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A Survey of the United Kingdom and the United States of America

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1 A Survey of the United Kingdom and the United States of America
Chapter 3. History of The United Kingdom 2017/12/22

2 Magna Carta: background, time, contents and position
55 BC King Alfred the Great The year 1066 The Norman Conquest Magna Carta: background, time, contents and position The Hundred Years’ War ( ) The Wars of the Roses ( ) King Arthur Henry VIII 2017/12/22

3 The English Revolution The Glorious Revolution
Elizabeth I The British Empire Puritanism The English Revolution The Glorious Revolution The Industrial Revolution The Napoleonic Era Imperialism WWⅠ WWⅡ 2017/12/22

4 55 BC The Celtic Invasion (700B.C. —300B.C.)
Roman Britain (55B.C. —476A.D.) The Anglo-Saxon Conquest (300—1020A.D.) 2017/12/22

5 The Celtic Invasion Between the 7th and 3rd centuries BC, the Celts inhabited the island and became the dominant residents. The name Britain came from the Britons, a Celtic tribe. 2017/12/22

6 罗马人的入侵 凯撒入侵 公元前55年和前54年,罗马的凯撒大将(Julius Caesar,公元前101一前44)从高卢(Gaul,现在的法国,当时是罗马的外省)渡过英吉利海峡,两次入侵不列颠。 罗马人撤离不列颠 罗马对不列颠的统治并不巩固。到公元5世纪,凯尔特人的;反抗斗争日趋激烈,加上罗马帝国本身的衰落,罗马驻军被迫于公元410年撤离不列颠。罗马对不列颠的统治随之宣告结束。 2017/12/22

7 Roman Britain Recorded history in Britain began in the year 55 BC, when the Roman general Julius Caesar and his Roman troops invaded the island. This is the first “date” in popular British history. Many of the native Celts were driven to the mountains of Scotland and Wales. The Romans were excellent builders and they constructed towns and cities. In 476, all Roman troops left Britain, thus ending the Roman occupation of the island. 2017/12/22

8 Influence of Roman Conquest
Although the Roman culture bound the towns together, the government of Roman Britain was decentralized, and larger towns had self-government. Outside of the towns and in southeast England, the influence of Roman culture and government decreased because these areas were governed by tribal chiefs under Roman rule. As Rome became more Christianized, the Romans brought Christian teachings to Britain. However, the Romans failed to impose their culture as too few Romans were willing to colonize Britain. When the Roman Empire disintegrated in 476 A.D., and the Roman soldiers retreated toward Rome, they left behind only their roads, a few place names, and clusters of Christian converts. 2017/12/22

9 Roman Baths 2017/12/22

10 盎格鲁—撒克逊人和丹麦人的入侵 盎格鲁一撒克逊人的入侵
罗马军团撤离后不久,不列颠又遭到属于日耳曼部族的盎格鲁人(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Jutes)的入侵。盎格鲁人原居住在丹麦南部、撒克逊人原居住在德国北部、朱特人原居住在日德兰半岛(Juteland),由于匈奴人侵入欧洲,他们汇成盎格鲁一撒克逊入侵者,乘船渡海向不列颠进发。 在公元450年后的50年间,盎格鲁一撒克逊人分批涌进不列颠,建立殖民地。由于凯尔特人的顽强抵抗,征服的过程持续了一个半世纪之久。凯尔特人有的被杀害,有的成为奴隶,有的被赶进北部和西部的山区,有的被入侵者同化。 2017/12/22

11 The Anglo-Saxon Conquest
Soon after the Romans left, groups of Germanic warriors landed in Britain. They included the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes from what is today Denmark and Northern Germany. From that time on, English, the language of the Angles, replaced the old Celtic language as the dominant language of the land. The country became known as England, meaning “the land of the Angles”. 2017/12/22

12 七国时代 到公元七世纪初,入侵者建立了七个王国,史称“七国”(theHeptarchy)。其中较小的四个是东盎格利亚(East Anglia)、肯特(Kent)、埃塞克斯(Essex,即东撒克逊)和苏塞克斯(Sussex,即南撒克逊)。另外三个大国是诺森布里亚(Northumbria)、麦西亚(Mercia)和威塞克斯(Wessex,即西撒克逊)。这七个王国互相争雄,在丹麦人(the Danes)入侵前的200年间战争不断。 基督教约在“七国”时代传入不列颠。罗马教皇格列高利一世(Pope Gregory I, )于公元596年派圣奥古斯丁(St.Angustine,605/606)率领由40名修士组成传道团到英格兰。圣奥古斯丁等一行于597年到达肯特的坎特伯雷(Canterbury)传教并建隐修院。他后来就任英格兰大主教后建造了坎特伯雷大教堂。另外,著名的威斯敏斯特教堂最初也是在这一时期由东撒克逊的第一个信奉基督教的国王始建的。基督教的传播得到盎格鲁一撒克逊国王的支持,因为他们认为基督教能巩固他们的王权,并能为他们造就有学问的朝臣与顾问。 2017/12/22

