Mobile IP Mar.14,’03 B 黃品甄 B 范哲瑋.

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1 Mobile IP Mar.14,’03 B89901002 黃品甄 B89901018 范哲瑋

2 前言 為什麼要介紹 Mobile IP 因為行動通訊是近來所熱門的話題 然而 Mobile IP 是一種配合行動通訊幫助處理 IP 的技術

3 Outline Introduction to Internet Protocol Terminology in Mobile IP The Mechanism of Mobile IP Discussion and Conclusions

4 Introduction to IP IP 是什麼 IP 就是 Internet Protocol 顧名思義就是一種協定 主要負責分割封包 及 擇路

5 IP 的位置及特色 IP 位於 OSI 分層中的網路層 網路層負責把封包送到目的地 IP 有著 不可靠 盡力傳送 的特色 最重要的特色 IP address 也是一樣有架構分層性的喔

6 想一想 如果我們去旅行了 是不是就收不到給我們的 信呢 所以就要有一個方法 也就是 Mobile IP

7 介紹 Mobile IP 的名詞 (1) Mobile Host/Node Home Network Home Address Home Agent

8 介紹 Mobile IP 的名詞 (2) Foreign Network Foreign Address Foreign Agent Care of Address

9 How Mobile IP Works 取得 Care-of Address(Discovering the Care- of Address)

10 How Mobile IP Works 取得 Care-of Address(Discovering the Care- of Address) 註冊 Care-of Address (Registering Care-of Address)

11 How Mobile IP Works 取得 Care-of Address(Discovering the Care- of Address) 註冊 Care-of Address (Registering Care-of Address) 認證 Authentication

12 How Mobile IP Works 取得 Care-of Address(Discovering the Care- of Address) 註冊 Care-of Address (Registering Care-of Address) 認證 Authentication 傳送封包到 Care-of Address(Tunneling to the Care-of Address)

13 Discovery of Care-of Address Agent Advertisement every broadcasting period Agent Solicitation if the mobile node does not wish to wait for a period

14 Registering of the Care-of Address Binding : Home Address, Care-of Address, Registration Lifetime

15 Authentication Binding Update: When Changing Position or Registration LifeTime Expires Binding Update require a “key” The Identification Field contains: Timestamps 32-bit Random Number

16 Tunneling to the Care-of Address

17 Problems facing Mobile IP Routing Inefficiencies : Triangular Routing of Data Security Issues: FireWall

18 Prospect of IPv6 No need for Foreign Agent No Triangular Routing Problem Stateless AutoConfiguration Neighbor Discovery Directly Binding with the Node in communication

19 Conclusion Interoperability testing sessions have indicated that the Mobile IP specification is sound, implementable, and of diverse interest throughout the community.

20 Reference “Mobile Networking Through Mobile IP” by Charles E. Perkins Sun Microsystems 6133K.htm

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