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透過blockchain和RFID建立一個Agri-food 可追蹤供應鏈系統 Feng Tian Vienna University

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1 An Agri-food Supply Chain Traceability System For China Based on RFID & Bloclkchain Technology
透過blockchain和RFID建立一個Agri-food 可追蹤供應鏈系統 Feng Tian Vienna University Vienna, Austria th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM)

2 Outline Introduction Literature Review
Conceptual Framework of the Agri-food supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages The Building Process Conclusion

3 Introduction Background: With worldwide food scandal of China, Chinese starts paying more attention to food safety and quality. Situation: As a large agricultural country, the annual demand for fruits and vegetables is around 730 million tons in China. Since these agri-foods are highly perishable, their requirements for the temperature and humidity of the environment in logistics process are very rigorous. Fact: Backward agri-food logistics system =>25%-30% agri-food loss ration per year =><3% in the developed countries like Europe and America Solution: this paper is to establish an agri-food supply chain traceability system based on RFID and blockchain technology for helping improve food safety and quality as well as loss ratio in the logistics process. 背景: 因為近年中國來聞名全球的食安問題,像是地勾由, 蘇丹紅, 三聚氰胺毒奶粉, 牛肉裡參有碼肉, 導致中國人開始注重食品安全和品質 目前狀況: 中國是一個農業大國, 他的蔬菜及水果的年需求約730百萬噸, 而因為這些農產品通常易壞, 所以他們在物流上的環境控制非常嚴苛重要, 而物流方面的實際狀況是: 落後的物流技術常常導致高達25-30%的農產品年損失率, 一般在已發展國家是小於3%的 本篇提供了一個解決想法: 即運用RFID 和 BLOCKCHAIN來減少loss ration和增進食品安全和品質

4 Outline Introduction Literature Review
Conceptual Framework of the Agri-food supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages The Building Process Conclusion

5 Literature Review -1 Supply chain improvement: [5] developed a dynamic planning method for agri-food supply chain. This method attempts to minimize the losses of agri-food products while simultaneously maximizing the profits for agri-food supply chain members. Legislation: 2008)[6] insisted that government departments should respond for ensuring the quality and safety of agri-food products by setting legislation and regulations. In order to restore consumer confidence in the wake of kinds of scandals, many measures are also being taken to guarantee the quality and safety control through the transparency of the agrifood supply chain management 在這邊簡單介紹一些關於supply chain system建置上的前人努力 第五篇論文在供應鏈流程改進上提出了dynamic planning method 來減少農產品的損失綠, 以及為供應鏈上的成員創造最大利潤 第六篇論文提出一些法規修訂的建議和政府應盡責任 不過儘管有這些好的論文方法被提出 但為何中國仍然還是有高達25%的損失率呢? 因為中國常常有資料舞弊和造假的事情發生導致許多流程方法難以實踐 而立法也常常無法真正落實 [5] Li, D., Kehoe, D. , & Drake, P., Dynamic planning with a wireless product identification technology in food supply chains. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology [6] Trienekens, J., & Zuurbier., Quality and safety standards in the food industry, developments and challengers. International Journal of Prod. Econ.

6 Technology: RFID => Building a “Traceability” supply chain
Literature Review -2 於是本篇論文便打算運用科技的方法來解決 首先便是透過RFID建立一個”可追蹤“的農產供應鏈, RFID 是什麼呢

7 RFID RFID: Radio-frequency identification
A non-contact automatic identification communication technology. It can automatically identify multiple, high-speed moving objects simultaneously even under poor environment. Moreover, Tag can save. Compare to bar code, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the tracked object RFID全名為 Radio frequency identification, 也就是無線電波辨識, 他是一個不需要實體接觸, 就能透過無線電辨識特定目標的技術 他能夠在很糟的環境下自動同時辨識多個, 高速的移動物體 其中標籤包含了電子儲存的資訊,數公尺之內都可以識別。 然後他與御飯糰上面的條碼不同的是,無線電波標籤不需要處在識別器視線之內,也可以嵌入被追蹤物體之內。

8 RFID 像這樣標籤不需在reader的視線中感應器也可以感應到

9 Literature Review -3 Technology: RFID [9] proposed a rule-based decision support system to fulfIll the real-time monitoring of agri-food products during their distribution process. Based on the information transmitted by sensor-RFID equipments from the refrigerated containers, this system calculates the remaining value and shelf-life time of agri-food products in transmission. 而其實早已有人將RFID應用在建立可追蹤的農產供應鏈了 如第九篇就提出了能夠透過RFID對供應鏈上的配送環節的狀況做即時監控, 以及資料的獲得 像是獲得冷藏系統的溫度或者更細部來說知道產品的保值期還有多長 [9] Wang, L., Kwok, S.K. , & Ip, W.H. , A radio frequency identification and sensor-based system for the transportantion of food. Journal of Food Engineering.

