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Appreciating Cinema.

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1 Appreciating Cinema

2 Chapter Narrative

3 Narrative, Story & Plot ·Narrative The way in which a story is told.
·Story All the events that we see and hear, plus all those that we infer or assume to have occurred,arranged in their presumed causal relations,chronological order,duration,frequency,and spatial locations. ·Plot All the events that are directly presented to us.including their causal relations,chronological order,duration,frequency,and spatial locations.

4 The Basic Stories Writers have argued that there are a limited number of stories that form the basis for ALL fictional narratives. These stories have been named Achilles (阿喀琉斯), Candide (憨第德), Cinderella (灰姑娘), Circe (喀尔刻), Faust (浮士德), Orpheus (俄尔普斯), Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶), Tristan (特里斯坦), and the Wandering Jew (流浪的犹太人). They can occur alone or in combination.

5 Achilles 阿喀琉斯 The “Achilles” story is the story of the seemingly invulnerable (不会受伤的,无懈可击的) hero with a fatal flaw. Classical tragedy is usually a variant of the Achilles story. (Example: Superman《超人》) “阿基里斯腱(Achilles Tendon)”,就是指我们的跟腱。传说中阿基里斯一出生就被母亲——海中女神塞提斯抓住脚踝倒吊着浸入冥河的水里,从此刀枪不入,但是脚踝由于没浸到河水,于是成了阿基里斯唯一的弱点——真想不通他妈妈为什么不把两只手分别松一松,可能阿基里斯生为凡人,注定不能像神一样完美吧。 超人几乎刀枪不入:超人的外号之一是Man of Steel。他的身体刀枪不入,能在华氏 10,000,000度的高温中生存。另外在身体周围会自然张开一道力场,让他的衣服不会因为攻击而破损。不过却会因为纯能量体而受伤。虽然魔法一般来说对他无效,但是也可能会造成更大的伤害。 弱点:氪星 〔超人故乡〕上的一种矿石,称“克利普顿石”,有分为红、绿两色,绿色可让超人精神虚弱,红色使超人呈现疯狂状态,并引发出邪恶的一面 ,取材自贵气体元素氪。

6 Candide 憨第德/天真汉 The story of the innocent abroad, the naively optimistic hero who triumphs contrary to all expectations. (Examples: Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》, Mr. Bean《憨豆先生》, A Beautiful Mind《美丽心灵》,Indiana Jones《印第安那·琼斯》) The tale begins in the castle of the Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh in Westphalia, home to the Baron's naive bastard nephew Candide and the Baron's daughter, Lady Cunégonde. The philosopher Dr. Pangloss, tutor to Candide and Cunégonde, teaches them that they live in the "best of all possible worlds" and that "all is for the best”. One day, Candide is evicted from the castle after kissing Cunégonde. Candide, forced to travel extensively, endures a number of extremely unfortunate hardships, and witnesses worse, yet holds on to his optimism for a comically long period of time.

7 Cinderella 灰姑娘 The story of the “dream comes true”: Goodness and virtue are despised at the beginning but recognized at last. The protagonist of the Cinderella story usually begins in a lowly position but, through his good nature, convinces all doubters (怀疑者) and is rewarded. (Example: Pretty woman《漂亮女人》)

