Module 10 A holiday journey

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1 Module 10 A holiday journey

2 Grammar

3 大家知道,“吃米饭”、“去上学”的英语表达是have rice, go to school,其中have, go的过去时是不规则变化had, went。过去式不规则变化的动词还有很多,需要我们特别记忆。 怎么记呢?请看下面的归类: 1. 不变: cost-cost; hurt-hurt; put-put; let-let; read-read

4 2.只变一个元音字母: come-came, become-became; begin-began, drink-drank, give-gave, ring-rang; sing-sang, swim-swam, sit-sat; blow-blew, throw-threw, know-knew; draw-drew; drive-drove, ride-rode, shine-shone, win-won, write-wrote; get-got, forget-forgot; hold-held; run-ran; fall-fell

5 3.只变一个辅音字母: build-built; has / have-had; lend-lent; lose-lost; make-made; send-sent; spend-spent 增加一个辅音字母: hear-heard; burn-burnt; learn-learnt; mean-meant

6 4. 改变两个元音字母: break-broke; speak-spoke; choose-chose; feed-fed; meet-met; feel-felt; sweep-swept; wear-wore; lie-lay; say-said; see-saw

7 5.过去式含有ought / aught: buy-bought, bring-brought, fight-fought, think-thought; catch-caught, teach-taught 6.情态动词: can-could; shall-should; will-would; may-might

8 7.原形中有-ell: sell-sold; tell-told; smell-smelt 8.其他: be-was/were; do-did; find-found; fly-flew; go-went; leave-left; stand-stood; understand-understood

9 要牢记喔!   在前几个模块中,我们所接触的行为动词多为规则动词,其过去式的变化规律为:“动词原型+ed”但是在英语中不符合上述变化规律的动词也很多,它们有其特殊的变化形式。这种动词称为不规则动词。这种动词的变化没有规律,而要靠同学们单独记忆。下面将这几个模块中出现的不规则动词的过去式总结如下:

10 meet read send see swim spend take write met read sent saw swam spent took wrote

11 Exercise 注: 另附 word 文档。 点此处链接

12 用所给词的适当形式完成句子。 e. g: My grandma ____ (be) born 70 years ago. was My grandpa ____(be ) born a year later. 2. They _____ (start) school when they ____ (be) five. was started were

13 3. They ____ (go) to school in different
towns. 4. My grandpa ____ (meet) my grandma when they____ (be) young. 5. He _______(marry) her two years later. went met were married

14 6. They____ (have) two children .
7. The family _____(come) to this town in the summer of 1970 because my grandpa ____ (get) a job here. 8. They _______(buy) a house one year later. had came got bought

15 课堂练习答案

16 1 Last summer, you were on holiday, now answer some questions about your holidays. e. g: where/go Where did you go? I went to… Who/go with? When/go? What/do? How long/stay?

17 3 Check your answers. buy go do have meet read see send swim take write a friend a good time a postcard at the airport s in the sea photos presents some sightseeing swimming the newspaper

18 4 Write questions. e. g: Where/you go on holiday? Where did you go on holiday? What/you do? What did you do?

19 2. When/you go? 3. How long/you stay? 4. you/have a nice time? When did you go? How long did you stay? Did you have a nice time?

20 5 Write six things you did on last holiday. On my holiday, I bought some presents for my friends. On my holiday, I arrived in Beijing by plane. On my holiday, I…

21 Additional Materials

22 Let’s go to the New 7 Wonders of the World!

23 1st-The Great Wall of China, China

24 2nd-The Roman Colosseum Rome, Italy

25 3rd-Taj Mahal, India

26 4th-Petra, Jordan

27 5th-Machu Picchu, Peru

28 6th-The Statue of Christ Redeemer, Brazil

29 7th-The Pyramid at Chichén Itzá Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

30 Byebye!

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