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硬件描述语言VHDL及其应用 哈工大微电子中心 王 进 祥 讲课地点:A213 电话:6415979-806.

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Presentation on theme: "硬件描述语言VHDL及其应用 哈工大微电子中心 王 进 祥 讲课地点:A213 电话:6415979-806."— Presentation transcript:

1 硬件描述语言VHDL及其应用 哈工大微电子中心 王 进 祥 讲课地点:A213 电话:

2 一、目的 二、内容 三、如何学习本课程 了解目前电子设计系统方法及流程 了解/掌握综合与验证工具 能用VHDL设计复杂功能电路
高层次设计概述 如何写优化的VHDL代码 examples SoC设计方法学 设计工具使用 三、如何学习本课程 带着实际课题学习,多提问题,一起分析、讨论 2018/9/18

3 一、高层次设计概述 EDA工具发展 设计方法 深亚微米设计问题 测试综合(可测性设计) Top-down设计流程 硬件描述语言 综合
VHDL设计小结 2018/9/18

4 1.1 EDA工具发展 年代 名称 硬件 特征 70’s CAD 16位小型机 图型编辑,设计规则检查 80’s CAE 32位工作站
LVS工具 90’s EDA 逻辑/行为综合工具 Now SoC ? 物理综合工具,IP复用技术 2018/9/18

5 1.1 EDA工具发展(Cont.) CAD: 逻辑图输入、逻辑模拟、电路模拟、版图设计和版图验证分别进行,需要对两者结果进行多次比较、修改。设计规模较小 CAE: 集逻辑图输入、逻辑模拟、测试码生成、电路模拟、版图设计、版图验证等工具一体,构成一个较完整的IC设计系统 EDA: HDL取代逻辑输入,逻辑网表由综合工具自动产生,可管理性增强,易于维护和数据交换 SoC: 采用深亚微米工艺生产技术,基于平台设计和IP复用技术,时序收敛性为首要目标 2018/9/18

6 1.2 设计方法 自底向上设计方法(Bottom-up): 系统功能划分 单元设计 功能模块设计 子系统设计 系统总成
自顶向下设计方法(Top-down) :系统行为设计 结构设计 逻辑设计 电路设计 版图设计 基于平台设计方法(Platform-based): SoC设计普遍采用的方法,SoC平台和IP—Intellectual Property 其它设计: 嵌入式设计方法,层次式设计方法等 2018/9/18

7 1.3 深亚微米设计问题 连线延时 时序模型 综合优化工具 器件模型 信号完整性 电磁干扰 功耗 设计工具 布图规划工具
SDF PDEF 布图规划工具 SDF—标准数据格式 PDEF—物理设计交换格式 2018/9/18

8 1.4 测试综合 目的: 集成电路的测试简单化 嵌入可测试结构,加速可测性设计 产品制造前就可评价设计的可测性 消除冗余逻辑
诊断不可测的逻辑结构 内容: 测试嵌入、设计规则检查、测试码生成、故障模拟/诊断和输出测试图样 测试综合包括了使测试成功的每一步骤:如加入带测试因素的电路,对逻辑综合增加约束条件以满足测试要求及对高级语言描述的可测结构的综合等都可归结为测试综合 测试综合主要是为了使复杂的集成电路的测试问题简单化,并通过将可测试结构自动嵌入电路中,加速可测性设计,使专用集成电路设计工程师能在产品开发的时期评价设计的可测性,减少设计重复次数,缩短设计时间,同时测试综合还可消除设计中的冗余逻辑,诊断出不可测试的逻辑结构。 测试综合包括了使测试每一个步骤,如加入带测试因素的电路,对逻辑综合增加约束条件,以满足测试要求以及对高级语言描述可测结构的综合等都可归结为测试综合。 测试综合实际上包括测试嵌入、设计规则检查、测试码生成、故障模拟/诊断、输出测试图样等几部分。 2018/9/18

9 1.4 测试综合(Cont.) 方法: Full Scan Partial Scan BIST Boundary Scan 标准/规范:
IEEE 1149 IEEE P1500 VSIA Related Spec. SoC可测试设计: IP可测试设计 Glue Logic可测试设计 测试存取结构 分类: 1—Pass 2—Pass 2018/9/18


11 1.6 硬件描述语言 VHDL & Verilog VHDL Object Entity—I/O界面描述
Architecture —功能定义 Process —行为模块 Library —VHDL Object的集合 Package —数据类型、子程序、子单元的集合 Configuration —Architecture/Parameter选择 2018/9/18

12 1.6 硬件描述语言(Cont.) VHDL中的端口:In Out Inout Buffer Blk1 Blk3 Blk4 Blk5
Entity 2018/9/18

13 1.7 综合 Definition:Synthesis = Translation + Optimization
HDL code gtech logic netlist Optimization & technology Mapping min(Speed X Area X Power) Behavioral Synthesis: Scheduling and Allocation Algorithm 2018/9/18

14 1.8 VHDL设计小结 一个完整的设计由一些子单元相互连接而成 每个子单元有一个Entity和至少一个Architecture
一个Architecture可包括Behavioral、Dataflow和Structure风格语句 子单元(Component)在使用之前要声明 2018/9/18

15 1.8 VHDL设计小结(Cont.) RS(255, 223)码译码器Top框图 2018/9/18

16 1.8 VHDL设计小结(Cont.) RS(255, 223)码译码器详细模块图 2018/9/18

17 1.8 VHDL设计小结(Cont.) 1 2 component bmexpand entity rsdecoder is
port(reset, clk : in std_logic; synin : in bit8; cnt : in rsInt; synout : out bit8; lstsfe : out bit8; bout : out bit8); end component; component bmfftbuf ctl255 : in std_logic; syno, addo : in bit8; bmfo : out rsbit8_vector(0 to N2 - 1)); 2 entity rsdecoder is port (reset , clk : in std_logic; decin : in bit8; decout : out bit8); end rsdecoder; architecture structural of rsdecoder is component syndrome port (reset, clk : in std_logic; rec : in bit8; synfb : in bit8; syndout : out bit8); end component; 1 2018/9/18

18 1.8 VHDL设计小结(Cont.) 3 4 component decbuf component ifft
port(reset, clk : in std_logic; din : in bit8; dout : out bit8); end component; component control ctlN1m1, ctlN1 : out std_logic; ctl254, ctl255 : out std_logic; ctlobf : out std_logic; synfb : out std_logic; cntout : buffer rsInt); 4 component ifft port(reset, clk : in std_logic; ctlN1m1, ctlN1 : in std_logic; ctl254 : in std_logic; buffin : in rsbit8_vector(0 to N2 - 1); iffto : out bit8); end component; component fftobuf ctlobf : in std_logic; din : in bit8; fbo : out bit8); 3 2018/9/18

19 1.8 VHDL设计小结(Cont.) 5 component xor8 port(in1, in2 : in bit8;
xout : out bit8); end component; signal ctlN1m1, ctlN1, ctl254, ctl255 : std_logic; signal ctlobf, synfb : std_logic; signal fbo, dout, synout, lstsfe, bout : bit8; signal cntout : rsInt; signal iffto, syndout : bit8; signal bmfo : rsbit8_vector(0 to N2 - 1); 5 2018/9/18

