塞;

12 Trans fats cause insulin resistance;
cause or contribute to type 2 diabetes; and cause or contribute to other serious health problems. 導致胰島素抗性; 引起或導致 2 型糖尿病; 並且引起或導致其它嚴重健康問題。

13 High trans fat diet the ability of the blood vessels to dilate was 29 percent lower in people who ate the high trans fat diet compared to those on the saturated fat diet. 比較進食高劑量飽和的油脂飲食的人, 在飲食中進食高劑量反式脂肪的人仕, 血管的舒張能力減少百分之29 。 De Roos, Bots and Katan: "Replacement of Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids by Trans Fatty Acids Lowers Serum HDL Cholesterol and Impairs Endothelial Function in Healthy Men and Women Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology": Journal of the American Heart Association, July 2001.]

14 High trans fat diet Blood levels of HDL cholesterol were 21 percent lower in the high trans fat group compared to the high saturated fat group. 比較進食大量飽和性脂肪的組別,進食大量反式脂肪組別人仕,血液水平的好膽固醇 (HDL) 減少百分之21 。 De Roos, Bots and Katan: "Replacement of Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids by Trans Fatty Acids Lowers Serum HDL Cholesterol and Impairs Endothelial Function in Healthy Men and Women Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology": Journal of the American Heart Association, July 2001.]

15 High trans fat diet ***a 2 percent increase in energy intake from trans fatty acids was associated with a 23 percent increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease.... ***增加攝取總熱量2 %的反式脂肪, 便會導致增加23 % 機會 患上冠心臟病的風險.... April 2006 New England Journal of Medicine

16 Trans fat Food 14g 15g 7g

17 7g 4.5g X 4 1.5g

18 Zero is not null ! "if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram [of trans fat], the content, when declared, shall be expressed as zero." “若然每份中含少於0.5克[ 反式脂肪], 食物營養標纖申報時候, 將會被表示為零克 。"

19 Accumulated damage One trillion molecules of oxygen go through each cell every day, inflicting about 100,000 free radical wounds on the DNA. 每天約有一兆個氧氣分子進出體內各個細胞, 帶來約100,000 個 在DNA 的游離基創傷 。

20 Accumulated damage **By age 30, a few million free radical lesions per cell exist in each of our body's cell. 到30歲時, 我們的身體內每一個細胞, 會有幾百萬個游離基帶來的破壞。

21 Self defense By age 50, about 30% of our cellular protein has been damaged by free radicals. 到50歲時, 我們的身體內約有 30% 細胞內的蛋白受到游離基襲擊破壞,導致永久性破壞。

22 Self defense *Our bodies protect themselves from free radicals by enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants *我們的身體依靠酵素和非酵素抗氧劑, 保護自己免受自由基破壞

23 How Cancer Develops Initiation (Phase 1):
When something (such as a free radical or carcinogen) alters a cell's genetic makeup, causing the cell to divide more frequently than it should.  開始 (階段1): 當某些東西(譬如游離基或致癌物質) 改變細胞的基因構成, 造成細胞加快複製。

24 How Cancer Develops Promotion (Phase 2):
When the damaged cell goes into uncontrolled growth. 促進 (階段2): 當受損壞的細胞 開始進入不受控制 的成長時候。

25 How Cancer Develops Progression (Phase 3):
When the tumor builds itself a blood supply network through angiogenesis and invades surrounding tissue. 發展 (階段3): 當腫瘤通過血管新生和 侵略周圍的組織發展自己的供血網路。

26 cancer prevention To limit the damage caused by substances which cause cell mutations To stop the random genetic mutation that results in cancer Cell mutation 細胞變異 限制由細胞變異引致的損傷 停止形成癌症的隨意基因變異

27 cancer prevention to intercept "free radicals" and errant oxygen molecules that are released during normal cellular metabolism (production of ATP) in order to prevent the damage they can do to cells and to trigger genetic mutations . 攔截〝游離基〞及中和在正常細胞新陳代謝時 釋放的(在ATP 的生產期間) 氧分子 防止它們損害細胞和觸發細胞基因變化。


