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從結構談如何 寫好英文檢定考試作文 逢甲大學外文系 闕帝丰助理教授

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1 從結構談如何 寫好英文檢定考試作文 逢甲大學外文系 闕帝丰助理教授
逢甲大學外文系 闕帝丰助理教授

2 故事條理分明,用字準確,故事結尾富有創意。 內容精彩,連貫性佳,用字生動,結尾具創意。 故事敘寫生動,鋪陳具巧思,文筆流暢。
故事情節描述生動,用字精準,詞藻豐富。 故事敘寫角度具創意,文筆流暢,表達得宜 故事條理分明,用字準確,故事結尾富有創意。 內容精彩,連貫性佳,用字生動,結尾具創意。 故事敘寫生動,鋪陳具巧思,文筆流暢。 內容精彩,連貫性佳,用字貼切,筆觸生動。

3 評分標準到底是什麼? 內容:故事情節描述生動。 結構:連貫性佳。 文法:文筆流暢。 單字:用字生動。 體例:標點符號、大小寫。

4 Argument: Writing to Influence

5 Sample Questions Do people spend too much time using their smartphones? Should drunk-drivers be charged with life prison? Should students have a say regarding the courses they will take at school?

6 Elements of Argumentative Writing
Background: What is the historical or social context for this controversial issue? Proposition (the thesis of the essay): What do I want my reader to believe or to do? → It is time to pass a national law restricting smoking in public places. → What are the key words in the proposition? → restricting vs. public → What is the definition of “public”?

7 Elements of Argumentative Writing
Qualification of proposition: supporting details of the essay. → discomfort of the nonsmoker → health of the nonsmoker → cost to the nation

8 Elements of Argumentative Writing
Refutation (taking the opposing view into account, mainly to point out its fundamental weakness): What is the view on the other side, and why is it flawed in reasoning or evidence? → How will the opposite side argue? → How will the smokers argue? → What are the possible problems of their argument? Support: facts, examples, statistics, and opinions of authorities

9 Basic Form for Paragraph of Argument
Proposition (topic sentence) I. Support 1 (qualification 1+evidence) II. Support 2 (qualification 2/ refutation 1+ evidence) III. Support 3 (qualification 3/ refutation 2+ evidence)

10 Structure of the Sample Writing
What is the proposition of the essay? → When students encounter difficulties in learning, it is wise and more effective for teachers to encourage them with inspiring words, than to discourage them with punishment.

11 Structure of the Sample Writing
What are the qualifications of proposition? Punishment: → individual differences → destroy students’ confidence Reward: → be ambitious and willing to try new things

12 Comparison and Contrast: Showing Similarities and Differences

13 Sample Questions Discuss the pros and cons of using smartphones.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving students’ autonomy with regards to deciding what they want to learn in class?

14 Comparison and Contrast
Use the 4 P’s: Purpose Point Pattern Presentation

15 Purpose Inform or persuade?
During the exploration of your topic, define your purpose clearly.

16 Points Issues you will compare Eliminate irrelevant issues

17 Patterns After considering your topic and the planned focus, select the → Subject-by-subject pattern → Point-by-point pattern The point-by-point pattern is the more common pattern.

18 Basic Subject-by-Subject Pattern
Subject X A. Point 1 B. Point 2 Subject Y

19 Basic Point-by-Point Pattern
A. Subject X B. Subject Y Point 2 A. Subject X B. Subject Y

20 Presentation Use your outline to write your paragraph.
Use appropriate explanations, details, and examples for support.

21 Structure of “Two Loves”
What is the purpose of the writing? → informative or persuasive? → informative What are the points? → passion → intimacy → commitment

22 Structure of “Two Loves”
What is the pattern? I. Passion A. Puppy love: attracted physically B. True love: proportional II. Intimacy A. Puppy love: a lot of talking B. True love: genuine closeness III. Commitment A. Puppy love: love has not been tested B. True love: proven commitment

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