Asking Names Formal & casual Objectives

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1 Asking Names Formal & casual Objectives
Greet and exchange names using formal and informal expressions. Use appropriate titles Ask last and first names using formal/informal ways Ask and answer questions regarding English/Chinese names

2 Chinese Surnames 姓 女 + 生 = 姓
女 生 = 姓 It is Made up of two parts: Female and Birth indicating that is a woman who gives birth. This is an implication that in primitive times, China was a matriarchal society. Children knew who their mother was but not their father. Matriarchal society: The mother was the central figure of the family. Children born of the same mother formed a group called the maternal tribe. To avoid intermarriages within the tribe, the surname became the title of the clan. In the matriarchal society, children took their mother’s surname. Those with the same surname were not allowed to marry. Many ancient surnames carry the radical, such as 姚, 姜, 姬

3 Chinese names Last Name goes first, first name goes last
Bruce Lee 李小龍 李= last name Li xioa long first name Jackie Chen 成 龍 成 = last name Chen long

4 The most popular 10 surname
王 張 李 趙 Wang zhang li zhao 陳 楊 吳 劉 Chen yang wu liu 黃 周 林 馬 Huang zhou lin ma 高 鄭 謝 Gao zheng xie

5 How names are Chosen? Six prohibitions in the matter of naming:
No Countries, No Official ranks, No Mountains, and rivers, No diseases, No beasts, (pig, dog, cat,…) No tools This is to prevent from getting the name with a negative meaning.

6 Methods of naming based on:
Birth situation: 孔鯉 When Confucius’ son was born, duke Zhao of Lu happened to send him a carp. Hence, Confucius named his son Carp. Birthday or birthday place: Emperor Qin Shihuang was born on New Year’s day. As 正and 政were used interchangeable in ancient times, he was thus named 政. Unique appearance: As an infant, the crown of Confucius’ head was depressed at the middle, while its surrounding area was raised. This shape resembled hills, hence Confucius was names 丘 Parents’ expectations: glory to ancestors光祖, Prominent超群, Wealthy 順富, Country’s pillar 國棟 Reverences for a living person or admiration for a virtuous person in history Political situation and reform: Liberation 解放, Building nation 建國, Build 建設, Leap forward 耀進, Moral ideals: Industgrious克勤, Observe manners守禮, With virtues徳懷 Names of places: Dadu River 沫若, Yalong River 若水

7 Two ways to Pick your Chinese names
A. Go by the pronunciation: Ex. Mary 瑪莉 White 懷特 Michelle 米雪 B. Go by the meaning: White 白

8 Example of Names 美英 小麗 珍珍 小梅 麗華 文英 大雄 勇健 衛國 大偉

9 Example Use the website to find your Chinese name
Step 1 Type first name (type in your name) Copy and paste Step 2 Type Character with animation Follow stroke order

10 你 我 您 好 請 問 貴 姓 New Characters 什 的 先 麼 生 呢 名 小 字 姐 中 李 文 林 英 王 叫 shén
de xiān me shēng nín ne míng xiăo Hăo zi Jiĕ qĭng Zhōng wèn wén lín Guì yīng wáng xìng jiào

11 2. Asking Names Vocabulary 你 Ex. Lĭ Lĭ Lĭ 请问
you Mr./husband 先 生 xiān shēng Miss 小 姐 xiăo jiĕ I, me Mrs./wife 太 太 tài tai Ex. Lĭ Lĭ Lĭ 请问 Qĭng wèn Qĭng wèn May I ask? nĭ you nín you, a polite form nín haŏ Hello, a polite form, How do you do 李先生 李太太 李小姐 Traditional Simplified 請問 您好

12 你好 嗎 贵姓 姓 貴姓 李 林 是 Traditional Simplified nĭ haŏ Hello/Hi 吗
ma a question word Xìng surname, family name, last name 贵姓 Guì xìng honorable surname Lĭ Lee, a Chinese surname Lín Lin, a Chinese surname Shì yes, is/am/are 貴姓

13 Read and translate the word
Traditional Simplified 貴姓 太太 名字 請問 先生 中文 我的 小姐 什麼 英文 您好 贵姓 太太 名字 请问 先生 中文 我的 小姐 什么 英文 您好

14 Match English with Chinese Click on the Chinese word to find out the answer
Name What Call Mine Honorable surname Q.W./ma Is/am/are 1名字 2贵姓 3中文 4英文 5我的 6什么 7叫 8是 9吗

15 Expending Drill 您好 先生 李先生 您是 李先生 您是 李先生吗? 您是李先生吗? 请问 您是李先生吗? 姓李 你好 您

16 Expending Drill 您好 李 先生 您是 李先生 您是 李先生吗? 您是李先生吗? 请问 您是李先生吗? 姓李 你好 您 姓李

17 DIALOGUE PRACTICE 1. Greet each other in the formal way 2. Ask your partner “Are you Mr./Miss (Her/his last name)? 3. Respond your partner’s question with “Yes, my surname is ” 4. Ask your partner’s surname with polite form. 5. Your partner responds to your question. 6. Switch roles. 7. Act out each of the situations in the exercises above.