20 1.8 VHDL设计小结(Cont.) begin u1 : control port map(reset, clk, ctlN1m1, ctlN1, ctl254, ctl255, ctlobf, synfb, cntout); u2 : syndrome port map(reset, clk, decin, synfb, syndout); u3 : bmexpand port map(reset, clk, syndout, cntout, synout, lstsfe, bout); u4 : bmfftbuf port map(reset, clk, ctl255, synout, lstsfe, bmfo); u5 : ifft port map(reset, clk, ctlN1m1, ctlN1, ctl254, bmfo, iffto); u6 : fftobuf port map(reset, clk, ctlobf, iffto, fbo); u7 : decbuf port map(reset, clk, decin, dout); u8 : xor8 port map(fbo, dout, decout); end structural; 6 2018/9/18

21 二、如何写优化的VHDL代码 数据类型 并发/顺序赋值语句 小结 Process语句 资源共享 其它 2018/9/18

22 2.1 数据类型 Types Scalar File Access Composite Array Record Enumerated
Real Integer Physical 2018/9/18

23 2.1 数据类型(Cont.) 标准数据类型: bit, bit_vector, std_ulogic, std_logic,
std_logic_vector, boolean, integer, etc. 复合数据类型: array, record, sub_type, new type 2018/9/18

24 2.1.1 赋值语句 i/ signal t, s : bit; s <= ‘1’; -- s <= t;
ii/ signal c : bit_vector(0 to 3); signal d : bit_vector(3 downto 0); c <= “1011”; c(0) c(1) c(2) c(3) d(3) d(2) d(1) d(0) d <= c; -- ok ! c(0 to 3) <= d(0 to 3) – No! d <= c; -- ok ? c(0 to 3) <= d(0 to 3) – ok? 2018/9/18

25 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) iii/ signal s, t, w, m : bit;
signal c : bit_vector(0 to 3); c <= “1011”; c <= s & t & w & m; c <= (‘1’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘1’); c <= 3; --No c <= (0 -> ‘1’, 1 -> s, 2-> ‘1’, 3 -> ‘1’); --Ok c <= 3; c <= (0 -> ‘1’, 1 -> s, 2-> ‘1’, 3 -> ‘1’); Ok? 2018/9/18

26 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) iv/ signal a_vec : bit_vector(0 to 11);
a_vec <= X”C33C”; a_vec <= X”C3_3C”; a_vec <= “1100_0011_0011_1100”; a_vec <= “C33C”; No! a_vec <= “1100_0011_0011_1100”; a_vec <= “C33C”; Ok? 2018/9/18

27 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) 位串中的进制表示: 二进制—B(Binary) 八进制—O(Octal)
十六进制—X(Hexadecimal) 十进制—D(Decimal) No! 十进制—D(Decimal) ??? 2018/9/18

28 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) S v/ signal A, B, C : bit_vector(3 downto 0);
C <= A and B; ‘0’ ‘1’ A = B = C = C(3) <= A(3) and B(3); C(2) <= A(2) and B(2); C(1) <= A(1) and B(1); C(0) <= A(0) and B(0); S C <= not A OK! ‘0’ ‘1’ A = C = C <= not A Ok? 2018/9/18

29 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) vi/ slice of array entity VHDL is
port(A : in bit_vector(0 to 7); outp : out bit); end VHDL; architecture E1 of VHDL is begin outp <= A(5); end; signal C : bit_vector(0 to 7); C(4) <= ‘1’; C(0 to 3) <= “1001”; 2018/9/18

30 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) vii/ Composite data type type date is record
year : integer range 1980 to 2030; month : integer range 1 to 12; day : integer range 1 to 30; end record; subtype bit8 is bit_vector(7 downto 0); 2018/9/18

31 2.1.1 赋值语句(Cont.) vii/ Composite data type
signal weekday, today : date; weekday.year <= 2003; weekday.monty <= 2; <= 14; today <= weekday; 2018/9/18

32 2.1.2 数据类型转换 强类型语言:VHDL具有丰富的数据类型,不同类型的对象(信号、变量)不能直接赋值
数据类型转换三种方法:类型标记转换法、 函数转换法和常数转换法 经常转换的数据类型:std_logic, bit, std_ulogic, boolean, signed unsigned, std_logic_vector, bit_vector 2018/9/18

33 2.1.2 数据类型转换(Cont.) 类型标记转换法 std_logic and std_ulogic,
std_logic_vector and signed std_logic_vector and unsigned integer and real等 signal a std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal b unsigned(0 to 7); b <= unsigned(a); 2018/9/18

34 2.1.2 数据类型转换(Cont.) std_logic and bit
std_ulogic and bit, boolean and bit, std_logic_vector and bit_vector integer and std_logic_vector/unsigned等 函数转换法 signal a std_logic_vector(0 to 7); signal b integer range 0 to 255; a <= to_stdlogicvector(X”AF”); b <= conv_ingeter(a); 2018/9/18

35 2.1.2 数据类型转换(Cont.) 常数转换法 type typeconv_type is array(std_ulogic’low to std_ulogic’high) of bit; constant typeconv : typeconv_type := (‘0’ | ‘L’ => ‘0’, ‘1’ | ‘H’ => ‘1’, others => ‘0’); signal s : std_ulogic; signal a : bit; a <= typeconv(s); 2018/9/18

36 2.1.2 数据类型转换(Cont.) Discussion
How to transform bit type to boolean type? signal bitty : bit; signal booly : boolean; booly <= (bitty = ‘1’); 2018/9/18

37 2.1.3 逻辑运算与关系运算 false ? 运算符: and, or, not, xor, nand, nor
=, /=, <, <=, >, >= Discussion: What is the result of the following relational statement? “1000” > “1111” = false “1000” > “1111” = ? 2018/9/18

38 2.1.4 算术操作 运算符: +, –, *, mod, /, rem 右操作数必须为2的指数!! 操作数类型:
std_logic_vector, integer, signed, unsigned use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 2018/9/18

39 2.1.4 算术操作(Cont.) signal a, b : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
q1 <= unsigned(a) + unsigned(b); q2 <= unsigned(a) + signed(b); q3 <= signed(a) + signed(b); q4 <= a + b; q5 <= (‘0’ & a) + b; -- 4bit -- 5bit 2018/9/18

40 2.1.5 连字符和聚集 signal A, B : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
连字符:concatenation operator 聚集: aggregates signal A, B : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal C : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal D : std_logic; C <= A & B; C(7) C(6) C(5) C(4) C(3) C(2) C(1) C(0) A B 2018/9/18

41 C <= (others => ‘0’);
2.1.5 连字符和聚集(Cont.) C(7) <= ‘Z’; C(6 downto 3) <= A; C(2 downto 0) <= ‘0’ & A(1 downto 0); C <= (7 => ‘1’, 6 => D, 5 downto 2 => ‘1’, others => ‘0’); C <= “ ”; 初始化 C <= (others => ‘0’); 2018/9/18

42 2.2 并发/顺序赋值语句 并发赋值语句在architecture的begin和end之间,与书写顺序无关,每一条并发语句均可用一个process语句等价 顺序赋值语句只能在process和子程序的begin和end之间,它除信号赋值语句外,还有变量赋值 2018/9/18

43 2.2.1 并发赋值语句 + B C E A D D <= A + E; A <= B + C; 2018/9/18

44 Multi-driver, need resolved function
2.2.1 并发赋值语句(Cont.) 并发赋值语句: + A B A <= B + A; 组合逻辑环路!! A B C C <= A; C <= B; Multi-driver, need resolved function 2018/9/18