13 丹麦人的入侵 丹麦人入侵不列颠始于8世纪末。在将近300年的抵抗丹麦人的斗争中,英格兰逐渐成为一个统一的国家。这里所说的丹麦人指的是威金人(the Vikings)。最初他们只是袭击沿岸,进行抢劫性的远征,公元856年却大举进犯诺森布里亚和东盎格利亚,在那里建立丹麦殖民地。他们攻打苏格兰,甚至连罗马人和撒克逊人足迹未曾到过的爱尔兰也遭到袭击。 2017/12/22

14 艾尔弗雷德大王 公元870年丹麦人进攻威塞克斯。威塞克斯的国王艾尔弗雷德大王(Alfred the Great,849—899)有效地抵抗了丹麦人的进犯。他用游击战与阵地战相结合的策略使丹麦人大败,作为缓兵计,他于878年迫使丹麦人签订埃丁顿和约(Peace of Edington),根据和约条款,撒克逊人和丹麦人划分地区,将东盎格利亚和诺森布里亚的一部分划为丹麦区(Danelaw),即施行丹麦法的地区,把丹麦占领区限制在英格兰东北部。公元886年艾尔弗雷德进占伦敦,不接受丹麦统治的所有英格兰人都拥戴他为国王。 l 艾尔弗雷德大王是盎格鲁一撒克逊时代最伟大的历史人物。 他除了武功外还注意文化建设。他曾将麦西亚、威尔士和欧洲大陆的学者邀至宫中建立贵族子弟学校。他还亲自将拉丁语著作译成古英语(Old English)。 公元892年一支丹麦大军由欧洲大陆进攻英格兰,艾尔弗雷l德予以迎头痛击。公元896年丹麦军停战,撤回大陆。以后艾尔弗雷德的威塞克斯王朝(House ofWessex)逐步收复了丹麦区。公元973年艾尔弗雷德的孙子埃德加(Edgar, )加冕,成为统一的英格兰国王。 2017/12/22

15 King Alfred the Great (849-899)
In the 8th century, the Vikings from the Scandinavian countries of northern Europe, Norway and Denmark, began to attack the English coast. In the process of resisting the Vikings, the 7 Anglos-Saxon Kingdoms in England gradually became united under Alfred the Great. King Alfred was not only an able warrior but also a dedicated scholar and a wise ruler. He is known as “Alfred the Great” —the only monarch in English history to be given this title. Founded the first “public” schools for the sons of noblemen and magistrates. Began the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the first historical record composed in English. 2017/12/22

16 丹麦人的再入侵 11世纪初,丹麦人又入侵英格兰。丹麦王卡努特(Canut,l?一1035)和他的两个儿子先后统治整个英格兰达25年之久(1017 l—1042),由于丹麦王国内部发生叛乱,才结束了丹麦王朝对英格兰的统治。1042年,艾尔弗雷德大王的后裔爱德华(Edward )即位,恢复了威塞克斯王朝的统治。 2017/12/22

17 英国封建化的开始 上面所说的一些盎格鲁一撒克逊王国是社会出现阶级后的产物。世袭的国王是最大的土地所有者,是全国政治、经济的最高统治者。国王和贤人会议(witen,即由贵族代表组成的谘议会)共同实行统治,贵族下面还有武士,这些都是统治阶级。广大的自由民(freeman)、自由农民、农奴和奴隶是被压迫、被剥削的阶级。 贵族领主被认为是普通人的“保护者”,每一个人,无论他是自由民还是农奴,都必须依附于一个领主。自由民是以服兵役或其他劳役为条件而领有土地的人,他可以离开他的土地到别处去,或连同他的土地去依附于另一领主。农奴则束缚于土地上,不得离开。至于奴隶,则仅是财产而不算是人。 从以上所述,可见盎格鲁一撒克逊王国是维护封建统治阶级利益的封建国家,世袭的国王已是封建性质的君主,但当时封建化的过程比较缓慢。 2017/12/22