18 Expending Drill Click the bell and say the answer
名字 贵姓 中文 英文 我的 什么

19 Greeting and Names vocabulary
You (polite form) Mrs. English name Hi/hello Miss Lin My name How do you do Mr. Lee My Chinese name Your English name Call What is your name Good Surname May I ask Name My surname wang Your honorable surname is? Honorable surname Mrs. Wen ma/a QW Chinese language What’s your surname Miss What English language My surname is Lee Mr. I am Lee four Chinese name 太太 英文名字 林小姐 我的名字 你好 我的中文名字 您好 李先生 你的英文名字 你叫什麼名字 請問 名字 我姓王 貴姓 您貴姓 文太太 中文 你姓什麼 小姐 我姓李 什麼 英文 先生 我叫李四 中文名字

20 Greeting and Names vocabulary
You (polite form) Mrs. My name Hi/hello Miss Lin My Chinese name Your English name How do you do Mr. Lee What is your name Call Very good Surname My surname wang Your honorable surname is? May I ask Name Honorable surname Mrs. Wang What’s your surname ma/a QW Chinese language Miss My surname is Lee English language What I am Lee four Chinese name English name Mr. 太太 我的名字 我的中文名字 你好 林小姐 你的英文名字 您好 李先生 你叫什么名字 我姓王 很好 您贵姓 请问 名字 贵姓 王太太 你姓什么 中文 小姐 我姓李 英文 什么 中文名字 我叫李四 英文名字 先生

21 2. 吗= Please is a polite request when used prior to a verb. Ex. 请问
Did you know The formal way of asking names, usually surnames only, is in situations such as: business environment, meeting for the first time, or talking to your superior/senior.   Chinese names: Chinese names are mostly made up of three characters, and the last name comes before the first name, for example李三三 or 林小今。 Both李and林are the last names, and三三and小今are the first names. To shorten the length, people who are familiar with each other address each other either by full name, first name, or adding “old” to show respect, or “little” in front of the surname, depending on the age. For example, if 林小今 is younger than李三三, 林小今might use老李to address him, and 李三三might use小林to address her. 2. 吗= Please is a polite request when used prior to a verb. Ex. 请问 3. 贵姓 guì xìng is a polite form or a formal way of asking someone’s surname. It is usually used when people first meet, or when the situation is formal. 4. 吗ma is a question word. It is used at the end of a sentence to convert a statement into a question when it is a yes/no question. Ex. A statement: 您是林先生。 → a question: 您是林先生吗? A statement: 今天星期五。 → a question:今天星期五吗?

Translate the following sentences into Chinese and convert them into questions by adding the question word吗at the end of each sentence. Your surname is Li. You are Mr. Lin. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is the 31st. Yesterday was Sunday. Tomorrow is Independence Day.

23 Three ways of asking names in the formal way using 您
1. When you don’t know the person’s surname: Q:您贵姓? R: 我姓林 (Replace 林with 李) 2. When you are not sure of the person’s surname: Q.您姓林吗? R:是,我姓林。(Replace 林with 李) 3. When you want to confirm this is the person you are looking for, using either their last name, first name, or any other title: 请问,您是李天星吗? R: 是,我是李天星。 (Replace the underlined word with your name.) Greeting: The following greetings are equally used. 李先生您好! 您好,李先生。 (Replace the underlined words with 林太太、林小姐)

24 Which expression will fit each situation described below the BEST
1. Your foreign student advisor calls you to the office. Right after you greet each other, he asks you if your name is --- to confirm that he has the right person (student). You want to know how to address him. How will you ask? 2. In a business meeting, everyone is sitting around a table. You try to start a conversation with the person who sits next to you. How will you ask for his name? 3. You are directed to the office to register for a class. You were told to look for someone with the surname Lin. There are two people sitting behind the registration desk. How will you ask to find out which one’s surname is Lin?

