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Unit 5 Humanity and Education 人文与教育

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1 Unit 5 Humanity and Education 人文与教育
by Nancy Tu

2 人文与教育 Focus Humanity and Education 孔子与苏格拉底 六艺与七艺 宫廷与骑士
Confucius and Socrates 六艺与七艺 Six Arts and Seven Liberal Arts 宫廷与骑士 宫廷与骑士 Royal Court and Knight Yingtian Academy and University of Oxford 应天书院与牛津大学 * 沈阳大学外国语学院

3 1. 文学作品 1. Confucius and Socrates PART 1: Differences and Conflicts
PART 2: Contrasts and Origins PART 3: Interaction and Coexistence PART 4: Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

4 Differences and Conflicts
Part 1 Differences and Conflicts * 沈阳大学外国语学院

5 Case 中西方启发式教学 Heuristic Teaching Elicitation Teaching * 沈阳大学外国语学院

6 Confucius' Heuristic Teaching Theory:
A teacher would not explain unless one is desperately anxious to learn. “不愤不启,不悱不发。”“愤”意为发愤学习,积极思考,然后想把知识表达出来;“发”意为开其意、指导;“悱”意为积极思考后要表达而表达不清,则要求老师予以答其词,使其清楚。 * 沈阳大学外国语学院

7 Socrates' Elicitation Teaching Theory:“产婆术”:
Satirization讽刺, “accouche助产”, induction诱发,归纳 and definition定义. “苏格拉底方法”自始至终是以师生问答的形式进行的,所以又叫“问答法”。苏格拉底在教学生获得某种概念时,不是把这种概念直接告诉学生,而是先向学生提出问题,让学生回答,如果学生回答错了,他也不直接纠正,而是提出另外的问题引导学生思考,从而一步一步得出正确的结论。

8 According to Confucius, a teacher should not explain the difficulties to the students unless he was desperately anxious to learn. So every time he welcomed questions from students and guided them to explore the correct answers one step by another. His teaching method was called heuristic teaching.

9 Socrates’s mother was a midwife, so he gave his teaching method a name ---"elicitation" to compare his teaching process to the process of delivering a child. There are four steps. Firstly, a teacher should not stop asking question in a sarcastic way until the students realized they knew nothing. And then, the teacher would help students to abandon their fallacies 谬误 and discover the truth. Finally, the teacher would generalize the commonality共性 by analyzing individual things and give the definition.

10 What is the difference between the two educators?
During Confucius's teaching process, most questions were raised by the students while for Socrates, he was always the subject of questioning. Confucius would use a variety of ways to teach, such as asking questions, enlightening, discussing and so on, so his teaching method can be accepted by both high level students and low level ones. On the contrary, Socrates mostly used the elicitation teaching method to teach and such teaching method had a high requirement of students’ intellectual level.

11 Part 2 Contrasts and Origins * 沈阳大学外国语学院

12 Contrasts 1. Feudal system 1. Demorcratic system 2. “Ren””仁“
Confucius Socrates 1. Feudal system 2. “Ren””仁“ 3. Non-religious teaching 4. Encouragement 1. Demorcratic system 2. ”Shan“”善“ morality 3. Reglious teaching 4. Satirization * 沈阳大学外国语学院

13 Difference: Confucius vs. Socrates

14 Economy: feudal ownership of land
Contrasts and Origins Confucius 外部节能市场 Socrates Economy: feudal ownership of land Economy: Prosperous industry and commerce Politics: Declining Zhou Dynasty Yellow & Red Politics: Solon reform Education: Private lecture Ideology: The Sophists 诡辩者,博学者 * 沈阳大学外国语学院

15 Firstly, Confucius lived in the period when the whole society suffered a big change from slave society to feudal society. Therefore, he dedicated himself to serving the feudal domination. While Socrates experienced the prosperity to the decline of Athens. He dissatisfied with the temporary democratic domination, so he contributed himself to improving the social democratic system.

16 In addition, Confucius’s moral and ethic education focused on benevolence仁慈. While Socrates advocated goodness which, according to him, included righteousness, courage, self-discipline, and fraternal 兄弟般的love. Moreover, there was no religion in Confucius’s teaching contents. But Socrates’s teaching was full of religious elements.

17 Thirdly, in Confucius’s times, the system of feudal land ownership was set up, the Zhou Dynasty was declining and the private lecture became a popular way of education. In the times of Socrates, the industry and commerce were prosperous, Solon Reform梭伦改革laid a good foundation for the social democratic system of Athens, and the Sophists pushed forward the development of social ideology思想意识.

