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Office of Aviation Safety, CAAC
FOQA Program in China 女士们、先生们: 大家好!我演讲的题目是《中国民航的飞行品质监控》。 Office of Aviation Safety, CAAC
CAAC FOQA Concept FOQA is a program for the routine collection and analysis of Flight Operational data to monitor the crew and aircraft performance. The results of analysis will be applied in improving operational program and/or standards. 我们所谈的飞行品质监控是指:应用实际飞行产生的飞行数据,按照设定的项目与标准,对飞行操纵、飞机性能等进行监控,并将结果应用于实际运营的运行过程。
Why Needs FOQA? Background
The increasing rate of commercial aircrafts is 23.3% between 中国民航为什么要开展飞行品质监控呢?我们看看当时的时代背景。 上世纪90年代初期是中国民航的一个大发展时期,从这个图我们可以看到:中国民航的商用运输飞机由1991年的221架迅速增加到1994年的406架,年均增长23.3%。
Why Needs FOQA? Background
3 commercial flight Accidents in 1992, 262 people died 4 commercial flight Accidents in 1993, 72 people died 2 commercial flight Accidents in 1994, 160 people died 但与此同时, 三年间,中国民航共发生了9起重大运输飞行事故,造成494人死亡,是中国民航历史上少见的事故高发期。
Why Needs FOQA? 在分析事故直接原因时,我们发现机组责任占了6起,比率接近70%。这迫使我们必须找寻能够有效监控飞行人员操纵行为的科学手段。
Why Needs FOQA? Main Cause
Management(Lack of scientific monitoring ways and means) Basic facilities(Lack of advanced facilities) Training(Lack of training) 在分析主要原因时,我们总结了三点:管理跟不上,特别是缺乏科学的安全管理控制手段;基础设施跟不上;人员训练素质跟不上,由于机队规模扩展过快,飞行人员普遍缺乏充足的培训。
Why Needs FOQA? Resolvents
To import advanced airborne facilities (QAR/DAR) To establish scientific flight data analysis system To detect and analyse anomalies To train pilots aiming at their operation technology To monitor engine performance trend 在这种情况下,民航总局领导在对国外安全记录最好的航空公司进行了两年多的充分调研后,决定在运输飞机上安装先进的QAR设备,解决分析数据源;建立科学的飞行数据分析控制系统,及时发现安全隐患;利用监控结果对飞行员进行有针对的技术培训,对发动机进行日常监控,从而整体提升中国民航的安全水平。
How to develop FOQA? Actions taken by CAAC
Issue Airworthiness Directive, and force to install airborne QAR/DAR facilities Issue regulations to adhere to Inspect and check to improve monitoring level 经充分征求意见,民航总局成立了以主管安全副局长为组长的QAR工作领导小组,采用行政手段,强制推广飞行品质监控工作。主要做了三项工作:下发适航指令,强制安装机载设备,这是监控的基础;制定管理规定,使得政府和航空公司能够有章可循;进行监督检查,不断提高监控水平。
How to develop FOQA? Actions of the Airlines
Comprehensively install QAR or equivalent facility Set up standing organizations, and equip with specialists Entirely monitor flight crew operating quality and engine 中国的航空公司从三方面行动响应了政府的要求: 全面安装QAR或等同设备; 建立常设机构,配备专职人员; 对机组操纵品质和发动机进行全面监控。
History of FOQA in CAAC 1997 Established QAR work leading group
The head of the group is the vice minister with responsibility for aviation safety of CAAC Specific objective of FOQA: monitor flight operation, insure flight safety Set the technical requirements for airborne equipment and ground supporting systems Define to immediately develop FOQA program in commercial airlines Issue Airworthiness Directive: all commercial aircraft must install QAR or equivalent equipment for FOQA 现在简单回顾一下中国民航飞行品质监控工作的发展历程 1997年6月民航总局成立了QAR改装工作领导小组,明确工作目的是:监控飞机运行,保证飞行安全。 97年8月,民航总局以信息通告方式,提出了对机载设备、地面支持系统的技术要求和设备加、改装工作以及引进系统应注意的事项。 明确立即在运输航空公司开展飞行品质监控工作,尽快实现对飞机运行的全面监控。 97年9月,总局以适航指令形式明确在所有运输类飞机上必须安装用于飞行品质监控的硬件设备( QAR或等同设备)。使用适航指令表明了政府一定要做成这项工作的决心。
History of FOQA in CAAC (Cont.)
1997-2000 CAAC held many conferences to solve some problems discovering in FOQA 2000 Held “CAAC FOQA Work Conference” The vice minister taking charge in aviation safety summarized FOQA work of the past three years, advanced the new developing requests during the meeting. Issued Administrative Regulations on FOQA work 1997-2000年 民航总局组织召开多次会议,解决实施监控过程中发现的问题 2000年10月民航总局在北京召开了飞行品质监控工作会议。民航总局主管安全的副局长,也就是现在的杨元元局长,亲自总结了中国民航3年多来飞行品质监控工作开展情况,提出了下一步的发展要求。 2000年12月,为了规范该项工作,民航总局发布了《飞行品质监控工作管理规定》。
History of FOQA in CAAC (Cont.)
2001-2004 CAAC edited plenty of FOQA training courses Hundreds of people worked for FOQA program attended training Organized 2 special inspects for FOQA work 2001-2004年 民航总局组织编写了大量培训教材 对上百名品质监控从业人员进行了业务技术培训 组织了2次全国范围的专项工作检查
Introduce “Administrative Regulations on FOQA work”
Introduce “Administrative Regulations on FOQA work” (Cont.)