45 2.2.2 顺序赋值语句 + B C E A D D <= A + E; A <= B + C; 2018/9/18

46 2.2.2 顺序赋值语句(Cont.) C <= A; C <= B; B C + A B A <= B + A;
组合进程:No! 时序进程:Ok! 2018/9/18

47 2.3 小结 一个设计由entity和architecture描述
数据对象类型有bit, boolean, integer, std_logic等标准类型和用户自定义类型 并发语句执行与书写顺序无关(order independent) VHDL是一种强类型语言(类型不能自动相互转换) 元件例化语句不能在process中,if语句和for语句用于并发语句时,只能是generate语句,并发语句无变量赋值语句 2018/9/18

48 2.3 小结(Cont.) entity shift is begin port( reset, clk : in std_logic;
signal tv : std_logic_vector(0 to 7); begin for I in 0 to 7 generate if I = 0 generate u1 : dff port map(reset, clk, din, tv(0)); end generate; if I > 0 and I <= 7 generate u2 : dff port map(reset, clk, tv(I – 1), tv(I)); end generate; end generate; dout <= tv(7); end str; entity shift is port( reset, clk : in std_logic; din : in std_logic; dout : out std_logic); end shift; architecture str of shift is component dff port(reset, clk : in std_logic; d : in std_logic; q : out std_logic); end component; 2018/9/18

49 2.4 process 描述电路功能或行为。由于综合后的电路对所有输入信号变化敏感,因此所有被读信号均应包含在敏感表中,否则,综合前的模拟结果与综合后的模拟结果不一致! 2018/9/18

50 2.4.1 syntax [process_label :] process(sensitivity list) begin
[declarations;] begin statements; -- if, loop, case, subprogram call etc end process [process_label]; 2018/9/18

51 2.4.1 syntax P1 : process(A, B) Begin D < = A or B and C;
End process P1; P1 : process(A, B, C) Begin D < = A or B and C; End process P1; 2018/9/18

52 2.4.2 communication among process
Assignment If, case, loop etc Signal_N Signal_3 Signal_1 Signal_2 Process A Process B architecture example 2018/9/18

53 2.4.3 if then else语句综合 i/. 引入寄存器 architecture rtl of dff is begin
infer_reg : process(d, clk) if (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then q <= d; end process infer; end rtl; entity dff is port (d : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; q : out std_logic); End dff; 2018/9/18

54 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
ii/. 引入锁存器 Infer_latch : process(A, B) begin if (A = ‘1’) then x <= B; end process infer_infer_latch; Infer_latch : process(A, B) Begin x <= ‘0’; if (A = ‘1’) then x <= B; end process infer_infer_latch; 隐含了A = ‘0’时 x <= x; 不完全的else 2018/9/18

55 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
iii/. 组合电路 architecture arch of comb is begin process(a, b, select) if (select = ‘1’) then y <= b; else y <= a; end if; end process; end arch; entity comb is port(a, b : in bit; select : in bit; y : out bit); end comb; b a y select 1 2018/9/18

56 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
iv/. 异步复位 process(reset, clk, d) Begin if (reset = ‘0’) then q <= ‘0’; elsif (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then q <= d; end if; end process; d clk reset q 2018/9/18

57 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
v/. 三态逻辑 1 signal s, sel, data : std_logic; process(sel, data) Begin if (sel = ‘1’) then s <= data; else s <= ‘Z’; end if; end process; 2018/9/18

58 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
v/. 三态逻辑 2 architecture beh of tribuf is signal asel, bsel, a, b, s : std_logic; begin pa : process(asel, a) begin s <= ‘Z’; if (asel = ‘1’) then s <= a; end if; end process pa; pb : process(bsel, b) begin s <= ‘Z’; if (bsel = ‘1’) then s <= b; end if; end process pb; end beh; Multi driver!! 2018/9/18

59 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
Discussion 1 signal a, b, use_b : bit; process(a, b, use_b) Begin if (use_b = ‘1’) then s <= b; elseif(use_b = ‘0’) then s <= a; end if; end process; Latch? combinational 2018/9/18

60 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
Discussion 2 signal a, b, use_b : std_logic; process(a, b, use_b) Begin if (use_b = ‘1’) then s <= b; elseif(use_b = ‘0’) then s <= a; end if; end process; Latch? combinational 2018/9/18

61 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
Discussion 3 signal a, b, use_b : std_logic; process(a, b, use_b) Begin if (use_b = ‘1’) then s <= b; elseif(use_b = ‘0’) then s <= a; else assert false report “invalid use_b” severity error; end if; end process; assert statement may be ignored by synthesis tool what? 2018/9/18

62 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
vi/. 在一个进程中,一个信号只能对应一个三态驱动 process(b, ub, a, ua) Begin dout <= ‘Z’; if (ub = ‘1’) then dout <= b; end if; if (ua = ‘1’) then dout <= a; end if; end process; 2018/9/18

63 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
vii/. ‘Z’值使用规则 某个信号被赋值‘Z’值时,将会引入三态驱动,但‘Z’值不能用于复杂的表达式中(逻辑/算术表达式) 1 如:dout <= ‘Z’ and din; 当信号与‘Z’值比较时,结果总为false,引用这样的关系表达式将导致模拟与综合结果不匹配 2 如:if (sel = ‘Z’) then 相当于 if false then 2018/9/18

64 2.4.3 if then else语句综合(Cont.)
vii/. if then else语句小结 可以描述顺序行为 1 生成组合逻辑 2 如果缺少else语句,可能生成latch 3 可以生成三态逻辑 4 可以引入时序元件 5 一般用于process和subprogram中 6 2018/9/18

65 2.4.4 case 语句 i/. syntax case (expression) is
when value => statements; when value | value => statements; when value1 to value2 => statements; …… when others => statements; end case; 2018/9/18

66 2.4.4 case 语句(Cont.) ii/. case 语句规则 任意value互不相同
如无others分枝,必须穷尽所有可能的表达式值 如有others分枝,必须至少有一个表达值未列出 任意分枝中的语句可以有多条 2018/9/18

67 2.4.4 case 语句(Cont.) entity decoder is
port(din : in std_logic_vector(0 to 2); q : out std_logic_vector(0 to 7)); end decoder; architecture ex of decoder is begin process(din) case (din) when “000” => q <= “ ”; when “001” => q <= “ ”; when “010” => q <= “ ”; when “011” => q <= “ ”; when “100” => q <= “ ”; when “101” => q <= “ ”; when “110” => q <= “ ”; when “111” => q <= “ ”; when others => q <= “ ”; end case; end process; end ex; parallel case 2018/9/18

68 2.4.5 for loop语句 i/. 语法 loop_label : for loop_var in range loop
sequential statements; end loop loop_label; 说明:loop_label可选,loop_var不需声明,综合时,循环语句将unrolled Why loop statement ? 2018/9/18

69 2.4.5 for loop语句(Cont.) Discussion: 如果ts为信号,结果是什么? entity parsum is
port(word : in std_logic_vector(0 to 7); par : out std_logic); end parsum; architecture addxor of parsum is begin process(word) variable ts : std_logic; ts : = ‘0’; for I in word’range loop ts := ts xor word(I); end loop; par <= ts; end process; end addxor; Discussion: 如果ts为信号,结果是什么? 2018/9/18

70 2.4.6 数据对象 constant variable signal i/. constant and variable
constant const_name : type := value; variable var_name : type; 格式 constant mask : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := “ ”; constant led_zero : bit_vector(0 to 7) := X”7E”; variable tsum : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 2018/9/18

