American Music —— black music

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1 American Music —— black music
today i will introduce americanuwill music to you,I hope y

2 American music The music of the United States reflects the country's music-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles.Rock and roll,blues,country,jazz,pop,and hip hop are among the country's most internationally-renowned genres.America has the world's largest music industry and its music is popular all over the world.Since the beginning of the 20th century,some forms of American popular music have gained a near global audience.

3 American music major types
blues Soul Jazz R&B Rap Rock’n roll Hip-hop Black Music

4 Black music: 17-18世纪非洲黑人是作为奴隶被迫来到美国
黑人奴隶们在农场劳动时,不允许说话,但可以唱歌。他们依靠自人听不懂的劳动号子和歌曲相互传递信息,交流感情,通过这种表达方式,把他们郁积在心里的痛苦与不平喧泄出来,从而逐渐形成了具有黑人特点的黑人音乐。 黑人音乐在形成过程中也在不断地发生着变化,这种变化包括汲取白人音乐成分,产生了布鲁斯、爵士乐等形式。而最初的摇滚乐就是黑人音乐“节奏布鲁斯”,西方也有人把摇滚乐称作为“下层阶级反抗当局的一种形式”。 Blues, R&B , Jazz Soul ,Hip Hop(嘻哈)

5 Blues(蓝调) Blues is a vocal and instrumental musical form which evolved from African American spirituals, shouts, work songs and chants and has its earliest stylistic roots in West Africa.

6 Jazz 爵士 Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music. jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music.

7 Hip Hop Rap 嘻哈 说唱

8 Background Hip-hop began 20 years ago as a black American street culture, it also refers to rap. Four manifestations of Hip-hop culture, including rhythmic (rhymes speak), hip-hop, play music and turntable skills, graffiti art. So rap is just one element of hip-hop culture . Dances, costumes, attitudes, etc. would constitute a complete hip-hop culture.

9 Jay-Z Rap godfather(说唱界教父 ) American hip-hop music artist, entrepreneur. Most NBA players are listening to songs of JAY – Z

10 R&B, also calls the RNB, it's all written is wrote and Blues, translation "Rhythm and Blues", or "Rhythm" Bruce. A blend of jazz, Gospel music and blues music form of music. it is the basis for the popular music, influence "country and western music".

11 R.Kelly R. Kelly is the most outstanding singer good at R&B and rap music, songwriter and producer, and make his music always good. rap music, R&B and soul create the beautiful melody.

12 Rock&roll Rock is a type of music that originated in the late 1940s in the United States, it became popular in the early 1950s, quickly swept the global. Rock with its flexible form of expression and bold passionate rhythm of the music to express emotion, has been the favorite of young people all over the world

13 Bill Haley Bill Haley was called the father of rock, founder of the rock.

14 Elvis Aron Presley 猫王 Recommend repertoire
In the 1950 s, elvis music began to popular in the world. His music beyond the boundaries of race and culture, formed the unique style with distinctive personality.And rock music began to swept across the world like a whirlwind.

15 Great effect Appeared in the early 19th century, and in the 20th century ,the American music industry developed a series of new forms of music.Using blues and other elements of American folk music. These popular styles included R&B, jazz and rock.

16 Thanks! Team members : 王婷婷 201207130416 方玲钰 201207130415
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