Taiwan President Election

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Presentation on theme: "Taiwan President Election"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taiwan President Election
Chan, Chun-Hsiang 2016/03/30

2 Question 1 : Plot Taiwan president election results on average house income data
Draw graduated color map of average house income as base map, and plot pie chart (ratio of three different party candidates). Download Taiwan map from: Average house income data from: (家庭收支/家庭收支-平均每戶可支配所得(元)) tfile9.asp

3 Question 2 : Plot representative color of victory party on county map
If Mr. Chu wins Ms. Tsai in this county or city, please change the label color to KMT representative color; or, Ms. Tsai wins Mr. Chu in this county or city, please change the label color to DPP representative color.

4 Question 3 : Plot Ms. Tsai win county or city by their color, and show the vote differences
DPP Part: Show both county and city name and their vote differences in green color. (Caution: please show in the next line by VB Script!) KMT Part: Just present county name in blue color.

5 Question 4 : Plot Mr. Chu win county or city by their color, and show the vote differences
KMT Part: Show both county and city name and their vote differences in blue color. (Caution: please show in the next line by VB Script!) DPP Part: Just present county name in green color.

6 About VB Script What is VB Script?
Visual Basic(VB)是由微軟公司開發的包含 協助開發環境的事件驅動程式語言。它源自於 BASIC程式語言。VB擁有圖形化使用者介面 (GUI)和快速應用程式開發(RAD)系統,可 以輕易的使用DAO、RDO、ADO連線資料庫, 或者輕鬆的建立ActiveX控制項(from Wikipedia)。 dim ‘declare variables’ if (condition) then (statements) elseif (condition2) then end if

7 The end Thank you for your kind attention!

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