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Section 1 Eminent Personnel in the Ancient Times

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2 Section 1 Eminent Personnel in the Ancient Times
Lao Zi Zhuang Zi Confucius Mencius Xun Zi Sun Wu Zhang Qian Qu Yuan Han Fei Sima Qian Wang Chong Zhang Heng Hua Tuo Wang Xizhi Zu Chongzhi Li Bai Du Fu Su Shi Zhu Xi Li Qingzhao Li Shizhen Cao Xueqin Xu Guangqi Guan Hanqing

3 Lao Zi Zhuang Zi Confucius Mencius Xun Zi Sun Wu Zhang Qian Qu Yuan
philosopher Hua Tuo Wang Xizhi Zu Chongzhi Li Bai Du Fu Su Shi Zhu Xi Li Qingzhao Li Shizhen Cao Xueqin Xu Guangqi Guan Hanqing Lao Zi Zhuang Zi Confucius Mencius Xun Zi Sun Wu Zhang Qian Qu Yuan Han Fei Sima Qian Wang Chong Zhang Heng military strategist poet explorer and imperial diplomat historian

4 Lao Zi Zhuang Zi Confucius Mencius Xun Zi Sun Wu Zhang Qian Qu Yuan Han Fei Sima Qian Wang Chong Zhang Heng Hua Tuo Wang Xizhi Zu Chongzhi Li Bai Du Fu Su Shi Zhu Xi Li Qingzhao Li Shizhen Cao Xueqin Xu Guangqi Guan Hanqing physician or pharmacist calligrapher Scientist (astronomer, mathematician) playwrights writer

5 道生一,一生二, 二生三,三生万物 致虚极,守静笃 涤除玄鉴 见素抱朴,少私寡欲 It is from Tao that all the elements of the universe are derived Attain utmost vacuity, hold fast to quietude. cleansing and purifying the distracting thoughts see the simplicity, to realize one’s true nature, to cast off selfishness, and to temper desire

6 无为而治 小国寡民 损有余而补不足 高者抑之, 下者举之 ruling by non-action or inaction against nature Let your community be small, with only a few people. Nature’s motion decreases those who have more than they need and increases those who need more than they have. What is higher is pulled down, and what is lower is raised up;

7 “inner”, “outer” and “miscellaneous” chapters omnipresent and infinite
内篇、外篇和杂篇 无所不在,无始无终 “心斋”、“物化”、“丧我”、“虚己” “inner”, “outer” and “miscellaneous” chapters omnipresent and infinite (mind-fasting, the transformation of things, the return of one’s suppressed soul back to nature miscellaneous   [misi'leinjəs, -niəs]     a. 各种的,多方面的 [计算机] 杂的 n. [合同法律用语]其他约定

8 清高孤傲、遗世独立人格 相对主义 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一 a personality of aloofness relativism The universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One.”

9 Everyone has the right to be educated despite class differences.
learning and thinking educating students in accordance with their aptitude and adopting a heuristic style of teaching 有教无类 “学”与“思” 因材施教和启发式教学

10 周游列国,游说于朝堂之上 “仁政” 从伦理道德层次提升到治国思想 恢复井田制 省刑薄赋 bouncing from one feudal court to another, lobbying the rulers benevolent governance from merely a moral term to a level of governance the resumption of the “square-field system” the reduction of corporal punishments

11 民为贵, 社稷次之, 君为轻 “性善”论 舍利取义 the people are the most important; the state is secondary while the monarch is the least human beings are good by nature sacrifice one’s opportunities of making profits for a righteous cause

12 corrupted by neither riches nor honors, shaken by neither poverty nor adversity, faltered by neither threats nor force if poor, one attends to his own virtue in solitude; if advanced to dignity, he makes the whole world virtuous as well 富贵不能淫, 贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下

13 礼主要起“化”的作用,法主要起“治”的作用
礼和法 性恶论 《劝学》 天行有常, 不为尧存, 不为桀亡 制天命而用之 The purpose of li is to educate while that of fa is to rule li (rites) & fa (standards) human beings are born evil Encouraging Learning The change of the natural world is under the control of objective laws, which have no relations with humanity. controlling fatality and making use of it

14 The Art of War the moral law, heaven, earth, the commander, and method and discipline wit, credibility, benevolence, courage, strictness 孙子兵法》 “道”、“天”、“地”、“将”、“法” 智信仁勇严

