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The Infinitive NO. Five Middle School 曹莉婷.

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1 The Infinitive NO. Five Middle School 曹莉婷

2 The Infinitive NO. Five Middle School 曹莉婷

3 to do The infinitive not to do _________ __________ 肯定式______
否定式_________ The infinitive not to do _________ This Sunday I want to go to the zoo. 2.We’ll go to see the animals. 3. The zoo keeper often asks us not to feed the animals. __________ _____ ______________

4 This Sunday I want to go to the zoo. decide choose hope offer
(宾语) decide choose hope offer wish learn to do expect begin agree start

5 We’ll go to see the animals.
(come,stop,leave,move) We’ll go to see the animals. (状语) 1.He got up too late__________________ ( 没有赶上早班车). 2.She was sorry ________________ ( 听到这个坏消息). 3.Hanmei works hard every day_____________ (为了上大学). 4. The room is __________________________ ( 足够大能容纳这么多人). to catch the early bus to hear the bad news to go to college big enough to hold so many people

6 The zoo keeper often asks us not to feed the animals.
(宾语补足语) tell want wish teach sb. to do warn encourage

7 What does your teacher often ask you to do?
What do your parents wish you to be in the future? What does the policeman warn you not to do when you play football on the road?

8 作宾语 作状语 作宾语补足语 to do

9 It’s dangerous to cross the road when the traffic lights are red.
It’s safe to cross the road when the traffic lights are green.

10 It’s interesting to play football.
It’s our duty to protect the environment.

11 1. It’s dangerous to cross the road when the traffic lights are red.
2.It’s safe to cross the road when the traffic lights are green. 3.It’s interesting to play football. 4. It’s our duty to protect the environment. (主语) It’s + adj./n. + (for sb.) + to do To do +is + adj./n.

12 I think it important for you to learn English well.
_______________ 宾语 Complete the sentences: 我们感觉我们赢得比赛的胜利是可能的. We feel it possible for us_____________. 2.他发现解决这个问题很难. He found it very different___________ ______. to win the match to solve the problem

13 主语+ think/feel/find +it +adj./n.+ to do

14 Let me help you. (省略to的不定式 ______ 作宾语补足语) make have see +sb. do watch
hear feel

15 比较下列句子: I often see him play football. I saw him playing football when I was walking past. (经常) (正在进行的动作) The heavy work made me feel tired. I was made to feel tired. (主动语态) (被动语态)

16 It’s + adj./n. + (for sb. ) + to do
主语+find/feel/think + it +adj/n. + to do 省略to 的不定式作宾语补足语

17 Tape Time Listen to the tape, then answer the two questions:
Does Hanmei know how to use the computer? 2.Who can do anything to help her? No, she doesn’t know how to use the computer. ___________________ 疑问词+to do Her cousin can do something to help her. ________ 定语

18 Summary: want, hope, wish, refuse, forget remember, learn, agree, help decide, begin, start ask, tell, want, teach, wish show, warn, encourage 3. go, come, stop too… to / enough to do … 4. what, where, when, how(疑问词) + to do (作宾语) + sb. +to do(作宾语补足语) + to do (作状语) + to do

19 5. let, make, have, hear see, watch, notice 6. something, anything, nothing, 名词 + to do(作定语) 7.It’s + adj./n.+(for sb.) + to do (作主语) 8.主语+ find/think/feel +it +adj./n.+(for sb.)+to do (作宾语) + sb. + do(作宾语补足语)

20 Discussion: How to learn English well
Some suggestions: 1.在课内或课外尽可能多的说英语对我们来讲很必要. 2.你还需要多阅读英文书籍和报纸,它能帮助你了解更多的英语知识. 3.坚持记日记也是一种提高英语的好办法. 4.当你不知道怎样解决难题时,你可以请你的老师来帮助你. 5.当然,如果你决不放弃,你会发现学好英语并不太难.

21 A poem for you NEVER GIVE UP I know you are going to make it.
It may take time and hard work. You may become frustrated, And at times you’ll feel like giving up. Sometimes you may even wonder if it’s really worth it. But I have confidence in you, And I know you’ll make it, if you try.

22 Homework Write a passage about how to learn English
well in your own words, trying to use the Infinitive.

23 Thank you for joining us!

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