18 Interaction and Coexistence
Part 3 Interaction and Coexistence * 沈阳大学外国语学院

19 Interaction and Coexistence
1. The teaching objective 2. The educational reform 3. Morality and Virtue 4. Heuristic teaching * 沈阳大学外国语学院

20 Part 4 Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

21 What is the influence of Confucius and Socrates' theories on us?
Critical Thinking What is the influence of Confucius and Socrates' theories on us? * 沈阳大学外国语学院

22 人文与教育 Focus Humanity and Education 六艺与七艺 孔子与苏格拉底
Six Arts and Seven Liberal Arts Focus 孔子与苏格拉底 Confucius and Socrates 宫廷与骑士 Royal Court and Knight Yingtian Academy and University of Oxford 应天书院与牛津大学 * 沈阳大学外国语学院

23 2. Six Arts and Seven Liberal Arts
PART 1: Differences and Conflicts 1. 文学作品 PART 2: Contrasts and Origins PART 3: Interaction and Coexistence PART 4: Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

24 Differences and Conflicts
Part 1 Differences and Conflicts * 沈阳大学外国语学院

25 Six Arts Seven Liberal Arts
Case Six Arts Seven Liberal Arts * 沈阳大学外国语学院

26 What is the difference between A & B?
Question What is the difference between A & B? Reference The Six Arts: Ritual, music, shoot, horseriding, calligraphy, and mathmatics The Seven Arts: grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry, chronometer, Music * 沈阳大学外国语学院

27 The Chinese Six Arts include ritual, music, shoot, horse riding, calligraphy, and mathematics.
Ritual 礼,典礼was the core of the Six Arts. It covered politics, ethics, morals and national ceremonies. Actually, ritual had great influence on the construction of Chinese social order and became a scale to measure and regulate the social moral and people’s behavior. Music in the Six Arts first appeared in worship ceremony and divination and later it developed into artistic skill education in the West Zhou Dynasty.

28 Shooting was not only a physical activity for ancient gentlemen to self-cultivate but also played a very important role in military activities and hunting. Horse riding originated from military activities and the need for transportation. Calligraphy was also a way of self-cultivation for ancient gentlemen and the mathematics referred to the method to calculate.

29 While the Western Seven Liberal Arts included grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry, chronometer and Music. They became sophisticated and extensive in Middle Ages. 全称为“七种自由艺术”,是西欧中世纪早期学校中的七种主要学科。即:文法学、修辞学、辩证法(逻辑学)、算术、几何学、天文学和音乐。 Grammar included Latin and basic knowledge of literature. Rhetoric consisted of writing exercise in prose散文 and poem. Dialectic was similar to the modern logic.

30 Arithmetic 算术originated from the method of calculating the religious festival and later it gradually took in common calculations while geometry 几何 only began with some geographic knowledge and some basic concepts of geometry but later it was enriched by Euclid’s 欧几里得 geometric theories and measurement. As to chronometer 天文, its contents were not very extensive at the beginning but only some common sense about planetary motion and later Aristotle's theory enriched it. To music, besides religious music, it also included the history of music and musical theories.

31 Part 2 Contrasts and Origins * 沈阳大学外国语学院

32 Six Arts Seven Liberal Arts
Contrasts Six Arts Seven Liberal Arts 1. Moral education 2. Close to social value 1. Practical education 2. Loose value system * 沈阳大学外国语学院

33 Economy Politics Culture
Contrasts and Origins Six Arts Seven Liberal Arts 外部节能市场 Living and psychological development Economy manufacure and defending Yellow & Red Politics Religious belief Culture * 沈阳大学外国语学院

34 Origin of Six Arts As to the Six Arts, firstly, it stemmed from the living and psychological requirement. For example, the music and dance would not only train people’s body but also contributed to express people’s feeling and emotion. Secondly, it was the requirement of production and defending. In the primitive原始的 society, people lived on hunting and picking up fruits, so the shooting and horse riding training would not only provide people with skills to produce necessity for life but also protect themselves from danger. Besides, it is said that the Six Arts came from the needs for worship ceremonies. For example, the ritual, music, calligraphy and mathematics all contributed a lot to these activities.

35 origin of Seven Liberal Arts
The Seven Liberal Arts began in the early stage of ancient Greek and they were influenced by many aspects, such as economy, politics and culture. With the development of manufacture, business and navigation, slave masters became a big group, so came the slave owner democratic politics. More and more countries communicated with Greek, so the economy of the countries developed very fast. The democratic politics and developed economy constructed the social and material foundation. From the aspect of culture, Greeks love freedom, respect rationalism理性 and knowledge, it created an eligible合适的 land for the birth of the Seven Liberal Arts.

