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血液循环 Blood Circulation

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1 血液循环 Blood Circulation
夏 强,PhD 浙江大学医学院生理学系 医学院科研楼C座518室 电话:

2 心血管系统 心脏Heart 血管系统Vascular system 血液Blood


4 血液分布 安静,舒适状态人体

5 心 脏 Heart 泵血Pumping 内分泌Endocrine




9 心肌类型: 心房肌 心室肌 特殊传导系统 收缩细胞 自律细胞

10 特殊传导系统

11 心肌兴奋顺序

12 心脏各部分心肌细胞的跨膜电位

13 心室肌的动作电位


15 自律细胞的动作电位

16 窦房结P细胞

17 浦肯野细胞

18 心电图 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

19 心电图中导联的位置

20 Comparison with previous ECG (if any)
ECG interpretation Measurements Rhythm analysis Conduction analysis Waveform description Comparison with previous ECG (if any)

21 Normal Partial block Complete block

22 心肌的兴奋-收缩偶联 Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Cardiac Muscle

23 心动周期 Cardiac cycle 收缩期Systole 舒张期Diastole


25 心 音 Heart Sounds 第一心音1st sound 第二心音2nd sound soft low-pitched lub
associated with closure of the AV valves Marks the onset of systole 第二心音2nd sound louder dup associated with closure of the PA and aortic valves Occurs at the onset of diastole

26 Four traditional value areas – Aortic space: 2RIS
– Pulmonic valve: 2LIS – Tricuspid valve: 4ICS LLSB – Mitral valve: Apex RIS--right intercostal space LIS—left intercostal space ICS--intercostal space LLSB--left lower sternal border

27 血管生理 Vascular Physiology



30 动脉血压 Arterial blood pressure

31 血压测量 直接有创法

32 血压测量 间接无创法


34 Blood Pressure Classification Chart
Classification of blood pressure for adults age 18 years and older Blood Pressure Classification Chart Category Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg) Normal Lower than 120 Lower than 80 Prehypertension Hypertension   Stage 1 90-99 Stage 2 160 or higher 100 or higher Adapted from The Seventh Report on the joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7), NIH Publication No , May 2003 The classification chart is based on adults, aged 18 and older, who are not taking high blood pressure medicines and who are not acutely ill. If systolic and diastolic measurements fall into different categories, the higher category should be used to classify the person's blood pressure status. JNC 8?

35 中国高血压防治指南(2005)

36 动脉脉搏Arterial pulse


38 微循环 Microcirculation 主要功能: 物质交换


40 毛细血管Capillaries



43 EFP Pc

44 静脉血压 Venous pressure

45 At rest, approx. 60% of the total blood volume is in the veins
At rest, approx. 60% of the total blood volume is in the veins. Sympathetically mediated venoconstriction can substantially increase venous return to the heart.

46 Varicose vein

47 淋巴系统 Lymphatic System


49 Elephantiasis: Chronic, often extreme enlargement and hardening of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue, especially of the legs and external genitals, resulting from lymphatic obstruction and usually caused by infestation of the lymph glands and vessels with a filarial worm.

50 呼 吸 Respiration






56 肺通气 Pulmonary ventilation


58 Thorax & respiratory muscle
Primary muscles of respiration: external intercostals & diaphragm



61 The Heimlich maneuver increases the alveolar pressure (Palv) by supplementing the upward movement of the diaphragm, thus compressing the thoracic cavity to dislodge foreign objects in the airways.

62 气胸 Pneumothorax Air escapes from the lungs or leaks through the chest wall and enters the pleural cavity

63 Lateral Bilateral


65 气体交换

66 Hemoglobin is the gas-transport molecule inside erythrocytes.


68 发绀Cyanosis Hb>50g/L

69 Carbon monoxide poisoning
CO competes for the O2 sides in Hb CO has extremely high affinity for Hb O2 CO

70 呼吸调节

71 谢谢专注!

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