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Pilot Walktour Operation Guide V3.9 (iPhone)

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Presentation on theme: "Pilot Walktour Operation Guide V3.9 (iPhone)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pilot Walktour Operation Guide V3.9 (iPhone)

2 Contents Test Procedure Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ
Call Test—Outdoor Test FTP Download—Indoor Test Parallel Test Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ

3 Overview Technology Service Test Data Processing
GSM/CDMA/TDSCDMA/WCDMA/LTE Call/MOS/FTP/HTTP/Ping/ /CSFB Data analysis & statistics Pilot Pioneer Expert Centralized data management Deliver tasks and download maps Pilot Walktour 是基于智能操作系统,嵌入商用测试手机的便携式无线空口测试仪表: 1.iPhone5s/6/6plus支持如下网络类型测试:GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSPA+/CDMA/EVDO/LTE等; 2.支持全业务测试:语音及数据,包括话音质量评估测试等——涉及业务类型的设置; 3.可随时在终端查看测试信息,也可与后台进行数据交互,并在后台进行更深入的分析——涉及测试前手机及后台的设置; 4.支持不同测试场景:包括DT、CQT、室分专项——涉及场景设置和选择。 Supported terminals: iPhone5s/iPhone6/iPhone6 Plus Pilot Fleet Unify Pilot Walktour is a commercial phone-based air interface measurement software.

4 Test Procedure Start Pilot Walktour Settings Test Information
Interaction with Pilot Fleet Unify Map Information In-built Management Select a test service Create a test plan Select a test scenario Test Process Start test 说明:1.用户可根据实际测试需求,在开始测试前对相关设置项进行配置。 2.[业务设置]中“同步互拨终端”设置是为了进行话音质量评估测试;“FTP服务器” 设置针对FTP下载及上传。 其它业务测试可不用设置,可直接进入[建立测试任务] 3.在[事件]页签中新增功能“TCP/IP”显示及其详细信息 Event/Message (including L3 decoding)/TCP/IP/Parameters/Data/Graph Display information End test Post Processing Data management Data statistics Data replay CSFB analysis

5 Main Interface The main interface consists of Auto Test, Manual, MultiTest. Users may tap About to view the software version or tap Exit to exit Pilot Walktour. Tap the Walktour icon to start Pilot Walktour. [多网测试]相关内容,请参见 Walktour Pack相关指导书; [自动测试]在“其它功能介绍”中简单介绍。

6 Manual Test Task: to create or change a service test plan
Tap Manual on the main interface. Task: to create or change a service test plan Start: to start a service test after settings Info: to view test information during service tests Data: to view or manage recorded test data Statistics: to generate statistics and reports on test data Settings: to configure the settings for service tests Time: to synchronize time on two or multiple devices Playback: to replay recorded test data files CSFB Analysis: to view detailed CSFB analysis information and generate associated reports Easy-share: to share test information among test devices

7 Settings—Chart/Alarm/Auto Analysis
Auto analysis: Users may enable Auto Analysis and Tip/Auto GoOrNogo and Tip as required. This way, the software will conduct corresponding auto analysis after the service test is completed. Chart settings: Users may set parameters and colors to be displayed on the chart. Airplane mode: Users may set whether to enable the Airplane mode. If this function is enabled, the airplane mode on the phone will be automatically enabled and disabled every time before a test. Alarm Settings: Users may set the alarm types, customize events, set conditions for event trigger, and customize alarm modes (e.g. audio alarm, show event icons on map or chart window) as required. Auto Analysis Chart Settings Airplane Mode Alarm Settings

8 Settings—Data Upload Tap Settings > Data Upload Settings.
Set data upload network. Set server information. Fleet: Users need to select the corresponding protocol, and register the device on Pilot Fleet Unify server. FTP: The username and password must be available. Upload data 说明:1. 上传或下载文件之前请选择正确的上传协议; 2. 手机需先在Fleet或BTU平台上注册; 3. 若选择上传服务器选择[FTP],需要填入FTP的相关信息,该FTP既用于上传测试数据。 Handset Deliver tasks and download maps Pilot Fleet Unify

