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Unit 5 Warming up & listening.

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1 Unit 5 Warming up & listening

2 Questions •What are they?Where are they taken ? London bridge

3 • What are they?Where are they taken ?

4 •What are they?Where are they taken ?
The Big Ben

5 Buckingham Palace Sao Paul Cathedral British museum

6 Greenwich Royal Observatory

7 sports David Beckham

8 The Union Jack

9 John Bull Uncle Sam

10 John Bull (England) tries to presuade a reluctant Uncle Sam (United States) to cross the Atlantic and join the war

11 英文词汇趣典 “山姆大叔”与“约翰牛” Uncle Sam是美国政府拟人化的称呼,汉译作“山姆大叔”。漫画里他总是以一个老人出现,身体瘦长,身穿燕尾服,头戴花旗高帽,下巴长着灰胡子。画家最喜欢用他来讽刺美国的对外政策。 Uncle Sam这个绰号的起源,有以下几个说法。 1812年左右,在纽约州特洛伊地区,军队的供应品上,都打上U.S.(United States缩略)字样,人们将这缩略附会为Uncle Sam 。Uncle Sam一词,就流行起来,这是说法之一。

12 也有人说,当时真的有一个名叫Sam Wilson的肉商,负责向军队提供物资,所
以 美军肉桶上印有U.S. 字样,就是的Uncle Sam简称。 另有一说,Uncle Sam来自United States的写法。究竟孰真孰假,已无从查考了。 山姆叔叔代表美国,代表英国的则是John Bull ,另一个更通俗传神的译名是《约翰牛》。“牛”在这里并不代表粗鲁,而是暗喻生命力强。 1712年,英国作家John Arbuthnot 出版了他的“约翰牛传”(The History Of John Bull ),书中将英国拟人化,主角约翰牛,性格顽强刚毅 ,代表英国民族。从此,英国人就有了“约翰牛”这个绰号,不过有人也据此描画出英国人 固执强硬的另一面。 作者:何永利

13 Do you know how many parts the UK is made up of ?
Scotland (northern Ireland) England Britain the UK Wales (the Republic of Ireland) the British Isles

14 Scotland Edinburgh Northern Ireland Belfast England Dublin Wales
Atlantic Scotland S Isle of Man Edinburgh Northern Ireland Belfast England Dublin Wales Republic of Ireland Cardiff London Irish Sea France English Channel

15 in Scotland lies ____ the north of Britain, while England lies in the ___________. Wales lies ____ the west of England while Ireland lies ____ the west of England. southwest to off

16 and __________. The island west of Britain is called ____________.
The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the west coast of Europe. The largest island is called Britain, which is made up of ___________ ,__________, and __________. The island west of Britain is called ____________. Between Britain and Ireland, in the Irish Sea, lies _________________________. Scotland England Wales Ireland the Isle of Man

17 How much do you know about the UK?
1.location of UK 3.sports and literature 5.architecture in UK 6.languages 7.places of interest 8. newspapers

18 London Cambridge Oxford

19 Liverpool Birmingham Edinburgh

20 Shakespeare John Donne (1564-1616) John Milton (1572-1631) (1608-1674)
William Wordsworth ( ) John Keats ( ) George Gordon Byron ( )

21 Newton gravity of the Earth Stephen Hawking

22 Suppose you are a British, and your partner is a Chinese student who want to visit the UK. Can you be his/ her guide to introduce your motherland?

23 Discussion 1、Do you think small countries have better developing chances than big countries? Or big one has better chances than small one? 2、Do island nations have more advantages than other countries? 3、Do you think the restrict(限制) of geography is an important reason for a country to develop?

24 Do island nations have advantages over other countries?

25 Tips on agreement and disagreement Don’t you think that…
Tips on agreement and disagreement Don’t you think that…? I don’t think that’s right… I don’t think so. You must be mistaken… No, you are wrong thinking that… I’m afraid you’re wrong… Aren’t you confusing…? I’m not so sure about that… Surely it must be…. Yes, you are right, but… Yes, I agree with you. I believe that you’ve got it right.

26 Which countries have better chances to become rich, small countries, big countries or island countries? Useful Expressions Don’t you think that …? I don’t think that’s right … I don’t think so. You must be mistaken … I’m afraid you’re wrong … Aren’t you confusing …? I’m not sure about that … Surely it must be … Yes, you are right, but … Yes, I agree with you.

27 National University of Ireland, Dublin

28 Listening

29 A. England B. Ireland C. Scotland D. Wales
First listening and answer: Where is the school? A. England B. Ireland C. Scotland D. Wales 2. How many days should they go to school ? 3. How long is one lesson? Five days 50 minutes

30 Lunch is from ____ ____ ___ till one o’clock.
Second listening and fill in the blanks: Lunch is from ____ ____ ___ till one o’clock. On Monday and Tuesday they are ______ ___ a class of ___ _____ at the language lab. 3. The language lab is open from _____ a.m. to ________ p.m. half past twelve 50 followed by minutes 8:30 8:00

31 Listen to the tape and tick the sentences which are true.
( ) 1.The Conversation Workshop is taught on Wednesday afternoon. ( ) 2.Classes in the computer lab are taught during the third lesson every day. ( ) 3.Reading is taught in two classes on Friday morning. ( ) 4.The library is open on Saturday from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. ( ) 5.Dave teaches classes in the computer lab.

32 Dave Reading Flora language lab Andrew Language study
Listen to the last paragraph and match Dave Reading Flora language lab Andrew Language study Julia Conversation

33 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30am 10:20am 10:30am
Language Study 10:20am 10:30am 11:20am 11:30am 12:20am 12:30pm Lunch 1:00pm 2:50pm 3:00pm 3:50pm

34 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
1.What do you have to do if you cannot come to school on Tuesday? Call Dave half an hour before class begins. 2.What do you do in the classes of skills practice? Practice listening and speaking. 3.What are the opening hours of the language lab? From 8:00 am till 8:00 pm on weekdays.

35 Homework: Find more information in relation to the UK and Ireland on the Internet.

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