18 诺曼征服 诺曼人的来源 征服英格兰的诺曼人(the Normans)原是北欧威金人的一支,他们与公元8世纪末入侵不列颠的丹麦人同属一个民族。诺曼人于公于9世纪侵入法国,841年洗劫诺曼底的重要城市鲁昂(Rouen),4年之后洗劫巴黎,后来又在诺曼底建立永久殖民地。 10世纪初法国国王查理三世(CharlesⅢthe Fat,即胖子查理,( )同诺曼人签订条约,承认诺曼底为公国,诺曼底人承认对法国的附庸关系。诺曼底的威金人在911年至1066年之间,接受法国的宗教、语言、骑马作战的技艺和各种社会习俗,到他们征服英格兰时,已经几乎和法国人毫无差异。 2017/12/22

19 诺曼征服 在诺曼征服的前夕,英格兰的国王是爱德华,他的母亲是诺曼底的爱玛(Emma of Normandy)。公元1066年爱德华去世,没有子嗣。贤人会议推选哈罗德(HaroldⅡ,约 )继承王位。哈罗德是个强有力的统治者和卓越的将军。他是英格兰的最后一个盎格鲁一撒克逊国王。哈罗德1066年登基后,立即受到诺曼底的公爵威廉(Duke William of Normandy, )要求王位的威协。威廉认为他死去的父亲是爱玛的哥哥,因此他有权继承英格兰王位。正当哈罗德动员舰队和军队准备抵御威廉即将进行的进攻时,挪威国王的舰队入侵英格兰东部,并占领了约克。哈罗德只得用急行军的办法迎战两股敌人。他挥师北上奔赴约克,因此1066年9月威廉率领大军入侵时没有遇到抵抗就渡过了英吉利海峡,登陆后直接向黑斯廷斯(Hastings)进发。哈罗德在约克附近击溃挪威大军后,随即率领无暇整休的英军匆匆南下迎战威廉。10月14日哈罗德在黑斯廷斯附近向威廉进攻。威廉用骑兵冲锋,并命令弓箭手向英军万箭齐发,英军逐渐不支。在长达一天的战斗中,哈罗德和他的两个弟兄以及其他将领全都阵亡。于是威廉进军伦敦,沿途劫掠破坏,制造恐怖,英格兰的主要领袖纷纷向他投降。1066年圣诞节威廉在威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕,登上王位。不久,汉贝河以南的英格兰各地承认威廉一世(William I, )为王,可是威尔士边界地区,埃克塞特,诺森布里亚等地纷纷起义,但都遭到无情的镇压。直到1071年英格兰才完全被征服。 2017/12/22

20 The year 1066 On 14 October 1066, after crossing the Channel with a strong army, Duke William of Normandy defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings. At the end of it, most of the best warriors in England were dead, including their leader, King Harold. On December 25, 1066, the Norman leader, Duke William of Normandy, was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England, which marked the establishment of feudalism in England. He is known in popular history as “William the Conqueror”. The date is remembered for being the last time that England was successfully invaded. 2017/12/22

21 The Norman Conquest In 1066, William of Normandy (William the Conqueror) landed with a large armed force on the south coast and won a great victory over the Saxons. The Norman Conquest was the last invasion of England by foreigners. It sped up the development of feudalism in England. The development of feudal aristocracy resulted in the appearance of noble titles. The Norman way of life, French civilization imposed itself on the English people. They made French the official language which has developed into “Middle English” . 2017/12/22

22 William the Conqueror 2017/12/22

23 Magna Carta (1215) (大宪章) Magna Carta (Latin for "Great Charter", literally "Great Paper"). In 1215, King John was forced by a group of feudal barons and the church to grant them a charter of liberty and political rights. Magna Carta placed some limits on the king’s ability to abuse his royal power. The Magna Carta is regarded as the foundation of the British constitutionalism and it provides the basic principles for the protection of individual rights in both Britain and the United States. 2017/12/22

24 Background and Time King John lost a lot of territory in the wars.
King John planned to whitewash himself with military victories. King John raised property taxes and generally extorted money from the English people. The barons discontented with tyranny and misgovernment. King John struggled with the Pope and confiscated church property. 15th of June ,1215. 2017/12/22

25 Contents No tax should be made without the consent of the Great Council. No free man shall be imprisoned or banished or punished in any way, unless convicted by a jury of his fellow citizens. The King should permit merchants to move about freely and should observe the privileges of the various towns. 2017/12/22

26 Position A most important document in English history, regarded as “the corner stone”. Was the first step of constitutional experiment. Laid down the basic rules for the English and American legal system. Established the guideline for protection of civil rights in the Western World. 2017/12/22