9 Settings—Register Devices on Pilot Fleet Unify
Log in to Pilot Fleet Unify via the IE browser on a PC and register the device on Pilot Fleet Unify. On Pilot Fleet Unify, choose Device Management > Add > Walktour. In the window that is displayed, set required information, such as Group, Subgroup, Device ID, Device Name, Phone Model, and IMEI. Set correct information for Network Type and Device Model, and then click Save. Upload data 说明:1.设备ID需要特定的格式为:{手机IMEI+17个0}。例如该手机的IMEI为 ,则设备ID为: { } Handset Deliver tasks and download maps Pilot Fleet Unify

10 Settings—Select Maps Tap Info > Map > Settings.
Tap Default Map to enter the Map Settings window. Select Indoor Maps, Offline Maps or Online Maps as required.

11 Settings—Load Offline Maps/Base Station
Copy and paste the offline map package into the path: var/mobile/Documents/ walktour/map/offline. Tap Settings > Default Map, and select Offline Map. Tap the Load button on the Map window to load the offline map package, corresponding base station and drive routes. 说明:1.离线地图文件可任意设置三层文件夹存放,例如武汉市地图可存放至【中国/湖北省/武汉市地图文件】,在测试前将文件夹整体导入 var/mobile/Documents/w alktour/map/offline 路径下 2. 基站数据库存放位置为:[/var/mobile/Documents/walktour/map/BaseStation], 支持txt文本格式。 3. 导航路径文件存放位置为:/var/mobile/Documents/walktour/map/KMLFile “在线地图”设置与次相同,提前选择“在线地图”,也可导入”加载基站”/”加载导航路径”文件,不再另外说明。

12 Settings—Indoor Test Tap Settings > Info, tap Load, and select Indoor Maps. Tap the icon on the Province_City window, enter province and city name, and then tap Save. Add building, floor, and map information, and then import an indoor map (photos or iBWave) saved on the phone. Supported indoor map formats are: Photo: *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp iBWave: .*tab 说明: 1. 地图文件需按照后面[附录二]所述流程提前导入设备中。 2. 若需删除已添加的信息:在所要删除的建筑物列表上向左或向右滑动一下,会出现删除图标,点击即可删除。 3. 重复以上步骤,可添加多个室内地图。 4. 室内地图文件可任意设置三层文件夹存放,例如广东_珠海鼎利新楼5楼地图可存放至[广东_珠海/鼎利新楼/5],在测试前可将文件夹整体导入 /var/mobile/Documents/RcuData/Indoor(CQT)/ 路径下 Add Province and city Add buildings Add floors Add maps

13 Settings—Custom Parameters
Tap Manual > Info > Parameter > Settings to select a network technology and parameters to display. Users may: Tap Add to add a parameter to display Tap the icon beside a parameter to delete the parameter. Tap Reset to restore the default settings. 在[测试信息]-[自定义]可参考各自定义参数的数值

14 Other Settings 在[测试信息]-[自定义]可参考各自定义参数的数值 Customize Workspaces
Tap Settings > Customize Workspaces to set the workspaces that need to be displayed. Time Synchronization Tap Manual > Time to enter the Time Synchronization window to synchronize the system time between the MO and MT handsets. Users need to enable the MO-MT function on the handsets. Data Storage Format Tap Settings > Data Storage Format to set data storage format, TCP/IP sniffer modes, and data partition modes.

15 Create and select a test task
Start Test Tap Manual > Task, tap New, and select a service test template as required Configure the service test template, and return to Task list to select the configured task. Tap Start, select a test scenario (Outdoor, Indoor), tap OK to start the service test. Create and select a test task Select a test scenario Start test 说明:1. 如需删除某项业务,请勾选所要删除的模板,点击右下角“删除”图标即可; 2. 开始测试时打开TCP/IP抓包,则测试过程中会实时抓包并最终保留.pcap格式的文件。

16 View Test Information Tap Manual > Info to view various information by tapping the buttons at the bottom of window, including Map, Event, Data, Statistics, Parameter, Video, and Chart. 1.测试信息包括:地图/事件数据/视频/曲线/自定义 等 2.网络参数在自定义界面中显示,软件会根据手机所占网络自动匹配。(预先设定自定义参数模板) 3.包含多个页面的信息项,底部都有小圆点进行提示可切换页面(事件/信令/视频)。

