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一 考试形式与时间 文章类型 题量 题目数 时间 Conversation for each 2-3 mins/对话

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1 一 考试形式与时间 文章类型 题量 题目数 时间 Conversation 2-3 5 for each 2-3 mins/对话
ABOUT TOEFL LISTENING 一 考试形式与时间 文章类型 题量 题目数 时间 Conversation 2-3 5 for each 2-3 mins/对话 Lecture 4-6 6 for each 4-6 mins/讲座 Total 6-9 (加试) 34 60-90 mins

2 二 分数对应 TOEFL LISTENING ETS 评分标准 对题数 得分数 26 21-23 25 24 17-22 23 16-21
二 分数对应 ETS 评分标准 对题数 得分数 26 21-23 25 24 17-22 23 16-21 22 21 20 14-18 19 13-17

3 二 分数对应 TOEFL LISTENING 考试要求 ETS 评分标准 对题数 得分数 18 13-17 17 11-16 16
二 分数对应 ETS 评分标准 对题数 得分数 18 13-17 17 11-16 16 10-15 14 13 9-13 12 6-12 11 4-10 10 3-10

4 二 分数对应 TOEFL LISTENING 考试要求 ETS 评分标准 对题数 得分数 9 0-9 8 7 0-7 5 0-3 4 3 2
二 分数对应 ETS 评分标准 对题数 得分数 9 0-9 8 7 0-7 5 0-3 4 3 2 0-1

5 讲座涉及上课真实情景,

6 结构听力法 by Sally Zhang

7 听力听什么: 抓住主要内容、结构 忽略细节 考查6个技能:
抓住主要内容、结构 忽略细节 考查6个技能: 1.identifying the topic and main idea(主题) 2. listening for detail (主要细节) 3.determining attitude and purpose (态度和目的,重听题较多) 4.making inferences and prediction (推测题) 5. categorizing information(分类) 6.summarizing a process (过程) 大结构,直线思维

8 题目有规律,预测出题点,学会记笔记

9 注意一下10点主要结构 1.主题 2.定义 3.因果 4.过程 5.例子 6.转折 7.强调 8.例举 9.比较 10.总结

10 1.主题 1.直接:在开始时切入主题 today, i will be talking about ... 2.间接:教师东拉西扯;
last time, we talked about...,today.we will be discussing we've been talking about... ,today ,let's disscus... continuing... today, we will... 3.听完全文,感受下,他说的最多的是什么,高频就是主题 4.讲座前屏幕上出现的专有名词 5.教授最后一句总结。 so, therefore,thus ...等引出主题;

11 主题题 提问方式: What is the main purpose of the lecture?
What is the lecture mainly about? What dose the professor mainly discuss? 1.直接:P3、P45、P68、P78 2.间接:P16、P26

12 选项分析 正确:根据5种开头方式,我们用笔记记下的主题。 X错误: 1.原文细节选项
2.比较 :difference, distinction, compare, contrast,siliarity ,resemble,differ,,same,etc,但原文没全篇对比 3.变化: change,vary ,(除非原文出现,且一直说) 4. 上节课

13 2.定义 老师自问自答:what i mean .. 提问学生:who can tell me what is ...
电脑屏幕出现生词----解释---必考 信号词 what I mean is All that means is... ...,which is \that is is ... in other words is referred to as... named \known\called...

14 3.举例 听懂例子 ,记道理 道理先于例子 表示对比、强调的例子要记,其他例子听懂即可 信号词
for instance such as namely... as an example take example for say consider take for example

15 4.强调(1) 细节题出题点 记笔记,建议使用“!” 1. 重复、停顿,吐字清楚、大声 2. 特殊词汇强调
especially,indeed,certainly interesting important fascinating exciting just remember 一定要记住 And again 再说一遍 special feature 特殊的特征

16 强调(2) most importantly 最为重要的是 one thing i should mention ...我应该提及的是...
make \be sure to...一定要... 3.级别 -er , -est, more, most ,mostly, first ,last, majority, minority, -above all (首要是的),等 4.一问一答(必考题): 问题 不用完整:用?或疑问词 what \how\ when\... 答案要清楚

17 5.否定信息 (听辨出) 肯定句-强调实词 I can SWIM 否定句-强调虚词 I CAN'T swim 6.特征 feature,character,characteristic,trait 7.目的 purpose ,aim, want to ,goal ,objective

