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Presentation on theme: "CHANGZHOU CONCORD PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD CO., LTD 常州市协和电路板有限公司"— Presentation transcript:

Company Profile 公司简介 JULY,2007

2 Content(内容提要) 1.Introduction of Our Company(公司介绍) 2.FPC Category(软板种类)
3.Organization Chart(组织结构图) 4.Mission (宗旨) 5.Production Capability& Capacity(生产能力) 6.Technical Specification(技术规格) 7.Equipment List(设备清单) 8.Advance Equipment(先进设备) 9.Quality Insurance(品质保障) 10.Major Customers (主要客户) 11.Products Show (产品展示)

3 1.公司介绍 Introduction of our company
Changzhou concord circuit board limited corporation was located in a fast-developed industrial city between Shanghai and Nanjing, which was founded in It only takes 5 minutes by car from the eastern suburbs of Changzhou to the high-speed road. From our company to Changzhou Airport, you just need 30 minutes. It’s well located and easy to access. We had invested 30 billions to build the factory in May of We are a professional manufacture on designing and manufacturing the single-sided, double-sided and multi-layer flexible circuit boards, as well as SMT. Our company covers the company area of square meters and the factory area of square meters. There are more than 200 employees including 25 managerial personnel, 11 engineers and technicians. With our excellent staff members’ efforts, our production capacity could reach up to10000 square meters each month. The capable managerial personnel and well-trained employees make the company famous with its image of "united, hard working, high quality, high efficiency". In the existing economic globalization tendency of 21 century, with “High quality products; Automatic production; Information aided management; Diversified assets” as the effort targets, the companies are always improving the competitive ability and the production capacity with the information aided management. In a new round of strategic development, Changzhou concord printed circuit board will appear in the market with a new and more powerful image, and show its prosperous and flourishing future.

4 常州协和电路板有限公司于1997年成立。公司位于沪宁两市之间的新兴工业城市——常州市东郊距沪宁高速入口5分钟路程,距常州机场30分钟车程。交通便捷,公司于2010年5月投资3000多万元建成目前的工厂。 公司是集研发、生产刚性、挠性和刚挠结合的单、双面及多层印制电路板的专业制造公司。公司占地面积20000平方米,厂房占地面积14000平方米,拥有优秀的员工队伍,职工200人,包括25个管理人员,11名工程技术人员。由于我们出色的员工队伍的共同努力,公司每个月的生产量高达10000平方米。 高素质的管理人员和训练有素的员工造就了双进协和同心,实干、重质、求效的企业形象。 在21世纪经济全球化的浪潮面前,公司以“产品优质化,生产自动化,管理信息化,资产多元化”为工作主题,坚持强化企业核心竞争能力,坚持以信息化带动工业化。在新一轮战略发展中,双进与协和必将振兴强盛姿态,尽显耀眼风采!

5 Company Honor(公司荣誉) Market competitions are actually the competition of the product quality. In the beginning of 1990s, for the production system reform and product structure adjustment, the company began to establish the international quality control system of ISO9000. Since 1996, the company got the certification of ISO9001,UL certification and CQC certification. In April of 2004, we got the UL certification, which proved the efforts we do fully. 市场竞争,讲到底就是产品的质量竞争,公司在上个世纪90年代初期,为了适应生产体系的重组和产品结构的调整,提出了贯彻ISO9000国际质量保证体系的要求,自1996年起,公司先后获得了ISO9001认证,UL认证和CQC认证。2004年的4月,我公司获得了UL证书,公司努力的成果得到了充分的证明。

6 ISO9001:2000Certificate ISO认证证书

7 ISO14001:2004Certificate ISO认证证书

8 General Information(概括总结资料)
Products (1)S.S.,D.S. and Multi-layer Flexible Circuit Boards (产品)    (单、双面及多层挠性电路板) (2)SMT Production Capacity 10,000 square meters per month (产量)        每月10,000平方米 Total Employees(雇员数) 人 Factory Area ,000 square meter (Land Area) (工厂面积) ,000 square meter (Floor Area) ISO Certification ISO9001:2000 Certified In January,2004 (ISO认证) ISO14001:2004 Certified In Sep,2005 UL Certification UL File No. E240967   (UL认证) Website(网页) (电邮)