25 4. Your travel agent told you that someone from your Chinese family, whom you have seen before, will come to the airport to pick you up. When you arrive at the China airport, you see a young lady who looks like Ms. Lee. How will you ask if she is one of the Lee’s? 5. Your new roommate is林天期. She is going to meet you in the school lobby to take you to your room. When you see a girl about your age waiting in the lobby, how will you ask if she is 林天期? 6. You finally get to meet with your pen pal, 李明星. When you see the person who fits your pen pal’s description, how will you ask if he is your pen pal?

26 BINGO 1 2 3 4 您好 你好 你呢 我的 先生 李小姐 小姐 貴姓 請問 名字 王先生 太太 我姓林

27 BINGO 1 2 3 4 您好 你好 什么 先生 李小姐 小姐 贵姓 请问 名字 王先生 太太 我姓林

28 Do Now Write in Chinese Miss: Honorable surname: Mr.:
Chinese language: Mrs.: English language: Hi/hello: Name: Hi (Formal): What: Very good: To be called: And you? My: Mr. Lee: Your honorable surname: Miss Lin: My surname is Lee: Mrs. Wang: May I ask?

29 Translate the words Click the box and find out the answer
请问 贵姓 名字 什么 小姐 先生 太太 你好 good May I ask Honorable surname eror Name What A question word/ma You/formal Miss Mr. Mrs. Call Lee/a surname Wang/a surname Hi/hello Please Ask

30 Greeting 學生: 我們很好,您呢? 老師: 我也很好, 謝謝. 老師: 大家好!

31 Xiān shēng Titles Tài tai Xiān shēng Xiăo jiĕ 老师 Lăo shī

32 小姐 xiăo jiĕ 先生 Xiān shēng 林小姐 李先生

33 YOU. /polite form Hi/hello How do you do 你. 您. 你好 您好 nĭ. nín
YOU /polite form Hi/hello How do you do 你 您 你好 您好 nĭ nín nĭ hăo nín hăo 您好,李小姐. 您好,王先生

34 Xing surname 我wo I 什么 shen me what 你姓什么? 我姓林.

35 名字 Ming zi name 我wo I Jiao call 你叫什么名字? 我叫林二.

36 请问 qing wen May I ask 请问你叫什么名字? 请问你姓什么? 請問你叫什麼名字

37 呢 ne Question Word 我姓林, 你呢? 我叫林二, 你呢? 請問你叫什麼名字

38 I. Word Search II. Read and translate the words
1 2 3 4 王先生 什麼 小姐 先生 李小姐 你呢 我姓 貴姓 請問 名字 我叫 林二 什麼 名字 林小 姐呢 我的 名字 你好

39 I. Word Search II. Read and translate the words
1 2 3 4 王先生 什么 小姐 先生 李小姐 你呢 我姓 贵姓 请问 名字 我叫 林二 什么 名字 林小 姐呢 我的 名字 你好

40 Write a dialogue: “Greeting & exchange names” Formal way (Be polite)
Test Greeting & names Write a dialogue: “Greeting & exchange names” Formal way (Be polite) 您好 您貴贵姓 李先生您好 II. Casual way 你姓什麼么 你叫什麼么名字

41 Speaking exercise formal & casual Asking each other’s names
Formal/Polite form 你 好! 請問您姓什麼 请问你姓什麼? 我姓林, 你 呢? 我姓王. 你叫什么名字? 我叫王五, 你 呢? 我叫林二. 林小姐你 好. 王先生你 好. 您貴姓 您贵姓

42 Speaking exercise Asking each other’s names
你好! 請問你姓什麼? 请问你姓什么? 我姓林, 你呢? 我姓王. 你叫什麼名字? 你叫什么名字? 我叫王五, 你呢? 我叫林二. 林小姐你好. 王先生你好.

43 Honorable surname 貴姓guì xìng A formal way 我姓王, 您呢? 請問您貴姓? 我姓李.

44 Honorable surname 貴姓guì xìng A formal way 我姓王, 您呢? 请问您贵姓? 我姓李.

45 What are they talking about? A casual way
我姓林.你叫什么名字? 你好,请问 你姓什么? 我叫王二,你呢? 我叫林小明

46 What are they talking about? A casual way
我姓林.你叫什麼名字? 你好,請問 你姓什麼? 我叫王二,你呢? 我叫林小明

47 Did you know … The casual way of asking names is usually used among peers, or an order one to a younger one. *名字 can refer to a full name or the first name. In some situations, a question and its answer are in the same word order, except the question word in the question is replaced by the desired answer. Ex.什么as the question word Q﹕他姓什麼么? A﹕他姓[his name]。 Q: 他的名字叫什麼么? A﹕他的名字叫[his name] Q﹕他的中文名字叫什麼么? A﹕他的中文名字叫[his name] Four basic ways to ask for someone’s English & Chinese names: 你 叫 什 麼么名 字? 你 的 名 字 叫 什麼 么? 你 的 中 文 名 字 叫 什 麼么? 你 的 英 文 名 字 叫 什麼 么?