8 Circe 喀尔刻 The “Chase” story in which an innocent victim is pursed by the villain, until the villain is defeated by the potential victim. Often this story takes the form of the temptress (诱惑男人的女性) ensnaring (诱捕) the love-stuck (被爱情冲昏了头的) male; it has often been vividly described as “the spider and the fly”. It is the basis of horror films, thrillers, and film noir. (Examples: Fatal Attraction《致命吸引力》, the Alien films《异形》系列) Circe应该是意大利语,音译为“喀尔刻”,英文读音音译为“瑟丝”。她是太阳神赫利俄斯和海中仙女珀耳塞的女儿。她能用药物和咒语把人变成狼、狮子和猪。希腊英雄奥德修斯等途径埃挨厄岛时,她曾把奥德修斯的同伴变成猪。但奥德修斯受到神奇的摩利草的保护,迫使她恢复了他们的原形。 星际航船 “诺史莫”号是一艘载有7名船员的大型 商业运输船。它正带着大量的矿石返回地球。中途时处 在休眠状态的船员被主电脑唤醒,原来飞船接收到一组信号,根据接到的指令,他们必须改变航行,追查事情 原由,适当采取援救活动。 信号是由一个原始星球上发出的,那里的大气无法供生物生存。派到地面的分队成员发现了一艘航船残骸, 船员早已死亡,成为化石。但在底舱却发现了许多类似 虫卵的大圆球,它们被一层射线保护住,似乎还有生命 活动。而此时在母船上的第三指挥官里普利中尉却已破 译出信号,那并不是求救而表示一种警告,但已来不及 了。卵中的生物袭击了一名队员,破坏了他的防护服, 并停留在人的脸上,船上的科学家阿休试图切开它,不 料它流出的血的竟是一种可怕的强腐蚀酸液。正在人们 一筹莫展时,一天后,它却突然死了,体内的酸液被中 和而外壳却逐渐硅化成一个坚不可破的装甲。 好景不长,更糟的事发生了。原来这种外星异形生 物根本没有死,它潜入了人体作茧,在里面长成后杀死 寄主存活。面对这种可怕的生物,船员开始分散去找它 并消灭它,不料它却已长成一个巨大的异形怪物。船员 一个个地被它吞吃掉,而里普利却发现主电脑有问题, 它被输入了一些奇怪的指令。原来这次航行是公司预谋 的,目的是带回外星生物作研究,并以牺牲全体船员的 代价执行,阿休正是派来执行任务的人造人。里普利设 法杀死了阿休,并决定弃船以毁灭异形。就在穿梭机离 开母船后, 自毁程序启动, 然而异形却已经在穿梭机 上,里普利用排物管道,将异形放逐到太空,然后进入了休眠。

9 Faust 浮士德 The story of an individual who sells his soul to the devil, enjoys a brief period of power and prosperity, but eventually is called upon to repay the debt. The Faust story can also take the form of the dark secret that can never be completely suppressed, or the personal history that cannot be evaded. (Example: Wall Street《华尔街》) Wall Street Paull Bud是纽约大学的毕业生,华尔街的失意经纪人。在一次和大老板Gekko的面谈之后,改变了自己的生活。他为Gekko寻找内幕消息,成功获知了另一位投资人Lerry要收购ANC Steel的信息,帮助Gekko赚了一大笔钱。并成为了他的合伙人之一。Bud从Gekko那里学了很多,包括操纵股市和孙子兵法。最后在收购他父亲工作了一辈子的Blue Star Airline一案中,Bud和Gekko产生了“兴趣上的严重冲突”。以其人之道还其人之身,Bud用Gekko教的反击了Gekko,并挽救了Blue Star。但也因为操纵股市而入狱……

10 Orpheus 俄尔普斯 The story of the gift that is taken away. The gift could be something personal, a loved one, an ability of some kind, everything valuable in life, or even life itself. The story can focus on the tragedy of the loss itself or the search that follows the loss. (Example: Born on the Fourth of July 《出生于七月四日》) 天琴座 (Lary) 的琴, 是音乐家奥菲斯 (Orpheus)携带的那把竖琴。奥菲斯的 父亲是太阳与音乐之神阿波罗 (Apollo), 母亲是歌唱女神卡莉欧碧 (Calliope), 奥菲斯成为希腊的音乐天才自是理所当然。 传说他边弹奏竖琴边唱歌时, 不但是人, 就连山野中的动物也听得入迷, 岩石也变得柔软。奥菲斯爱上泉精尤丽黛 (Eurydice),两人接受众神的祝福结了婚, 但是快乐的新婚生活并未维持长久, 有一天 尤丽黛与朋友在草原上散步, 脚突然被毒蛇咬到, 就这样死去。 奥菲斯悲痛欲绝, 左思右想不知道如何使尤丽黛复活, 最後只好不顾一切带著竖琴前往阴间。阴间凶猛的守门犬克贝鲁斯 (Cerberus) 和冷漠的冥河渡船夫, 都被奥菲斯的悲歌感动, 特别让他这个活人通过。奥菲斯来到冥王普鲁陀 (Pluto)面前, 弹著竖琴, 唱出心事, 请求冥王让妻子再度回到地上 (阳间)。普鲁陀最初冷冷地拒绝, 後来也被他的热情所感动, 应允他的要求。普鲁陀吩咐奥菲斯离开阴间前不可回头看,以作为归还妻子的条件。奥菲斯高兴得不得了, 带领尤丽黛往地上走。地底的路很长, 奥菲斯逐渐担心起来。为什麽听不到尤丽黛的脚步声? 当他看到地上的光亮时, 忍不住回头, 转瞬间, 尤丽黛只发出轻轻的叫声, 就又被拉回了阴间。奥菲斯疯狂地在妻子後面追赶, 但是这次连冥河的渡船夫也不让他渡河了。奥菲斯失意地弹著竖琴, 徘徊在山野间。 追逐尤丽黛幻影的他不近女色, 困而招致色雷斯 (Thracia)女子的怨恨, 她们在酒神节的夜里, 将他折磨至死, 然後把尸体抛弃河中。 奥菲斯的竖琴独自奏出悲伤的曲调, 顺流而下, 不久渡海漂流到来兹波斯岛 (Lesbos), 被岛上的人拾起, 献於阿波罗神庙, 悲恸爱子之死的阿波罗, 便将竖琴拿到天上, 加在星座上。

