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CP.4 Traditional line and halftone photography
Xi’an university of technology Prof. Dr.Cao Congjun
Section 1.Line photography ------The nature of light
It is general agreed that light is electromagnetic radiation measured in wavelengths emitted from either a natural source (the sun) or an artificial source(such as a cameral light). All electromagnetic radiation,whether gamma rays, visible light,heat,or radio and television signals, travels in waves.
Figure.dispersive action
Light waves are general measured in millimicrons(毫微米)or in nanometers(纳米).
Figure. Wavelengths of different colors of the visible light spectrum
Light-Sensitive Materials
Three main variables: ※ Color sensitivity感色性 ※ Contrast反差 ※ Film speed感光度
Color sensitivity感色性 色盲片
Blue sensitive materials:is color blind, react to only blue end of the spectrum. Orthochromatic materials:is not red sensitive,but sensitive to all other portions. Panchromatic materials:is sensitive to all visible colors and as sensitive as human eyes. 正色片 色盲片:不加光谱增感剂,感受蓝紫光。 正色片:对红光感受性差,可用暗红安全灯。 全色片:加全色增感剂,感受全部可见光。 全色片
Contrast 反差 Contrast is a term that describes the compression or expansion of the shades or tones of original copy on the film of plate. Contrast is described by a film’s characteristic curve of sensitometric curve. Film manufacturers provide characteristic curves for each of their films.
Straight-line portion
灰雾 趾部(不足)Toe 线性部分 (正确) 肩部(过度)Shoulder 反转部 Straight-line portion Figure.Examples of a film’s characteristic curve 曝光量通常用H表示,特性曲线的横标就是lgH,所以H-D曲线实际是一语双关,既是指Hurter-Driffield曲线,也可以理解为曝光量(H)—密度(D)曲线。
Kodak T-MAX 100不同显影时间的特性曲线
Kodak Royal Gold 100特性曲线(彩色负片) Kodak E100S特性曲线(彩色反转片)
Film speed感光度 Each film or plate material requires a different amount of light to cause a chemical change in the emulsion. Emulsions that require little light are called fast,while those that require a lot of light are called slow. An exposure index(曝光指数) is assigned to each film by the manufacture.
Film Emulsions(感光乳剂) All photographic films use some type of light-sensitive material called an emulsion to record an image. The characteritics of the light sensitive emulsion,as well as the quantity and type of light reaching that emulsion,determine the sort of image recorded on the film. Component:AgBr,AgI and AgCl. silver halide卤化银 AgBr:silver bromide溴化银 AgI:silver iodide碘化银 AgCl:silver chloride氯化银
Film Structure P65 Soluble protective overcoating 保护层:防止乳剂层被刮伤
底涂层 保护层:防止乳剂层被刮伤 乳剂层:银盐 + 动物胶 + 色素 见光发生化学反应 片基:支持体 若为玻璃则称为干版 ……涤纶………胶片(软片) ……纸…………相纸 防光晕层:含有吸光染料,防止 因银盐颗粒闪射和片基反 射形成的光晕,即不该曝 光部位的微量曝光 Emulsion CarrierBase Back coating Antihalation back
Typical thickness of Film component :
Protective layer approximately 2 µm, Silver halide emulsion approximately 20 µm, Carrier base approximately 150 µm, Anti-halation backing approximately 20µm.
Process Camera Fundamentals
制版照相 Process Camera Fundamentals
Line photography:process~,reprodution~, or high-contrast ~
Process camera:Provide four services: A place to mount the light-sensitive film and the original image A means of focusing an image on the film. A system to enlarge or reduce the original image on the film A system to control the amount of light that reaches the film emulsion.
