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Revolutionary Parenting

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1 Revolutionary Parenting
Session 7: Serve the Lord Together CBCGL Sunday School 2009 September - November

2 Session 1~6 Recap Session 1: Set Goal Right
Session 2: Set Condition Right Session 3: Put First Things First Session 4: Building Godly Characters Session 5: Enforcing Family Rules Session 6: How Parents should Bahave

3 Session 1 Bible Verse Deut 6:5~7
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commands that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 你 要 尽 心 , 尽 性 , 尽 力 爱 耶 和 华 你 的 神 。 6:6  我 今 日 所 吩 咐 你 的 话 都 要 记 在 心 上 , 6:7  也 要 殷 勤 教 训 你 的 儿 女 。 无 论 你 坐 在 家 里 , 行 在 路 上 , 躺 下 , 起 来 , 都 要 谈 论 。

4 Session 2 Bible Verse Deut 11:19
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.   也 要 教 训 你 们 的 儿 女 , 无 论 坐 在 家 里 , 行 在 路 上 , 躺 下 , 起 来 , 都 要 谈 论 。

5 Session 3 Bible Verse 1 Samuel 3:13
For I told him that I would judge this family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them. 我 曾 告 诉 他 必 永 远 降 罚 与 他 的 家 , 因 他 知 道 儿 子 作 孽 , 自 招 咒 诅 , 却 不 禁 止 他 们 。

6 Session 4 Bible Verse Galatians 5:22~23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.   圣 灵 所 结 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 爱 , 喜 乐 , 和 平 , 忍 耐 , 恩 慈 , 良 善 , 信 实 , 温 柔 , 节 制 。 这 样 的 事 , 没 有 律 法 禁 止 。

7 Session 5 Bible Verse Proverbs 13:24
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. 不 忍 用 杖 打 儿 子 的 , 是 恨 恶 他 。 疼 爱 儿 子 的 , 随 时 管 教

8 Session 6 Bible Verse Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. 你们做父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,只要照着主的教训和警戒养育他们。

9 Session 7 Bible Verse Joshua 24:15
… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. …至于我和我家, 我们必定侍奉耶和华。

10 Joshua meant two things
Do NOT serve other Gods Faith is the foundation Revolutionary parents tend to be conservative theologically Not pursue the worldly goal Believe in absolute moral truth

11 Faith is the foundation
Study showed that parents are more likely to raise spiritual champions if they Genuinely love God Pray daily Worship regularly Read the Bible habitually for personal development Actively participate fellowship and church Apply their resources to influence lives

12 Schedule reflects priority
Today children are packed with sports, music and other lessons every week. Excessive schedule tells children what is your priority and God. Studies showed revolutionary parents do not follow the world. They are more interested in their children’s spiritual growth than academic achievement.

13 2nd: Serve the Lord together
A Service Mindset Developing the habit of serving others and sought ways of inculcating that in their children’s lives. Examples Cutting the lawn of an elderly window Taking care of neighbor’s dog for free Doing nice things for sick classmates Volunteer at care centers Working down at the homeless shelter once a month Join a short-term mission team

14 How to apply in our church?
Within our church Service project: Cantonese fellowship cleaned carpet Painting Administration Boston Project Christmas Shoe Box COCM Mission Trip In our neighborhood Join local volunteer network Help neighbors Work at homeless shelter

15 Xie Family Rules RESPECT each other
Responsible for your own homework and laundry Eat what you take, no left over Simple life to live Peace with each other Embrace Jesus in your life Clean after yourself (after play, homework and dinner) Tidy up your room

16 Xie Family Mission Statement
To unconditionally love, respect and sacrifice for each other and to serve the Lord together as His salt and light in this world.

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