Systematic Review 系统评价 Ginkgo 银杏

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1 Systematic Review 系统评价 Ginkgo 银杏
中医药学循证医学文献阅读 Systematic Review 系统评价 Ginkgo 银杏

2 No Chinese as simple as one word 复杂学名记住中文即可
记忆医学术语方法之一 No Chinese as simple as one word 复杂学名记住中文即可

3 Glossary Ginkgo Biloba [5^iNk^Eu] 银杏树 maidenhair [5meIdEnheE] 掌叶铁线蕨
intention-to-treat analysis 意向治疗分析 neurotransmitter [7njuErEtrAns5mitE] 神经递质 bias [baiEs] prejudice 偏见 depression [di5preFEn] sadness 沮丧 抑郁 tinnitus [ti5naitEs] ringing in the ears 耳鸣 viscosity [vis5kCsiti] state of being thick 粘性

4 Ginkgo [5^iNk^Eu]

5 maidenhair 掌叶铁线蕨 (少女秀发蕨)

6 意向治疗分析

7 neurotransmitter [7njuErEtrAns5mitE]

8 Prejudice 偏见 Bias [baiEs]

9 Sadness 抑郁 Depression [di5preFEn]

10 Ringing in the ears 耳鸣Tinnitus [ti5naitEs]

11 State of being thick 粘性 viscosity [vis5kCsiti]

12 No Chinese as simple as one word Plain English (简朴英语)
记忆公共英语单词方法之一 No Chinese as simple as one word Plain English (简朴英语)

13 Glossary robust [rE5bQst] strong 精力充沛的
substantive [5sQbstEntiv] large 大量的 cognitive [5kC^nitiv] get to know 认知的 modification [7mCdifi5keiFEn] make change 修正 Unconfounded [kEn5faundid] not confuse 不糊涂的 inconsistent[7inkEn5sistEnt] contradictory 不一致

14 Strong 精力充沛的 Robust [rE5bQst]

15 Not confuse 不糊涂的 Unconfounded [kEn5faundid] 糊涂的 confounded

16 Contradictory 不一致 inconsistent shape [7inkEn5sistEnt]

17 Glossary Ginkgo Biloba Maidenhair Cognitive get to know Substantive
白果 (中文即可) Maidenhair 掌叶铁线蕨 (中文即可) Cognitive get to know Substantive large Amendment improve Depression sadness Tinnitus ringing in the ears Viscosity state of being thick

18 《医学英语新教程》 第30章 - p234 – 阅读16句子 Ginkgo 银杏

19 第30章 - p234 – 阅读16句子 Cochrane Library 系统综述文摘
《医学英语新教程》 第30章 - p234 – 阅读16句子 Cochrane Library 系统综述文摘

20 Learning Objectives of Systematic Review
To master Title Author Structure of SR Result Conclusion To know about Introduction Background Objective Search strategy 掌握

21 标题 (十分简洁) Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia
掌握 标题 (十分简洁) Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia 白果治疗认知损害与痴呆症(Cochrane系统综述)

22 标题 (十分简洁) Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia
掌握 标题 (十分简洁) Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia 白果治疗认知损害与痴呆症(Cochrane系统综述)

23 掌握 标题固定句式:中心词 + for 短语

24 当代(科技)医学英语特点 Controlled language

25 作者(≥2) Birks J Grimley Evans J
掌握 作者(≥2) Birks J Grimley Evans J

26 Cochrane Review ‖ Systematic Review Abstract

27 Structure of Cochrane Reveiw
Introduction Background Objective Search strategy Selection criteria Data collection and analysis Main results Review’s conclusion 掌握

28 Structure of Cochrane Reveiw
Introduction 引言 Background Objective Search strategy 检索策略 Selection criteria 选择标准 Data collection and analysis 数据收集与分析 Main results 主要结果 Review’s conclusion 综述者结论 掌握

29 引言 (修订,截至,被动) A substantive amendment to this systematic review was last made on 26 August 2002. 此系统综述的实质性修改截止2002年8月26日。

30 origin 起源 current status 现况 mechanism 机制
掌握 Background origin 起源 current status 现况 mechanism 机制

31 在中国,从掌叶铁钱蕨白果树叶精华作为传统药物,长期用于治疗各种疾病。
掌握 Background – origin Extracts of the leaves of the maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba, have long been used in China as a traditional medicine for various disorders of health. 在中国,从掌叶铁钱蕨白果树叶精华作为传统药物,长期用于治疗各种疾病。

32 掌握 Background – status② A standardized extract is widely prescribed in Germany and France for the treatment of a range of conditions including memory and concentration problems, confusion, depression, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus and headache.