9 2.FPC Category(软板种类) Single Side Double Side
  Applied with single sided material to make pattern and cover the cover layer on it, that’s the simplest flexible boards. 单面板 使用单面板之基材于电路成型后,加上一层覆盖膜,成为一种最基本的软性电路板。 Double Side Applied with double sided material to make pattern on both side then add on cover layer on each side , that’s the double sided flexible boards. 双面板 使用双面板之基材,于双面电路成型后,分别在各面加上一层覆盖膜,成为另一种基本电路板。

10 FPC Category(软板种类) Single Side Double Access
Applied with single sided material to make pattern but make some window on base film and add on cover layer on pattern top. The final products will have single layer copper but two side access possibility. This structure we call that single side double access boards. 单面双接触 使用单一纯铜,于电路成型之前后过程中,双面表层分别结合不同之覆盖膜,此时双面均露出导电部分称之为单面双接触。 Single Side plus Single Side Binding two single sided FPC by end point joint. The bending area will be non adhesive for getting better flexibility. This structure so called single side plus single side with air gap. 单+单(Air Gap ) 结合两层单面板,并于折合区域中以无胶裸空的设计,达到高挠曲要求的目的。

11 FPC Category(软板种类) Muti-layer Binding several boards together so called Multi-layer and the drawing show here is an example of binding a single sided and a double sided FPC together. 多层板 以单面板或双面板组合,设计为三层或三层以上电路层。图中多层板是以单面板结合双面板为例。

12 3.Organization Chart (组织结构图)
General Manager 总经理法人代表 Vice 副总经理 Manufacturing Dept. 制造部 QA Dept. 品质部 Technology 工艺技术部 Engineering 工程部 Marketing Dept. 市场部 HR& Accounting Dept 人事、财务部 General Affairs 管理部

13 Developing flow the world与时俱进
4.Mission(宗旨) Mission Developing flow the world与时俱进 Deploitation &Innovation 开拓创新 Excellent Service 真诚服务 Continuing Improvement 持续改进

14 5.Production Capability &Capacity (生产能力)
Product Type: From single-side up to 4-layer FPCs (产品类别) (从单面板到4层板) Ⅰ) Electro Gold Flash (镀金板) Ⅱ)Thick Gold Plating(厚金板) Ⅲ)O.S.P(抗氧化板)          Ⅳ)Lead Free in tin plating(镀纯锡板)  Lead Time(交货周期): Sample(样品): SS&DS 7Days; 4L up 10 Days Mass production(批量生产):     Product Time Status Single Side (单面板) Double Side (双面板) New Order(新单) 10 days 12 days Repeat Order(返单) 7 days

15 6.Technical Specification(技术规格
Remarks Number of Layers 1~4 Material PI、PET Special Material On Request Min. Trace Width & Line Space Single Sided 0.10mm(4mil) Double Sided 0.1 0mm(4mil) Min. Hole Diameter Drilling (P.T.H) Φ0.2mm Punching Φ0.6mm Dimension Tolerances Conductor With (w) ±0.025 Hole Diameter (H) ±0.05mm(with P.T.H±0.1mm) Accumulated Pitch (P) ±0.50mm(Special±0.03mm) Outline Dimension (L) ±0.05mm Conductors and coverlay ±0.3~0.5mm

