Linux Further.

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Presentation on theme: "Linux Further."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linux Further

2 Contents uClinux Modules and device drivers uClinux Introduction

3 uClinux Introduction uClinux
A derivative of Linux 2.0 kernel intended for microcontrollers without Memory Management Units (MMUs). First ported to the Motorola MC68328: DragonBall Integrated Microprocessor

4 构建一个uClinux实例
Emulator: xcopilot Cross compile tools: m68k-elf-tools uClinux source codes: uClinux-dist tar.gz

5 xcopilot A PalmPilot emulator that runs under Unix/X11.
Offers emulation of the timer, serial ports, touch pad and LCD display along with Motorola emulation (m68k).

6 m68k-elf-tools m68k-elf-gcc, m68k-elf-as, m68k-elf-ld, m68k-elf-gdb, …
elf2flt flat二进制文件的创建工具 genromfs rom文件系统的创建工具

7 Getting/Building the uClinux Source
Get the source codes Build the source codes make xconfig make dep make

8 Running uClinux in Xcopilot
mkdir ~/.xcopilot ln -s `pwd`/images/pilot.rom ~/.xcopilot

9 Further… User applications

10 Modules Linux引入的机制 一些代码能够按照需要被加载到内核中和从内核中卸载 扩展了kernel的功能而不需要重新启动系统

11 模块和普通函数的区别 没有主函数 运行在内核空间 只能使用内核提供的函数 init_module(), cleanup_module()
eg. printk vs. printf

12 A simplest kernel module
#include <linux/module.h> /* Needed by all modules */ #include <linux/kernel.h> /* Needed for KERN_ALERT */ int init_module(void) { printk("Hello world.\n"); // A non 0 return means init_module failed; module can't be loaded. return 0; } void cleanup_module(void) printk(KERN_ALERT "Goodbye world.\n");

13 Makefile for the module
TARGET = hello WARN = -W -Wall INCLUDE = -I/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include CFLAGS = -O2 -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ ${WARN} ${INCLUDE} CC = gcc ${TARGET}.o: ${TARGET}.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) –c hello.c clean: rm -rf ${TARGET}.o

14 编译模块 创建Makefile,运行make insmod hello.o 查看模块: rmmod hello /proc/modules
lsmod, modprobe, modinfo /var/log/messages rmmod hello

15 多文件内核模块 编译所有文件 连接所有的目标文件到一个模块文件,在x86下:
ld –m elf_i386 –r –o <modulename.o> <1 src file.o> <2 src file.o>

16 Device drivers Device drivers as modules Device regarded as file 创建设备
struct file_operations (include/linux/fs.h) 创建设备 mknod /dev/status c <major_num> 0

17 定义设备驱动程序提供的函数 struct file_operations status_fops = { NULL, /* seek */
read_ status, write_ status, NULL, /* readdir */ NULL, /* poll */ NULL, /* ioctl */ NULL, /* mmap */ open_ status, NULL, /* flush */ close_ status, NULL, /* fsync */ NULL, /* fasync */ NULL, /* check_ media_ change */ NULL, /* revalidate */ NULL, /* lock */ };

18 register_chrdev,unregister_chrdev
register_chrdev(), register_blkdev(): 在内核中注册设备的驱动程序接口 register_ chrdev(0, "status", &status_ fops); init_module()中调用 unregister_chrdev(): 注销驱动程序 unregister_chrdev(majorNumber, “status”); cleanup_module()中调用

19 static int major_ number = 0;
int init_ module( void) { major_ number = register_ chrdev( 0, "status", &status_ fops); if (major_ number < 0) { printk( KERN_ WARNING "Dynamic allocation of major failed"); return major_ number; /* return error code */ } printk( KERN_ INFO "Assigned major number %i.\ n", major_ number); return 0; int cleanup_ module( void) printk( KERN_ INFO "Unregistering major number %i.\ n", major_ number); unregister_ chrdev( major_ number, "status"); /* give back our number */

20 static int open_ status( struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
{ MOD_ INC_ USE_ COUNT; /* ensures that currently used modules aren’t unloaded*/ return 0; } static int close_ status( struct inode *inode, struct file *file) MOD_ DEC_ USE_ COUNT; /* rmmod won’t run unless USE_ COUNT is 0 */

21 static char *message = "All your base are belong to us.";
static ssize_ t read_ status( struct file *file, char *buffer, size_ t count, loff_ t *ppos) { int char_ count = 0; int count_ to_ copy = 0; while (message[ char_ count] != '\0') { char_ count ++; } count_ to_ copy = (char_ count > count) ? count : char_ count; copy_ to_ user( buffer, message, count_ to_ copy); /* write to the user- space buffer */ return char_ count; Include <asm/uaccess.h>

22 static ssize_ t write_ status( struct file. file, const char
static ssize_ t write_ status( struct file *file, const char *buffer, size_ t count, loff_ t *ppos) { return -EINVAL; /* we’ve decided not to support writes for now */ }

23 Review

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