33 一种广泛用于德国与法国的标准萃取物可治疗多种疾病,包括记忆与思想集中病症、意识模糊、抑郁、焦虑、头晕、耳鸣与头痛。
掌握 背景 – 现况② 一种广泛用于德国与法国的标准萃取物可治疗多种疾病,包括记忆与思想集中病症、意识模糊、抑郁、焦虑、头晕、耳鸣与头痛。

34 Background- mechanism③
掌握 Background- mechanism③ The mechanisms of action are thought to reflect the action of several components of the extract and include increasing blood supply by dilating blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, modification of neurotransmitter systems, and reducing the density of oxygen free radicals.

35 有人认为,若干成分的作用机制是扩张血管、降低血液粘滞度、改善神经递质系统,以及减少氧游离基密度而增加血供
掌握 背景 – 机制③ 有人认为,若干成分的作用机制是扩张血管、降低血液粘滞度、改善神经递质系统,以及减少氧游离基密度而增加血供

36 3.Objective - explicit 鲜明
掌握 3.Objective - explicit 鲜明 The aim of the review is to assess the efficacy and safety of Ginkgo biloba for the treatment of patients with dementia or cognitive decline. 本综述目标是评估白果治疗痴呆症或认知功能减退的有效性与安全性。

37 Search strategy – 3T Time Types Terms

38 Trial were identified on 26 June 2002 through a search of the CDCIG……
Strategy – Time & Types Trial were identified on 26 June 2002 through a search of the CDCIG……

39 synonym 同义词 & asterisk *
The search terms used were ginkgo*, tanakan, EGB-761, EGB761 and "EGB 761". 所用检索术语为 ginkgo*、 tanakan、 EGB-761、 EGB761与 “EGB 761”。

40 Selection criteria - phrase+ clause
All relevant, unconfounded, randomized, double-blind controlled studies, in which extracts of Ginkgo biloba at any strength and over any period were compared with placebo for their effects on people with acquired cognitive impairment, including dementia, of any degree of severity.

41 收录所有与白果萃取物(任何浓度与任何疗程)治疗获得性认知损害(包括任何类型的痴呆症)相关的正规随机双盲安慰剂对照研究文献。
收录标准 收录所有与白果萃取物(任何浓度与任何疗程)治疗获得性认知损害(包括任何类型的痴呆症)相关的正规随机双盲安慰剂对照研究文献。

42 collection & analysis - meta
Data for the meta-analyses are based on reported summary statistics for each study. 供荟粹分析分析的资料取自每个研究的发表总结性统计。

43 Division (benefit): 5-7 (the same sentence pattern)
掌握 Main results – 先总后分 General: 1-4 Division (benefit): (the same sentence pattern) Summary (adverse): 8-9

44 在总体上,接受白果与安慰剂受试者的不良反应事件无显著差异。
掌握 Main results – 先总 – 概括 Overall, there are no significant differences between Ginkgo and placebo in the proportion of participants experiencing adverse events. 在总体上,接受白果与安慰剂受试者的不良反应事件无显著差异。

45 掌握 Main results – 先总 - meta There are benefits (主语) associated with Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at less than 12 weeks (54/63 showed improvement compared with 20/63, OR 15.32, 95% CI 5.90 to 39.80, P=<0.0001).