27 The Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453)
The Hundred Years’ War was a series of wars fought between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne. The Hundred Years’ War promoted the concept of English nationalism and the development of the textile industry because it reduced the export of English wool. The war raised the social position of the bourgeois class(资产阶级). All these factors contributed to the decline of feudalism in England. 2017/12/22

28 2017/12/22

29 使法国反败为胜的圣女贞德 2017/12/22

30 黑死病( ) 劳动力减少 横扫整个欧洲的黑死病,即淋巴腺鼠疫,于1348年8月在英国爆发。病菌是由外国船舶上黑鼠身上的跳蚤带来的。黑死病的来势异常迅猛,使英国人口突然减少三分之一,劳动力也随之减少二分之一至三分之一。存活下来的农奴不足以从事庄园劳动,因此庄园主不得不以较10年前增涨一倍的工资雇佣临时工。另外,原来缚束在土地上的农奴,现在可以逃离庄园,在工资较高的庄园顺利地找到工作。 牧羊代替耕种 –百年后驱逐新增人口;羊毛消费 2017/12/22

31 Black Death Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas. It spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England in the summer of 1348 without warning. It killed many people. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor. 2017/12/22

32 The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)
The Wars of the Roses was a series of civil wars between 2 great noble families: the House of York, who used the white rose as their symbol, and the House of Lancaster, who used the red rose as their symbol. The wars lasted for 30 years. In the end, the House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII, and started the rule of the House of Tudor. 2017/12/22

33 King Arthur King Arthur is a fabled British leader and a prominent figure in Britain's legendary history. In folklore and myth, King Arthur is a great English hero. He and his knights of the round table are regarded as the perfect example of medieval nobility and chivalry. In fact, he lived long before medieval times. 2017/12/22

34 亚瑟王 亚瑟王(King Arthur)是5世纪英国最富有传奇色彩的国王。人们对他的感性认识更多的是来自神话传说,没有人大量涉足过亚瑟王的真实生活。 亚瑟王是英格兰传说中的国王,圆桌骑士团的首领,一位近乎神话般的传奇人物。他于罗马帝国瓦解之后,率领圆桌骑士团统一了不列颠群岛,被后人尊称为亚瑟王。 西元800年左右,威尔斯的修士撰写了一本《布灵顿人的历史》,书中首次记载“亚瑟”这个名字,描述他领导威尔斯人抵抗从泰晤士河中游入侵的萨克森人。 2017/12/22

35 The Renaissance The Renaissance, literally rebirth, is a term used to describe classical works of art, philosophy, science and government influenced by the rediscovery of Greek and Roman artists and philosophers. Knowledge of the classical works was lost in Europe, but it was preserved by Arabic scholars, who transmitted it to Mediterranean Christendom. From about 1300, these ideas percolated north through Europe, arriving in battle-torn England with Henry Tudor in 1485. The word “Renaissance” also describes the vigorous culture of Europe during this time of transition. This was a time when modern banking developed and capitalistic associations began. In spite of these changes, the Renaissance was still medieval in its concern for religion and its class-consciousness. It was the transitional period from the medieval to the modern age. 2017/12/22

36 文艺复兴的心脏——佛罗伦萨 2017/12/22

37 但丁 米开朗基罗 列奥纳多· 达·芬奇 2017/12/22

38 文艺复兴时期的美术作品 2017/12/22

39 Henry VIII ( ) There was an inevitable conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the king of England. Henry VIII is one of the most well-known monarchs in English history, chiefly because he took 6 wives during his life. In the 1530s, Henry used Parliament to pass laws which swept away the power of the Roman Church in England. His quarrel with Rome was nothing to do with doctrine, while it was because he wanted to be free to marry again and to appoint whom he wished as leaders of the Church in England. 2017/12/22

40 The founding of the English Navy: Henry Ⅷ created the Royal Navy, which became the basis of future British sea power. These vessels were armed with heavy cannon, mounted in rows. Henry Ⅷ decreed that these ships could only be used in public service. The founding of the Church of England: Obsessed with a threat to the stability of the Tudor dynasty, Henry Ⅷ sought to divorce his wife, who could never give birth to a son. Opposed by the Pope, the king replied with the Act of Supremacy(1554), which recognized the king himself as supreme head of the Church in England. This decree dramatically and irrevocably separated England from the Roman Catholic Church. 2017/12/22