15 He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain. All warfare is based on deception. 能因敌变化而取胜者谓之神 兵者,诡道也

16 举贤授能,修明法度,实行“美政” 不屈不挠的斗争精神和始终不渝的爱国热情 to promote the talented and to govern with laws and regulations in purpose of achieving “perfect ruling”. unswerving spirit of fortitude and patriotism

17 Jiu Ge (Eleven Odes), Jiu Zhang (Nine Elegies) Tian Wen (The Riddle) 《九歌》 《九章》 《天问》

18 one does not have to follow ancient practices in order to govern
as conditions in the world change, different principles should be applied accordingly.” fa (the laws), shu (techniques) and shi (power). 治世不法古 世异则事异,事异则备变 法、术、势

19 One should “deal with everything by following their generic and specific rules”, with which one could actively exert their talents and abilities investigation and verification Violence and power are the panacea of everything . 人要遵循客观规律办事,充分发挥主观能动性 参验 唯暴力论

20 Records of the Historian
castration eight Basic Annals, ten Chronological Tables, 12 Treatises, 30 Hereditary Houses, and 70 Biographies 《史记》 宫刑 八书、十表、十二本纪、三十世家、七十列传

21 究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言 史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚 集史学家、文学家、思想家于一身的文化巨人。 investigate the interrelationship between the human and the universe, to generalize the rules of historical evolution and to formulate a unique historical view The first and last great work ever written by a historian; it is Qu Yuan’s Li Sao without rhyme. A cultural giant in the Chinese history of historical studies, literature and philosophy.

22 Lun Heng (Discourses Weighed in Balance)
the idolization of Confucius and his thoughts atheism 《论衡》 神化孔子和儒家经传 无神论

23 equatorial armillary sphere comprehensive star chart
浑天仪 完备的星图 月食的成因 候风地动仪 《二京赋》、《归田赋》 equatorial armillary sphere comprehensive star chart the formation of lunar eclipses seismograph Er Jing Fu (Two Capital Cities) and Gui Tian Fu (To Live in Seclusion) eclipse   [i'klips]     n. 日蚀,月蚀,衰落 v. 引起日蚀,引起月蚀,使...黯然失色equatorial   [ˌekwə'tɔ:riəl, i:k-]     a. 近赤道的,赤道的

24 麻沸散 五禽戏 血脉流通,病不得生,譬如户枢,终不朽也 Ma Fei San, a herbal anesthetic he invented Wu Qin Xi” (Frolics of Five Animals), in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds to promote health working out could accelerate people’s inner circulation and prevent them from suffering diseases, just like a working door hinge will never rot away.

25 the Sage of Calligraphy
running script (Xingshu). light as a floating cloud, vigorous as a startled dragon Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion (Lanting Xu) tracing copies 书圣 行书 飘若游云,矫若惊龙 《兰亭序》 临摹本

26 unconventional spirit and highly personalized imagery
unconventional spirit and highly personalized imagery. His employment of hyperboles, imageries and allusions is bold, creating exquisite pieces that fully utilize the elements of language. Anthology of Li Taibai Poet Immortal 形象高度个性化;善于运用大胆的夸张、新颖的比喻和奇特的想象,兴寄无端,瞬息万变;善于运用历史传说和神话故事;语言清新自然而华美豪放。 , 《李太白集》 诗仙

27 诗圣 诗史 沉郁顿挫 汉乐府民歌 Poet Historian Poet Sage Gloom and density the folk lyrics of the Han Dynasty

28 Literary works should reflect the objective world, natural and diverse rather than stagnant and monotonous. Eight Famous Scholars in the Tang and Song Dynasties 唐宋八大家 文章应像客观世界一样,文理自然,姿态横生,提倡艺术风格的多样化和生动性,反对千篇一律。

29 宇宙万物是理与气妙合而成 理是形而上者,气是形而下者
The universe has two aspects: the formless and the formed. The formless, or li, is a principle or a network of principles that is supreme natural law and that determines the patterns of all created things.

