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NYCCC Dec 24, 2017.

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1 NYCCC Dec 24, 2017

2 God Who Reigns on High

3 King of Glory, King alone, King on Heaven’s highest throne; King on Heaven’s highest throne.

4 God Who was God long before the dawn of time, God Who is God, everlasting and divine, seated above all authority, He’s awesome in power and majesty!

5 Sing Hallelujah to Him Who reigns on High! Hallelujah! Sing Hallelujah!

6 Seated in glory and robed in purest light, Hallelujah! Sing Hallelujah!

7 Eternal and yet soon to step across our sky, Hallelujah to Him Who reigns on High!

8 God Who was God from before the world began, God Who comes now as the perfect Son of Man, come now, the Promise so long awaited, worthy, so worthy of loudest praise!

9 Sing Hallelujah to Him Who reigns on High! Hallelujah! Sing Hallelujah!

10 Seated in glory and robed in purest light, Hallelujah! Sing Hallelujah!

11 Eternal and yet soon to step across our sky, Hallelujah to Him Who reigns on High!

12 King of Glory, King alone, King on Heaven’s highest throne, come to make this world Your home. King of Glory, King alone!

13 King of Glory, King alone, King on Heaven’s highest throne, come to make this world Your home; King of Glory, King alone!

14 Sing Hallelujah to Him Who reigns on High, Hallelujah! Sing Hallelujah!

15 Seated in glory and robed in purest light, Hallelujah! Sing Hallelujah!

16 Eternal and yet soon to step across our sky, Hallelujah to Him Who reigns on High!

17 He reigns on high! Sing Hallelujah!


19 哈利路亞,榮耀歸與至高神,祂是 自有永有,昔在今在的聖者。在祂 的恩典和慈愛中,祂揀選以色列民 ,向他們啟示祂自己。
Hallelujah to the God Who reigns on high! The eternally existing, holy, uncreated One. The God Who chose in great grace and kindness to reveal Himself to a people He had created. 哈利路亞,榮耀歸與至高神,祂是 自有永有,昔在今在的聖者。在祂 的恩典和慈愛中,祂揀選以色列民 ,向他們啟示祂自己。

20 從創世以先,祂預知人類會叛逆祂 ,就為我們預備了救贖計劃,
God, Who from before creation saw that we would turn from Him, and yet had a plan in place to redeem us. 從創世以先,祂預知人類會叛逆祂 ,就為我們預備了救贖計劃,

21 到日期滿足的時候,就按著祂豐盛 的憐憫,賜下救主降生伯利恆。
God Whose mercy was in motion from the beginning of time and Who foresaw that one night in eternity...when He would move towards us with the birth of a Savior. 到日期滿足的時候,就按著祂豐盛 的憐憫,賜下救主降生伯利恆。

22 Never has a Gift been given of such wonder and such worth
Never has a Gift been given of such wonder and such worth. Here tonight, our long-expected God reveals Himself to earth.

23 Let the weary and the waiting see the Love that has come down
Let the weary and the waiting see the Love that has come down. Let the long anticipating turn their eyes above and shout with joy, (with joy,) with joy, (with joy,) with joy!

24 Let the nations all sing with joy. Let all Heaven now ring with joy
Let the nations all sing with joy! Let all Heaven now ring with joy! For the Gift that He brings, what joy! Let earth receive her King.

25 Hear the news of our deliv’rance told by angels from on high, words of life and celebration ringing through the midnight sky.

26 Earth and Heaven come together. Oh, the glory and the grace
Earth and Heaven come together. Oh, the glory and the grace! For the first time in forever we can look upon His face with joy, (with joy,) with joy, (with joy,) with joy!

27 Let the nations all sing with joy. Let all Heaven now ring with joy
Let the nations all sing with joy! Let all Heaven now ring with joy! For the gift that He brings, what joy! Let earth receive her King.

28 See the darkness bow and tremble at the triumph of the Light
See the darkness bow and tremble at the triumph of the Light! God’s Son lies in a stable on a glorious silent night.

