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Presentation on theme: "Word-power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word-power

2 Have you ever visit some beautiful places during your summer holidays?




6 Which place do you prefer to live in? Why?

7 Read this brochure about a environmentally friendly hotel, and pay attention to the red words.

8   Ecotourists are people who visit an area and do not harm or damage the ecosystem.They are interested in environmental protection. If you are this kind of tourist, you will love Ecoville. We use natural, safe energy from the sun, solar energy, instead of digging up Earth to find fossil fuels. Nothing in our hotel causes pollution. We even use eco-friendly washing powder to wash your sheets. Don’t have your next holiday in a city full of factories that create harmful waste. Come to Ecoville, where you and Earth will be safe together.

9 1)What kind of people are ecotourists?

10 1)What kind of people are ecotourists?
Ecotourists are people who visit an area and do not harm or damage the ecosystem. They are interested in environmental protection. Discussion

11    2)What type of energy does an environmentally friendly hotel use?

12    2)What type of energy does an environmentally friendly hotel use?
Natural, safe energy from the sun, solar energy, instead of digging up Earth to find fossil fuels(化石燃料). Discussion

13   3)How does an environmentally friendly hotel wash the sheets?

14   3)How does an environmentally friendly hotel wash the sheets?
Eco-friendly washing powder. Discussion

15 Wordlist(A) brochure 小册子 environmentally friendly 环保的 ecotourist 生态旅游者
ecosystem 生态系统 environmental protection 环境保护 solar energy 太阳能 dig up 掘起, 挖出 fossil fuel 化石燃料 pollution 污染 eco-friendly 生态友好的 washing powder 洗衣粉

16 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B

17 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B clear-cut logging 皆伐—砍伐干净后重新植林以 促进森林重生

18 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B clear-cut logging 皆伐—砍伐干净后重新植林以 促进森林重生 opencast mining 露天采矿

19 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B clear-cut logging 皆伐—砍伐干净后重新植林以 促进森林重生 opencast mining 露天采矿 slash and burn farming 刀耕火种—砍去地面上的植物并在任何信手可为的高度砍伐树木, 然后将砍伐过的区域彻底焚烧, 用以种植作物 .

20 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B clear-cut logging 皆伐—砍伐干净后重新植林以 促进森林重生 opencast mining 露天采矿 slash and burn farming 刀耕火种—砍去地面上的植物并在任何信手可为的高度砍伐树木, 然后将砍伐过的区域彻底焚烧, 用以种植作物 . ozone layer 臭氧层

21 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B clear-cut logging 皆伐—砍伐干净后重新植林以 促进森林重生 opencast mining 露天采矿 slash and burn farming 刀耕火种—砍去地面上的植物并在任何信手可为的高度砍伐树木, 然后将砍伐过的区域彻底焚烧, 用以种植作物 . ozone layer 臭氧层 acid rain 酸雨

22 When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures. B clear-cut logging 皆伐—砍伐干净后重新植林以 促进森林重生 opencast mining 露天采矿 slash and burn farming 刀耕火种—砍去地面上的植物并在任何信手可为的高度砍伐树木, 然后将砍伐过的区域彻底焚烧, 用以种植作物 . ozone layer 臭氧层 acid rain 酸雨 global warming 全球变暖


24 acid rain

25 opencast mining acid rain

26 opencast mining acid rain clear-cut logging

27 opencast mining acid rain clear-cut logging global warming

28 opencast mining acid rain clear-cut logging global warming ozone layer

29 opencast mining acid rain clear-cut logging global warming ozone layer slash and burn farming

30 C Answers (1)environmental (2)ozone layer (3)ecosystem (4)energy
(5)fossil fuels (6)eco-friendly (7)harm (8)ecotourists

31 D ecotourist ecosystem

32 D ecotourist ecosystem 生态旅游者

33 D ecotourist ecosystem 生态旅游者 生态系统

34 D ecotourist ecosystem 生态旅游者 生态系统   eco-comes from Greek and means ‘earth’, it is used in many words to talk about the environment. Write as many words that include the prefix eco-as you can. Use your dictionary if you need to.

35 Words with prefix eco-

36 Words with prefix eco-

37 Words with prefix eco-

38 Words with prefix eco- ecologist 生态学者

39 Words with prefix eco- ecologist 生态学者

40 Words with prefix eco- ecologist 生态学者 eco-friendly

41 Words with prefix eco- ecologist 生态学者 eco-friendly

42 Words with prefix eco- ecologist 生态学者 eco-friendly

43 Words with prefix eco- ecologist 生态学者 eco-friendly

44 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to.

45 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to.

46 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to. biology 生物学

47 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to. biology 生物学 biochemist 生物化学家

48 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to. biology 生物学 biochemist 生物化学家 biologist 生物学家

49 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to. biology 生物学 biophysics 生物物理学 biochemist 生物化学家 biologist 生物学家

50 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to. biology 生物学 biophysics 生物物理学 biosphere 生物圈 biochemist 生物化学家 biologist 生物学家

51 The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’
  The prefix ‘bio- ’ means ‘life’. Write six words that include the prefix ‘bio- ’. Use your dictionary if you need to. biology 生物学 biophysics 生物物理学 biosphere 生物圈 biochemist 生物化学家 biologist 生物学家 biotechnology 生物工艺学

52 课课练

53 Practice in class P41 Ex 1

54 Paper 4 Section B Paper 5 单选 完型

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