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外文的前景,翻譯的前途 5/18/2012 朝陽科技大學 ──兼談公共標示的英譯

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Presentation on theme: "外文的前景,翻譯的前途 5/18/2012 朝陽科技大學 ──兼談公共標示的英譯"— Presentation transcript:

1 外文的前景,翻譯的前途 5/18/2012 朝陽科技大學 ──兼談公共標示的英譯
蘇正隆 台灣翻譯學學會 前理事長 師大翻譯研究所「筆譯專業」教師 書林出版有限公司/龍登出版有限公司董事長 外文的前景,翻譯的前途 ──兼談公共標示的英譯 5/18/2012 朝陽科技大學

2 Possible jobs that a translator can do / 前途:
office worker, educator, editor, publisher, copy writer, agent, translator, etc. 2

3 editor 編輯 Editing is a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.

4 editor in chief/executive editor/editor managing editor
The title of the top editor managing editor the level below the top editor acquisitions editor/commissioning editor Obtaining manuscripts or recruiting authors copy editor/sub-editor At newspapers, copy editors write headlines and work on more substantive issues, such as ensuring accuracy, fairness, and taste. proofreader

5 There is a serious lack of thinking
There is a serious lack of thinking. You are being governed by impulse and not by clear reflection. ‘That I will also become a beggar’ is arising from ‘I love money more than I love myself in a state of compassion’. If you can watch your mind for a while, you will see that it is restless and sensual. It wants to achieve happiness, but it fails miserably in every attempt as it is its own biggest enemy. A non-reflective mind always wants to keep the cake and eat it too. It wants to remain attached with the causes of restlessness and at the same time, it wants to be restful too. It wants to love attachment and at the same time, it wants to be free also. That is never given to anybody. Then it starts befooling itself with excuses like the one you are giving.

6 By not hating and understanding that they also want to be happy; it is just that they hold on to some beliefs that are very harmful for themselves and also for others. When we hate and get angry, we not only make our own minds muddy, we also create more stubbornness in their minds. I have seen that everybody is amenable to listen to a compassionate communication – even the most hardened ones. It is possible that despite all our loving kindness, they may remain stubborn – that should be acceptable beforehand. We help them more for practicing our compassion – their heart-change is incidental.


8 copy editing 改稿

9 editing 中文改稿

10 譯文改稿

11 editing 英文修訂改稿

12 publisher 出版企劃/發行人

13 copy writer 文案撰稿人

14 sales & literary agent 經紀人

15 educator 教師

16 translator 譯者 中 文

17 The Two Fuels of Language Learning
Curiosity Motivation

18 這些詞語英文怎麼說? 配套措施 逆轉勝 啦啦隊 新開幕;全新開幕 Contingency Plan
Turnaround victory, reverse victory Cheerleaders, pom-pom squad, marching band Grand Opening; Grand Reopening

19 這些詞語英文怎麼說? 熟女 mature woman 爆料 exposé, tip-off 劈腿 two-time, two timer
車震 dogging 裝凱子 pretend to be a big spender 氣質 an aura of elegance 停損點 stop-loss point 平行四邊形 parallelogram 膠原蛋白 collagen 土石流 mudslide / debris flow / mudflow

20 謹小慎微 不疑處有疑 bald eagle vulture killer whale 白頭海鵰 禿鷹 虎鯨

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