36 Interaction and Coexistence
Part 3 Interaction and Coexistence * 沈阳大学外国语学院

37 Interaction and Coexistence
1. Discipline-centered curriculum 2. Liberal education 3. Both important status in history * 沈阳大学外国语学院

38 Part 4 Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

39 Critical Thinking What is the influence of six arts and seven liberal arts on our curriculum today? * 沈阳大学外国语学院

40 人文与教育 Focus Humanity and Education 孔子与苏格拉底 六艺与七艺
Confucius and Socrates 六艺与七艺 Six Arts and Seven Liberal Arts Focus 宫廷与骑士 Royal Court and Knight Yingtian Academy and University of Oxford 应天书院与牛津大学 * 沈阳大学外国语学院

41 1. 文学作品 3. Royal Court and Knight PART 1: Differences and Conflicts
PART 2: Contrasts and Origins PART 3: Interaction and Coexistence PART 4: Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

42 Differences and Conflicts
Part 1 Differences and Conflicts * 沈阳大学外国语学院

43 Case 宫廷教育和骑士教育 Royal Court Education Chivalric Education * 沈阳大学外国语学院

44 Royal Court Education in Tang Dynasty:
Case Royal Court Education in Tang Dynasty: Rich contents and students from all hierarchy Chivalric Education in Medieval Times: religion, moral, ritual and seven arts of knight and boys from royal families * 沈阳大学外国语学院

45 1. The contents of education 2. The educated students
Question What is the difference ? Reference 1. The contents of education 2. The educated students 3. The purpose of the education * 沈阳大学外国语学院

46 Both in the system and the contents, the royal court education in the Tang Dynasty is much more abundant than the former dynasty and had great influence on the later education. The royal court education related closely to the politics. Its contents are rich and its students are from the top class to the low class in the palace. Meanwhile, the queen, all of the emperor’s wives, all the maids侍女, and even the eunuchs宦官 would be educated in the palace.

47 The chivalric education referred to feudal lord education which was stemmed from feudal manorial庄园的 economy and feudal hierarchy politics. When all the feudal lords struggled to plunder抢夺 more land, the needs for more armed knights soared. So we can also say the chivalric education came into being to meet the requirement of protecting feudal lord’s land and fighting to plunder more land for their lords领主. The contents of the chivalric education include religion, moral, ritual and seven arts of knight which are horse riding, swimming, javelin投枪, fencing, hunting, playing chess and reciting poems.

48 time requirement There is no time requirement for the royal court education, so students would be educated throughout the whole life while the chivalric education had strictly 3 stages which were the family education stage, the boy servant education stage and the chivalric servant education stage.

49 Part 2 Contrasts and Origins * 沈阳大学外国语学院

50 Contrasts 1. Different class 1. Royal students
Royal Court Education Knight Education 1. Different class 2. No fixed education stages 1. Royal students 2. Fixed education stages * 沈阳大学外国语学院

51 Religion: Buddhism and Taoism Religion: Christian
Contrasts and Origins Royal Court Education 外部节能市场 Chivalric Education Religion: Buddhism and Taoism Religion: Christian Politics: needs from ruling class Yellow & Red Politics: feudal social needs Culture Military requirements * 沈阳大学外国语学院

52 In the Tang Dynasty, the rulers took the perdition 毁灭of the Sui Dynasty as a mirror. They set about developing agriculture, manufacture and business, so the whole society appeared quite prosperous. Meanwhile, Confucianism became the main stream of the education. Buddhism and Taoism were also absorbed by the culture. The three ideological forms competed with each other and interacted with each other.

53 As to the chivalric education, the religion of Christian was one of the most important origins. In the Middle Ages, people believed that they lived in a world full of monsters and evils, to struggle for the opportunities to go into the heaven, they contributed their own spirit to the god. So all the knights were required to serve not only their lord but also the god. And their lords would transmit the god’s order to his knights and all the knights had to follow it without any hesitation. So the contents of the chivalric education would not only satisfied the religious requirement but also their feudal lord’s.

54 Interaction and Coexistence
Part 3 Interaction and Coexistence * 沈阳大学外国语学院

55 Interaction and Coexistence
2018/5/8 Interaction and Coexistence 1. Serve for ruling class 2. full of religious education 3. Sastified the political need * 沈阳大学外国语学院 11

56 Part 4 Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

57 2018/5/8 Critical Thinking Please talk about religious education and royal court education in western Europe and the Imperial exam education in ancient China? * 沈阳大学外国语学院 13

58 人文与教育 Focus Humanity and Education 六艺与七艺 孔子与苏格拉底
Six Arts and Seven Liberal Arts Focus 孔子与苏格拉底 Confucius and Socrates 宫廷与骑士 Royal Court and Knight Yingtian Academy and University of Oxford 应天书院与牛津大学 * 沈阳大学外国语学院

59 1. 文学作品 4. Yingtian Academy and University of Oxford
1.标题翻译还需要大家商榷一下。 2. 标题还留不留中文? 3.图片有水印,需要技术处理一下。 PART 1: Differences and Conflicts 1. 文学作品 PART 2: Contrasts and Origins PART 3: Interaction and Coexistence PART 4: Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