41 Anglican Church the Church of England 英国国教 2017/12/22

42 Elizabeth I ( ) Daughter of Henry VIII, she was the first of three long-reigning queens in British history (the other 2 are Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II). During her reign, she established a reasonable degree of internal stability in England. She never married, but used its possibility as a diplomatic strategy. She became known as “the virgin queen”. The area which later became the state of Virginia in the USA was named after her by one of the many English explorers of the time. 2017/12/22

43 War with Spain and the Spanish Armada
The dramatic crisis during Elizabeth’s reign was the war with Roman Catholic Spain, caused by Catholic hatred of Protestantism and the rivalry between Spain and England for global trade and ultimate control of the world’s oceans. The conflict was resolved when the Spanish fleet, known as the Spain Armada, was destroyed in 1588 by English ships and by storms. The destruction of the Spanish fleet demonstrated to the world that the rule of the oceans had passed from the Mediterranean to Northern European countries. Not only did this defeat ensure the survival of Protestantism in northern Europe, but it guaranteed the leadership of the Northerners, especially England, in the new oceanic age. 2017/12/22

44 The Elizabethan Age The Elizabethan Age was characterized by wars, rebellions, personal and party strife, and intense competition. However, there was a solid foundation under the British nation and society that produced the literature, music, architecture, science, wealth and victories that also characterized the Elizabethan Age. This foundation contained a good administrative system based on a substantial degree of national unity, unlike countries on the European continent which were plagued with local differences and tensions. Although English science had no formal organization until the mid-seventeenth-century, the foundation was laid during the Elizabethan Age---Francis Bacon. The Elizabethan Age was also a time of great challenge and daring. An individual might rise to great wealth and position---Lord Burghley. The most lasting product of the Elizabethan Age, apart from the works of William Shakespeare, is the King James Bible. 2017/12/22

45 伊丽莎白一世 2017/12/22

46 The British Empire The development of the British Empire( ) began in the early seventeenth century. Until 1600, English kings gained new territory and power through conquest or marriage. And the English people turned to commerce and to colonization, and the two practices reinforced each other. 2017/12/22

47 Origin Commercial reason: At first, Spain and Portugal held a virtual monopoly of trade between the East and the West. And then the Netherlands succeeded. After a period of competition, England seized commercial supremacy from the Dutch. Religious reason: During times of Anglican rule, radical Protestants and Catholics left England. During the Puritan Commonwealth, Anglicans fled. As a result, North America became a patchwork of religions, composed of Puritan, Catholic, Quaker, Anglican and other religious sects. Each colony had its own laws and elected its own officials under the policies stated in its charter. Economic reason: Some of the colonists migrated because of poor economic conditions in Britain and the tales of American gold. The Crown, as well as businessmen, hoped that these settlements would provide markets for English goods and supply raw materials for English industry. 2017/12/22

48 Colonization The Americas:
①After various abortive attempts, the first permanent English colony in North America was found for commercial reasons on the Atlantic coast at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. ②The second colony, at Plymouth Massachusetts, was founded by the Pilgrims in 1620 for religious reasons. ③In 1670, the English king gave a private commercial company, the Hudson Bay Company, the exclusive right to trade on the shores of Hudson Bay in Canada. ④The English colonizers competed with Spain, France and the Netherlands, and British sovereignty ended when the thirteen colonies along the Atlantic Ocean declared their independence from Britain, with the assistance from France, and mainly to reject the commercial exploitation imposed by the British government. ⑤The British West Indies, English colonies founded on the islands in the Caribbean, was infamous for the highly profitable slavery trade. 2017/12/22

49 Robert Clive and his East India Company Australia and New Zealand:
British expansion in Australia began in the second half of the eighteenth century. Before the American Revolutionary War, convicts had customarily been transported to the American colonies, where they were sentenced to years of forced labor. After 1783, when Great Britain acknowledged American Independence, this option ended. To relieve the congestion in the English prisons, 550 male and 200 female convicts were sent to Australia, accompanied by 200 marines as guards. In 1788, they settled in Sydney, where the colony soon became self-supporting. On expiration of their sentence, convicts were given grants of land. And other settlers, particularly discharged soldiers, also received land. 2017/12/22

50 Puritanism Difficult, austere(朴素的) life.
They made a virtue of qualities that made for economic success—self-reliance, frugality(节约), industry, and energy—and through them influenced modern social and economic life. To the Puritans, a person by nature was wholly sinful and could achieve good only by severe(苛刻的) and unremitting(不懈的) discipline. Hard work was considered a religious duty and emphasis was laid on constant self-examination and self-discipline. 2017/12/22