29 Let the weary and the waiting see the Love that has come down
Let the weary and the waiting see the Love that has come down. Let the long anticipating turn their eyes above and shout.

30 Earth and Heaven come together. Oh, the glory and the grace
Earth and Heaven come together. Oh, the glory and the grace! For the first time in forever, we can look upon His face with joy, (with joy,) with joy, (with joy,) with joy, (with joy,) with joy, with joy!

31 Let the nations all sing with joy. Let all Heaven now ring with joy
Let the nations all sing with joy! Let all Heaven now ring with joy! For the gift that He brings, what joy! Let earth receive her Joy!

32 Let the nations all sing with joy. Let all Heaven now ring with joy
Let the nations all sing with joy! Let all Heaven now ring with joy! For the gift that He brings, what joy! Let earth receive her King. Let earth receive her King!


34 This miraculous one night in forever did not happen without our God first setting the stage.

35 幾百年以前,神藉眾先知記下無數 關於救主降生的應許,好叫每一位 尋求神的人能得到盼望,期待救主 降生。
Precious bits of His promise had been given through the centuries to His select who were faithful to record His words, so that the hearts of those who were truly seeking Him might anticipate His advent. 幾百年以前,神藉眾先知記下無數 關於救主降生的應許,好叫每一位 尋求神的人能得到盼望,期待救主 降生。

36 Long was it spoken from ancient age, long was it written on sacred page; trusted to prophets, God’s chosen ones— in time our King would come.

37 The Lord Himself will give You a sign
The Lord Himself will give You a sign. Behold, a virgin will be with Child. She will deliver the Promised One and she will call Him Emmanuel, Emmanuel.

38 Long was it spoken from ancient age, long was it written on sacred page; trusted to prophets, God’s chosen ones— in time our King would come.

39 As for You, O Bethlehem, lowest in the clans of Judah, from you one day soon will come the Ruler of all Israel, Israel.

40 Long was it spoken from ancient age, long was it written on sacred page; trusted to prophets, God’s chosen ones— in time our King would come.

41 This Child, born unto us, this Son given now, governments shall rest on His shoulders. And He shall be called, shall be called

42 Wonderful! Counselor! Mighty God! Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace!

43 The Lord Himself will give You a sign.
Behold a virgin will be with Child. (As for You, O Bethlehem, lowest in the clans of Judah,) (Wonderful! Counselor! Mighty God! Everlasting Father!) (This Child, born unto us, this Son given now,)

44 She will deliver the Promised One and she will call Him Immanuel,
(from you one day soon will come the Ruler of all Israel, Israel.) (Wonderful! Counselor! Mighty God! Prince of Peace, Prince of Peace.) (governments shall rest on His shoulders. And He shall be called, shall be called.)

45 Long was it spoken from ancient age, long was it written on sacred page; trusted to prophets, God’s chosen ones— in time our King would come.

46 In time our King would come.


48 From the garden whence sin did see us fall with the seed of despair in one and all, there’s been longing and ache for the hastening of days to the moment redemption calls.

49 Oh, the people of promise tarry long with lamenting and sorrow for their song. But at last comes the age when the hold of darkness breaks, bowing down to the light of dawn.

50 Oh, come. Oh, come. Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel
Oh, come! Oh, come! Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel. Oh, come, Immanuel.

51 Once so faint, but like thunder hear it swell, soon to ring out from ev ’ry tongue and bell. Oh, the sweet melody that will sound through centuries with the joy of the first Noel!

52 Oh, come. Oh, come. Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel
Oh, come! Oh, come! Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel. Oh, come, Immanuel.

53 Oh, come. Oh, come. Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel
Oh, come! Oh, come! Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel. Oh, come, Immanuel.

54 Oh, come, Immanuel.

55 Could it be. Oh, what glorious surprise
Could it be? Oh, what glorious surprise! With His fanfare a tender lullaby, God Himself comes to men here in starlit Bethlehem. Oh, the Promise that last arrives.

56 Oh, come. Oh, come. Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel
Oh, come! Oh, come! Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel. Oh, come, Immanuel.