18 8.研究、理论、调查、定律等。(教授观点题)
快记研究内容+教授评价的要点 research, theory, survey, law,hypethesis, observation, experiment, study, evidence ,assumption ,idea, principle,etc. 以上词汇要提前想好如何缩写 如:theory 缩写T; observation 缩写为 obs

19 9. 顺序(最早\最晚一定要记) first,origin, finally, in time, eventually。 10. 象征意义 symbol ,association,sign,signify,signification 11.改变 change vary variation

20 5.对比 对比在讲座中靠细节,记要点 常见的表达:
let's make a clear distinction between A and B we should not confuse A and B A is differ from B 提示词 compare to...与...相比 contrast differ unlike 不像 alike similar to in contrast to 与...对照 in the same way instead A B

21 6.列举 老师做的分类:讲的几点内容,原因或结果(多选或表格题) 有数字的地方,基本上是列举;---笔记画表格
eg:there are many types of ... we 've characterized ...into three catalogue 1.XX 2.XX

22 7.因果 原因:凡出现reason:R or factor : F一定记下(考原因较多) 表示原因的提示词
because because of due to... since as the reason is ... that's why... by the reason of owing to...

23 结果: 表示结果用 "→"表示结果的提示词 so so that therefore... thereby hereby thus... as a result consequently hence... accordingly...

24 8.转折 转折后面,绝不放过 信号词 but however nevertheless while yet unless
except for actually in fact to tell you the truth pratically as a matter of fact

25 9.过程 考试难点 一般是历史题 地质题 气象题 信号词 development formation process procedure
method approach evolution 听到序数词记下 或关键动词

26 10.结论 出现在结尾的信息点 进程条 信号词 conclusion summarize make a summary
in brief in short in a word all in all to sum up

27 Tips for taking better notes
Using abbreviations & symbols -- help you to write efficiently & keep up with the speaker.

28 1.缩写 拿掉所有元音 e.g. : school-schl. department-dprt.
market-mkt.,groundwater-grdw 保留前几个字母 e.g. : education-edu. information-Info university-Uni. especially-esp. agriculture-agri. animal-ani. similarity-sim. observation-obs. assumption-ass experiment-exp.

29 保留开头和结尾 e.g. : years-yrs, hours-hrs Students-Ss. Relationship-Rshp feature-ft.

30 execrise The Department of justice is managed by the United States Attorney General. _US Atty. Gen. Runs Dept. of Just. The art department is showing some student art on Wednesday to raise money for the art center. -art dept. shows Ss. Art Wed. 2 get M 4 art ctr.

31 2.符号: X:disagree,not (否定意义) √ :agree,support(肯定意义)
:like , glad, interesting, in favor of, excited, amazing(喜爱) /: per,or +. &:plus,and, in addition ∵ : because /due to …/ since …(原因) ∴ :so/therefore /thus …/ As a result/ consequently …/ hence …/ accordingly …lead to…/ result in…(结果) ☆ *=important

32 ↑=rise/ raise/ increase/ grow/ more/ upper/ add up to
↓=go down/ decrease/ lower/ get down/ below/ less → lead to/ cause/ bring to /encourage… to… / make… do… ← from/ is caused by/ depend on/ rely on > =than/ more important than <= is less than/ less important than ∧ =but / however/ nevertheless / while / yet / unless /except for/ actually,

33 !(强调,重点,警告…) 出现形式: Especially, indeed, certainly Interesting, important, fascinating, exciting Just remember And again, Once again special feature Most importantly One thing I should mention, As I said… Make / Be sure to…

34 execrise Because of drought,farms can’t produce any crops ;therefore, they usually close down. ∵ drought → farms can’t prod. →close ↓ Not only do plants provide nutrients, but they also produce oxygen. Plants → nutr.+ O2

35 TPO 7.1 Well-made Play

36 WORD BANK Realism 现实主义 Well Made Play 佳构剧 playwrights 剧作家
logical exposition 逻辑铺陈 inciting incidents 煽动事件 obligatory scene 必有场景 denouement = resolution 落幕,尘埃落定 feuding family 世仇 set off 引起 reversal of fortune 命运的逆转 tension 紧张 hero 主人公 happy ending 大团圆结局 loose ends 细枝末节 subtle distinction 微妙的区别 things turn out well 结局很好