F/stop number=focal length/diameter of the aperture
孔径Aperture就是由可变光圈Diaphragm(叶片组)在镜头中央产生的圆孔如下图所示。镜头孔径的大小可以用一个诸如f/1.2、f/8、f/16…的数字来表示,称之为f值。 f值越小,镜头的圆孔越大。 F/stop number=focal length/diameter of the aperture
制版照相机、拷贝机及其附属设备 1. 制版照相机 • 作用: 原稿 等大拍摄或放大,缩小 分色,加网 制版用底片 • 机械结构: 机架 暗箱
原稿架 操纵机构 控制暗箱,镜头架,原稿架的移动调节 镜头 镜头架 皮腔 暗盒(含网屏架,感光片架)
P69 Figure 4.11 感光片 网屏Screen Film 原稿Original 光源Light source Filmboard
镜头Lens 原稿架 Copyboard 滤色片Film 皮腔 暗盒 镜头架 基架 操纵机构 暗箱
• Process Camera’ Classification种类:
按结构形式分类 卧式Horizontal 机架水平在上 吊式 机架水平在下 立式Vertical 机架垂直于地面 P69
2. 制版镜头 • 用途:使底片曝光得到原稿影象的精密光学系统。 • 构成:多片凹凸透镜(用特种光学玻璃制造)组合而成
• 用途:使底片曝光得到原稿影象的精密光学系统。 • 构成:多片凹凸透镜(用特种光学玻璃制造)组合而成 • 要求:A. 必须是消除了六种像差的复消色差镜头 包括球面像差,慧型像差,像散, 像场弯曲,畸变差,色差 B. 精度高,成像清晰,分辨力高,可进行分色 C. 焦距与成像最大尺寸相适应 (f = 最大尺寸对角线) • 光圈:结合快门时间控制暴光量大小 有插入式和虹彩式 相对孔径 = 有效孔径 / f
3. 三棱镜和反光镜 • 用途:附加在制版镜头前改变光路,以获得正像底片 反阴像底片 常规拍摄 正阳像原稿 正阴像底片 三棱镜 反光镜
• 用途:附加在制版镜头前改变光路,以获得正像底片 反阴像底片 常规拍摄 正阳像原稿 正阴像底片 三棱镜 反光镜 正阳像原稿
4. 滤色片 : 对不同波长的光具有选择性吸收和透过的
有色光学器件 • 用途:照像时加在镜头前,使一部分光通过的同时, 又吸收或限制另一部分光的通过,达到选择性 的感光效果。用于进行彩稿的分色照像。 入射光 滤色片 透射光 • 种类: 分色滤色片 红,绿,蓝,黄 补色滤色片 黄,品,青
5. 网屏(网目屏,网版) • 用途:将连续调图像经过网屏拍摄或拷贝分解成可 印刷复制的像素(网点)的加网工具。 印刷品
在一个像素微元上,把光量的随机分布变换成近 似的正态分布,并与高反差感光材料配合,生成网点 (网点大小与光量的大小相对应)。
• 接触网屏的加网原理: 在一个像素微元上,把光量的随机分布变换成近 似的正态分布,并与高反差感光材料配合,生成网点 (网点大小与光量的大小相对应)。 接触网屏 注意! 网点间距相等,大小不同,称为调幅网点。 链接:单色网点示意图
• 网屏线数:单位长度内刻画的网线数的多少。
line/cm 或 line/inch 常用网线数有:24,34,40,48,53,60,70,80 l/cm 相当于 60,85, 100, 120, 133, 150, 175, 200 l/inch 线数多则网线细,单位面积分解得到的网 点多,表现层次丰富。 如何选择网线数? 根据原稿类别,制版方法,承印物质量,印品用 途进行选择。 • 种类: 玻璃网屏(投影网屏) 软片网屏(接触网屏,晕状网屏)
投影网屏 接触网屏
玻璃网屏 是由垂直相交的等宽的黑线和白线组成,这样在网屏上就存在许多个大小相等的透明小方孔,称之为网目孔。黑线或白线的多少表示加网线数的多少,通常用LPI来表示。根据小孔成像原理,当光线通过小孔时,则会形成中心光强大、边缘光强小的小亮点,在感光材料上曝光后,就形成了印刷网点。在使用玻璃网屏加网时,感光材料与网屏之间一定要有一定的距离,人们称这个距离为网距。
接触网屏 接触网屏是一种需要与感光材料紧密接触的网屏,与玻璃网屏不同的是接触网屏的透明小方格的透光能力有一定的变化,即中心透光能力强,四周的透光能力依次递减。由于原稿上表现出来的明暗差别,加之高反差的感光材料,从而也可形成大小不同的网点。
6. 光源:能发出一定波长范围电磁波的物体 制版照像均使用电光源 • 要求: a . 发光强度大,光效高; b . 光色接近太阳光谱,传色性能好; c . 光强,光谱成分稳定,照度均匀; d . 冷光源; e . 操作,调节,启动方便。 • 常用制版照像光源: 白炽灯,荧光灯,炭精灯,水银灯,脉冲氙灯, 石英卤素灯,金属卤素灯 使用最多
