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The New Classic Period Historical background

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1 The New Classic Period Historical background
This period is a turbulent one. A constant strife between the monarch and the parliament A contradiction between the Tories (保守党)and Whigs(自由党 ) over the control of the parliament and the government

2 Daniel Defoe


4 Searching for Foods



7 The New Classic Period Towards the middle of the 18 century, it has become the first powerful capitalist country . It is a period of economic expansion and population growth. Culturally, it is believed that self-reliance and hard work is the preferred social moral and value

8 Cultural background of the period
The enlightenment movement. The enlighteners celebrated reason, equality and science, claiming that the reason should be the only and the final cause of the humans. They believe in the eternal justice and natural equality and the eternal truth.

9 Major writers and Poets in the period
John Bunyan ( )约翰.班扬 Representative works: The Pilgrim’s Progress (天路历程) The Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (魅力是万恶之源) The Holy War(圣战) The Life and Death of Mr. Badman(伯德曼先生的生平)

10 Major writers and Poets in the period
2.Alexander Pope ( )薄柏 Representative works: An Essay on Criticism(论批评) An Essay on Man (人论) Odyssey (奥德修记) The Rape of the Lock (卷发劫遇记) An Epistle to Dr. Artuthnot(致阿伯斯马特医生书)

11 Major writers and Poets in the period
3.Samuel Johnson ( )赛缪尔. 约翰逊 Representative works: A Dictionary of the English Language(英语大词典) The Vanity of Human Wishes(人类的虚荣誉)

12 Major writers and Poets in the period
4. Daniel Defoe (丹尼尔.笛福1600-1731) Representative works: A Journal of the Plague (大瘟疫日记) Robinson Crusoe (鲁滨逊漂流记) Samuel Richardson (塞缪尔. 里查森) Pamela (帕米拉) The History of Sir Charles Grandison(查尔斯先生的历史)

13 Major writers and Poets in the period
5. Jonathan Swift( )乔纳森. 斯威特特 Representative works: A Modest Proposal (一个温和的建议) Gulliver’s Travels(格利佛游记) A Tale of a Tub (一个木桶的故事)

14 Henry Fielding

15 The author of Gulliver’s Travels

16 Notes to Gulliver’s Travels
1.Yahoo 人形兽 2. brutes 人面兽心的人 3. Lilliputian 小人国居民 4. dexterity and magnificence 灵活而庄重 5. caper—manner 6. diversion– entertainment 7. infallibility 万无一失

17 Notes to Gulliver’s Travels
8. girdle (girt) 腰围 9. Mock skirmish 假装打闹 10. Skyresh Bolgolam 诺丁汉公爵,作者的敌手 11. The Man Mountain 指Gulliver本人 12. prostrate myself at the Majesty’s feet 下跪

18 Archaic words and expressions
intelligence: news courser: a swift horse 骏马 well-versed in affairs 能说会道的 sublime 崇高的 much upon a par 可与之相比 do the summerset 翻跟头 quadrangular figure 四边形的形状

19 Archaic words and expressions
8. as far asunder 向不同方向散开 9. colossus 巨人 10. breeches 马裤,长至膝盖的裤子 11. send petitions to 发出请求 12. morose and sour complexion 愤怒而难堪的样子 13. persons of distinction 显赫的人物

20 Archaic words and expressions
14.a well-versed person but of morose and sour complexion 能言善变但却气质忧郁、难以相处的人 15. Skyresh Bolgolam 显赫的诺丁汉公爵 16. most sublime Majesty 最尊贵的陛下 17. swear in a solemn oath 以庄严的誓词发誓 18. to the extremities of the globe伸向地球的极端

21 Major writers and Poets in the period
Henry Fielding ( )亨利.菲尔丁 Representative works: Amedia(阿米莉亚) The History of Tom Jones, a Founding(汤姆. 琼斯) Joseph Andrews (约塞夫. 安德鲁) :


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