11 Romeo and Juliet The classic “star-crossed lovers (命运不佳的情侣)” story in which a major obstacles stands in the way of true love. (Examples: Shakespeare in Love 《恋爱中的莎士比诬》, Ghost 《人鬼情未了》)

12 Tristan 特里斯坦 The love triangle: A man loves a woman, but one of them is already involved with someone (or something else). The “third party” in the relationship is usually a person, but it may be something more abstract (e.g. a cause, a mission, a destiny). (Example: The Graduate《毕业生》, Tristan & Isolde 《王者之心》) 主角TRISTAN在一次战争中受伤,众人以为他已战死,已国王之礼行葬,女主角ISOLDE在海边发现TRISTAN并救治好他,两人堕入爱河。   TRISTAN回到自己国家,代表国王MARKE参加爱尔兰王为离间英格兰各部落而举行的比武招亲,奖品就是公主。当TRISTAN赢得比武后,发现公主竟是ISOLDE,但他信守承诺将ISOLDE带回英格兰嫁给MARKE为妻。   TRISTAN与ISOLDE终究无法抑制彼此的爱,两人开始偷情,这被另一个部落领主WICTRED发现,为了当上英格兰王,WICTRED与爱尔兰王勾结,在MARKE加冕日揭发了TRISTAN和ISOLDE的奸情。   当MARKE得知TRISTAN和ISOLDE之间的事后,他原谅了他们,并让两人离去。这时爱尔兰王和WICTRED的军队正向MARKE的城堡攻来。   WICTRED在MARKE的外甥MELOT的带领下从秘密地道进入城堡内部并准备放下吊桥让爱尔兰军队进入,这时TRISTAN返回城堡并阻止了WICTRED的阴谋,战斗中TRISTAN受了致命伤。   MARKE和TRISTAN打开城堡大门,号召英格兰各部落团结一心,摆脱爱尔兰王的统治,在英格兰各部落的齐心协力下,赶走了爱尔兰军队。   战后,MARKE统一了英格兰,保持和平直到他的离逝。ISOLDE赶来见到TRISTAN最后一面。   纵观全片,战争场面并没有令人印象深刻,着重点显然放在了TRISTAN和ISOLDE的爱情上,正如片中TRISTAN所说:“Idon't know if life is greater than death. But love was more than either."

13 The Wandering Jew 流浪的犹太人
The “Wandering Jew” is the story of the persecuted or alienated traveler who will never return home. (Examples: The English Patient《英国病人》, Apocalypse Now 《现代启示录》 )

14 The Basic Stories Achilles (阿喀琉斯), Candide (憨第德), Cinderella (灰姑娘),
Circe (喀尔刻), Faust (浮士德), Orpheus (俄尔普斯), Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶), Tristan (特里斯坦), the Wandering Jew (流浪的犹太人).