71 2.4.6 数据对象(Cont.) ii/. signal and variable 相同点:值可变,可综合为逻辑或线
不同点:变量赋值有立即性,且只用于process和subprogram中(VHDL ),而信号除此之外,还可用于并行语句中 应用:简单计算 signal 复杂计算 variable 中间结果 variable 2018/9/18

72 2.4.6 数据对象(Cont.) signal a, b, c, x, y : short process(a, b, c) begin
c <= a; x <= c + 2; c <= b; y <= c + 4; end process; signal a, b, x, y : short process(a, b, c) variable c : short; begin c := a; x <= c + 2; c := b; y <= c + 4; end process; 2018/9/18

73 2.4.6 数据对象(Cont.) + 2 b 4 x y + 2 b 4 x y a variable signal 2018/9/18

74 2.4.6 数据对象(Cont.) entity sigvar is port(a, b, c, d : std_logic;
q : out std_logic; end sigvar; architecture sig of sigvar is signal int : std_logic; Begin process(a, b, c, d, int) begin int <= a and b and c; q <= int or d; end process; end sig; entity sigvar is port(a, b, c, d : std_logic; q : out std_logic; end sigvar; architecture sig of sigvar is Begin process(a, b, c, d) variablel int : std_logic; begin int := a and b and c; q <= int or d; end process; end sig; 2018/9/18

75 2.4.7 wait 语句 wait until, wait, wait on, wait for
wait语句表明了信号激活process的条件 在process中,如有wait语句,敏感表必须取消 在process中,如既无wait语句,也无敏感表,则不能正确模拟 综合工具仅支持wait until语句(引入寄存器)!!! 2018/9/18

76 2.4.7 wait 语句(Cont.) library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity count4 is port(updown : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; dout : out integer range 0 to 15); end count4; if (updown = ‘1’) then if (cnt = 15) then cnt <= 0; else cnt <= cnt + 1; end if; else if (cnt = 0) then cnt <= 15; else cnt <= cnt – 1; end process; end behave; architecture behave of count4 is signal cnt : integer range 0 to 15; begin process wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; 2018/9/18

77 2.5 资源共享 硬件资源: 关系运算:=,/=,<,<=,>,>= 算术运算:+,—,*,/
每个运算符均要消耗大量的硬件资源,并产生延时!!! 如何用最小的资源实现相同的功能 ? 2018/9/18

78 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) i/. …… if (sel_a = ‘1’) then z <= a + t; end if;
z <= b + t; 1 2018/9/18

79 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) i/. z <= a + t when sel_a = ‘1’ else b + t; 或
if (sel_a = ‘1’) then z <= a + t; else z <= b + t; end if; 2 2018/9/18

80 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) ii/. 1 dout := 0; found := false; for k in 1 to 4 loop
if(found = false) then if (a(k) = ‘1’) then dout := b(k) + c(k); found := true; end if; end loop; 1 2018/9/18

81 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) ii/. t1 := 0; t2 := 0; found := false;
for k in 1 to 4 loop if(found = false) then if (a(k) = ‘1’) then t1 := b(k); t2 := c(k); found := true; end if; end loop; dout := t1 + t2; 2 2018/9/18

82 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) iii/. 多进程 1 P1 : process P2 : process begin begin
wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; if (sel = “00”) then reg_0 <= dA + dB; end if; end process P1; P2 : process begin wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; if (sel = “01”) then reg_1 <= dA - dB; end if; end process P2; 1 2018/9/18

83 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) 资源:3个加法器/减法器,资源共享不能在多进程间实现! iii/. 多进程 2 P3 : process
begin wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; if (sel = “10”) then reg_2 <= dB - dA; end if; end process P1; 2 dout <= reg_0 when sel = “00” else reg_1 when sel = “01” else reg_2 when sel = “10” else 0; 资源:3个加法器/减法器,资源共享不能在多进程间实现! 2018/9/18

84 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) if((addr(31 downto 20) <= “000000000110”) and
iv/. if((addr(31 downto 20) <= “ ”) and (addr(31 downto 20) >= “ ”)) then if((addr(31 downto 23) = “ ”) and (addr(22 downto 20) /= “111”) and (addr(22 downto 20) /= “000”)) then 资源:两个12位比较器 资源:两个3位比较器+一个9位比较器 2018/9/18

85 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) s(0) <= A(0) and A(1); for k in 1 to 7 loop
v/. s(0) <= A(0) and A(1); for k in 1 to 7 loop if (k > A – 1) then s(k) <= ‘1’; else s(k) <= ‘0’; end if; end loop; 1 资源:1个减法器,7个比较器 说明:模拟时间长,因为每进入循环均要计算一次减法;综合时间也会较长,因为综合工具要移去循环中的定值表达式 2018/9/18

86 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) 资源:1个减法器,7个比较器 说明:模拟、综合时间短 v/. 2
s(0) <= A(0) and A(1); tv := A – 1; for k in 1 to 7 loop if (k > tv) then s(k) <= ‘1’; else s(k) <= ‘0’; end if; end loop; 2 资源:1个减法器,7个比较器 说明:模拟、综合时间短 2018/9/18

87 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) 资源:0个减法器,7个比较器
v/. s(0) <= A(0) and A(1); for k in 1 to 7 loop if (k + 1 > A) then s(k) <= ‘1’; else s(k) <= ‘0’; end if; end loop; 3 资源:0个减法器,7个比较器 说明:下标运算不产生额外资源消耗,综合工具自动用2 to 8与A比较;模拟、综合时间短 2018/9/18

88 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) vi/. sum := 0; for k in 0 to 7 loop sum := sum + A(k);
end loop; dout <= sum; 1 + A(0) A(1) A(6) A(7) dout 8个加法器,8级加法器延迟 2018/9/18

89 2.5 资源共享(Cont.) + 7个加法器,3级加法器延迟 vi/. 2 cnt := 8; for l in 0 to 2 loop
cnt := cnt/2; for k in 0 to cnt – 1 loop A(k) := A(k*2) + A(k*2 + 1); end loop; dout <= A(0); 2 + A(0) A(1) dout A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) A(6) A(7) 7个加法器,3级加法器延迟 2018/9/18

90 2.6 其它 i/. 正确使用后到达的信号 1 process(A_late, B, C, D) begin
if (A_late + B < 24) then dout <= C; else dout <= D; end if; end process; 1 2018/9/18

91 2.6 其它(Cont.) i/. 正确使用后到达的信号 2 process(A_late, B, C, D) begin
if (A_late < 24 - B) then dout <= C; else dout <= D; end if; end process; 2 2018/9/18

92 2.6 其它(Cont.) + Ok? 变量将引入额外的寄存器! ii/. 仿真与综合结果不匹配 1 process
variable cnt : integer range 0 to 255; begin wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; cnt := cnt + 1; dout <= cnt; end process; 1 + 1 clk dout Ok? 变量将引入额外的寄存器! 2018/9/18

93 2.6 其它(Cont.) + Ok! 但是,仿真时,当cnt的值为255时,再一次进入该process时,将报告越界错误!
ii/. 仿真与综合结果不匹配 signal cnt : integer range 0 to 255; process begin wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; cnt <= cnt + 1; end process; dout <= cnt; 2 + 1 clk dout Ok! 但是,仿真时,当cnt的值为255时,再一次进入该process时,将报告越界错误! 2018/9/18

