Lesson 5 Visiting friends

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1 Lesson 5 Visiting friends

2 D1 New Words: Greetings at the door
A: Knock, knock, knock.. B: 谁呀? A: 是我,XXXX B: 请进! (进来,快进来) Let’s talk etiquette at the door.. 快进来 Shoes?

3 D1 New Words: 一下 Verb + 一下 Indicating the short duration of an action
我介绍一下。 唱了一下那个歌。 Soften the tone. Make task seem less difficult. 请你看一下。

4 D1: New Words: Introducing someone
A: 来,我介绍一下:这是 XXX,这是XXX。 B: 你好! 认识你我很高兴。 C: 认识你我也很高兴。 Practice!!

5 D1 New Words: About location
在:Be at 哪儿: New Question words… what are other question words we have learned? A: 你常常在哪儿跳舞? B: 我常常在学校跳舞。 Remember the Order!!!

6 D1 New Words: About location
谁喜欢看电影? 你常常在哪儿看电影? 我常常在_________看电影。

7 D1 New Words: About location
谁喜欢听音乐? 你常常在哪儿听音乐? 我常常在_________ 听音乐。

8 D1 New Words: About location
他在哪儿工作? 他在学校工作。

9 D1 New Words: About location
谁有工作? 你在哪儿工作? 我在_________工作。 Practice! Ask the person next to you if he/she has a job. If so, where does he or she work? If not, how about someone in his or hers family?

10 D1 New Words: All about drinks!!

11 If you really like Starbucks (星巴克咖啡)…

12 D1 New Words: 可以 和 吧 The first Auxiliary verb! 可以+ Verb 你可以给我一杯水吗?
外国学生不可以工作。 吧:End of sentence suggestion particle, softens the tone. 我们去学校吧。 我喝可乐吧。

13 “想”和“要” 想+To Do : want to do something 我想喝咖啡。
想+ noun : Miss something (usually someone) * 我想咖啡。 要+ To do , 要+ something: want to do something or want something, both are O.K. 我要喝咖啡。 我要咖啡。

14 D1 Reading Comprehension
王朋和李友去谁的家? 请你介绍一下高小音。 李友觉得小高的家怎么样? 王朋在小高家喝了什么? 李友想喝什么?她为什么喝水?

15 Grammar : “一点儿” 和 “一下” “一点儿” 和 “一下” both mean “ a little bit “ and both are tone softeners. “一点儿” modifies the noun following it. 你喝点儿茶吧。 “一下” modifies verb before it. 请你坐一下。

16 Grammar : “一点儿” 和 “一下” Sometime the difference can be really subtle..
I scanned through that movie. B。我看了一点儿那个电影。 I watched a little bit of that movie.

17 Grammar: Adjectives used as predicates: Part II
Review: there are two kinds of predicates in Chinese: 我 是 学生 她 很 漂亮 subject verb object subject Degree modifier object

18 Grammar: Adjectives used as predicates: Part II
The Degree Modifiers, i.e., 很,太, etc, are NOT optional. In another word, there must be a degree modifers of some sort, most commonly, 很。”很” sometimes may not be literally “very” . What if there is no degree modifiers at all? 王先生很忙。Mr. Wang is busy. 王先生忙。Mr. Wang is busier (implied comparison)

19 Grammar: Sentence Structure Further Expanded..
This time with location modifier… Sub + Time + Location + Verb + Object Remember this is only a rough sketch, there might be some variations from time to time… 小王明天在学校吃饭。 白小音晚上在我家看电视。

20 D2: New Words 玩儿: The most important words ever New Activity: 聊天
It means to play, to have fun, to hung out 我明天想去找王朋玩儿。 周末你们去哪儿玩儿? New Activity: 聊天 谁喜欢聊天? 你常常和谁一起聊天? 你们常常聊什么?