7. 自动显影机 • 用途:与制版照像机,电子分色机,激光照排机 配 套使用,自动完成胶片的显影,定影,水洗 和干燥。 8. 打孔定位系统 • 用途:各色胶片之间的快速精确定位,套准,拼图。 只用于照像制版和电分制版。 • 组成: 打孔定位器,定位销钉
9. Densitometers and Densitometry
• 用途:用于测量原稿,胶片,印品密度的光学仪器。 光敏元件 光源 为什么用红、绿、蓝这三种滤色片? 测灰密度 测三色密度 10. 拷贝机 • 用途:复制底片 只能用于投射原稿和底片 不能进行缩放 472
彩色连续调原稿的分色加网照像工艺 滤色片
1. 间接分色加网:分色和加网照像分开进行,又称“二步 工序法”。
1. 间接分色加网:分色和加网照像分开进行,又称“二步 工序法”。 工艺方法: 网屏 原稿 分色阴图 分色阳图 加网阴图 印版 A. B. 原稿 分色阴图 加网阳图 加网阴图 印版 C. 原稿 分色阴图 加网阳图 印版 D. 原稿 分色阴图 分色阳图 碳素纸 印版 注意: 特别强调彩色原稿既要分色有要加网 滤色片 白线网屏 优点:修正机会多,置办效果易于控制 缺点:操作复杂,消耗感光片多,拷贝次数多使清晰度受损 问题:为什么不先加网后分色?
2. 直接分色加网:分色和加网工序一步完成,分色同时用 接触网屏将原稿阶调层次直接以网点形 式记录在分色片上。亦称“直挂”。
2. 直接分色加网:分色和加网工序一步完成,分色同时用 接触网屏将原稿阶调层次直接以网点形 式记录在分色片上。亦称“直挂”。 工艺方法: A. 原稿 分色加网阴图 印版 B. 原稿 分色加网阴图 加网阳图 印版 蒙 片 滤 色 片 接触网屏 直挂的条件:强光源,标准化蒙版系统,层次正确的灰 接触网屏,感光性能好的全色感光片
注意 • 制作蒙片:用于纠正色差,压缩反差。 采用彩色蒙片,既纠正色差又纠正阶调,而且一张 蒙片可用于各个色版的分色。 • 直挂曝光: 原稿 + 彩色蒙片 置于原稿架上 接触网屏 + 特硬全色片 置于感光版上 滤色片 置于光源前
• 直挂阶调的控制:三次曝光 主曝光:通过网屏拍摄 基本确定层次再现情况 闪光曝光:光线通过网屏,不经过原稿和镜头 弱而均匀的全面曝光 延长暗调到中调的阶调,改善暗调再现 高光曝光:无网屏,光源经过原稿和镜头 提高高光部位的反差 优点:减少了翻拷次数,节省了材料,缩短了制版周期, 提高了清晰度,工艺快速,简单,价廉。 缺点:层次再现不如间接法好,尤其暗调再现性差。
黑版的生成 为什么要制作黑板 三原色油墨不理想,三色在暗调部分颜色再现效果不佳。 黑版的产生
用黑墨取代由相应的CMY三色油墨叠印形成的复合中性灰。 黑版的种类 短调黑板:作用于暗调部分 底色去除黑版:……..中调和暗调 非彩色结构黑版:将有复合三色灰的部分全部用黑 墨替代。 黑版的产生:加黄滤色片或交换使用RGB滤色片。
底色去除原理 20 10 65 100% 去除100% 去除42% 45 35 25 40 65 85 75
单色印刷品的照像制版工艺 晒图 像版 照像机 网点负片 拣字 skull balloon 印刷品 印刷机 skull skull 拼版
照像制版的基本工艺过程 1. 版面设计 100% K skull balloon
2. 画版式 100% K 图:skull 图:balloon
3. 对图像原稿进行加网照像,得到半色调网点阴片,再晒
skull balloon 4. 文字进行拣字 skull 5. 拼版 balloon
6. 印刷 skull balloon
Automatic Film processing
Section 2:Halftone Photography
Terms: Density: Tone and Contrast:
Arrow Direction
Arrow c m Direction y k
§4.2 Halftone Photography
Typical colors in printing
(R :Red ) (G :Green ) (B :Blue ) (Y :Yellow ) (M :Magenta ) (C :Cyan ) (K或Bk :Black ) (W :White )
Tone & Tone reproduction
Tone and Level 1. Tone value:describing the brightness degree of pixels Highlight value :high brightness degree of pixels Low value: low brightness degree of pixels 2. Level:describing the changes of density grade in a image from the brightest to the darkest part.