29 How to flight free radical
The solution is to fight the free radicals with antioxidants such as selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, among others.  和游離基戰鬥要使用抗氧劑, 譬如硒、β- 胡蘿蔔素、維生素 E, 和維生素 C, 及其他抗氧劑。

30 How Antioxidants Fight Cancer
Vitamins A, C, and E, lipoic acid, glutathione, bioflavonoids, certain minerals, carotenoids, green tea (polyphenol), and tomatoes (lycopene) are antioxidants that neutralize free radical damage. 中和游離基的抗氧劑 : 維生素A 、C 、和E 、硫辛酸、谷胱甘肽 、生物類黃酮、某些礦物、類胡蘿卜素、綠茶(多酚), 和蕃茄 (番茄紅素) 。

31 How Antioxidants Fight Cancer
Phase 1 (Initiation Phase) produces enzyme to break down pro-carcinogens Garlic and Onion (allyl sulfides) limit the production of Phase 1 enzyme. 階段1 (開始階段) 生產酵素破壞致癌物質 大蒜和蔥(烯丙基硫化物) 能抑制階段1 的酵素生產。

32 How Antioxidants Fight Cancer
Phase 2 (Promotion Phase) produces enzymes, which remove residuals left behind by Phase 1 enzyme. Broccoli (sulforaphane) boosts production of phase 2 enzyme.  階段2 (促進階段) 生產酵素, 去除階段1酵素 未能完全處理的殘餘致癌物質。 西蘭花 (異硫氰酸鹽) 促進階段2 酵素的生產。

33 Antioxidant is the solution
Unfortunately, diet by itself cannot provide the amount of antioxidants needed for anti-aging purposes. ? ? 很不幸地, 單憑飲食 不能攝取足夠所需要份量 的抗氧劑,達到抗衰老的作用。

34 Dietary intake is not enough
400 IU vitamin E 2,000 mg vitamin C almost 5,000 calories of food, (mostly as fat.) 約進食五千卡路里食物 (大部份是油脂) about 30 oranges a day. 每天約30個橙

35 Antioxidant Enzymes Superoxide Dismutase Superoxide Catalase redical
Glutathione Peroxidase Hydrogen peroxide

36 Superoxide Dismutase Mn Zn
this enzyme contains a highly reactive form of oxygen which converts the very reactive free radical superoxide into hydrogen peroxide, with zinc and manganese acting as cofactors. Mn Zn 超氧歧化酶 這酵素含非常活躍的氧分子,利用鋅和錳作為輔助因子,將非常活躍的游離基超氧化物,轉化成過氧化氫。

37 Catalase Hydrogen peroxide is less reactive than superoxide, but is still somewhat unstable and able to cause the formation of free radicals. 過氧化氫比較超氧化物沒有那應活躍, 但仍然有些不穩定和能導致游離基的形成。

38 Catalase Catalase converts the hydrogen peroxide formed by superoxide dismutase, as well as other superoxides to oxygen and water. 過氧化氫酶 轉化由超氧歧化酶產生的過氧化氫, 以及其它超氧化物轉化為氧氣和水。

39 Catalase – antixodant enzyme

40 Glutathione Peroxidase
Glutathione removes peroxides that contribute to the formation of free radicals. Glutathione peroxidase converts highly reactive molecules like lipid peroxides into less reactive molecules. 谷胱甘肽 能清除導至自由基的過氧化物。 谷胱甘肽過氧化酶 將高度易反應的分子 如油脂過氧化物轉化成較不易反應的分子。

41 Glutathione protecting cells against the destructive effects of free radicals; detoxifying external substances such as drugs, environmental pollutants and carcinogens; maintaining cell membrane stability; 保護的細胞對抗游離基的破壞; 作解毒作用 (處理藥物、環境汙染物和致癌物質等); 維護的細胞膜的穩定和完整;