15 Combining the Basic Stories: Casablanca
It has been argued that there is one film that combines all of the basic stories, and that is Casablanca. In Casablanca, Rick is an expatriate (移居国外者) living as a bar owner in World War Two Morocco – a bitter cynic and a flawed (有缺陷的) hero (Achilles)

16 Combining the Basic Stories: Casablanca
Then Elsa arrives – an old flame (旧爱,旧情人), and the deep root of his cynicism (玩世不恭) and discontent. Rick had once loved Elsa deeply, when they were together in Paris, but lost her ; although he still loves her, she is now married to another man, Victor Lazlo, who is a leader of the resistance against the Nazis (Romeo and Juliet) (Tristan)

17 Combining the Basic Stories: Casablanca
Nevertheless, she uses her feminine charms to entice (引诱) Rick to aid her husband’ cause against his own self-interest Unable to ignore their past , Rick accepts his obligation to Elsa and agrees to help Lazlo escape to America. He has lost twice to Lazlo – in the first place because he has lost Elsa, and secondly because he surrenders his own letter of transit (签证) to the USA to Elsa’s husband . (Circe) (Faust) (Orpheus)

18 Combining the Basic Stories: Casablanca
Nevertheless, Rick has had the capacity to triumph contrary to expectations ; his inner goodness has emerged as he sacrifices his own happiness to join the struggle against Nazi Germany Rick is thus destined to continue his exile in Morocco – he is, after all, a displaced (背井离乡的) wanderer at heart . (Candide) (Cinderella) (Wandering Jew)

19 Combining the Basic Stories
Hollywood producers know that the more of these basic stories can be combined in a film, the more the film will be appreciated – and the better will be the box-office sales (票房收入). State which of the nine stories from the basis for the film The lord of the Rings.?

20 The Classic Hollywood Narrative System (CHNS)
The Hero/Protagonist Cause and Effect Omniscient Narration (全知叙述) Motivation Elision (省略) Narrative Closure

21 The Classic Three-Act Linear Structure
The majority of Hollywood films employ the classic three—act linear structure (or a variation of it). By no means all films will adhere to this structure.and those that do will do so flexibly.Nevertheless, most Hollywood scriptwriters are familiar with the structure and acknowledge its importance.

22 The Classic Three-Act Linear Structure
Time Function Act 1 0-30 minutes Set-up 铺垫 Act 2 30-90 minutes Development (conflict and confrontation) Act 3 minutes Resolution and Denouement (结局)

23 The Classic Three—Act Linear Structure
Approximate Time Event Function 1 0-5 minutes The Hook (引子) Grabs attention of audience 2-5 minutes The Key Line(主线) Poses question to be explored 15 minutes Inciting incident(引发性事件) Incident that disturbs life of protagonist 30 minutes Turning Point 1 Crisis for protagonist (i.e. protagonist takes first decisive action in pursuit of goal)

24 The Classic Three—Act Linear Structure
Approximate Time Event Function Act 2 60 minutes Point of No Return不可返回点 Protagonist becomes truly committed致力于 to goal 90 minutes Turning Point 2 Crisis for protagonist (results in temporary setback挫折) Act 3 105 minutes Climax Peak emotional moment; protagonist faces greatest challenge minutes Resolution/ Denouement Protagonist evaluates what has happened

25 Alternative Narrative Structure
Episodic narratives 章回式结构 Hero‘s journey Structure 英雄的旅程结构 1.Call to Adventure 2.Journey through Unfamiliar World 3.Supreme Ordeal严酷的考验 4.Reward 5.Return and Reintegration重新整合into Society

26 Subplots The relationship between main plot and subplots Complementary
Contradictory Setup Complicating

27 Momentum(推动力) Momentum is the forward movement necessary for the audience to maintain its interest in the narrative -- put simply,momentum is what keeps US watching. Scriptwriters and directors employ a number of devices to generate momentum in their films:suspense,subtext (潜台词),stake-raising(风险递进),and pacing.

28 Momentum Suspense 悬念 Subtext 潜台词 Stake-raising 风险递进 Pacing 节奏

29 Pacing “High” Pace “Low” Pace Fast-Tempo 速度Scenes Low-Tempo Scenes
Short Scene Length镜头时间短 Long Scene Length Plot/Dramatic Scenes Theme/Character/Mood Scenes Non-Dialogue (I.e. action) Scenes Dialogue (I.e. non-action) Scenes Noise Quiet Real Time Meditative Flashback沉思式的倒叙/Flashforward幻想 Urban Settings Rural Settings

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