3. Interrelated Terms Continuous-tone:(e.g., photograph or painting) Halftone high tone value (10~30% dot) shadow area (70~90% dot) middle tone (40~60% dot) highlight area(<10% dot )
Why? Why? 为什么? 为什么? 4. Continuous-tone reproduction
For graphic and text Why? 为什么? 为什么? Why?
Continuous-tone image , black & white
Gravure:the ink thickness have a continuous change
Letterpress and Offset: the ink thickness have no continuously change , How to deal with?
In order to be able to reproduce continuous tones that are as true to the original as possible, the continuous-tone image must be converted according to the particular printing process into halftone areas and those with varying ink film thickness.
Why screening? Dot is the basic unit for half-tone reproduction
Screening, therefore, converts continuous tone originals into black and white information (image elements, half-tone dots) that is suitable for producing the printing master (film or plate). Depending on the printing process, there are usually only two states of ink transfer (printing or non-printing). For this reason, the varying visual impression of lightness or darkness must be created by varying the size of the halftone dot. If the screen structure are enough for the viewing distance of the screened image, the integrating effect of the human eye will “smooth out” the image, and the observer, therefore, sees an image that, with its continuous gradation,is visually consistent with the original.
1)加网的必要性 a 如果用未加网的连续调底片晒版,印版上中间调部分的感光层得不到足够的光量,导致感光层硬化不足,图像建立不起来; b 凸版和平版不能通过墨层厚度的变化来体现浓淡层次的变化。 2)加网照像: 照像时,把网屏置于感光片前面,利用网屏对光线的分割作用,将连续调原稿拍摄成由大小不同、间距相等的网点组成的图像。 3)网点的作用: 网点是最基本的图文单位。 由等间隔网点的大小变化或随机分布的网点多少的改变着墨面积,来表现图像的明暗层次。
Originals Dark Mid-tone Brightness Plate
Dot character P79-86,P191-195 • Halftone Screen ruling:
LPI(line per inch),Line/cm High screening line : fine image level Low screening line : rough image level Screening line decreasing Generally: newspaper lpi Color magazine, picture up to 150 lpi
• Dot shape:round , diamond , square , ellipse
• Screen angle: Generally: °( 90 °), 15 °( 105 °) 45 °( 135 °) , 75 °(165 °)
Screen cell of 14 x 14 = 196 pixels (like in the image) with an area coverage of 52 pixels (approx. 26.5%), aligned at an angle of 0°. This angle can easily be implemented in the imagesetter matrix.
Screen cell under 45°; the outline of the screen cell deviates from the ideal outline (screen width wR > wI)
Structure of a screen cell with rational tangent
Structure of a screen cell with rational tangent. It results in angles of 18.4° or 71.6° instead of the standard angles of 15° and 75°.
Moiré effects can occur wherever two or more periodic
screen patterns are unfavorably superimposed(有层理的) resulting in coarse(粗糙) regular patterns
The influence of screening angles for multicolor printing
Moire: The screening of the individual color separation is done at different screen angle. Improper positioning of color separation causes interference, or so-called moiré pattern, which might severely impair the image impression. Interference effect (Moiré) through overlaying two periodic structures with similar screen angles
Rosette formation in screened multicolor printing.
a Angling of the screened color separation with rosette formation; b Rosette of different structure appearing as special moiré phenomenon (to make the effect more obvious, all color separation are printed with the same color )
Typical Screen Angle For single-color images the halftone structure has least visibility if it is rotated 45 to the horizontal; the eye is better trained to see horizontal and vertical lines and has a lower sensitive to diagonal(斜线). For three-color image : Y 15°M 75° C 45° For four-color image : Y 0° M 15° C 75° K 45° (DIN standard for four-color printing defines, the least noticeable color, yellow, is rotated at an angle of 15°between the other more distinct colors.) Q : Why not use the same angle for four-color plate?