17 View Test Information Tap Manual > Info > Event, slide screen to the right for the Message window display, in order to view decoded messages or TCP/IP information. Users may select an event to view detailed information. Slide screen Tap a message or TCP/IP record Switch windows

18 Freeze Screen and Add Label to Events
Tap Manual > Info > Event. Tap Freeze so that events and messages will pause on the current time stamp. Newly incoming events and messages will not be displayed on screen, but will be saved in the background. Tap Settings to enter the Setting Event window, where users may set messages or events to be displayed. Tap Label to add labels to events as required. Freeze Screen Settings Label

19 End Test and Data Post-processing
To pause the test, click the Pause button in the Manual main menu. Once all test tasks have been completed, Pilot Walktour will automatically stop the test. Once the test has ended, users may: Generate statistics for the service test Upload test data to Pilot Fleet Unify server or download test data to the PC. Process test data on Pilot Pioneer Expert or Pilot Fleet Unify. 详细操作请参见后面“其它功能介绍”部分。 Pause test Statistics

20 Contents Test Procedure Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ
Call Test—Outdoor Test FTP Download—Indoor Test Parallel Test Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ

21 Call Test (Outdoor Test)—Time Synchronization
Enable Bluetooth on both handsets or make sure both handset access to the same LAN. On both handsets, tap Manual > Time to enter the Time Synchronization window. On either handset, tap Broadcast Device Information, and set the time on the device as the reference time. Tap the other handset's name in the search result, and then tap Accept on the handset on which Broadcast Device Information is enabled to accept the connection request. Once connection is successful, tap Request Server Time on either handset to synchronize time. 注: 1.MOS测试之前需要同步主被叫手机,否则测量的MOS值不准确。 2.客户端可以是多台手机,但服务端只能有一台手机。

22 Call Test (Outdoor Test)—New Task
Tap Manual > Task > New to create a new task (take MOC/MTC as an example) Set information for MOC and MTC based on the actual situation. Tap the back icon and tap Save. For MO-MT test, time synchronization is required. 注:如选择MOS测试,需保证主被叫时间同步并且均打开MOS测试。 只有主叫手机才能测量到MOS值,被叫手机不能测试MOS值。 IOS7/8不能测试MOS Create a task Save the task

23 Call Test (Outdoor Test)—Select Test Scenario
In the Task window, select MOC or MTC, and return to the main menu. Tap Info > Map > Settings > Default Map, and select Online Maps. Tap Start on the main menu, select Outdoor, enable GPS, and enter information for Test Site, Tester, Loops, etc. Tap OK to start the test. 注:主叫选择[MOC],被叫选择[MTC]。

24 Call Test (Outdoor Test)—Tips
Turn to the Map window. If GPS function is normal, the online map will be automatically loaded and pinpoints will be marked on the map. Use two fingers to press on the map window and slide to zoom in and out the map. Use one finger to press on the map and slide to move the map. Tap Settings to set the parameters to be displayed on the Map window. Tap Clear to delete base stations, map, or test routes. The entire process of call test is recorded on the Event window; the message flow and L3 message decoding information is recorded on the Message window.

25 FTP Download (Indoor Test) —New Task
Tap Manual > Task. Tap New, and select FTP Download to create a new FTP Download task template. Enter required information such as the FTP server information for the template. Tap the back icon on the left upper corner, and tap Save. 说明:请使用合法的FTP账户和密码;

26 FTP Download (Indoor Test) — Select Test Scenario
In the Task window, select the added task template FTP Download from the list, and tap the back icon to return to the main menu. Tap Info > Map > Settings > Default Map, select Indoor Maps. Tap Start, select Indoor, enter required information (e.g. Test Site, Tester, Loops, etc.), and then tap Building and Floor to load a building and floor map. Tap OK to start the test. [建筑物]和[楼层]相关信息由[室内地图][室分地图]提前设置。

27 FTP Download (Indoor Test) -Tips
On the Map window, tap Pinpoint to pinpoint a predefined test route or start a test with pinpoints; the test route is saved automatically. Use two fingers to press on the map and slide to zoom in and out the map; use one finger to press on the map and slide to move the map. Tap Settings to set the parameters to be displayed on the Map window. Tap Clear to delete map or test routes. Tap Load to load an indoor map. The FTP download process is recorded on the Event window; the real-time download rate is recorded on the Data window.

