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Dialogue B Do you like sports?

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1 Dialogue B Do you like sports?
Unit 5 What's your hobby? Dialogue B Do you like sports? 福州商贸职专 林艳

2 Game: Look at the pictures, guess what’re their hobbies.

3 singing playing the piano playing basketball playing computer games playing chess swimming

4 watching TV reading dancing listening to music playing football skating

5 Listen and tick. 听录音,选出王洋的爱好。
( ) ( ) ( )

6 Name Hobby Wang Yang Tom Listen and complete. 再听录音,写出王洋和Tom 爱好的运动。
playing football playing chess

7 Watch a movie

8 Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出谈论兴趣爱好的句子。
Sara: Hi, Ben, do you like sports? Ben: Oh, I enjoy playing football very much. Sara: Do you like American football? Ben: No, I don’t. What about you, Sara? Sara: I don’t like playing American football. Ben: What about Tang Hua? Does she love American football? Sara: No, she doesn’t. She likes playing chess.

9 enjoy playing football
enjoy + doing sth. e.g. I enjoy watching TV. Tom enjoys playing basketball. She enjoys dancing. They enjoy painting.

10 通常 football 一词指的就是足球 。但 American football 指的是橄榄球 , 一种在美国十分盛行的体育运动。足球 在美式英语中用 soccer 来表示。

11 Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。
Do you like sports? I enjoy playing football very much. What about you? I don’t like playing American football. Does she love American football? No, she doesn’t. She likes playing chess.

12 Talk and complete. 利用下列单词和句子询问班里其他同学的兴趣爱好。
What do you like / love? My hobby is … What’s your hobby? I like / love Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. What about you? Do you like / love / enjoy … playing football / basketball playing computer games playing the piano playing chess listening to music singing and dancing Watching movies

13 Name Like Don’t like

14 Homework: 1. Recite Dialogue B 2. Make a new dialogue with the words and expressions we have learned. 3. Preview “Reading and Writing”.

15 Thank you!

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