48 DIALOG PRACTICE 1. Your Chinese school is assigning students to a class based on their Chinese surnames. Everyone is asked for his/her surname upon arriving at the office. Your surname happens to be one of the most popular Chinese surnames; therefore you are also asked for your first name. 2. You are the only American student in your school. Everyone wants to make an acquaintance with you. A lady in her thirties asks for your name(s). You respond to her questions accordingly. 3. 李小三, whose English name is Susan, is in your Chinese class. You greet each other and ask each other’s English and Chinese names.

49 Which one of the three best describes the following
1. Your foreign student advisor calls you to the office. Right after you greet each other, he asks you if your name is --- to confirm that he has the right person (student). You want to know how to address him. How will you ask? 2. In a business meeting, everyone is sitting around a table. You try to start a conversation with the person who sits next to you. How will you ask for his name? 3. You are directed to the office to register for a class. You were told to look for someone with the surname Lin. There are two people sitting behind the registration desk. How will you ask to find out which one’s surname is Lin?

50 Greetings and Names Write 3 times for each translation:
You: I : Hi/Hello: Surname: May I ask: Honorable surname: Miss: Mr. Name: What: What name: What is your name? I am [Your name] And you? Mr. Wang: My surname is Wang. Miss Lee. What about Miss Lee?

51 Greeting and Names Unscramble it:
1. 问 贵 请 您 姓 2. 你 我 姓 李 呢? 3. 名字 叫 你 什么 4. 姓 你 么 什 5.林 姓 我 6. 先生 什么 您 王 叫 名字 7. 小 好 姐 您 李 8. 不姓 我 王

52 什么 名字

53 Greeting & Asking names Translate the following into Chinese:
Hello: May I ask, what is your honorable surname? My surname is Lee, and you? My surname is Wang. Hi, Mr. Wang. Hi, Miss Lee. What is your name? My name is Lee four. May I ask what is your surname? My name is Wang Five, what about you?

54 Greeting and Names Write in Chinese: Miss: May I ask: Miss Lin:
Honorable surname: Mr. Lee: Surname: And you: Name: My name is Wang two: What: What is your surname: Call: What is your name: You: My surname is Lee: I: May I ask what your honorable surname is: Hello: Mr.: Hello, Miss Wang:

55 Greeting and names-formal
Miss: Honorable surname: Mr.: Chinese language: Mrs.: English language: Hi/hello: Name: How do you do: What: Very good: To be called: And you? My: Mr. Lee: Your honorable surname: Miss Lin: My surname is Lee: Mrs. Wang: May I ask?

56 Greeting and Names Read and translate: 你好 你姓什麼么? 我姓林 我姓林, 您貴贵姓? 我叫林二
我的生日是四月二十四日. 你呢? 林小姐, 你的生日是几月几日? 你姓什麼么? 我姓林, 您貴贵姓? 王先生, 你好. 請問请问你叫什麼么名字? 我叫王五, 你呢? 請問请问今天是幾几月幾几日星期幾几? *Write a short dialogue asking your partner’s name and surname.

57 Greeting and Names Write in Chinese: Miss: May I ask: Miss Lin:
Honorable surname: Mr. Lee: Surname: And you: Name: My name is Wang two: What: What is your surname: Call: What is your name: You: My surname is Lee: I: May I ask what your honorable surname is: Hello: Mr.: Hello, Miss Wang:

58 Test Greeting and Names
Write in Chinese: I: May I ask: Hello: Honorable surname: Mr.: Surname: Miss: Name: Mrs. What: And you: Call: How do you do You: My: Translate the following into Chinese: I. Formal way: What is your honorable surname? My surname is Lee, Hi, Mr. Wang Hi, Miss Lin

59 Test Greeting and Names
Translate the following into Chinese: II. Casual What is your surname? What is your name? My surname is Lin My name is Wang four. Unscramble the 什麼 么 / 請問请问 /叫 /你 /名字 你呢 /叫 /王 /友 /我 好 /李 /您 /先生 姓 /什麼么 /你 中文 /我的 /叫 /名字 /李五

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