60 Differences and Conflicts
Part 1 Differences and Conflicts * 沈阳大学外国语学院

61 应天书院与牛津大学 Yingtian Academy University of Oxford Case
1. 有的可能就一个case, 就用一页就可以。为了节省ppt,介绍两人内容放在蓝色框框里解释。两个图片一定要大小方向一致, Yingtian Academy University of Oxford * 沈阳大学外国语学院

62 Yingtian Academy's educational objective:
Case 1. 有的可能就一个case, 就用一页就可以。为了节省ppt,介绍两人内容放在蓝色框框里解释。两个图片一定要大小方向一致, Yingtian Academy's educational objective: To cultivate elites to assist the ruler to govern the country. University of Oxford's educational objective: To cultivate elites to serve for the church. * 沈阳大学外国语学院

63 What is the difference between A & B?
Question What is the difference between A & B? Reference 1. The objectives of education 2. The contents of curriculum 3. The length of univeristy's life * 沈阳大学外国语学院

64 From the 11th to 12th century, there was a very influential institution named Yingtian Academy in China, and even today, its contribution to the development of education should not be ignored. Academy has been a significant educational organization and played an important role in the history. As a combination of public school and private school, the academy took in the characteristics of orthodox education and flexible education from public school and private school respectively.  It formed a unique school system in that period.

65 University of Oxford was also founded in the 12th century
University of Oxford was also founded in the 12th century. During 1096 to 1167, it became a center to cultivate clergies and do researches. At the beginning, University of Oxford whose teaching contents focused on scholasticism and who took theology as the main subject existed as a subsidiary of the church. As a moral standard, religion laid great impact on the development of University of Oxford. Most students would begin their study at the age of 14 or years later they could get bachelor degree and another 3 years later, they could get master degree. Its education system had already presented a similar form as the modern higher education.

66 Difference between the two institutions
As to University of Oxford, during its 800 years’ development, the main teaching objective was to cultivate gentleman leader and gentleman scholar, and especially gentleman clergies for the church. Liberal arts, Roman law, church law, theology and medical science were main curriculum of their teaching. For Yingtian Academy, Confucianism was the main teaching contents. During the teaching process, the teacher would cultivate students' characters, teach students to deal with troubles and get along with people according to the thoughts of Confucianism.

67 Part 2 Contrasts and Origins 同Part 1的问题 Part 2 还是用罗马数字 Part II?
图片是否需要固定? Contrasts and Origins * 沈阳大学外国语学院

68 Contrasts 1. Confucianism 1. Theology 2. Serving for the ruler
Yingtian Academy University of Oxford 缺点:带图的时候,下面文字的行距有点小。 优点:可以看图说话。 1. Confucianism 2. Serving for the ruler 3. Being disappeared 1. Theology 2. Serving for the god 3. Growing stronger * 沈阳大学外国语学院

69 Scholars researching and lecturing General researching
Contrasts and Origins Yingtian Academy University of Oxford 外部节能市场 这一页和下一页二选一,个人喜欢这页! Talents cultivation Clergies cultivatoin Yellow & Red Scholars researching and lecturing General researching * 沈阳大学外国语学院

70 Yingtian Academy, the same as other academies, was the needs of the government for talented people to assist their dominators to rule the country. Meanwhile, some frustrated scholars who had no ambitions to take part in political affairs chose to look for a good environment to do researches and give lectures to educate students and spread their own thoughts. Therefore, we can say it was the needs of the government and scholars contributed to the construction of academies.

71 As to University of Oxford, it came from a fight between the kings of France and Britain. Before 12th century, there was no universities in Britain, so all the students went to France and other European countries to pursue their studies. In 1167, the king of England had a big quarrel with the king of France, so he called back all the students studying in France and built up their own university—the Oxford. Since the king of England, Henry II built one of his palace in Oxford, scholars gathered here to gain protection from the king. On the other hand, as theology was the dominating subject for the society, the needs for clergies牧师 working for the church and research operating contributed to the foundation of University of Oxford.

72 Interaction and Coexistence
图片是否需要固定? Part 3 Interaction and Coexistence * 沈阳大学外国语学院

73 Interaction and Coexistence
1. The most influential institution of higher education 2. Taking the duty to cultivate talents and do research * 沈阳大学外国语学院

74 similarities Although the differences between the two institutions are obvious, they shared some similar characteristics. Firstly, both of them are the most influential institutions of higher education in their times and even today. In addition, even though the two institutions were far away from each other, they all took the duty to cultivate elites 精英and do research for their societies. So they shared the same important position in each country.

75 Part 4 Critical Thinking * 沈阳大学外国语学院

76 Critical Thinking What are others academies in ancient China and universities in western countries in medieval ages? * 沈阳大学外国语学院

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