42 Glutathione regulating protein and DNA biosynthesis and cell growth;
enhancing immunologic function through its influence on lymphocytes; prostaglandin synthesis; and amino acid transport. 控制蛋白和DNA 生物合成和細胞生長; 提高免疫作用; (淋巴細胞 ; 前列腺素綜合; 及氨基酸運輸。)

43 Glutathione levels declined with age

44 High glutathione levels are related to increased survival and longer life,
lower levels are related to poorer health and a number of chronic degenerative diseases, heart disease, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, genitourinary, Gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal diseases, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), pre-eclampsia, cataracts, chronic renal failure, leukemia, respiratory diseases like COPD and a Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), hearing loss, and AIDS. Nuttall, S. L., Glutathione: In Sickness and in Health, The Lancet, February 28, 1998;351:

45 低谷胱甘肽水平與不健康和很多慢性退化疾病有關,
高谷胱甘肽水平與增加生存和長壽有關, 低谷胱甘肽水平與不健康和很多慢性退化疾病有關, 心臟病、關節炎、 高血壓、糖尿病, 癌症, 泌尿疾病, 食道和肌肉骨骼 疾病, 老年黃斑病變 (AMD), 白內障, 慢性腎衰竭, 白血病, 呼吸疾病, 聽覺喪失, 愛滋病。 Nuttall, S. L., Glutathione: In Sickness and in Health, The Lancet, February 28, 1998;351:

46 Glutathione vegetables
Foods that are high in glutathione include horseradish and such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts. 含較高谷胱甘肽的食物 包括辣根山葵和譬如花椰菜、西蘭花、 椰菜、白菜, 和抱子甘藍。

47 * * * Oxygen & Food Nutrient enter cell metabolism
3. Free radicals formed as waste from cell’s energy production * * * 4. Antioxidant enzymes & Nutrients convert free radicals to harmless waste 2. Cell produce ATP (Energy)

48 Glutathione boosters. N-acetyl cysteine, Lipoic acid, Grape seed extract, bilberry, and turmeric have all been shown to elevate glutathione. N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸 、 硫辛酸, 葡萄籽精華、越桔, 和薑黃都能提昇谷胱甘肽 。

49 Molecular Antioxidants
Vitamin E 維生素E Vitamin C 維生素C Bioflavonoids 生物類黃酮 Carotenoids 類胡蘿卜素 Minerals 礦物質

50 Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a very powerful water-soluble antioxidant that circulates freely within the plasma. Vitamin C plays a critical role in the recycling of vitamin E and other antioxidants. 維生素C 是在血液中自由地流通 非常強效的水溶性抗氧劑。 對活化維生素E 和其它抗氧劑十分重要。

51 Vitamin C: Smoking not only lowers vitamin C metabolism leading to lower plasma vitamin C levels, creates high levels of oxidative stress. 吸煙不僅降低維生素 C 新陳代謝, 導致血液中維生素 C 含量平降低, 更會引致大量氧化破壞。

52 Vitamin C: Vitamin C is particularly important for optimal immune function, eye health, cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention. 維生素C 對最佳免疫功能、 眼睛健康、癌症和預防心血管疾病 特別重要。

53 Vitamin E: LDL-cholesterols that are unprotected can become modified by the oxidative process. LDL(壞膽固醇) 沒有保護時, 會容易受到游離基氧化破壞。

54 Vitamin E: Once oxidized, LDL-cholesterol particles are taken up by macrophages leading to the formation of fatty streaks and ultimately atherosclerotic plaques. 一旦受到氧化破壞, LDL 膽固醇微粒會被巨噬細胞吞食, 導致肥膩條紋形成和最終形成動脈粥樣硬化的匾。

55 Vitamin E: This is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is transported primarily in LDL-cholesterol, where it functions to help prevent the oxidation of the fatty acids and proteins that comprise the LDL particle. 維生素E 這是脂溶抗氧劑,主要靠LDL 膽固醇運輸, 它幫助防止脂肪酸和蛋白質氧化破壞 保護LDL 膽固醇。