57 Oh, come. Oh, come. Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel
Oh, come! Oh, come! Oh, come, Thou blessed Hope of Israel. Oh, come, Immanuel. Oh, come, Immanuel!


59 這是奇妙無比的一刻:神的兒子, 就是那位與聖父同在,同尊,同榮 的聖子,竟然進入歷史,從天上降 世為人。
It was a moment like none other in heaven. One night in history, one instant in time, God the Son—Who existed always and forever in perfect communion with God the Father—was preparing to step from Heaven onto the earth below. 這是奇妙無比的一刻:神的兒子, 就是那位與聖父同在,同尊,同榮 的聖子,竟然進入歷史,從天上降 世為人。

60 當那些日子,凱撒奧古斯都有旨意 下來,叫天下人民都報名上冊…約 瑟也從加利利的拿撒勒城上猶太去 ,到了大衛的城,名叫伯利恆,因
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. So Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth to Bethlehem, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 當那些日子,凱撒奧古斯都有旨意 下來,叫天下人民都報名上冊…約 瑟也從加利利的拿撒勒城上猶太去 ,到了大衛的城,名叫伯利恆,因 他本是大衛一族一家的人,

61 要和他所聘之妻馬利亞一同報名上 冊。那時馬利亞的身孕已經重了。 他們在那裏的時候,馬利亞的產期 到了,就生了頭胎的兒子,
He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. 要和他所聘之妻馬利亞一同報名上 冊。那時馬利亞的身孕已經重了。 他們在那裏的時候,馬利亞的產期 到了,就生了頭胎的兒子,

62 用布包起來,放在馬槽裏,因為客 店裏沒有地方。
She wrapped him in strips of cloth and placed him in a manger, because there was no room in the inn. 用布包起來,放在馬槽裏,因為客 店裏沒有地方。

63 救主降生了,神奇妙和完美的救贖 計劃開始了,天上的天使讚嘆不已 。
The angels were wide-eyed as God’s perfect and mysterious plan of grace began to unfold. 救主降生了,神奇妙和完美的救贖 計劃開始了,天上的天使讚嘆不已

64 在地上,野地裡的牧羊人得到天使 的訊息,又驚訝又興奮;還有來自 東方的博士,他們跟著天上那顆奇 異的星星前行,心中充滿驚異和讚 嘆!
On the earth below, only a few were wide-eyed. Men who worked in the open fields—shepherds—and Wise Men who traveled from the far east, both stared up at wonders in the night sky. 在地上,野地裡的牧羊人得到天使 的訊息,又驚訝又興奮;還有來自 東方的博士,他們跟著天上那顆奇 異的星星前行,心中充滿驚異和讚 嘆!

65 For all of the seeking, through valleys and hills, of shepherds and Wise Men for glory revealed,

66 seems like the greatest journey of all was Heaven now searching for the hearts of the lost.

67 Gloria. Our Savior found us. Gloria. O night divine
Gloria! Our Savior found us. Gloria! O night divine! Through the darkness He won’t relent. Mercy so great will find a way. Gloria!

68 For all of the riches laid at His feet, the best we could offer to honor a King, seems like the greatest Treasure of all was found in a manger; God come to us!

69 Gloria. Our Savior found us. Gloria. O night divine
Gloria! Our Savior found us. Gloria! O night divine! Through the darkness He won’t relent. Mercy so great will find a way. Gloria!

70 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end!

71 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end!

72 Gloria. Our Savior found us. Gloria. O night divine
Gloria! Our Savior found us. Gloria! O night divine! Through the darkness He won’t relent. Mercy so great will find a way. Gloria!

73 Mercy so great will find a way. Gloria! Ooo Ooo


75 Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled
Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful, all ye nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies!

76 Hark. the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King
Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King.” We rejoice at the wonder of this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Love, this wonderful Love!

77 Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth!

78 Hark. the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King
Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King.” We rejoice at the wonder of this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Love, this wonderful Love!

79 Wonderful Love!

80 Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Come and bless His Name!

81 Hark. the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King
Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King.” We rejoice at the wonder of this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Love!