10 Literature Review -4 Instead of covering all stages of the supply chain management, most studies only considered distribution and warehousing steps. Another question they have not considered is that whether the Information shared by supply chain members in the traceability systems can be trusted. 但是為何有了科技的幫助中國還是在保留25%的農產損失率還有食安問題依然發生呢? 本篇作者認為科技的應用大多是在配送和倉儲的管理上, 並未擴及整個供應鏈 此外整個系統還忽略了一個問題 那就是在供應鏈上獲取到的資訊是否是可被信任的呢 也就是資訊是否有被造假竄改的可能性呢?

11 Literature Review -5 Instead of covering all stages of the supply chain management, most studies only considered distribution and warehousing steps. Another question they have not considered is that whether the Information shared by supply chain members in the traceability systems can be trusted. In this paper, an agri-food supply chain traceability system based on RFTD and blockchain technology is developed 於是作者就藉由此篇paper透過blockchain和RFID來發展擴及整個供應鏈的可追溯系統

12 Outline Introduction Literature Review
Conceptual Framework of the Agri-food supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages The Building Process Conclusion

13 Conceptual Framework-1
From farm to fork: 而作者認為這個系統應該涵蓋到整個食品供應鏈上, 也就是從農場到叉子 從種植或養成, 到加工, 配送, 倉儲等一系列都要透過RFID和blockchain技術環環相扣來監控並追蹤

14 Conceptual Framework-2
RFID: for data acquisition and sharing in production, processing, warehousing, distribution and sales links of agri-food supply chain Fresh fruits & vegetables: RFlD tags are used for the products which have relatively high value and strict requirement for environment; for these products with low value, RFID tags are only used on their pallets and packing-cases, and the bar-codes are mainly used for the single agri-food products. Meats: ear tags since born 而本篇作者就是用RFID來達到從頭到尾的資料獲取以及在供應鏈上讓資料一連串的共享, 詳細作法上將農產品分為兩大類 第一類是水果和蔬菜: 因為RFID目前成本仍然不低, 所以在高價值的農產品個體上才會裝入RFID, 否則低價值的農產品會以裝箱為單位, 裡面個體單位則使用Barcode來記錄 而對於第二類肉類: 則在牲畜上裝上Ear tag來記錄每隻個體的資訊

15 Conceptual Framework-3
Info: From farm to fork every data record is not big as that of bitcoin, making it higher transaction per second. 作者認為應該要把從出生到賣出的完整資料存入blockchain 資料應至少包含這些, 資料並不多, 使blockchain相較於bitcoin可以處理速度更快, 每秒紀錄筆數更高 目前中本聰設計的blockchain是受限於一秒7個交易, 因為blockchain設計每個block只有1MB大且平均10分鐘才會驗證完一個block

16 Conceptual Framework-4
Blockchain: Decentralized: government is only a normal node. collectively maintain: not only covers each enterprise in the supply chain, but includes government departments and third-party regulators. For example, government departments could use this system to check the safety status of the products at any time. Trustless: whole system is running transparently, the system is absolutely open source and there is no need for trust among every single node. reliable database: every node could receive a complete copy of the database Anonymity: there is no need for trust between nodes, there is no need for nodes to reveal their identities 在blockchain上呢, 作者想使用blockchain的幾個特色 第一個就是decentralized 因為去中心化了, 所以政府單位不再會是中心單位, 只是一個一般的節點, 他不再有能力接受賄賂, 施壓, 要脅進而影響整個食安的判斷 第二個是collectively maintain, 因為blockchain是由大家一起維護的, 任何人都能成為node 所以在這個供應鏈上, 不僅是相關農產企業是節點之一, 就連政府單位, 第三方單位, 甚至熱心民眾都可以為食安把關 Trustless: 因為整個系統是透過獎勵機制當作誘因, 所以各節點無須互相信任, 也可以達成共同驗證的目的, 因此在這供應鏈上把關者互相不會有太多的利害關係, 做好自己本分即可 第四是reliable database, 每個node都會獲得這個交易鍊的copy, 所以要去竄改便會被人發現, 因此是相當安全 最後是Anonymity, 因為節點間無須互相信任, 所以節點也無須透漏其身分, 如此可防止賄賂, 威脅等事情發生 作者認為可以把農產品的資訊像是比特幣的交易資訊般存在blockchain裡面, 存的時候讓大家驗證, 驗證完建立不可更改的block

17 Outline Introduction Literature Review
Conceptual Framework of the Agri-food supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages The Building Process Conclusion

18 Advantages and Disadvantages-1
- Comparative analysis between centralized traceability system: 首先作者想先比較去中心化和集中化的系統

19 Advantages and Disadvantages-2
Rely on an information supervision center to transfer and share their information. Problem: monopolistic, asymmetric and opaque information system, which could result in the trust problem, such as fraud, corruption, tampering and falsifying information => Using Decentralized traceable system on blockchain is recommended. 作者認為中心化系統雖然可以幫助傳輸及分享資訊, 但是問題是易於形成壟斷, 資訊不對稱, 偽造資訊, 舞弊, 腐敗等狀況, 如此將造成大眾的信任問題, 以及社會不穩定 故建議使用blockchain系統