56 Vitamin E: Vitamin E protects LDL particles from oxidation and protects our vascular walls. 維生素E 保護LDL 膽固醇免受氧化破壞 和保護我們體內的血管牆壁。

57 Carotenoids: The carotenoids are a group of more than 500 different pigments found in plants. These include beta-carotene, leutin, lycopene and zeaxanthin. 類胡蘿卜素是在植物中由 超過500多種不同顏料組成。 這些類胡蘿卜素,包括 β- 胡蘿蔔素、 l葉黃素、番茄紅素和玉米黃素。 lycopene

58 Carotenoids: Certain forms of carotenoids are able to destroy a particularly damaging form of oxygen called singlet oxygen. beta-carotene 某些形式的類胡蘿卜素能消滅 一種特別具破壞性的氧分子--〝單線態氧〞 。

59 Carotenoids: A diet rich in carotenoids, two carotenoids in particular-- leutin and zeaxanthin, reduces the risk in many diseases, including cancer and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 飲食攝取豐富類胡蘿卜素, 特別是-- 葉黃素和玉米黃素, 能減少許多疾病, 包括癌症 和老年黃斑病變 (AMD) 風險。

60 Bioflavonoids: 生物類黃酮 Also known as flavonoids, 亦叫類黃酮 Isoflavones
黃鹼酮 Flavonols  黄酮醇

61 Bioflavonoids: Catechins 兒茶素 . Flavonones 黃烷酮 Proanthocyanidins  原花青素

62 Selenium, Zinc and Manganese
They function as cofactors for various antioxidant enzymes. For example, the enzyme superoxide dismutase catalyses the conversion of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. Se 它們的作用為各種抗氧化酵素的輔因子。 例如, 超氧歧化酶摧化超氧化物 轉化成過氧化氫。

63 Zn Cu Antioxidant Minerals
The cytosolic (within the cell, but outside the mitochondria) form of superoxide dismutase requires copper and zinc as cofactors, while the mitochondrial form of superoxide dismutase requires manganese. Cu 胞液的超氧歧化酶 (在細胞之內, 但在線粒體之外) 形式要求銅和鋅作為輔因子, 當超氧歧化酶的線粒體形式要求錳。 Zn

64 Cancer prevention strategy
should be started during youth, using lifestyle choices which minimize the body's exposure to free radicals and maximizes the body's exposure to circulating antioxidants. CANCER 應該青年時在開始, 減小受游離基破壞 及攝取充裕份量抗氧劑。

65 Cancer prevention strategy
It is never too late to start, the earlier you start, the better your chance of avoiding cancer. 那時開始,從來都不會太晚, 趁早開始, 趁能減少患上癌症的機會

66 Antioxidant Minerals Superoxide dismutase Copper Manganese Zinc
Glutathione peroxidase Selenium

67 produced in healthy cells
Normal Metabolism 抗氧化酵素 游離基 Normal level of Antioxidant enzyme produced in healthy cells Normal levels of Free Radicals ATP ATP Normal cell metabolism Oxygen Oxygen

68 produced in healthy cells
Under Stress Additional free radicals from stress 抗氧化酵素 壓力 Normal level of Antioxidant enzyme produced in healthy cells Normal levels of Free Radicals 游離基 ATP ATP ATP ATP cell metabolism Under STRESS Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen

69 Is Diet Enough ? Expo Info here J Am Coll Nutr, 1994

70 From Soil During The Past 100 Years, By Continent
Mineral Depletion 泥土礦物流失 - 72% - 85% - 76% - 74% - 76% - 55% From Soil During The Past 100 Years, By Continent

71 High Quality Supplements that provide comprehensive range of nutrients
Balanced Nutrition 均衡營養 High Quality Supplements that provide comprehensive range of nutrients +

72 With Quality Supplement
Additional antioxidant enzyme from dietary supplement Additional free radicals from stress 壓力 抗氧化酵素 Normal level of Antioxidant enzyme produced in healthy cells Normal levels of Free Radicals 游離基 ATP ATP ATP ATP cell metabolism Under STRESS Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen

73 Protect your body with the best supplement, EVERYDAY !

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