51 The English Revolution
Reason The Civil War JamesⅠ( ): Rising Dissention Charles Ⅰ( ): Successful Rebellion Cromwell and the Interregnum Effects of the English Revolution The Restoration The Glorious Revolution ( ) 2017/12/22

52 Reason: The clashes between the kings, whose feudal autocratic(独裁的) rule had impeded the development of capitalism, and parliament, which represented the growth of the new aristocracy and bourgeoisie, were intensified after the death of ElizabethⅠ. The Civil War( ): ①JamesⅠand CharlesⅠwere expecting to be divine-right monarchs. However, the parliaments were seeking the establishment of a legislative body possessing the final authority in the making and implementing law and policy. ②Religious differences. The struggle for power in England was in part to impose a uniform worship on the English people. The royalists were identified with High Church Anglicanism, a version of the English Church that closely resembled the Roman Catholic model. The parliamentary cause attracted a strong Puritan element. ③In 1638, the Presbyterian Scots banded together to resist Charles. Charles needed a paid army, and attempted to imprison the leaders of the Parliament, who refused to trust him. The Civil War began. 2017/12/22

53 Cromwell and the Interregnum(摄政): ①Cromwell( ) was a Puritan gentleman and famous for his well-trained, well-disciplined army of Puritan soldiers fighting for Parliament. ②When CharlesⅠwas defeated in 1645, he took refuge with his former enemies, the Scots, who sold him to Parliament, and was tried and beheaded by the group of radicals on January 30, ③Cromwell’s success in military matters was not duplicated in English politics. He was patriotic but not pathological(病态的) for power, a sincere Puritan but not a fanatic(狂热者). ④Cromwell dissolved the radical Parliament and set himself as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England(共和国) in 1653. Effects of the English Revolution: ①Condemnation of “Puritanism”, ②Parliament Now Controls Taxes, ③Beginnings of Religious Toleration, ④Growth of Scientific Organizations and Activities. 2017/12/22

54 克伦威尔 2017/12/22

55 The Glorious Revolution (1688---1689): Bill of Rights.
The Restoration( ): The Monarchy Returns. In 1660, Charles Stuart was restored to the Crown as King CharlesⅡ, while Parliament remained essentially supreme. Two disasters devastated England during the years 1665 and The last great outbreak of the bubonic plague (Black Death), which killed over 70,000 people in London alone, was followed by the Great Fire of London that destroyed 40 percent of the city during a four-day blaze. The loss was only equaled by Hitler’s bombing attacks of England during Word War Ⅱ. The Glorious Revolution ( ): Bill of Rights. 2017/12/22

56 The Glorious Revolution
Nature: a coup d’ etat, a sudden attempt to remove JamesⅡ from the English throne. Background: ①The leaders. The leaders of the revolution were James’ opponents from Parliament, and their allies comprised the great lords and prosperous merchants who called themselves Whigs. While those who supported JamesⅡ and represented the conservative landed aristocracy called themselves Tories. (The Tory (Conservative) party still exists; while the Whig party does not. ②William and Mary. JamesⅡ married twice. By his first marriage he had two Protestant daughters, though he himself was a Catholic. One of the daughters, Mary, married William of Orange, the leader of the Netherlands. 2017/12/22

57 ④The coup. William arrived in England in 1688 and was welcomed as a hero by the Protestant leaders.

58 ⑤The Bill of Rights. William reigned as William Ⅲ ( ) with his wife Mary Ⅱ ( ). Because William owed his position to members of Parliament, he agreed to their demands, known as the Bill of Rights. This famous document summarizes the constitutional practices advocated by Parliament in the Stuart Era. It approximates a written constitution, for it states the essential principles of parliamentary supremacy: control of “the purse” or money, dispensation power(特许权), and frequent, regular meetings of parliament. 2017/12/22

59 ③A Roman Catholic son. Through his second marriage JamesⅡ had a Roman Catholic son who was the legal heir to the British throne. Fearing having a Catholic king, Whig leaders began a propaganda campaign against JamesⅡ and opened negotiations with William of Orange. William agreed to become king of England in order to cement (strengthen) the alliance between the Netherlands and England. 2017/12/22

60 Hanovarians Since William and Mary were childless, Mary’s younger sister Anne ( ) became queen. During Queen Anne’s reign, England and Scotland were formally united under the name of Great Britain(1707). Anne was also childless and the Crown finally passed to George, the German-speaking king of the House of Hanover in Germany, son of the Protestant granddaughter of JamesⅠ. Further Repression of Ireland. Irish Roman Catholics supported JamesⅡ. 2017/12/22