82 Hark. the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King
Hark! the herald angels sing, “Glory to the new born King.” We rejoice at the wonder of this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Love, this wonderful Love!

83 Wonderful Love! We rejoice at the wonder of this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Love!


85 聖誕節是一個極大的奧秘,神的兒 子道成肉身,降世為人,為什麼選 擇以這樣卑微的方式呢?
For all the majesty of Christmas, the incarnation also leaves us with great mystery. If this Child is God in human form, why such a lowly birth? 聖誕節是一個極大的奧秘,神的兒 子道成肉身,降世為人,為什麼選 擇以這樣卑微的方式呢?

86 What Child is this Who laid to rest on Mary’s lap is sleeping?

87 祂可以從天上橫空而過,展示祂的 尊貴的榮耀,下命令叫世人向他下 拜,俯首稱臣。
He could have split our sky with royal splendor, issuing a decree that all men bow to Him or perish. 祂可以從天上橫空而過,展示祂的 尊貴的榮耀,下命令叫世人向他下 拜,俯首稱臣。

88 Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping?

89 可是,他選擇了最卑下的出生地方 ,在那裡沒有貴重的香料,沒有華 麗的燈飾,沒有隨從僕俾。
Yet we find Him in the meekest and most lowly of places; a room that should have been rich with the sweetest incense of earth, filled with beautiful, glorious light and adoring throngs. 可是,他選擇了最卑下的出生地方 ,在那裡沒有貴重的香料,沒有華 麗的燈飾,沒有隨從僕俾。

90 Why lies He in such mean estate, where ox and lamb are feeding?

91 祂睡在馬槽內,漆黑一片,無助, 無人記念。
But He lies in a cattle stall... a place dark, desperate, foul, and forgotten. 祂睡在馬槽內,漆黑一片,無助, 無人記念。

92 What majesty here in the dirt and straw, a royal Child, a King to save us all. Surely the God of creation deserves so much more.

93 What kind of throne is this holding such Holiness, here on this cold and silent night? Why would He choose to trade Heaven to make this place His home? What kind of throne is this?

94 Where is the robe. Where is the regal crown
Where is the robe? Where is the regal crown? And why not more than shepherds bowing down? What myst’ry of One so high becoming so low.

95 What kind of throne is this holding such Holiness, here on this cold and silent night? Why would He choose to trade Heaven to make this place His home? What kind of throne is this?

96 Immanuel has come, our Savior glorious giving all to be with us!

97 What kind of throne is this holding such Holiness, here on this cold and silent night? Why would He choose to trade Heaven to make this place His home? What kind of throne is this?

98 O come, let us adore Him. O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

99 What kind of throne is this? Ooo


101 眾天使離開他們,升天去了。牧羊 的人彼此說:「我們往伯利恆去, 看看所成的事,就是主所指示我們 的。」 他們急忙去了,就尋見馬利
Worship was the response of all who came to the manger that first Christmas night. The silent worship of Mary and Joseph was broken by the arrival of the shepherds, who told of an angel appearing to them with glorious news. 眾天使離開他們,升天去了。牧羊 的人彼此說:「我們往伯利恆去, 看看所成的事,就是主所指示我們 的。」 他們急忙去了,就尋見馬利 亞和約瑟,又有那嬰孩臥在馬槽裏;

102 After they beheld their King, they left glorifying and praising God for what they had seen and heard. 既然看見,就把天使論這孩子的話 傳開了。

103 過了一段日子,有幾個博士從東方 來到耶路撒冷,要尋找猶太人之王 ,因為他們在東方看見他的星,特 來拜他。
After some time had passed, the Wise Men from the east arrived and told of following the star that was leading them to the King of the Jews. 過了一段日子,有幾個博士從東方 來到耶路撒冷,要尋找猶太人之王 ,因為他們在東方看見他的星,特 來拜他。

104 在那星的帶領下,他們終於找著了 ,進了房子,看見小孩子和他母親 馬利亞,就俯伏拜那小孩子,揭開 寶盒,拿黃金、乳香、沒藥為禮物 獻給他。
We can only imagine the wonder and the reverence that rose in the hearts of Mary and Joseph as they witnessed these magi in all their pomp and finest, on the floor, bowing to a Child! 在那星的帶領下,他們終於找著了 ,進了房子,看見小孩子和他母親 馬利亞,就俯伏拜那小孩子,揭開 寶盒,拿黃金、乳香、沒藥為禮物 獻給他。

105 Come, ye men so wise. The Treasure you now find is greater than the one you’re bringing. Come, ye men of earth. O let your praise be heard and let the world resound with singing.

