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An Introduction to College English Course III Book 3

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1 An Introduction to College English Course III Book 3
Meng Ling

2 08级二级起点班任务型教学 第一学期总结 + 第二学期部署 了解+ 理解 大学(高等教育) 英语(交际工具) 自己(应用能力) 人才(发展目标)

3 Outline Task-based Learning 1 Task-based Learning 2
Revision of TBL Teamwork Course Description Course Assessment Course Requirements Contact me by…

4 Task-based Learning 1 Summary of the first try
share the students’ profiles: personal information and study plan, the content and layout share the students’ feedback: questionnaire results by ppt demonstration of the statistics, comments and suggestions by word (selected) 任务过程,心路历程,感觉、感激、感慨、感叹、感触,思考,反应,对同学的赞美

5 Task-based Learning 1 Student’s feedback: selected 精品题目 精彩论述 文稿选读

6 Task-based Learning 1 Summary of the first try
share the students’ notes: selected analyze the paper test results: writing (high marks), MC (listening part low marks), composition (high marks) teacher’s response: feel encouraged, enjoy the excellent remarks , realize the common misconceptions 享受学生的成长,欣慰学生的心声

7 Task-based Learning 1 Students’ common misconception: 词语的用法靠老师讲授?
课文的学习靠老师讲授? 考试的技巧靠老师讲授? 不是自己组做的课题就不能自觉学习? 知道与做到,用法与应用,依赖与自主,等靠要与干中学,师傅引进门,修行在个人

8 Task-based Learning 2 Improvements on the second try
team work: reform or keep original topic selection: draw lots task assignment: undertake two tasks: first: topic area; second: composition everybody is expected to finish each unit’s essay writing part, for comparison with the team’s, for making comments

9 Revision of the TBL Team Work
3-C Criteria: - Contents: theme, focus, supports, make yourself clear - Coherence: thought-clue, points arrangement, parts related/ connected/linked, clarified - Creativity: sources, means, activities, interaction, balance, designing, varieties 3-p procedure - preparation, presentation, product

10 Revision of the TBL Team Work
Principles: stimulating, motivating, activating, involving, interesting, language learning, communication practicing, information technology application, other related skills/capabilities development

11 Revision of the TBL Team Work
Structure: - three-step presentation: Introduction/body/conclusion - five-part ppt pages: 1) Front page title, theme, presenters, background picture, effects 2) Content page: order of parts, layout 3) Acknowledgement 4) References 5) End page

12 Additional Task: Second Turn
Composition: essay writing e.g. Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live exercise: p33 the given title and the outline appendix : p310 model paper Writing strategy: p33 using comparison and contrast in essay writing Checking: p34 self-check, peer check, checklist Rewriting/Revising: team modifying Demonstration in class Comment from the classmates

13 Revision of the TBL Teamwork
Timing Each presentation is expected to last for minutes. Comments - recall: what the team did by replaying the ppt - review: the criteria - respond: comments about the good points first, then where and how to improve Notes Requirement: add on “if I did it” or “suggestions for improvement” Comment Time: teacher’s, classmates’, team’s

14 Concurrent Noting Observation Sheet
narration comment evaluation suggestion What are they doing In detail Speech Ppt Interaction Good point scores Un- satisfaction Improve-ment

15 Book 3 ---- Course Description
围绕全新版《大学英语》系列教材中的《综合教程》(IC=Integrated Course)和《听说教程》(L&S=Listening and Speaking)第三册。 辅之以《阅读教程》(Reading)、《快速阅读》(FR=Fast Reading)以及其他补充材料。 以课内教学和课外自学相结合的模式,加强学生英语语言知识和技能。 通过一个学期的学习后,学生应在词汇量、词汇能力、语篇层次理解能力等微技能方面有一定的提高,听说等综合能力上有一定的进步,口语尤其在朗读和基本交际功能策略使用方面有明显的进步。

16 In class & After class Focus on《综合教程》(IC=Integrated Course) and《听说教程》(L&S=Listening and Speaking) Study by yourself 《阅读教程》(Reading) and《快速阅读》(FR=Fast Reading) (But your study will be checked on class)

17 How Does a Unit be taught?
2 Weeks / 1 Unit 《综合教程》(IC=Integrated Course) ---- every week 《听说教程》(L&S=Listening and Speaking) ---- every odd week

18 Online Study BB平台 MY SYSU;
新理念教学平台: Tests of both Integrated Coursebook and Listening and Speaking Coursebook. 大学英语教学部

19 Office Hour 校区 节次 周一 周二 周三 周四 珠 海 校 区 1节 2/3节 4/5节 黄志英讲师 D405 7/8/9节
珠 海 校 区 1节 2/3节 4/5节 黄志英讲师 D405 7/8/9节 13:40-15:10 郑炜炜助教 Natalia D302 李玥助教 9/10/11节 16:10-17:40 袁文娟助教 Reza

20 Book 3- Course Assessment
(1) 平时成绩 20%(包括考勤、课堂参与、随堂小测验等) (2) 自主学习 20%(在线学习) (3) 口语考试 10% (4) 期末考试 50%

21 Scoring Task-based team work to test the performance/capability:
writing, speaking, vocabulary use, communicating, working, Information Technique, organizing, designing, dealing with problems, class behavior Final exam paper test: reading, listening, translating, cloze, MC, composition Oral exam Autonomous Learning

22 College English Syllabus (updated)
Appendix II Self-assessment and peer assessment of students’ English competence Basic requirements Intermediate requirements Higher requirements listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating A: full, B: ¾, C:2/3, D: ½, E: 0

23 My requirements

24 Contact me by…

25 Some Useful Websites

26 Best Wishes Better, Higher, Stronger

27 Acknowledgement Prof. Xia

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