Regulation is divided into four parts including General, Equipment and Monitoring Requirements, Organization Setting and Staff, Operations. Supervision system of flight quality monitoring work has been defined in the Regulation General Regulation requests Airlines making monthly trend analysis Regulation requests the monitoring result has to be submitted to governmental departments 《规定》分为总则、设备和监控要求、机构设置和人员、运行四部分 《规定》中明确了中国民航飞行品质监控工作的监管体系 明确了航空公司每月要进行趋势性分析,要向政府部门上报监控结果。 这些要求是为了便于政府部门实施监督检查。
Supervision System Figure of Flight Quality Monitoring in Civil Aviation of China
CAAC Principal Minister FSD Certify monitoring items and standard ASO Develop regulations, comprehensive management AAD Airworthiness certification of airborne equipment Regional Administration Supervision management of local area CASTC Technical support and service, specific check 航空安全办公室是飞行品质监控工作的主管机构,飞标司是飞行标准的审定机构,适航司是机载设备适航性审定机构,安技中心是技术支持与服务机构,地区管理局是辖区内飞行品质监控工作的监督检查机构。
In the view of specific checks in 2002
Result of FOQA Program In the view of specific checks in 2002 91% of Chinese commercial aircraft and 85% of flights are under FOQA Program. It takes a few years for civil aviation of China to has reached the monitoring rate of developed aviation countries 我们来看一下中国民航开展六年多飞行品质监控工作所取得的部分成果。 2001和2002年我们对中国大多数航空公司进行了飞行品质监控工作专项检查。 从2002年专项检查的情况看: 中国91%的运输类飞机,85%的航班飞行处于飞行品质监控之中。 中国民航在短期内达到了航空发达国家的监控率水平。
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
Airlines have found and solved a lot of hidden safety problems e.g.,Incorrect landing operating Air China found a lot of hard landing in B through FOQA program. They found the pilots of B come from B fleets, and the operating ways for B is more near “heavy aircraft” (CMTW over 100 tons) than “large aircraft”(CMTW between tons), but the pilots didn't understand it. After training, the rate of hard landing rapidly went down. 各航空公司均从监控中发现和解决了大量不安全隐患。 这是国航通过飞行品质监控发现和解决不正确着陆技术的实际例子。
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
Obvious decrease of accident occurrence rate 由于建立了科学有效的飞行品质监控系统,从统计发现,中国民航的事故和事故征候发生率明显下降。这是中国民航1991-2003年运输飞行事故万时率统计图。中间那条是趋势线。
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
Obvious decrease of incident occurrence rate 这是中国民航1991-2003年运输飞行事故征候万时率统计图。从这张图我们可以看到:自1998年之后,事故征候万时率又下降了0.4,飞行品质监控在其中发挥了重要的作用。
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
In safety management To forward the Safety Gate, and prevent the Accidents and incidents Safety management become more scientific and canonical To know more safety information To explain impersonality safety problem using flight data To establish data basis in safety management 在安全管理上 安全关口前移,预防了事故 管理更加科学和规范 掌握了更多的安全信息 用数据说话,客观公正 管理更加有依据
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
In flight crew training To make flight procedure standardization To make flight operating data standardization To make flight style preciseness To improve whole diathesis of pilots group 在飞行队伍建设上 规范了飞行程序 规范了飞行数据 严谨了飞行作风 使整个飞行过程更加规范化、标准化、科学化,提高了飞行队伍整体素质,从而极大提高了安全水平。
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
FOQA is becoming the friend of pilots Pilots can know themselves shortage in flight operation To study more experiences through detected events To clear mistiness of flight operation The failure phenomenon found by pilot can be explained using flight data 飞行品质监控正在成为广大飞行员的朋友 了解了自身在飞行中存在的不足和改进的方向 从未构成事故的典型事例中学到了更多的经验 澄清了飞行中的模糊环节 向机务部门反映的故障现象有了数据支持
Result of FOQA Program (cont.)
In maintenance To reduce the occurrence of some engine IFSDs To become good co-worker of maintenance people In benefit To become important data source of depressing cost 在机务维护上 降低了发动机的空中停车率 成为机务排故的好帮手 在效益方面 正在成为控制成本的重要数据源
Further perfect the regulations of FOQA
Future Plan Further perfect the regulations of FOQA Strengthen governmental supervision and inspection to this task Fully utilize the information obtained from monitoring to implement industrial safe management Encourage airlines to combine the monitoring result with flight training, improve the integral quality of pilots 最后讲一下我们今后的计划,主要有: 进一步完善飞行品质监控的规章 加强政府对该项工作的监督检查 充分利用监控获得的信息,实施行业安全管理 鼓励航空公司将监控结果与飞行训练相结合,进一步提高飞行人员的整体素质 鼓励航空公司拓展飞行品质监控的其它应用 加强飞行品质监控从业人员的培训 加强飞行品质监控方面的国际交流与合作。
Encourage airlines to exploit other applications of FOQA
Future Plan (Cont.) Encourage airlines to exploit other applications of FOQA Strengthen the training for FOQA people Enhance international exchange and cooperation on FOQA 鼓励航空公司拓展飞行品质监控的其它应用 加强飞行品质监控从业人员的培训 加强飞行品质监控方面的国际交流与合作。
THANKS! 谢谢大家!
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