106 King of Heaven, King of Glory, King all other kings will bow to.

107 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Come, join the song even angels sing.

108 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Worthy, so worthy is Jesus, King of kings.

109 Come, behold it now, the starlight falling down on Him Who far outshines the brightest. Come and be amazed at Heaven’s Gift of Grace, this lowly One, yet still the highest.

110 King of power, King of mercy, King all other kings will bow to.

111 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Come, join the song even angels sing.

112 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Worthy, so worthy is Jesus, King of kings.

113 Oh

114 King of all the earth and King of all of Heaven, King of endless glory, King Who reigns forever,

115 King of all the earth and King of all of Heaven, King of endless glory, King Who reigns forever,

116 King of all the earth and King of all of Heaven, King of endless glory, King Who reigns forever,

117 King of all the earth and King of all of Heaven, King of endless glory, King Who reigns forever!

118 King of kings!

119 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Come, join the song even angels sing.

120 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Worthy, so worthy is Jesus, King of kings.

121 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Come, join the song even angels sing.

122 Come and worship. O worship with wonder
Come and worship! O worship with wonder! Worthy, so worthy is Jesus, King of kings, King of kings!

123 Worthy, so worthy is Jesus, King of kings!


125 太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神 。這道太初與神同在。
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning... 太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神 。這道太初與神同在。

126 道成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充 滿滿地有恩典有真理。我們也見過 他的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。
The Word became flesh and lived for a while among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son who came from the Father. (John 1:1-2, 14) 道成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充 滿滿地有恩典有真理。我們也見過 他的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。

127 我們的救主,從創世以先,因著對 我們的大愛,展開了救贖我們的計 劃,時候到了,至高的王,竟到最 卑微的地方,降生為人。
Our Savior, from before the beginning of time, loved us and planned to redeem us. The highest King chose to come to the lowest place. 我們的救主,從創世以先,因著對 我們的大愛,展開了救贖我們的計 劃,時候到了,至高的王,竟到最 卑微的地方,降生為人。

128 在這聖誕節佳節,讓我們敬拜讚美 這位降世來尋找迷羊的耶穌,讓我 們歡喜快樂的慶祝,因為至聖者竟 然甘願降卑,來住在我們中間!
This holiday season, may we stand in wonder of the One Who came pursuing us. May we worship Him with great joy and celebration...the Holy One Who humbled Himself... to come to us! 在這聖誕節佳節,讓我們敬拜讚美 這位降世來尋找迷羊的耶穌,讓我 們歡喜快樂的慶祝,因為至聖者竟 然甘願降卑,來住在我們中間!

129 Joy to the world. The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King
Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King! Let ev ’ry heart prepare Him room, and Heaven and nature sing, and Heaven, and Heaven and nature sing.

130 King of Glory, King alone, King on Heaven’s highest throne, come to make this world Your home; King of Glory, King alone!

131 King of Glory, King alone, King on Heaven’s highest throne, come to make this world Your home; King of Glory, King alone!

132 Earth and Heaven come together. Oh, the glory and the grace
Earth and Heaven come together. Oh, the glory and the grace! For the first time in forever, we can look upon His face with joy, (with joy,) with joy, (with joy,) with joy, (with joy,) with joy, with joy!

133 Let the nations all sing with joy. Let all Heaven now ring with joy
Let the nations all sing with joy! Let all Heaven now ring with joy! For the Gift that He brings, what joy! Let earth receive her King!

134 Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King!

135 He is the King!

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