37 第一段: The 19th century was the time that saw what we called: Realism developed in European theater. understand this though, we first need to look at an early form of drama known as the Well Made Play, which basically was a pattern for constructing plays, plays that beginning with some early 19th century’s comedies in France proved very successful commercially. 讲座主题引入: 介绍佳构剧 Q1 蓝色信号词; 红色笔记词 信息分割词

38 19c Realism Euro Thter early form WMP patrn construct play Frs

39 第二段: That dramatic devices used here weren’t actually anything new, they have been around for centuries. But the formula for a Well Made Play required that certain elements be included in a particular order, and most importantly, everything in the play be logically connected. In fact, some of the playwrights would start by writing the end of the play, and work backward toward the beginning, just to make sure each event led logically from what had gone before. !语气强调 Q2

40 X new formula req. elmts pati. order !logical connect end begin

41 第三段: 老师自问自答: 佳构剧的元素? Ok, what are the necessary elements of a Well Made Play? Well, the first is logical exposition. Exposition is whatever background information you have to reveal to the audience, so they will understand what’s going on. Before this time, exposition might have come from actors simply giving speeches. Someone might walk out on the stage and say... and then tell all about the feuding family of Romeo and Juliet. for the Well Made Play, even the exposition had to be logic, believable. So, for example, you might have two servants gossiping as they are cleaning the house. And one says, oh, what a shame the master’s son is still not married, and the other might mention a rumor about a mysterious gentleman who has just moved into town with his beautiful daughter. These comments are part of the play’s logical exposition. 列举第一个元素:逻辑铺陈 定义+举例 Q3

42 ?elmts 1.Logical Expo. backgrd audi bf:speech logical. comment

43 第四段: The next key element of a Well Made Play is referred to as the inciting incidents. After we have the background information, we need a key moment to get things moving, that really makes audience interested in what happens to the characters we just heard about. So, for example, after the two servants revealed all these background information, we need the young man, just as he first lays eyes on the beautiful young woman, and immediately falls in love. is the inciting incidence. It sets off the plot of the play. 列举第二个元素: 煽动事件 定义+举例 Q3

44 2. inciting incidt key momt audi. interst. set off plot

45 第五段: Now, the plot of a Well Made Play s is usually driven by secrets. Things the audiences know, but the characters often don’t know. So, for example, the audience learned through a letter or through someone else’s conversation who this mysterious gentleman is, and why he left the town many years before, but the young man doesn’t know about this, and the woman doesn’t understand the ancient connection between her family and his. And before the secret are revealed to the main characters, the plot of the play proceeds as a series of sort of up and down moments. For example, the woman first appears not to even notice the young man, and it seems to him like the end of the world. But then, he learns that she actually wants to meet him too. So, life is wonderful. Then, if he tries to talk with her, maybe her father gets furious, for no apparent reason, so they can’t see each other. But, just the young man has almost lost all hopes, he finds out, ,you get the idea, the reversal of fortune continue, increasing the audience’s tension and excitement, making them wonder if everything is going to come out ok or not. Plot走向:秘密驱使剧情发展Q4

46 Plots secrets audi. √ chara X
bf revl plot reversal fortun--audi

47 第六段: Next comes an element known as the obligatory scene; it’s a scene, a moment in which all the secrets are revealed. And generally, things turn out well for the hero and others we care about, a happy ending of some sort. This became so popular that the playwright almost had to include it in every play, which is why it’s called the obligatory scene. And that’s followed by the final dramatic element – the denouement or the resolution, when all the loose ends have to be tied up in the logical way. the obligatory scene gives the audience emotional pleasure. But the denouement offers the audience a logical conclusion. That’s the subtle distinction we need to try very hard to keep in mind. 列举第三、四个元素:必有场景、落幕 定义+举例、强调 Q5

48 3.obligatory sence secrets reval happy end emo. plsur 4.denomo/ resolution tie up logi.conclu.

49 第六段: So, as I said, the Well Made Play, this form of playwriting, became the base for realism in drama, and for a lot of very popular 19 century plays, and also, a pattern we find in the plots of later many later play, and even movies that we see today. 总结 定义+举例、强调 Q5

50 ∴ WMP base – Rsm drama 19C play
+later play,movi.


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