94 2.6 其它(Cont.) + Ok! ii/. 仿真与综合结果不匹配 3
signal cnt : integer range 0 to 255; process begin wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; if (cnt = 255) then cnt <= 0; else cnt <= cnt + 1; end process; dout <= cnt; 3 + 1 clk dout Ok! 2018/9/18

95 2.6 其它(Cont.) iii/. 避免不必要的重复调用函数
function add8(in1, in2 : bit_vector(7 downto 0)) is return bit_vector(7 downto 0); …… sign_bit := add8(A, B)(7); lower_nibble := add8(A, B)(3 downto 0); …… tv := add8(A, B); sign_bit := tv(7); lower_nibble := tv(3 downto 0); 2018/9/18

96 2.6 其它(Cont.) iv/. 元件例化端口映射问题 1
inst1 : comp1 port map(din_1 => ‘0’; din_2 => con_A; dout => con_out); 1 当某一输入端口接固定电平时,必须引入中间信号,且中间信号不能在说明时赋初值! signal gnd : std_logic; …… gnd <= ‘0’; inst1 : comp1 port map(din_1 => gnd; din_2 => con_A; dout => con_out); 2018/9/18

97 2.6 其它(Cont.) iv/. 元件例化端口映射问题 2 component dff
port(reset, clk : in std_logic; d : in std_logic; q, qn : out std_logic); end dff; 2 当某一输出端悬空时,应连接open关键字! u1 : dff port map(reset => reset, clk => clk; q => dout, qn => open); 2018/9/18

98 2.6 其它(Cont.) v/. 避免阵列方向错误 signal data8 : bit_vector(0 to 7);
signal dout : bit_vector(7 downto 0); …… dout <= data8(7 downto 0); for I in 0 to 7 loop dout(I) <= data8(7 – I); end loop; 2018/9/18

99 2.6 其它(Cont.) Ok? No! vi/. 避免低效率语句 1 signal : l1, l2 : bit;
P2 : process(l1, l2, A, B, C, D) begin if (l1 & l2 = “00”) then dout <= A; elsif (l1 & l2 = “01”) then dout <= B; elsif (l1 & l2 = “10”) then dout <= C; else dout <= D; end if; end process P2; vi/. 避免低效率语句 signal : l1, l2 : bit; P1 : process(l1, l2, A, B, C, D) begin case (l1 & l2) is when “00” => dout <= A; when “01” => dout <= B; when “10” => dout <= C; when “11” => dout <= D; end case; end process P1; 1 l1&l2的类型不能确定!!! Ok? No! 2018/9/18

100 2.6 其它(Cont.) vi/. 避免低效率语句 2 signal : l1, l2 : bit;
P3 : process(l1, l2, A, B, C, D) subtype twobits is bit_vector(0 to 1); begin case (twobits’(l1 & l2)) is when “00” => dout <= A; when “01” => dout <= B; when “10” => dout <= C; when “11” => dout <= D; end case; end process P3; 2018/9/18

101 2.6 其它(Cont.) vii/. 桶移位寄存器 1 上述模型不可综合,k是0~31中任意的数,属于不可计算的,但上述模型可仿真!
entity barrel_shifter is port(clk : in bit; din : in bit_vector(0 to 31); k : in integer range 0 to 31; dout : out bit_vector(0 to 31)); end barrel_shifter; architecture behave of barrel_shifter is begin process wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; dout <= din(k to 31) & din(0 to k); end process; end behave; 上述模型不可综合,k是0~31中任意的数,属于不可计算的,但上述模型可仿真! 2018/9/18

102 2.6 其它(Cont.) vii/. 桶移位寄存器 2 architecture syn1 of barrel_shifter is
begin process wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; if (k = 0) then dout <= din; else for l in 1 to 31 loop if (l = k) then dout <= din(l to 31) & din(0 to l); end if; end loop; end process; end syn1; vii/. 桶移位寄存器 2 2018/9/18

103 2.6 其它(Cont.) vii/. 桶移位寄存器 3 architecture syn2 of barrel_shifter is
begin process wait until clk’event and clk = ‘1’; case (k) is when 0 => dout <= din; when 1 => dout <= din(1 to 31) & din(0); …… when 31 => dout <= din(31) & din(0 to 30); end case; end process; end syn2; 2018/9/18

104 2.6 其它(Cont.) viii/. 三态使能寄存器(或锁存器) entity trienreg is
port(clk : in std_logic; en : in std_logic; din : in std_logic; dout : out std_logic); end trienreg; architecture rtl of trienreg is begin process(clk, en, din) if (en = ‘0’) then dout <= ‘Z’; elsif (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then dout <= din; end if; end process; end rtl; din clk ‘0’ en dout 2018/9/18

105 2.6 其它(Cont.) ix/. 向量操作与for loop process(scalar_A, vector_B) begin
for k in vector_B’range loop vector_C(k) <= vector_B(k) and scalar_A); end loop; end process; process(scalar_A, vector_B) variable tmp : std_logic_vector(vector_B’range); begin tmp := (others => scalar_A); vector_C <= tmp and vector_B; end process; For loop综合时要展平,向量实现比for loop实现综合效率更高 2018/9/18

106 2.6 其它(Cont.) ix/. 向量范围 entity case_ex is
port(a : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); q : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); end case_ex; architecture rtl of case_ex is begin process(a) case a is when “00000” => q <= “011”; when “00001” to “11100” => q <= “101”; when others => q <= “000”; end case; end process; end rtl; For loop综合时要展平,向量实现比for loop实现综合效率更高 2018/9/18

107 向量没有范围,因此,不能指定向量的范围!!
2.6 其它(Cont.) ix/. 向量范围 process(a) variable int : integer range 0 to 31; begin int := conv_integer(a); case int is when 0 => q <= “011”; when 1 to 30 => q<= “101”; when others => q<= “000”; end case; end process; 向量没有范围,因此,不能指定向量的范围!! For loop综合时要展平,向量实现比for loop实现综合效率更高 2018/9/18

108 2.6 其它(Cont.) illegal usage! x/. 时钟信号
type not_single_bit is (‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’); signal invalid_clk : not_signal_bit; …… wait until invalid_clk’event and invalid_clk = ‘1’; -- or if(invalid_clk’event and invalid_clk = ‘1’) then illegal usage! 沿触发时钟信号必须是能够用单比特编码的枚举类型,但std_logic类型是一个例外! 2018/9/18

109 2.6 其它(Cont.) xi/. 综合结果多样性 entity comb is port(a, b, c : in std_logic;
d : out std_logic); end comb; architecture rtl of comb is begin d <= (a and b) or c; end rtl; 2018/9/18

110 2.6 其它(Cont.) Sum1 <= a + b; Sum1 <= a + b;
xii/. 使用中间数据项 Sum1 <= a + b; Sum2 <= a + b + c; Sum3 <= a + c; Sum1 <= a + b; Sum2 <= Sum1 + c; Sum3 <= a + c; 2018/9/18

111 2.6 其它(Cont.) xiii/. 消除潜在的latch process(ctl, a, b, c) begin
1 process(ctl, a, b, c) begin if (ctl > 2) then x <= a; y <= b; z <= c; else x <= b; end if; end process; D Q en Ctl(0) Ctl(1) a b y x z c 2018/9/18

112 2.6 其它(Cont.) xiii/. 消除潜在的latch process(bcd) begin case(bcd) is
when “000” => zero<= ‘1’; one <= ‘0’; two <= ‘0’; when “001” => zero<= ‘0’; one <= ‘1’; two <= ‘0’; when “010” => zero<= ‘0’; one <= ‘0’; two <= ‘1’; when others => zero<= ‘-’; one <= ‘-’; two <= ‘-’; end case; end process; 2018/9/18