20 Advantages and Disadvantages-3
Benefit to tracking and traceability management: relying on the blockchain system, all the information of the agri- food in the supply chain is transparent and open, thus logistics enterprise could real-time track for the agri-food products, supervision regulator could execute traceability management and responsibility investigation for defective product, consumer could obtain the full information of the products in the entire agri- food supply chain, which are beneficial to establish a healthy market environment. 使用去中心化系統的第一個優點是 能夠追蹤及回溯, 因為有blockchain, 物流業者可以即時追蹤產品狀況; 監管機構及相關第三方可以在食安事故發生時找出相關負責人員, 以及產品缺失發生環節. 對消費者來說可以看到完整的產品資訊

21 Advantages and Disadvantages-4
Benefit to fighting against fake products: by using blockchain technology, all the members in this system are unable to manipulate agri-food information, which further increases the safety and quality of the product. 第二個優點是, 能夠打擊假貨, 透過blockchain, 沒有人能夠順利竄改產品紀錄, 若有假貨, 勢必不再紀錄上, 或與紀錄不符, 如此能維持產品安全及品質

22 Advantages and Disadvantages-5
The high cost: Cost of RFlD tag is very high, minimum cost of RFTD tag is 0.3 dollar, however, in China a bar-code normally cost only 0.02 RMB. Establishing this kind of traceability system needs huge investments in corollary equipment and updating the original system. In consequence, all of these conditions seriously restrict the application and popularization of RFlD technology in the logistics area 缺點, RFID價格仍昂貴, RFID標籤目前約0.3美金 而條紋碼卻只要0.02人民幣 此外, 建置這種整體性的系統需要相當大的投資以及培套設施, 並且還要升級原本系統, 這將會是此系統的建立阻礙

23 Outline Introduction Literature Review
Conceptual Framework of the Agri-food supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages The Building Process Conclusion

24 The Building Process-1 Production link
In production stage, for plant products, RFTD tags are mainly used on their packaging, which save many kinds of information of agri- food product including the variety, name, producing area, planting time, fertilization condition, usage of pesticides, plucking time, etc. Moreover, these RFID tags also record the information of production managers and operational staff, and once the food safety accident happens the relevant managers and staff can be found and to deal with the accident immediately. All relevant information which is saved in the RFTD tag can be uploaded to the blockchain system through the wireless network. 飼養生產階段作者認為RFTD至少要紀錄品種, 產區, 出生時間, 環境, 抗藥劑使用, 收成或屠宰時間, 以及最重要的生產管理者, 以及相關員工都要記錄並透過網路傳至blockchain system 如此若一發生時安事故, 就可以找到相關負責人員來處理

25 The Building Process-2 Processing link
After receiving agri-food products from production enterprises, processing enterprise could understand the basic information of products by scanning their RFlD tags, and update their information in the RFTD tag after finishing the processing flow. 加工商從生產飼育商收到產品後來, 便可以透過blockchain去檢視產品狀況並更新之 而在倉儲方, 需事先在倉儲設備內建設好RFTD獲取資料環境, 來記錄到貨時間, 儲存環境狀況等, 並要上傳更新至blockchain系統

26 The Building Process-3 Warehousing management link
By setting up relevant RFTD equipment in warehousing center, the information of received products, storage environment, agri-food's receiving and delivery time can be automatically obtained. And all relevant information should be saved in blockchain system, and opened to all the members in the system. Cold chain distribution link vehicle-mounted safety monitoring system can be established by setting temperature and humidity sensors in different temperature areas with vehicle-mounted wireless network and computer. 而在倉儲和方, 需事先在倉儲和配送設備內建設好RFTD獲取資料環境, 來記錄到貨時間, 儲存環境狀況等, 並要上傳更新至blockchain系統

27 The Building Process-4 Sales link
1) Information tracing by Qrcode or barcode 2) Guarantee the freshness of products. 而銷售環節上則是此系統最終價值的呈現地 他能夠讓消費者簡單的掃過二維碼或條碼就獲取整段流程的資訊 並且因為每個關卡都有管控, 所以到消費者手上的一定是新鮮的物品, 不會被假的物品偽造

28 Outline Introduction Literature Review
Conceptual Framework of the Agri-food supply Chain Advantages and Disadvantages The Building Process Conclusion

29 Conclusion In this paper, an agri-food supply chain traceability system is established, based on RFlD & blockchain technology conceptually. In future studies, with the rapid development of blockchain, building a decentralized system in which the information can be completely trusted is the development tendency of the logistics industry. 作者為食安問題做了一個概念性的系統建立, 作者認為他藉由此篇論文可以拋磚引玉, 能在未來於物流業實際建立出一個去中心化可完全信任的系統

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