16 7.Equipment List(设备清单) Fisher X-Ray Metal thickness Measuring M/C (X-Ray测厚仪) Flying probe open/shot Tester(飞针测试机) Electrical open/shot Tester(开/短路测试机) High Power Microscope(高倍显微镜) Drilling Machine(钻孔机) Stack Master(销钉机) Target Hole Drilling Machine (CCD Type) (打孔机) Semi-Auto Silk Screen Printing Machine(半自动丝印机) Lamination Machine(压膜机) Dry /Wet Film Exposure(曝光机) Fast Pressing M/C(快压机) Knife-Cutting Punching Machine(刀模机) Punching Machine(冲床) Vacuum Packing Machine(真空包装机) Film Stripping/Etching Line(去膜蚀刻线) P.T.H Line(镀铜线) Tin Pattern Plating Line(镀锡线) Gold Plating Line(镀金线) OSP Line (防氧化线) SMT

17 8. Advance equipment(先进设备)
The Company has complete advanced special equipment for circuit board production: such as:high-precision PCB digital drilling and milling machines; Automatic positing punching machine and drilling machines; automatic crazing machine; Photo solder mask laminator and exposure machine; imported UV curing machine; Fast laminate machine and Vacuum laminate machine etc. 公司拥有先进齐全的电路板专用设备:有高精度的PCB数控钻、自动对位冲孔机、铣机、钻孔机;自动网印机、压膜机和曝光机;进口UV固化机、快速压合机、真空层压机……

18 Advance Equipment (先进设备)
NC drilling machine(数控钻孔机) PTH line(沉铜线) Central plating line(环镀线) Chemical cleaning line(化学清洗线)

19 Exposure machine(曝光机)
Advance Equipment (先进设备) Exposure machine(曝光机) Photo solder mask laminator (贴干膜机) Etching line(蚀刻线)

20 Advance Equipment (先进设备)
Film laminating production line (覆膜车间) Sand blast machine (喷砂机) Vacuum laminate machine(真空压层机) Fast laminate machine(快压机)

21 Advance Equipment (先进设备)
Automatic punching machine(自动打孔机) Baking line(烘烤线) Screen printing machine(丝印机)

22 Advance Equipment (先进设备)
SMT product line (SMT生产车间) OSP Line (抗氧化线)

23 9.Quality Insurance(品质保障)
With high quality as the market sharing ability, reducing the production cycle and increasing the technical content of the product are the eternal pursue target of the company. The modern production facilities and the constantly improving inspection means make the company develop to a higher stage and lay a solid foundation in the market. 以品质为市场,缩短了产品回圈过程,增加了产品技术含量—是公司永恒的追求。 现代化的生产设备和不断完善的检测手段为公司冲刺更高领域,赢得更多客户奠定了扎实的基础。

24 先进测量仪器保障品质 Advance test equipments guarantee high quality products
Physics and chemistry analyses(理化分析) Electric inspection(电检) AOI tester(AOI测试仪) High Power Microscope(高倍显微镜)

25 先进测量仪器保障品质 Advance test equipments guarantee high quality products
2D measurement(二次元测量) Impedance tester(阻抗测试仪) X-ray thickness tester(金相 /X-Ray测厚仪)

26 10.Major Customers(主要客户)
Panasonic(2004)(松下索尼) Konka(2000)(康佳) FCI(2003)(富加宜) TCL(2009) KURODA(2002)(黑田) Hisense(2009)(海信) Ways(2009)(伟时)

27 11.Product show (产品展示) Keyboard type(按键系列)

28 Backlight type(背光源系列)

29 Printer connector type (打印机连接器系列)

30 Computer connector type (电脑连接系列)

31 Earphone antenna type (耳机天线系列)

32 Camera type(摄像头系列)

33 Car wiper type(汽车雨刮器系列)

34 Taillights type(汽车尾灯系列)

35 Mobile phone battery plate type 手机电池板系列

36 Phone connector type 手机连接器系列

(期待合作) Our talented staff members are ready for tomorrow, and would create an ideal environment for the friends both in China and abroad for our mutual benefit and bright future. In the fast developing technology of the printed circuit boards,we will go straight forward and create higher level. 我们的精英枕戈待旦,愿与海内外朋友共同营造双赢互惠的发展环境,在印制电路技术快速发展的时代潮流中,急流直上,再创新高。

38 The End f Thank You !


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