61 The Industrial Revolution
Nature: A process from human power to machine power, and from domestic system to factory system. Background: The Industrial Revolution, one of the most vital periods of change in Great Britain, occurred because of the stable economic, social, and political stance of the country, as well as brought lasting effects in Britain in each of these areas. With its fast growing monopoly(垄断) on ocean trade, its renewed interest in scientific discovery, and its system of national banks holding tight to its financial security, Britain was, at the time of the Industrial Revolution, ripe for change. 2017/12/22

62 Definition: The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequences in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the textile industry. Influence: ①Industrialization is one of the central experiences of human life during the last two centuries. While historians have noted that other societies developed considerable large-scale industry a half millennium before the West, it was the industrial revolution in Britain that accelerated a cumulative multiplication of productive power that has transformed European society and challenged the very existence of traditional societies around the world. 2017/12/22

63 ②Due to this era in Great Britain, new inventions and innovations contributed to a more modern outlook on life(人生观), self-improvement in the workplace, and proved the benefits of a futuristic (非传统的)way of thinking. The Industrial Revolution caused the people of Britain to turn away from the past, and instead to look toward improvements in their way of life. In this respect, the Industrial Revolution was, indeed, revolutionary. ③The Industrial Revolution was a positive era to have occurred in Britain. In the beginning, however, the Industrial Revolution appeared to bring no benefits at all to the country. Living conditions in cities became unsanitary, as well as cramped and impoverished. Factories subjected men, women, and even children workers to low wages, harsh punishments, and unprotected work around dangerous machinery. The tremendous use of coal in industrial production polluted the atmosphere, as well as people’s lungs, and workers’ conditions in the coalmines were not much better than in factories. 2017/12/22

64 From Country to Town Child Labour 2017/12/22

65 John Bull He is a fictional character supposed to personify Englishness and certain English virtues. He can be compared to Uncle Sam in the USA. He features in hundreds of 19th century cartoons. His appearance is typical of an 18th century country gentleman, suggesting a rural past. 2017/12/22

66 The Napoleonic Era During the French Revolution, which began in 1789, Napoleon, a soldier from Corsica, a French-island, quickly rose through the military ranks to become general, then political leader of France, and finally the emperor of conquered Europe. For a time, the only European power opposing him was Great Britain, protected by the English Channel and the British fleet. British sea power prevented a French invasion of England or the British territory in the Mediterranean Sea, and seriously interrupted French trade with its colonies. The British admiral, Lord Nelson, is still renowned for his naval tactics and courage in the battle of Trafalgar. 2017/12/22

67 However, the British military, in some ways, inferior to the French, and fought on both the European and North American continents and on the seas wherever French ships were found. The turning point came when Napoleon treacherously invaded his ally, Russia, but failed. European countries joined with England in a common alliance, and aided by the military genius of Britain’s Lord Wellington, the Allied armies finally defeated Bonaparte in the Battle of Waterloo (1815). 2017/12/22

68 Napoléon Bonaparte 2017/12/22

69 拿破仑加冕 2017/12/22

70 拿破仑·波拿巴 (Napoléon Bonaparte, ),人称奇迹创造者,法国近代资产阶级军事家、政治家、数学家。法兰西共和国第一执政( ),法兰西第一帝国皇帝( )(1815),意大利国王,莱茵联邦保护人,瑞士联邦仲裁者。 1815年10月,继滑铁卢战役惨败后,拿破仑被流放到大西洋的圣赫勒拿岛,在这里他发表了“中国是一头睡狮,一旦醒来将震惊世界”的著名言论。 2017/12/22

71 Queen Victoria( ) During her reign, she became an increasingly popular symbol of Britain’s success in the world. As a hard-working, religious mother of nine children, devoted to her husband, she was regarded as the personification of contemporary morals. Queen Victoria came to symbolize nineteenth-century England, but in fact, she had little real power. The struggle was no longer between monarch and Parliament, but between social classes for representation in Parliament. 2017/12/22

72 Imperialism It was a major part of political life, with goals, methods, and advocates known to all concerned with politics. Second, western imperial expansion was global. Geopolitics, the cumulative pressures of military and economic rivalries among the western nations, widened to Africa, Asia, and South America. Third, when capitalists and industrialists discovered that they were unable to market all of their products at home, they turned to markets abroad. Fourth, many Christian and secular missionaries honestly desired to make life better for all mankind. 2017/12/22