21 D2: New Words New Measure word: 瓶 let’s review the old measure words。。
个,张,杯,瓶 New location: Let’s review the old ones as well: 家 学校 图书馆 by the way.. What do you think these are? 饭馆 咖啡馆 茶馆

22 “回家” 和 “才” “回家” is a fixed expression for going to one’s own home. It can never be “去家” or “来家” “才” is best understood as “ as late as” or “later than expected”. Subject + Time + “才” + Verb +….. 我 三点 才 吃饭。 爸爸 明天 才 回家。

23 Some useful words for the Supplementary Vocabulary
好+Verb:好吃,好玩儿,好看 我觉得中国饭很好吃。 那个电影很好看。 小白觉得打球不好玩儿。

24 L5 D2 Listening Comprehension
Where did WangPeng and Li You go last night? Did they have fun? Name two things that they did last night. Where does Xiao Gao’s sister work? What did Wang Peng drink and what about Li You? When did Wang and Li You go home last night?

25 Subject + Time + “才” + Verb +…..
I didn’t go to bed until 12 o’clock last night. 我昨天晚上十二点才睡觉。

26 Subject + Time + “才” + Verb +…..
He didn’t eat dinner until 10:00. 他十点才吃晚饭。

27 Subject + Time + “才” + Verb +…..
Dad won’t come home until tomorrow. 爸爸明天才回家。

28 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
The basics Little Gao drank beer last night: 小高昨天晚上喝啤酒了。 Question with “ma吗”: 小高昨天晚上喝啤酒了吗? Question with “V-not-V”: 小高昨天晚上喝没喝啤酒?

29 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
The basics I listened to music last weekend 我上个周末听音乐了。 Question with “ma吗”: 你上个周末听音乐了吗? Question with “V-not-V”: 你上个周末听没听音乐?

30 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
Negation: use “没” and no “了” ! Did we chat yesterday? 我们昨天聊天儿了吗? No, we didn’t. 我们没聊天

31 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
Negation: use “没” and no “了” ! Did you return home on the 4th of March? 你三月四号回家了吗? No, I didn’t. 我没回家。

32 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
Position of 了 Usually,了 can be at the end of the sentence or right after the verb. 他昨天唱歌了。 他昨天唱了歌。 However, when there is a measuring device about the object,了 must be right after the verb. 他昨天唱了三个歌。

33 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
Position of 了 I had two bottles of cola last night. 我喝了两瓶啤酒。 我喝两瓶啤酒了。 I watched a little bit of that movie. 我看了一点儿那个电影。 我看一点儿那个电影了.

34 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
“了” is not a past tense marker. 明天我吃了饭去图书馆。 “了” only used on those action verbs that you can identify a clear beginning and ending. 了 doesn’t mark continuing, state of being verbs/prdeciates, such as: 喜欢,高兴 我昨天很高兴了。 他以前(before)没喜欢跳舞。 他以前(before)不喜欢跳舞。

35 Grammar: 了 Completed Action Marker-
A couple of places you should NOT use “了” In a “才” structure. Negation In discourse about a past event, not every action verb needs to be marked. For example, if you are describing a series of actions, only the last one needs to be marked.

36 The Skit Performance(optional): visiting friends
Greet each other at the door and give a brief introduction to hosts/guests. Sitting down, offering drinks, small talks.. Discuss each students’ hobbies Decide on a common activity to do Here are some basic information: Guest 1 is classmate/friend/family of Guest 2. Host 1 is friend/classmate/family of host 2. guest 1 knows host 1. Look at the role cards you get and start to prepare for the role play…

37 Incorrect Sentences 我介绍给你一下。 我给你介绍一下。 他没去小高家了。 他没去小高家。 你想咖啡点儿吗?
你要点儿咖啡吗? 为什么你才十二点去学校。 为什么你十二点才去学校。 昨天我们看三个外国电影了。 昨天我们看了三个外国电影。

38 Incorrect Sentences 我们现在去家吧。 我们现在回家吧。 小白家很好还是小高家很好。 小白家好还是小高家好。
上个周末我请我的同学来了吃饭。 上个周末我请了我的同学来吃饭。 他们认识小高的哥哥在图书馆。 他们在图书馆认识了小高的哥哥。 请你看一点儿,这是谁的书? 请你看一下,这是谁的书?

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