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GT-C3300k Training Manual S/W

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Presentation on theme: "GT-C3300k Training Manual S/W"— Presentation transcript:

1 GT-C3300k Training Manual S/W

2 1. Feature

3 2. Feature

4 2. S/W Download (Master) 1.Download工具
a. Download 平台(Flash loader 7.4.4_SSG_v0.X) b. GT-C3300K话机 c. TEST JIG (GH A) d. JIG BOX (GH A) e. RF Test Cable (GH A) f. JIG Cable (GH A) g. Adapter (GH A) h. Binary files I . Power Supply

5 2. S/W Download (Master) 1. 执行“PNX4908 Downloader v0.X For 3disk”平台载入Binary文件

6 2. S/W Download (Slave) 2. 设定波特率 (921600)和 COM口.
检查“BIN+TFS” 以及” With Common CSC”

7 2. S/W Download 3. 选择‘Binary’, ‘CSC’ , ‘TFS’ 文件. - Binary 文件 : *.ptt
- CSC 文件 : *.csc - TFS 文件 : *.tfs

8 2. S/W Download 8 5. 点击START后, 将手机与数据线连接.
6. 连接好后, 出现 "**Now you can do the followings. **". 7. 点击"DOWNLOAD" 8

9 3. Keystrings *2762*3855# Full Reset SW version *#1234#
SW version would be displayed.

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