30 《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica

31 得心应手地运用民间通俗白话,既不全俗,又不全雅,而是俗不脱雅,雅不离俗,流露着下层社会的生活气息与思想情态
窦娥冤 employed plain language with everyday and formal utterances intermingled, depicting simple everyday happenings and values. 、 Injustice Suffered By Dou-e

32 European natural science to China
the first one who introduced European natural science to China Complete Treatise on Agriculture the first in China to put forward the theory of applying artillery in warfare


34 Li Sao the earliest patriot Chinese scholar the southern Chu
and minister the southern Chu Warring States Period Li Sao the first author of verse to have his name associated to the work Chu Ci. Dragon Boat Festival the earliest patriot

35 Qu Yuan Qu Yuan (340 BCE BCE) was a Chinese scholar and minister to the King from the southern Chu during the Warring States Period. His works are mostly found in an anthology of poetry known as Chu Ci. His death is traditionally commemorated on the Dragon Boat Festival or Double Fifth (fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese traditional luni-solar calendar). anthology: a collection of selected literary passages

36 Qu Yuan is regarded as the first author of verse to have his name associated to the work, as heretofore poetic works were not attributed to any specific authors. He is considered to have initiated the so-called sao style of verse, which is named after his work Li Sao, in which he abandoned the classic four-character verses used in poems of Shi Jing and adopted verses with varying lengths.

37 This resulted in poems with more rhythm and latitude in expression
This resulted in poems with more rhythm and latitude in expression. Qu Yuan is also regarded as one of the most prominent figures of Romanticism in Chinese classical literature, and his masterpieces influenced some of the greatest Romanticist poets in Tang Dynasty such as Li Bai. 3 [uncountable] formal freedom to choose what you do or say considerable/greater latitude (=a lot of freedom to choose) Pupils enjoy considerable latitude in deciding what they want to study. latitude in/for Employees should have some latitude in organizing their work. —latitudinal adjective

38 Other than his literary influence, Qu Yuan is also held as the earliest patriot in China history. His social idealism and unbending patriotism have served as the model for Chinese intellectuals to this day。 , particularly following the establishment of new China in For example, in the 1950's China issued a postage stamp bearing the "likeness" of Qu Yuan.

39 Li Sao The title is not a commonly used word in Chinese, and its meaning has been debated about even in historical times. Sima Qian "Woes of Departure" ie. Qu Yuan's exile Ban Gu "Encountering Trouble". 離騷 劳商( a generic name for a Chu song) The Lament or Encountering Trouble. Sima Qian interprets the title as "Woes of Departure" ie. Qu Yuan's exile, while Ban Gu interprets it as "Encountering Trouble". Sima Qian's interpretation is the more adopted one, though recent scholars also theorise that 離騷 is simply a different way of writing 劳商; the latter is a generic name for a Chu song. In English the title is often translated as either The Lament or Encountering Trouble. Lament   [lə'ment]

40 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 世溷浊而不分兮,好蔽美而嫉妒。 The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem, as I urged on to seek my vanished dream. The virtuous and the vile in darkness merged; They veiled my virtue, by their envy urged. 溷 拼音:hǔn  

41 calligrapher, statesman Su Xun, Su Zhe
writer, poet, artist, calligrapher, statesman Su Xun, Su Zhe pharmacologist, and Banished, exiled , pardoned His brother (蘇轍) and his father (蘇洵) Eight Famous Scholars in the Tang and Song Dynasties

42    Calligraphy by Su Shi: detail of 寒食帖

43 SU Shi Su Shi (1037–1101) was a writer, poet, artist, calligrapher, pharmacologist, and statesman of the Song Dynasty, and one of the major poets of the Song era. His courtesy name was Zizhan and his literary name was Dongpo Jushi ( “Resident of Dongpo”), and he is often referred to as Su Dongpo. pharmacologist   [ˌfɑ:mə'kɔlədʒist]   n. 药物学家His courtesy name was Zizhan (子瞻)

44 Besides his renowned poetry, his other existent writings are of great value in the understanding of 11th century Chinese travel literature as well as details of the 11th century Chinese iron industry.

45 苏轼《江城子》 Ten years living and dead have drawn apart
I do nothing to remember But I can not forget Your lonely grave a thousand miles away ... Nowhere can I talk of my sorrow -- Even if we met, how would you know me My face full of dust My hair like snow? 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。     After Su Shi's wife had died, he wrote this poem in her memory, entitled Jiang zhenzi (江城子):

46 夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,唯有泪千行。料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。
 夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,唯有泪千行。料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。 In the dark of night, a dream: suddenly, I am home You by the window Doing your hair I look at you and can not speak Your face is streaked by endless tears Year after year must they break my heart These moonlit nights? That low pine grave?

47 Dongpo's Pork It is said that once during his free time, Su Dongpo decided to make stewed pork out of boredom. Then an old friend visited him in the middle of the cooking and challenged him to a game of Chinese chess. Su had totally forgotten of the stew during the game until a very fragrant smell came out from his kitchen and he was reminded of it. Thus Dongpo's Pork a famous dish in Chinese cuisine, was created by accident.

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