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LESSON TEN The Green Banana Donald Batchelder.

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1 LESSON TEN The Green Banana Donald Batchelder

2 exercises 1. What is “learning moments”? Have you ever experienced “learning moments”? 2. Have you ever heard of or encountered the experience of cultural differences? List the examples.

3 Background The text is taken from Beyond Experience:
An Experiential Approach to Cross-cultural Education edited by Donald Batchelder and Elizabeth G. Warner in 1974.

4 Batchelder’s view on cross-cultural education:
“If some of the goals of education in modern times are to open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and the chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a wider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling them to participate sensitively as cross-cultural sojourners to the center of someone else’s world.”

5 (种族优越论) Ethnocentrism provincialism regionalism Cultural chauvinism Relativism racism (cultural) imperialism

6 Ayers rock

7 In the central area of Brazil, steep mountain road
importance of the rock? Special potential of green bananas In the central area of Brazil, steep mountain road Cultural relativism reached destination My jeep stopped. The radiator leak. Stopped for help went on

8 Telling the first part of the Story:
Story (Narration) Telling the first part of the Story: Climax learning experie-nce(para.5-8) Development Ending Beginning

9 consist of ...: include .. as its main parts or aspects包括
Language Understanding: consist of ...: include .. as its main parts or aspects包括 相似结构:由 … 组成 构成 be composed of … … constitute be made up of … fall into… E.g. 这本书是有八个章节构成的。 The book consists of eight chapters. The book is composed of is made up of eight chapters. falls into Eight chapters constitute the book.

10 adj. (predicative only) Be sure to do sth. 务必,一定要 make sure that… 确信
 Be/feel sure of (about) sth./ that…确信 adv. I said it’d happen, and sure enough it did. (确实事实上) I don’t know it for sure.(的确,确实地) Compare: assure有信心地说,使相信确信  ensure保证(得到),确定,获得 E.g. I assure you that there is no danger.保证    We tried to assure the nervous old lady that flying was safe.使相信 He assured me of his readiness to help.使相信 I can’t ensure that he will be there in time.确定 The documents ensure to you the authority you need.保证得到 We ensured against possible disappointment.使安全,避免

11 work out This problem will not work out.
They ‘ve worked out a method of sending a spacecraft to Mars. The champion is working out in the gym. How will things work out? I wonder how his ideas worked out in practice? 可以解决; 设计发明制定; (为参加竞赛)练习训练; 结局,结果是;develop (esp. favorably)我想知道他们的想法怎样在实践中实现?

12 My advice was completely ignored.
ignore: take no notice of refuse to take notice of 不顾,不理,忽视 (有意识的) E.g. ignore rude remarks be ignored by one’s superiors My advice was completely ignored. Variants: ignorant: adj. unaware, knowing little or nothing 没知识的,不知道的 E.g. I am quite … of what his plans are. an ignorant replay/ conduct/ behavior ignorance: n. being ignorant want of knowledge 无知,不知 E.g. We are in complete … of his plan.

13 Compare: 忽略玩忽(粗心无意识造成的) neglect one’s duty玩忽职守
neglect: pay no attention to/give no notice or not enough care to unconscious, unaware 忽略玩忽(粗心无意识造成的) E.g. neglect one’s studies/ children/ health neglect one’s duty玩忽职守 Don’t ~ writing to your mother. negligent: taking little care 不注意的, 疏忽的 E.g. He is ~ of his duties He is ~ in his work. negligible: that needn’t be considered; of little or no importance or size不重要的 E.g. a ~ quantity

14 call for: demand, require, need要求,需要,提倡 E.g. ~ economy
The occasion ~ prompt action. You must take such steps as seem to be ~ (do what seems necessary)你必须采取似乎必要的措施. call sb./ sth. up: telephone to / bring back to mind/ summon for military service E.g. I will call you up the morning. If the war breaks out, we shall be ~ at once. The scenes ~ my childhood memory. Call sth./sb. up: 1)打电话给。。 2) 使想起,使忆起 3)征召。。服兵役

15 call by: visit briefly when passing house顺便拜访
call on/upon sb.: make a short visit to短暂                      拜访 call on/ upon sb. to do sth.: require sb.要求恳请                     呼吁号召 call off 取消,停止,放弃 E.g. You’d better call the deal off. The football match was called off due to the fog.

16 relate vi. 涉及,有关 relate to eg. The paper ~ to the situation. related adj. 有联系的, 相关的 relative adj. 相关的, 相对的,比较的 n. 亲戚,亲属 relation n. 关系,联系 (in/with relation to) 关系涉及,有关 relativity n. 相对性, 相关性

17 eg. His heart attack could be
related to his car crash last year. 他的心脏病发作与去年的车祸有关。 Eg. The cost relates directly to the amount of time spent on the job. 费用与工作所耗的时间直接相关。

18 compare: tend: vi. 倾向于 趋于 tend to— E.g. People tend to gain weight on
holidays. vt. 照顾护理 tend the sick tendency: n. 趋势 compare: intend v. 想要,打算 intend to do sth. intention: a plan or purpose 意图,打算 E.g. I’ve no intention of changing my plans.

19 Topic discussion Do you agree that the 21th century will see the bitter conflicts between the west culture and the east culture? What do you think is the right attitude towards cultural differences?

20 Thank You !

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