Chinese IAB (IA +IB) 15 Hobby and Travel module (L29-L30)

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1 Chinese IAB (IA +IB) 15 Hobby and Travel module (L29-L30)
Hobby and Travel quiz 1 review

2 Click Allow Step 1 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Step 2 Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe

3 Where is e-Textbook? Please click on page 6 to find Module Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Guide is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.

4 Hobby Review Q 1-3 Fill in the blank in the sentence. 1什么时候 开始选课呀?
1什么时候 开始选课呀? shen me shi hou kai shi xuan ke ya When will we start to sign up the course? 2我对唐诗宋词什么的很感兴趣。 wo dui tang shi song ci shen me de hen gan xing qu I am very interested in things like poems of Tang and Song dynasty. 3王明你感冒怎么样了? wang ming ni gan mao zen me yang le Are you feeling better? (how do you feel since you catch cold?)

5 Hobby Review Q 4 Put the words into correct order.
嗓子         咳嗽   还是   但       有点儿          不       疼       了 =>嗓子不疼了,但还是有点儿咳嗽。 sang zi bu teng le, dan hai shi you dian er ke sou. My throat is free of pain now, only a little bit cough.

6 Hobby Review Q5 Put the words into correct order. 感兴趣 我 对 很 唐诗 宋词 什么的
感兴趣    我       对       很       唐诗   宋词   什么的 =>我对唐诗宋词什么的很感兴趣。 wo dui tang shi song ci shen me de hen gan xing qu I am very interested in things like poems of Tang and Song dynasty.

7 Characters/pinyin/English
期末 qī mò - the end of a semester 复习 fù xí - to brush up/to review 论文 lùn wén- paper/thesis 学期 xué qī - semester 开学 kāi xué - beginning of a semester 交 jiāo - to submit 问题 wèn tí - question 选课 xuǎn kè - to choose courses 开始 kāi shǐ - to begin 后天 hòu tián - the day after tomorrow 选 xuǎn - to choose 古代 gǔ dài - ancient 文学 wén xué - literature 唐诗 táng shī - poem of Tang dynasty 宋词 sòng cí - poem of Song dynasty/lyrics of Song dynasty

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