46 Results – 统计判断 掌握 a/b 效应概率 阳性数/总数-54/63 OR(优势比) 阳性概率/阴性概率 小样本-数越大,优势比大
大样本-数字小,优势比也大 95% CI(可信区间) 无零,数字大,显著; 有零,≥0 即显著 P值 0.05 > P > 0.01显著意义 ≤ 0.001极显著意义

47 掌握 Main results -先总 - meta 与安慰剂对照组相比,至少在12周以内显示白果(剂量>200mg/日)相关效益(56/43 比20/63,优势比15.32,95%可信区间5.90至39.80,P=<0.0001)。

48 Main results – 3 division
掌握 Main results – 3 division Division – 后分(疗效) Cognition shows… (different data.) Activities show… // . Measures of mood show …// .

49 Main results – division -meta
掌握 Main results – division -meta There are benefits (主语) associated with Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at less than 12 weeks (54/63 showed improvement compared with 20/63, OR 15.32, 95% CI 5.90 to 39.80, P=<0.0001).

50 same pattern with different subjects and data
掌握 same pattern with different subjects and data Cognition shows benefit for Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at 12 weeks (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -1.09, -0.05, P=0.03, random effects model).

51 same pattern with different subjects and data
掌握 same pattern with different subjects and data Activities shows benefit for Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at 12 weeks (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -1.09, -0.05, P=0.03, random effects model).

52 same pattern with different subjects and data
掌握 same pattern with different subjects and data Measures of mood… shows benefit for Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at 12 weeks (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -1.09, -0.05, P=0.03, random effects model).

53 当代(科技)医学英语特点 Controlled language

54 Reviewers‘ conclusions
掌握 Reviewers‘ conclusions Merits Imperfect Prospect

55 Reviewers‘ conclusions – 优点
掌握 Reviewers‘ conclusions – 优点 Ginkgo biloba appears to be safe in use with no excess side effects compared with placebo. 应用白果相对安慰剂无过度副作用,显得(似乎)安全。

56 Reviewers‘ conclusions – 说明
掌握 Reviewers‘ conclusions – 说明 Many of the early trials used unsatisfactory methods, were small, and we cannot exclude publication bias. 许多早期试验应用效果不满意者多为小型研究,综述者不能排除论文偏倚。

57 Reviewers' conclusions -优点
掌握 Reviewers' conclusions -优点 Overall there is promising evidence of improvement in cognition and function associated with Ginkgo. 总体上讲,白果改善认知与功能依据前景良好。

58 Reviewers‘ conclusions – 不足
掌握 Reviewers‘ conclusions – 不足 However, the three more modern trials show inconsistent results. 然而,有3个以上当代临床试验的结果不一致。

59 Reviewers’ conclusions – 展望
掌握 Reviewers’ conclusions – 展望 There is need for a large trial using modern methodology and permitting an intention-to-treat analysis to provide robust estimates of the size and mechanism of any treatment effects. 尚需应用现代的方法学与“意向治疗分析”大型临床试验,以提供任何治疗效应大小的有力依据与机制。

60 Summary – key points 掌握 Title: 干预 + for + 病症
Author : ≥ 2, independently Structure of SR: 8 sections Conclusion: merits; imperfect; prospect

61 Collection and analysis Reviewer’s conclusion
结构式文摘与系统综述文摘比较 MIAs Cochrane Review 1 Introduction 2 Background 3 Objective 4 Design Search strategy 5 Subjects Selection criteria Setting 6 Intervention Collection and analysis 7 Results Main result 8 conclusion Reviewer’s conclusion

62 Collection and analysis Reviewer’s conclusion
系统综述文摘-洋八股 MIAs Cochrane Review 1 Introduction 2 Background 3 Objective 4 Design Search strategy 5 Subjects Selection criteria Setting 6 Intervention Collection and analysis 7 Results Main result 8 conclusion Reviewer’s conclusion

63 Result: Sentence Pattern
掌握 Result: Sentence Pattern There are benefits (主语) associated with A (dose 剂量) compared with B at (weeks 时间) (+/all showed improvement compared with +/all, OR ?, 95% CI ? to ?, P ≤?).

64 To save or cancel TCM? 鲁迅?梁启超? 何祚庥院士 张功耀

65 反驳无一提到循证医学依据

66 Significance 国外循证医学依据证明客观评定中医

67 Thank You 杨明山 制作

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