28 FTP Download (Indoor Test) -Tips
Tap Info > Map > Settings, and enable Point Adjustment. The pinpoint adjustment tool will appear when conducting pinpointing on the Map window. The respective points are adjusted by using the four keys (up, down, left, right) and confirmed by tapping the central key. See the figures below:

29 FTP Download (Indoor Test) -Tips
Import the indoor map, click to enter the Auto Pinpoint Settings window, and set test information, e.g. map scale, map orientation, etc. Tap Start, select Indoor, set building, floor (the same as that in step 1), and tap OK to start the test.. Tap the position where the user is on the map, and Pilot Walktour will start pinpointing from the current position. 29

30 Parallel Test (Indoor Test) —New Task
Tap Task> New, and select Parallel Service to create a template. Under Multi Service List, tap New or Import to add multiple test tasks. Import: add existing tasks from the task list into the Multi Service List. New: create new tasks and add them to the Multi Service List. 3. Once the tasks have been added, click the back icon and then tap Save. Parallel service test is used to test multiple services simultaneously. Users can select voice and data services into Parallel Service templates. 注:并发业务模板中配置的语音、数据业务是同时开始测试的。

31 Parallel Test — Select Test Scenario
In the Task window, select the added Parallel Service task template from the list, and tap the back icon to return to the main menu. Tap Info > Map > Settings > Default Map, and select Indoor Maps. Tap Start, select Indoor, enter required information (e.g. Test Site, Tester, Loops, etc.), and then tap Building and Floor to load a building and floor map. Tap OK to start the test. Select building and floor where the test is conducted.

32 Parallel Test—Tips On the Map window, tap Pinpoint to pinpoint a predefined test route or start a test with pinpoints; the test route is saved automatically. Use two fingers to press on the map and slide to zoom in and out the map; use one finger to press on the map and slide to move the map. Tap Settings to set the parameters to be displayed on the Map window. Tap Clear to delete map or test routes. Tap Load to load an indoor map. 说明:WAP和NET拨号方式的数据业务互斥

33 Contents Test Procedure Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ
Call Test—Outdoor Test FTP Download—Indoor Test Parallel Test Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ

34 Configure Other Tasks (1)
Based on the instructions introduced previously, users can also configure more test templates, including Idle, Ping, HTTP Page, HTTP Download, HTTP Upload, WAP Page, WAP Download, , SpeedTest, Video Play, Facebook, Multi FTP, Traceroute, SMS, and PBM. The figure below shows the task template for HTTP Page, HTTP Download, and Video Play.

35 Test Task Management Tap this button to move test tasks in the preferred order. Tap these buttons to save and import projects.

36 Auto Test— Overview Make sure the test device has been added into Pilot Fleet Unify, and that the test task has been configured. In the main menu, tap Auto Test, select Fleet as the protocol type, and set the server IP and port. Tap Manually Update on the right upper corner, so that Pilot Walktour can download the test task from Pilot Fleet Unify. In Auto test mode, Pilot Walktour will automatically start testing once the test task has been downloaded.

37 Statistics—By File In Manual, tap Statistics.
Select a data page, and tap Statistics at the left lower corner to enter the data management window. See Figure 1. Select single or multiple data logs, tap Statistics at the bottom right corner to view statistics information. See Figure 2. Tap a result record (e.g. Call Success Rate) to view detailed information. See Figure 3 and Figure 4. Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 1 Figure 2

38 Statistics— GO or NO-go Settings
Tap Statistics on the Manual main interface, tap the settings icon , and select Go or No-go. Select a parameter, and enter a threshold for the selected parameter. If the statistics result is outside the defined parameter threshold, the result will be highlighted. 注:1.右上角[编辑]可对参数进行管理 2.每个业务右边的[+]号,点击后可添加该业务下的其他指标。