113 2.6 其它(Cont.) xiii/. 消除潜在的latch process(bcd) begin case(bcd) is
when “000” => zero<= ‘1’; when “001” => one <= ‘1’; when “010” => two <= ‘1’; when others => zero<= ‘-’; one <= ‘-’; two <= ‘-’; end case; end process; 2018/9/18

114 2.6 其它(Cont.) xiv/. 有限状态机 Moore machine Mealy machine 1 Next state
logic Output State register outputs inputs clock Moore machine Next state logic Output State register outputs inputs clock Mealy machine 2018/9/18

115 2.6 其它(Cont.) xv/. Clock gating module clkgate(en, data, clk, outp)
1 module clkgate(en, data, clk, outp) input en, clk; input [7:0] data; output [7:0] outp; reg [7:0] outp; clk) if (en) outp <= data; endmodule outp data en clk 2018/9/18

116 三、设计实例 ROM RAM FIFO ADDER ALU MCU 2018/9/18

117 3.1 ROM ROM 256x8 ren library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
addr(0 to 7) dout(7downto 0) library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; package ROM_P is subtype byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type memory is array (0 to 255) of byte; constant rom_data : memory := ((“ ”), (“ ”), …… (“ )); end ROM_P; 2018/9/18

118 3.1 ROM(Cont.) architecture rom_a of rom_e is library ieee; begin
process(ren, addr) if (ren = ‘1’) then dout <= rom_data(conv_integer(addr)); else dout <= (others =>’Z’); end if; end process; end rom_a; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.ROM_P.all; entity rom_e is port(ren : in std_logic; addr : in byte; dout : out byte); end rom_e; 2018/9/18

119 3.2 优先编码器 inp7 inp6 inp5 inp4 inp3 inp2 inp1 inp0 y(2 downto 0) x 111
111 1 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 2018/9/18

120 3.2 优先编码器(Cont.) library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.ROM_P.all; entity encoder is port(inp : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); y : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); end rom_e; 2018/9/18

121 3.2 优先编码器(Cont.) architecture encoder_a of encoder is begin
process(inp) if (inp(0) = ‘0’) then y <= “111”; elsif(inp(1) = ‘0’) then y <= “110”; elsif(inp(2) = ‘0’) then y <= “101”; elsif(inp(3) = ‘0’) then y <= “100”; elsif(inp(4) = ‘0’) then y <= “011”; elsif(inp(5) = ‘0’) then y <= “010”; elsif(inp(6) = ‘0’) then y <= “001”; else y <= “000”; end if; end process; end encoder_a; 2018/9/18

122 3.3 RAM RAM 16x8 entity sram16x8 is generic(k : integer := 8;
din wr rd cs dout entity sram16x8 is generic(k : integer := 8; w : integer := 4); port(wr, rd, cs : in std_logic; addr : in std_logic_vector(w – 1 downto 0); din : in std_logic_vector(k – 1 downto 0); dout : out std_logic_vector(k – 1 downto 0)); end sram16x8; 2018/9/18

123 3.3 RAM(Cont.) architecture behav of sram16x8 is
subtype word is std_logic_vector(k – 1 downto 0); type memory is array (0 to 2 ** w – 1) of word; signal addr_tmp : integer range 0 to 2 ** w – 1; signal sram : memory; signal din_change, wr_rise : TIME := 0 ns; begin addr_tmp <= conv_integer(addr); process(wr) if (wr’event and wr = ‘1’) then 2018/9/18

124 3.3 RAM(Cont.) if (cs = ‘1’ and wr = ‘1’) then
sram(addr_tmp) <= din after 2 ns; end if; wr_rise <= NOW; --rising time of wr assert(NOW – din_change >= 800 ps) report “setup error din(sram)” severity WARNING; -- din setup time checking end process; 2018/9/18

125 3.3 RAM(Cont.) process(rd, cs) begin if (cs = ‘1’ and rd = ‘0’) then
dout <= sram(addr_tmp) after 3 ns; else dout <= “ZZZZZZZZ”; end if; end process; process(din) din_change <= NOW; assert (NOW – wr_rise >= 300 ns) report “hold error din(sram)” severity WARNING; end process; end behav; 2018/9/18

126 3.4 FIFO FIFO 8x8 满、空状态:rp = wp – 1 满状态的前一状态:rp = wp – 1,再写则为满状态
7 1 2 3 4 5 6 rp wp FIFO 8x8 din rd wd clk dout full empty 8 满、空状态:rp = wp – 1 满状态的前一状态:rp = wp – 1,再写则为满状态 空状态的前一状态:rp = wp – 2,再读则为空状态 2018/9/18

127 3.4 FIFO(Cont.) wr, rd : 低电平有效! 该FIFO设计成写当前 地址,读下一地址数据 library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity fifo8x8 is generic(w : integer := 8; k : integer := 8); port(clk, reset, wr, rd : in std_logic; din : in std_logic_vector(k – 1 downto 0); dout : out std_logic_vector(k – 1 downto 0); full, empty : out std_logic); end fifo8x8; wr, rd : 低电平有效! 该FIFO设计成写当前 地址,读下一地址数据 2018/9/18

128 3.4 FIFO(Cont.) architecture behav of fifo8x8 is
type memory is array( 0 to w – 1) of std_logic_vector(k – 1 downto 0); signal ram : memory; signal wp, rp : integer range 0 to w – 1; signal in_full, in_empty : std_logic; begin full <= in_full; empty <= in_empty; dout <= ram(rp); 2018/9/18

129 3.4 FIFO(Cont.) wp 修改描述 数据写堆栈 process(clk, reset) process(clk) begin
if (reset = ‘1’) then wp <= 0; elsif (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then if (wr = ‘0’ and in_full = ‘0’) then if (wp = w – 1) then else wp <= wp + 1; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then if (wr = ‘0’ and in_full = ‘0’) then ram(wp) <= din; end if; end process; wp 修改描述 数据写堆栈 2018/9/18

130 3.4 FIFO(Cont.) rp 修改描述 process(clk, reset) begin
if (reset = ‘1’) then rp <= w – 1; elsif (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then if (rd = ‘0’ and in_empty = ‘0’) then if (rp = w – 1) then rp <= 0; else rp <= rp + 1; end if; end process; rp 修改描述 2018/9/18

131 3.4 FIFO(Cont.) Empty标志产生描述 process(clk, reset) begin
if (reset = ‘1’) then in_empty <= ‘1’; elsif (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then if ((rp = wp – 2 or (rp = w – 1 and wp = 1) or (rp = w – 2 and wp = 0)) and (rd = ‘0’ and wr = ‘1’)) then elsif (in_empty = ‘1’ and wr = ‘0’) then in_empty <= ‘0’; end if; end process; Empty标志产生描述 2018/9/18

132 3.4 FIFO(Cont.) Full标志产生描述 process(clk, reset) begin
if (reset = ‘1’) then in_full <= ‘1’; elsif (clk’event and clk = ‘1’) then if (rp = wp and rd = ‘1’ and wr = ‘0’) then elsif (in_full = ‘1’ and rd = ‘0’) then in_full <= ‘0’; end if; end process; end behav; Full标志产生描述 2018/9/18