73 The nineteenth-century British Empire
Two categories. One were the white-dominated countries of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The other territories, such as the West Indies, India and China, were included in the second category. Countries in the first category were generally left alone, except for a heavy stream of British immigrants. The British North American Act (1867) established the present loose confederation of states in Canada; earlier, local governments had been granted to Australia (1855) and New Zealand (1856). The second category was subdivided into two parts: the territories with a long tradition of civilization, such as Egypt, India and China; and those without a long documented history of civilization, such as the West Indies and some territories in Africa. 2017/12/22

74 World WarⅠ Cause: An assassination of a minor official in the Balkans was the flimsy excuse for starting WWⅠ( ). Course: During WWⅠ, ten million men died, fighting either for the Allies (Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Russia, Serbia and the United States) or the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany and Turkey). 2017/12/22

75 Results: Southern Ireland became the independent Republic of Ireland in The Russian leadership lost more, and the Russian people revolted in Czarism and the czar were obliterated from Russia. Territories changed. Allied countries took portions of Germany, and Germany’s colonies were given to the League of Nations. Payment or reparations were imposed on the Central Powers. The Germans had to promise to pay all the damage. However, the Germans were left without means to raise the money to make the payments. The Central Powers, with Germany singled out for special blame, were humiliated by being forced to say they were the only countries responsible for starting the war. The seeds for WWⅡ had been planted. 2017/12/22

76 2017/12/22

77 World War Ⅱ The 1930s were marked by two very different trends. While western nations were concerned with disarmament, two centers of aggression developed. In the Far East, Japan began a series of invasions into China. Despite Chinese appeals to the League of Nations, no help was sent, which gave encouragement to the Germans, who allied with Italy and set out to conquer their neighbors. Fast tank divisions of the Germans simply bypassed the French forts, known as the Maginot Line, cut off their supplies, and destroyed them one by one. The remnants of the British and French armies were trapped between the English Channel and the German Army in Dunkirk, France. 2017/12/22

78 The British and French soldiers resisted, in what was called their “finest hour”. The citizens’ navy, such as fishing boats, ferry boats and pleasure boats, supplemented the small number of British navy ships, and rescued 225,000 British and 100,000French soldiers at Dunkirk. Hitler ordered assaults through air bombardment and heavy submarine warfare. The Blitz(1940), esp., the final great bombardment of long range rockets, killed and destroyed many in the winter of Winston Churchill, Prime Minster of Great Britain during WWⅡ, who called on the British people to insist on fighting, expressed the spirit of wartime England. Britain served as a refuge for the remains of defeated European armies. 2017/12/22

79 The end of the war. Hitler, like Napoleon before him, made the mistake of invading Russia. On the occasion as the Germans were weakened by their losses in Russia, an allied force of British, US and Commonwealth forces invaded Europe and drove the German army back to Germany, where they surrendered in May, In Asia, as the Chinese and an allied army forced the Japanese back to Japan, the horrors of the atomic bombs attacked Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese government surrendered in August, 1945. Effects: WWⅡ was truly a world war, involving 57 nations and killing millions of people in many regions of the earth. Western Europe, once the center of power, was weakened, and power shifted to the United States and the Soviet Union. The strain of sustained production and united resistance changed people’s outlook and produced new concepts of national identity. 2017/12/22

80 敦刻尔克大撤退 2017/12/22

81 第一次赴缅作战的中国远征军 8月28日一个父母刚死、正在铁轨上的婴儿 2017/12/22

82 斯大林格勒成为第二次世界大战的重要转折点
1945年4月30日苏军攻克柏林 斯大林格勒成为第二次世界大战的重要转折点 2017/12/22

83 密苏里号战列舰上的日军投降代表 2017/12/22

84 The British Commonwealth
In 1931, the Statute of Westminster gave self-government to the white-dominated countries in the Empire, which joined the organization called the British Commonwealth. And all of the Commonwealth countries fought on the British side during WWⅡ. The period from 1947 to 1971 was characterized by the dissolution of the remains of the old British Empire. The commonwealth itself was formally established in 1931 and continues today with 50 members who exchange information and contribute money to joint development programs. The goals of the current Commonwealth include working towards peace through the United Nations, promoting personal freedom and racial equality, opposition to colonial domination, and reduction of the gap between wealthy and poor segments of humanity. 2017/12/22

85 Elizabeth Ⅱ 2017/12/22

86 女王的皇冠 2017/12/22

87 Homework Describe how the sea influenced British history.
England was the first country to have a representative government. Why and how did this government evolve? Discuss the causes and effects of colonization and imperialism. Discuss the effects of the Industrial Revolution on English society. In your opinion, which aspect of British history had the greatest effect on the development of the world as we know it? 2017/12/22

88 Thanks! 2017/12/22

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