39 Statistics—Export Reports
Tap Statistics > Report. Tap Export to export and view the statistics information of the current files. See Figure 2. Tap a statistics template (e.g. FTP) on the Report Files window, select data files as required on the window that appears (see Figure 4), and then tap Statistics at the bottom right corner of the window (see Figure 4) to view corresponding report information. See Figure 5. 注:1.报表页面左下角[帮助]可查看帮助信息;右下角[报表管理]可管理历史生成的报表。 2.报表支持分享,软件会根据iPhone手机端设置的邮箱,将分享的报表送达。 Figure 4 Figure 3 Figure 5 Figure 2 Figure 1 View Information

40 CSFB Analysis Tap Settings > CSFB Analysis, and enable Auto Analysis and Tip. After CSFB test, the CSFB analysis window will be automatically displayed. Tap the grey circle in the middle to display all CSFB results. Tap the failure percentage rectangle under the grey circle to display the summary of the events. Tap any event to expand the detailed call information, including failure reasons, related fallback frequency, originating network, etc. 3. Users may tap Select File on the upper right corner of CSFB Analysis window to select data files that requires CSFB analysis.

41 Data Replay Tap Playback to enter the Select File window. Select data files to be played, and tap OK. The playback control bar that can be moved up or down as displayed. Users may pause, play forward/backward, and step forward/backward as required. Data file information can be synchronized to different windows (such Event, Message, Map, Parameter, and Meter Gauge windows) during data file replay.

42 Data Management—Delete and Upload Data Files
Once the test is completed, the test data can be copied to a PC. Users may tap Manual > Data to delete or upload data files. Delete data: Select a data log and tap the Delete button at the bottom. Upload: Select a data log and tap the Upload button at the bottom. 说明:上传数据前需要 1.在[设置]-- [Fleet设置]中, 选择相应的上传协议:Fleet4/Fleet Unity,并输入Fleet的IP地址和端口号; 2.需在[设置]-- [数据上传设置], 选择服务器以及网络类型。 参见前面第8页

43 Data Management—Search and Filter Data Files
Users may tap Manual > Data to search or filter data as required. Filter: Tap Filter, and select Time, Task, Status, or Network to filter data files as required. Search: Tap Search, and enter exception keywords (e.g. Ping Failure) to search data files that include the defined exceptions. Filter Exceeded: Tap Filter Exceeded, define a condition, and tap OK to hide data files which test duration is less than the defined value (e.g. 3 minutes). Display: Tap Display, and set File Display Mode and Display Option to display information as required. Filter Search Filter Exceeded Display 43

44 Data Management—View Data Information
On the Data Management window, users may: Tap a data file in the Data Management window, and select Properties to view the data properties (e.g. upload status, test duration) or test plans as required Tap Display, and select Display Exception Count. Tap a data file, and select Exceptions to view corresponding information. Tap Display, and select Display Go or No-Go. Tap a data file, and select Go or Nogo to view corresponding information. 44

45 TCP/IP Sniffer Tap Settings > Data Storage Format to set TCP/IP sniffer modes under TCP/IP COLLECTION MODE. All: to sniff the entire data. Header Only: to sniff only the frame header and the last ten bytes of each data packet for all services. Optimized: to sniff the entire protocol part and the first data packet for FTP and PBM service tests. Users may tap Settings > TCP/IP Filter Settings to select which protocol packets will be sniffed. User may maintain the default settings. After settings, enable TCP/IP on the Start Test window.

46 Contents Test Procedure Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ
Call Test—Outdoor Test FTP Download—Indoor Test Parallel Test Service Test (Examples) Other Features FAQ

47 Back up Test Data iTool Sync Assistant iSpirit iFunBox iPhoneBrowser
Data files can be exported from the test device to a PC by using the tools below: iTool Sync Assistant iSpirit iFunBox iPhoneBrowser …… 数据存放路径为: DT测试数据: /var/mobile/Documents/RcuData/Outdoor(DT) CQT测试数据: /var/mobile/Documents/RcuData/Indoor(CQT) 室内专项测试数据: /var/mobile/Documents/RcuData/Assisted Indoor

48 Import Map Import a Map into the iPhone Photo Album
1. Connect the iPhone to a PC via cables. 2. Open iTunes on a PC. 3. Select the test iPhone in the DEVICES column. 4. Select Photos. 5. Select Sync Photos from… 6. Select the location folder for maps in the iPhone. 7. Tap Apply. 8. Wait until the synchronization completes, and maps will be available in the iPhone Photo Album.


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