133 3.5 参数可变的加减器 package mymath is function add_sub (L, R : bit_vector;
ADD : boolean) return bit_vector; end mymath; package body mymath is ADD : boolean) return bit_vector is variable carry : bit; variable A, B, Sum : bit_vector(L’length – 1 downto 0); begin if ADD then A := L; B := R; 2018/9/18

134 3.5 参数可变的加减器(Cont.) carry := ‘0’; else A := L; B := not R;
end if; for I in 0 to A’left loop Sum(I) : A(I) xor B(I) xor carry; carry := (A(I) and B(I)) or (A(I) and carry) or (B(I) and carry); end loop; return Sum; end add_sub; end mymath; 2018/9/18

135 3.5 参数可变的加减器(Cont.) library ieee; architecture func of varlen is
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.mymath.all; entity varlen is port(op1, op2 : in bit_vector(0 to 7); as : in boolean; result : out bit_vector(0 to 7)); end varlen; architecture func of varlen is begin process(op1, op2, as) res <= add_sub(op1, op2, as); end process; end func; 2018/9/18

136 3.6 流水结构的微控器 定义微控器的指令集 定义微控器的体系结构 定义微控器及其模块的界面 testbench 2018/9/18

137 3.6流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 本微控器的一些假定: 是一个最简单的微控器,仅有8个指令 无外部存储器接口 无寄存器记分板
寄存器位宽为32位 有16个通用寄存器 假定有一个指令缓存和指令存储器为该微控器提供指令和数据 2018/9/18

138 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 指令集定义 Instruction Set Description MOVE src1 dest
Move the contents of src1 to dest Add the contents of src1 with contents of src2, and put the result in dest Sub the contents of src1 with contents of src2, and put the result in dest Multiply the contents of src1 with the contents of src2, and put the result in dest ADD src1 src2 dest SUB src1 src2 dest MUL src1 src2 dest 2018/9/18

139 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 指令集定义 Instruction Set Description
Compare contents of src1 with the contents of src2, if they are equal, jump to the the portion of the instruction labeled CODE Load the contents of value into destination Read the contents of dest and drive the data on the output pin No instruction CJE src1 src2 CODE LOAD value dest READ dest NOP 2018/9/18

140 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器界面 inst instruction cache microcontroller src1
memory inst microcontroller src1 jump src2 dest outp data clk 2018/9/18

141 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器信号描述 Pins Input/Output Bit Size Description
inst Input Instructions of the microcontroller MOVE ADD SUB MUL CJE LOAD READ NOP 2018/9/18

142 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器信号描述 Pins Input/Output Bit Size Description
src Input Source1 address src Input Source2 address dest Input destination address data Input Input data for LOAD instruction clk Input jump output Assert high when the CJE instr. compares src1 and src2 as having the same value outp output Output of data for READ instr. 2018/9/18

143 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器内部寄存器 src1/src2/dest register Register name

144 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器内部寄存器 src1/src2/dest register Register name

145 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器流水线结构 PREDECODE DECODE EXECUTE LOAD #FA, reg0
LOAD #1, reg1 ADD reg0, reg1, reg13 READ reg13 PREDECODE DECODE EXECUTE 2018/9/18

146 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器流水线结构 TIME Predecode stage Decode stage
Execute stage 1 LOAD #FA, reg0 2 LOAD #1, reg1 3 ADD reg0, reg1, reg13 4 READ reg13 5 6 2018/9/18

147 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 微控器体系结构 DECODE PREDECODE EXECUTION REGFILE d_dest
pd_dest DECODE d_src1 pd_data d_src2 cmd d_cmd inst d_data PREDECODE EXECUTION src1 jump pd_src2 src2 flush pd_src1 dest d_src1_data outp data pd_read REGFILE d_src2_data ex_data ex_store 微控器体系结构 ex_dest 2018/9/18

148 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) 数据类型定义: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package pipeline_pkg is type command_type is (MOVE, ADD, SUB, MUL, CJE, LOAD, READ, NOP); type reg_type is (reg0, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg5, reg6, reg7, reg8, reg9, reg10, reg12, reg13, reg14, reg16); type array_size is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); constant ZERO : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := others => ‘0’); end pipeline_pkg; 2018/9/18

149 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) PREDECODE Block: PREDECODE clk cmd inst pd_src1
pd_dest dest pd_read data pd_data flush 2018/9/18

150 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of PREDECODE: Signal Name I/O
Description clk input clock input inst input 3 bit instruction bus src1 input 4-bit bus to specify src1 register src2 input 4-bit bus to specify src2 register dest input 4-bit bus to specify dest register data input 32-bit bus for data input during LOAD instruction flush input assert high when a branch occurs cmd output instruction to be passed to decoder block, it is com 2018/9/18

151 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of PREDECODE: Signal Name I/O
Description pd_src1 output indication of src1, reg_type pd_src2 output indication of src1, reg_type pd_dest output indication of dest, reg_type pd_data output 32-bit bus for passing of data to DECODE block pd_read output single bit and asserted high to indicate to register file to read its internal register pd_src1, pd_src2 2018/9/18

152 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) RTL code of PREDECODE and simulation results:

153 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) DECODE Block: DECODE clk cmd d_cmd pd_src1 d_src1
pd_dest d_dest flush d_data pd_data 2018/9/18

154 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of DECODE: Signal Name I/O
Description clk input clock input cmd input command_type pd_src1 input reg_type pd_src2 input reg_type pd_dest input reg_type pd_data input 32-bit bus used to pass data between PREDECODE block and DECODE block pd_flush input When asserted high, DECODE block must be in flush mode 2018/9/18

155 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of DECODE: Signal Name I/O
Description d_src1 output passes pd_src1 to EXECUTE block d_src2 output passes pd_src2 to EXECUTE block d_dest output passes pd_dest to EXECUTE block d_data output passes pd_data to EXECUTE block during a LOAD instruction d_cmd output passes instruction to EXECUTE block 2018/9/18

156 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) RTL code of DECODE and simulation results:

157 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) REGFILE Block: REGFILE clk pd_read src1_data
ex_dest src2_data ex_data flush ex_store 2018/9/18

158 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of REGFILE: Signal Name I/O
Description clk input clock signal flush input when asserted to ‘1’, output is 0 pd_read input when asserted to ‘1’, the content of registers labed pd_src1 and pd_src2, passed to src1_data and src2_data pd_src1 input the contents of register labeled pd_src1 are to be passed to src1_data pd_src2 input 2018/9/18

159 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of REGFILE: Signal Name I/O
Description ex_store input when asserted to ‘1’, ex_data is to be stored in register labeled ex_dest ex_data input transfer data from EXECUTE block to REGFILE block ex_dest input destination of ex_data should be store in REGFILE block src1_data output output of contents of src1 src2_data output output of contents of src1 2018/9/18

160 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) RTL code of REGFILE and simulation results:

161 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) EXECUTE Block: REGFILE clk flush d_cmd jump
d_src1_data ex_data d_src2_data outp d_dest ex_store d_data ex_dest d_src1 d_src2 2018/9/18

162 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of EXECUTE: Signal Name I/O
Description d_cmd input command_type, from decode block d_src1_data input 32 bits input from regfile block d_src2_data input same as above d_dest input register_type, from decode block d_src1 input register_type, from decoder block 2018/9/18

163 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of EXECUTE: Signal Name I/O
Description d_src2 input register_type, from decode block d_data input 32 bits input from decode block, only valid during LOAD instruction clk input clock signal flush output asserted to ‘1’ when a branch occurs. and other block flush all existing instructions ex_data output 32 bits results of arithmetic operation, to regfile block 2018/9/18