网点角度 在分配四色网点角度时,尽可能把重色、主色放在45°,也可以减小龟纹的可见性。所以,多色印刷一般采用如下网点角度分配:
单色:45 °; 双色:深色 45 °浅色 75 °; 三色:Y 15 °M 75 °C 45 °; 四色 :Y 0 ° M 15 °C 75 °K 45 °
a With monochrome images a screen angle of 45°will be least noticed:
b Typical screen angles for four-color images
Dot size “%” show the percentage of how many ink dot take in a unit area. Negative dot Positive dot note! 对阴像网点图像要看透明点的大小判定成数,对阳像网点图像要看黑点的大小判定其成数多少。 Recognising the dot percentage: Visual inspection-Magnifying glass Densitometer,Dot area meter
A. eyeballing- Visual inspection
Dot number between the two percentage 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 3 2 1 4 90
Dot density Dt、full density Ds-solid
B. Densitometer 测灰密度 测彩色密度 光敏元件 光源 Why use r/g/b filter? D Dr 、Dg、Db density D = lg(1/) reflectivity Dot density Dt、full density Ds-solid
Fig.Measurement of color density (optical density) by densitometry (measurement method)
Screening Method Detail of a color photograph (continuous tone) for reproduction using conventional (AM) screening and stochastic (FM) screening for creating halftones in multicolor printing.
Fig. Continuous-tone (contone) reproduction with amplitude-modulated(AM) screening and frequency-modulated (FM) screening
Fig. Detail of a color photograph (continuous tone) for reproduction using conventional (AM) screening and stochastic (FM) screening for creating halftones in multicolor printing (AGFA)
a Reproduction of an analog dot from picture elements with digital technology of varying addressability (resolution: dpi); b Reproduction of a tonal value gradation Fig. Digital dot structure.
Amplitude Modulation Screen Principle
Amplitude Modulation In so-called amplitude-modulated screening
(periodic screening),the individual dots are spaced the same distance apart, but have different diameters (or different areas, depending on the dot shape), This halftone process, along with its distinct moiré patterns.
Frequency Modulation Screen Principle
Frequency Modulation In the case of frequency-modulated screening, the individual dots have the same diameter but are different distance apart (non-periodic screening). When using the frequency modulated screening process to convert continuous tones of the original into a quantity of dots in a so-called screen cell, the dot spacing must be specified for a known dot size. This can be done according to various algorithms. Usually the distance for a certain tone value differ from individual dot to individual dot (which would lead to susceptibility to moiré patterns), frequency-modulated screening is also referred to as random or stochastic screening.
Fig. Comparison of amplitude-modulated (AM) screening with frequency-modulated (FM) screening
1)调频加网的定义 Frequency Modulated Screening,简称FMS,也叫随机加网(Stochastic Screening)。 是通过大小一定的“网点”出现的密度(即频率)来改变印刷品的着墨面积率,从而体现原稿图像的浓淡色调变化。 这里的“网点”不同于传统调幅加网的网点,我们称为子网点(Subdot)。 网点密 图像密度大 ……稀 …………小
2)Types of FMS dots A. First Order FM Dot
B. Second Order FM Dot
C. Third Order FM Dot
2)调频加网的优势 不使用周期性网点结构,不会产生龟纹和玫瑰斑。 不受网角限制,支持多色印刷,再现色域更广。
无需考虑网角和挂网系数,可用较低分辨率扫描图像,图像数据量大为减少。 在系统分辨率相同的条件下,调频网点比调幅网点具有更高的解像力。 调频网点不规则分布,克服了调幅网点在50%的中间调发生阶调跳跃的不足,可得到更光洁的阶调。 网点细微(10 ~ 40μ),不依赖改变网点大小体现层次,图像复制清晰度高,能以较低分辩率输出。 套印精度对色彩和清晰度的影响更小。
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