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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 今願諸天都要快樂 願全地百姓都要歡喜 同來歡唱讚美之歌 盼望中同心相信
Let the heavens be glad today Let the people of the earth rejoice Sing together in joyful praise In the hope that we all do share

4 主我神正運行 他要來使萬物復興 他要憑公義審判 傳這信息到地極
The Lord is on His way He will come to restore all things He will judge in righteousness Shout the message everywhere

5 He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness
神掌權 憑公義掌王權 他公義的權柄 永遠無止境 Our God reigns He reigns in righteousness A reign of righteousness That will never end

6 主再來 眾人都要看見 我主何等威嚴 他必要再來
Our Lord comes And ev’ry eye shall see The Lord of majesty When He comes again

7 My strength is in You, Lord
生命在於你 主 力量在於你 主 盼望在於你 主 在你 在於你 My life is in You, Lord My strength is in You, Lord My hope is in You, Lord In You, it's in You

8 我要以生命來讚美你 我要盡全力來讚美你 全心讚美你 全力讚美你 我的盼望 在於你
I will praise You with all of my life I will praise You with all of my strength With all of my life, with all of my strength All of my hope is in You

9 以真诚的心 降服在你面前 开我心眼 使我看见 With a truthful heart, Lord, I come before You
Open my eyes, so I can see

10 以感恩的心 领受生命活水 从你而来的温柔谦卑
With a grateful heart, Lord, I come to receive Your Spirit of humbleness and grace

11 何等恩典 你竟然在乎我 何等恩典 你宝血为我流 How could it be That You would care for me
Your blood was shed for me

12 何等恩典 你以尊贵荣耀 为我冠冕 我的嘴 必充满赞美
How could it be You’ve crowned me with Your Grace and glory O my soul sing praises to the King

13 你已挪去 我所有重担 你已挪去 我所有伤悲 你的名配得所有颂赞 你已挪去 我所有枷锁
You have removed, my bondage and chains You have removed, my burdens and shame You have removed, my sorrows and pain O my soul sing praises to His name

14 主啊 我們自卑 禱告尋求你面 轉離一切惡行 專心尋求你
主啊 我們自卑 禱告尋求你面 轉離一切惡行 專心尋求你 Lord, we humble ourselves To pray and seek Your face Turn around from the bad we did Seek Your face from our heart

15 求你從天上垂聽 此處所獻的禱告 主啊 赦免我們的罪 醫治這地
Oh! Lord, please hear our prayer We give You our sacrifice Oh! Lord, forgive all our sins And heal this land

16 From our heart we cry to You Oh! Lord, forgive all our sins
睜眼看 側耳聽 我們痛悔的心靈 主啊 赦免我們的罪 醫治這地 Seeing us and hear us From our heart we cry to You Oh! Lord, forgive all our sins And heal this land

17 父神 創造的主 顯明你創造心意 興起你所揀選的百姓 在這地同心前進 Father of creation
Unfold Your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation That will march through the land

18 宇宙萬物都在嘆息 等候你能力顯明 求主釋放你的恩膏 哦 神就在這時刻
All of creation is longing For Your unveiling of Power Would You release Your anointing O God, let this be the hour

19 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

20 The full release of Your promise
統管萬國的主 這世界仍要看見 你的應許完全彰顯 教會要全然得勝 Ruler of the nations The world has yet to see The full release of Your promise The church in victory

21 求你憐憫觸摸我們 使我們靠你剛強 勝過我們一切軟弱 使我們奮勇爭戰 Turn to us, Lord, and touch us
Make us strong in Your might Overcome our weakness That we could stand up and fight

22 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

23 愿你国度降临 愿你旨意成全 让全地看见 神儿子的荣耀
Let Your kingdom come Let Your will be done Let the whole world see The glory of the Lord

24 We wait for You We wait for You We wait for You Walk in the room
我等候你 我等候你 我等候你 走进这里 We wait for You We wait for You We wait for You Walk in the room

25 Here we are standing in Your presence Shekinah glory come down
在这里 等候你的同在 Shekinah 荣耀降下 Here we are standing in Your presence Shekinah glory come down

26 Release fullness of Your Spirit
全然释放 你宝贵圣灵 Shekinah 降下来 Release fullness of Your Spirit Shekinah glory come

27 You move 我们要更多 You speak 我们要更多 You move 我们要更多 完全得着你
You move We want more You speak We want more You move We want more We want the fullness

28 Release fullness of Your Spirit
全然释放 你宝贵圣灵 Shekinah 降下来 Release fullness of Your Spirit Shekinah glory come

29 We want more We want more We want more
渴慕你 渴慕你 渴慕你 渴慕你 圣灵 We want more We want more We want more More of Your Spirit

30 水和血 從你的肋旁留下來 漫過我全人最深玷污 用火燒將一切罪惡都燒盡 直到消逝遺忘的海裡
Your precious blood and water flow from Your side Washes the sin and darkness from me Your holy fire consume all of my sins Until it lost in eternity 30 30

31 罪深重 屢次壓傷疲憊的心 誰能救我 脫離我自己 雖深知 我種種不堪的過去 神聖愛 不曾將我放棄
My deepest secret sins have broken my heart Who can save me from my sinful self Though I know my sinful past I can’t look back Your love will never give up on me 31 31

32 耶穌 我的救主 是你洗我白如雪 遠離舊事成為新造的人 唯你永是我的救主 Jesus, Oh my Savior
You who washes me like snow Far from the past I become a new man You are my only Savior 32 32

33 如今我也 背起十架走窄路 常軟弱 唯你是我幫助 每跌倒 唯賴你釘痕手扶起 你憐恤 憂傷痛悔的心
Now I carry my cross on the narrow road I’m weak but You always help me Your nail pierced hand lifts me up when I fall down Your mercy mends the broken hearted 33 33

34 O my Lord, You’re my desire Your love draws me close
我的主 我心愛你 我的主 我渴慕你 願你愛來吸引我 使我心單單愛你 O my Lord, I love You so O my Lord, You’re my desire Your love draws me close My heart loves You only

35 Touch my heart with your love May my heart belong to You
哦 耶穌 我需要你 煉淨我 完全屬你 願你愛來摸著我 使我心全然屬你 O Jesus, I need You so Purify me for I am Yours Touch my heart with your love May my heart belong to You

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