164 asserted to ‘1’ when a branch occurs.
3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Signals decription of EXECUTE: Signal Name I/O Description ex_dest output register_type, it indicates register address in regfile to be used to store ex_data jump output asserted to ‘1’ when a branch occurs. outp output output of excute block, during a READ instruction, the content of register designated by <destination> are driven on this output bus 2018/9/18

165 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) RTL code of EXECUTE and simulation results:

166 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) Synthesys result of EXECUTE: 2018/9/18

167 3.6 流水结构的微控器(Cont.) RTL code of pipeline MCU and simulation results:

168 3.6 ALU 1. 1 bit half adder X(n) y(n) F(n) 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 F(n) = x(n)y(n) + x(n)y(n) = x(n) xor y(n) 2018/9/18

169 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 真值表: 2. 1 bit full adder X(n) y(n) c(n-1) F(n) c(n)

170 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 逻辑表达式: 2. 1 bit full adder
F(n) = x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) + x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) + x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) + x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) = x(n) xor y(n) xor c(n – 1) C(n) = x(n)*y(n) + x(n)*c(n – 1) + y(n)*c(n – 1) = x(n)*y(n) + (x(n) + y(n))*c(n-1) F(n) = x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) + x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) + x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) + x(n)*y(n)*c(n-1) C(n) = x(n)*y(n) + x(n)*c(n–1) + y(n)*c(n–1) 2018/9/18

171 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 3. 4 bits ripple carry adder C(n) F(n) C(n-1) y(n) x(n)

172 3.6 ALU(Cont.) cgen cgen cgen cgen fadd fadd fadd fadd
4. 4 bits carry look-ahead adder cgen x0 y0 c(-1) c(0) cgen x0 y0 c(-1) c(3) y1 y2 x2 y3 x3 cgen x0 y0 c(-1) c(2) y1 y2 x2 cgen x0 y0 c(-1) c(1) y1 x1 fadd x3 y3 c(2) F3 fadd x2 y2 c(1) F2 fadd x1 y1 c(0) F1 fadd x0 y0 c(-1) F0 2018/9/18

173 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 4. 4 bits carry look-ahead adder
p(n) = x(n) + y(n) 进位传输 g(n) = x(n)y(n) 进位产生 c(n) = x(n)y(n) + (x(n) + y(n))c(n – 1) =g(n) + p(n)c(n – 1) F(n) = x(n) xor y(n) xor c(n - 1) c(0) = g(0) + p(0)c(-1) c(1) = g(1) + p(1)c(0) = g(1) + g(0)p(1) + p(1)p(0)c(-1) c(2) = g(2) + g(1)p(2) + g(0)p(2)p(1) + p(2)p(1)p(0)c(-1) c(3) = g(3) + g(2)p(3) + g(1)p(3)p(2) + g(0)p(3)p(2)p(1) + p(3)p(2)p(1)p(0)c(-1) 2018/9/18

174 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 4. 4 bits carry look-ahead adder
c(0) =p(0) + g(0)*c(-1) c(1) = p(1) + p(0)*g(1) + g(1)*g(0)*c(-1) c(2) = p(2) + p(1)*g(2) + p(0)*g(2)*g(1) + g(2)*g(1)*g(0)*c(-1) c(3) = p(3) + p(2)g(3) + p(1)g(3)g(2) + p(0)g(3)g(2)g(1) + g(3)g(2)g(1)g(0)c(-1) 2018/9/18

175 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 5. 16 bits carry look-ahead adder x3 x0 y3 y0 c3 c
F3 F2 F1 F0 x7 x4 y7 y4 F7 F6 F5 F4 c7 x3 x0 y3 y0 F3 F2 F1 F0 c3 c x11 x8 y11 y8 F11 F10 F9 F8 c11 x15 x12 y15 y12 F15 F14 F13 F12 c15 2018/9/18

176 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 5. 16 bits carry look-ahead adder pm gm x15~x12 c11
y15~y12 F15~F12 pm gm x11~x8 c7 y11~y8 F11~F8 pm gm x7~x4 c3 y7~y4 F7~F4 pm gm x3~x0 c y3~y0 F3~F0 pm3 gm3 c pm2 gm2 c pm1 gm1 c pm0 gm0 c c 快速进位扩展器 c15 2018/9/18

177 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 5. 16 bits carry look-ahead adder
c3 = g3 + p3*g2 + p3*p2*g1 + p3*p2*p1*g0 + p3*p2*p1*p0*c = gm0 + pm0*c c7 = (g7 + p7*g6 + p7*p6*g5 + p7*p6*p5*g4) + p7*p6*p5*p4(g3 + p3*g2 + p3*p2*g1 + p3*p2*p1*g0 + p3*p2*p1*p0*c) = gm1 + pm1(gm0 + pm0*c) = gm1 + pm1*gm0 + pm1*pm0*c c11 = (g11 + p11*g10 + p11*p10*g9 + p11*p10*p9*g8) + p11*p10*p9*p8((g7 + p7*g6 + p7*p6*g5 + p7*p6*p5*g4) + p7*p6*p5*p4(g3 + p3*g2 + p3*p2*g1 + p3*p2*p1*g0 + p3*p2*p1*p0*c)) = gm2 + pm2(gm1 + pm1(gm0 + pm0*c)) = gm2 + pm2*gm1 + pm2*pm1*gm0 + pm2*pm1*pm0*c c15 = gm3 + pm3*gm2 + pm3*pm2*gm1 + pm3*pm2*pm1*gm0 + pm3*pm2*pm1*pm0*c 2018/9/18

178 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 5. 16 bits carry look-ahead adder
gm0 = g3 + p3*g2 + p3*p2*g1 + p3*p2*p1*g0 gm1 = g7 + p7g6 + p7p6g5 + p7p6p5g4 gm2 = g11 + p11*g10 + p11*p10*g9 + p11*p10*p9*g8 gm3 = g15 + p15*g14 + p15*p14*g13 + p15*p14*p13*g12 pm0 = p3*p2*p1*p0 pm1 = p7*p6*p5*p4 pm2 = p11*p10*p9*p8 pm3 = p15*p14*p13*p12 2018/9/18

179 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 6. 4 bits ALU cp = g0 *g1 * g2 * g3
cg = p3 + g3 * p2 + g3 * g2 * p1 + g3 * g2 * g1 * p0 cr = g3 * g2 * g1 * g0 * cin c0 = g0 *cin + p0 * s1 c1 = g1 * g0 * cin + g1 * p0 * s1 + p1 * s1 c2 = g2 * g1 * g0 * cin + g2 * g1 * p0 * s1 + g2 * p1 * s1 + p2 * s1 c3 = cg *cr = p3 + g3 * p2 + g3 * g2 * p1 + g3 * g2 * g1 * p0 + g3 * g2 * g1 * g0 * cin 2018/9/18

180 3.6 ALU(Cont.) 6. 4 bits ALU s1 s2 功能 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 加 未用 Xn xor Yn
h0 = s2 * p0 * g0 s s2 功能 未用 Xn xor Yn Xn * Yn h1 = s2 * p1 * g1 h2 = s2 * p2 * g2 h3 = s2 * p3 * g3 F0 =cin xor h0 F1 =c1 xor h1 F2 =c2 xor h2 F3 =c3 xor h3 2018/9/18

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